Start off with a bang

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"Mark it's time to get up" a male voice told me. i grumbled and opened my eyes slowly and squinted from the light coming through the poorly closed curtains. as my eyes adjusted to the light i saw Steve (my mom's financial assistant) at the door. he must have been the voice that told me to wake up.

"when does public school start?" i asked him in a raspy tone because i had just woke up.

"classes start at 8:45 so you better get your ass up and get ready" he told me rattling me in bed making me laugh a little. i laughed just like a child would.

"Alright, Alright. I'm awake calm down" i shouted making him stop and for my laughing to stop. he left the room and shut my door giving me my privacy. i slowly climbed out of bed with no determination at all. it was too early to get up. i normally got up at nine for 'king practice' but now for two months I'll be getting up at eight just to go to school. no wonder Charlie, Phil and Ken are so tired all the time.

i went over to my draw and got out some boxers and socks. i took off my Pajama pants and put on my boxers and black jeans. i put on my lucky red flannel and then went over to my mirror and fixed up my hair that wasn't that bad. i made sure i looked somewhat presentable and then walked out of my room to the dining room.

i walked into the huge grand room and looked at all the gold's and silver's that covered the room. it was the most elegant room in the house and it was either hardly used or not used at all. it was never appreciated or never got the love it deserved. It was very beautiful and all it was made for was eating and meetings. you'd think there'd be more important rooms but apparently not.

"Mark come sit down" Steve hollered and i walked over to him and sat down next to him. my mum was on the other side of the table giving Steve some sort of death glare which made no sense. at the seat, Steve beckoned me to a seat with a bowl of cereal and a glass of water on the table in front of it.

"morning mom, morning Steve" i smiled greeting them both to try and stop the glare from my mom. she smiled at me and nodded her head. Steve ate his breakfast which was buttery toast. My mom didn't have any food in front of her and just wasn't eating.

"morning Mark" Steve finally replied after swallowing a big bite of his toast

"aren't you hungry mom" i asked her as she seemed to doze off because her attention came to me and she looked confused

"what was that honey? got a little lost in thought" she asked with a slight fake smile on her face. i didn't say anything about it and just asked her again

"why aren't you eating" i asked again but she heard this time

"oh, I'm not hungry right now. i might have an apple later" she told me quite rushed

"ok..." i said my voice going a bit higher as she seemed rushed and flustered and slightly angry. her answer didn't seem correct but i just took it anyway because why fight against her when i had other things to worry about right now.

Albert, a servant, walked in the room and came in with news. "what do you want Mr. Pool" i asked Albert. i had to call him Mr. Pool because if i didn't my mom would go mental.

"there's three kids at the door and there all here for you Prince" he told me in the most polite way. I hated being called prince. I liked Mark but everyone but my mom and Steve called me Prince.

"that must be Charlie, Phil and Ken. i better be heading off to school. love you mom. bye Steve" i shouted almost running off to the door. leaving my cereal which was only half eaten. i ran past Albert and got a backpack that i left at the door from last night. i picked it up and slung it around my shoulders and ran outside to see my three friends.

"Hey Mark" Phil waved and the other two waved.

"Hey guys" i smiled super happy to see them all again. i didn't see them much because i had stuff to do or they did. so, it was awesome seeing them.

"you seem pretty excited" Charlie laughed a little. we started walking down the path from the gates to the palace. the school wasn't far away apparently so it would give me time to just walk around the school and learn where everything is.

"i am pretty excited. I am going to school for the first time" i explained and Ken laughed

"i give it two weeks and you'll be bored" Ken laughed and so did the rest and i sighed

"it can't be that bad" i told them and they all looked at me like i was in store for some real shit

"well i guess you might like it but it's very unlikely" Phil told me lifting my mood a bit. Phil could always do that. make good of the situation. Phil was the random dad. Charlie was like that cool older sister who you looked up to. Ken was like that careless brother who didn't give a shit and was always laid back. i was like the child who had no idea what was happening half the time and was pretty immature and knew nothing about the world and was in my own world and was blind to the real world because i was cooped up in the palace.

these people were my family and if i didn't have them with me now i would be scared and wouldn't even consider going to public school or even care about schools.

-time skip-

we had made it to the school and i had been to the office and they gave me a time table and a form room. i had just been walking around with my friends for a bit and everyone had recognized me and stared at me. at least people knew who i was and i didn't have to introduce myself as a complete stranger. (form is like homeroom or registration)

"you're in my form so you can come with me when the bell goes. Ken and Phil are in another form so we can just meet in our next lesson" Charlie explained smiling. she was really happy when she found out i was in her form and our timetable was basically the same. Phil and Kens timetables weren't that different to ours but we had about three lessons apart.

we had parted ways with Ken and Phil as they had left for form and me and Charlie were on our way to form. i was just walking until a water bottle collided with my head and i almost fell over in shock. "oww" i whined rubbing my forehead that was hit by a water bottle. i looked around and heard laughing. i then heard loud laughter and turned to the laughing and saw a group of people all laughing and high fiving. i growled and walked over to them. Charlie tried to pull me back but couldn't because i still walked over.

"Mark not a good idea. there not nice people" Charlie told me pulling me away slightly but i pushed her aside and walked over fed up that they threw a bottle at me

"Hey what was that for?" i asked crossing my arms. they all stared at me and then this boy looked at me with a small smile on his face and his eyes extended in what looked like shock.

"M-Mark!?" he said shocked and his friends seemed confused. how did he know my name? wait i am the prince of the country no wonder he knows my name.

"how do you know my name?" i asked stupidly. his three other friends realized it was me and bowed slightly for respect and i smiled at them but the boy who said my name on the other hand seemed angry and shocked.

"one you're the prince of the country and second we used to be 'friends'. why i was your friend god knows" he growled. well this guy wasn't a happy camper

"i don't recognize you but at the same time i have seen you before" i squinted my eyes trying to remember or think where i had seen him before. he looked oddly familiar

" my dad works for your ma. ring a bell" he told me and then it all made sense. it was Sean, Steve's son. he must remember when we met as children because i can never remember us being together or knowing each other

"your Sean. we were friends as kids, right?" i was asking him a question more of continuing the conversation

"yeah and you were an asshole. you always have been one" he growled and i felt super offended. there i was calling these people boring and plain but this guy wasn't messing around. he had no chill at all.

"I honestly can't remember ever knowing you. i have just heard that your annoying and horrible and i can see where there coming from" i smiled smugly and the Irish man in front of me. he had an angry expression on his face and looked like he was gonna kill someone. he pushed past me and his friends followed him and i just laughed at him. Charlie was behind me and looked slightly pissed but happy.

"you showed him Mark but you showed him up and this means you've started a war you should have never started" Charlie told me adding a warning and i just shrugged it off

"seriously. that twat has got nothing on me" I laughed and so did Charlie as we walked to form.

this was gonna be a fun two months


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