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"You all were the stars in disguise.
When someone felt alone at night.
Although you weren't by her side
She still felt better just by that."

Ah! What a journey this has been.

First and foremost, Alhumdulillahi Rabbil Aala'meen. I had been given the best opportunity and the time to write this story down in the most comfortable conditions possible.

All praises be to the Almighty ALLAH.

I know I may not be the best writer out there — which I shall try and fix — nonetheless you guys have been marvellous supporters.

Ma shaa ALLAH.

Writing for me is only a source of entertainment and light. To me without writing there's nothing I could do and keep myself engaged in. Had I not taken this up to keep myself occupied, I'd have been lost in a world of satanic thoughts and processes.

I never really thought I could come this far with any book as such or even end up being awarded by a number of people around.

I know for a reason that I'm definitely not the most amazing and great writer like ukhti prayershopesnsmiles or ukhti taqi or all the fabulous writers out here. They're all my inspiration together to neaten up my writing skills and do the best I could.

But even then this book didn't necessarily live up to my expectations. Which in shaa ALLAH I shall fix. I am not giving up but there are times that I thought I wasn't needed in a world where the other voices held more power than mine.

Somehow though, you guys have always pushed me to continue and be the way I am. You all became my source of support and motivation.

I seriously don't yet know why or how you guys ended up liking this book?

In the end, I'll just pin down certain points.

I love you all very much and this is not just a statement. I truly love you all for the sake of the Lord of our universe. I cannot write and express the love you guys showered over me endlessly and brightened up my life.

Thank you so very much. So ever much. Literally I wish I could give you all the best I could afford.

I will not change my style of writing or the way in which I introduce my characters. I will only try to improve myself until I'm satisfied. In shaa ALLAH.

I am also going to challenge myself and start investing in other genres to see how much of a wider audience I can reach out to. In Shaa ALLAH.

I will be editing this book heavily....and by that I mean.....a lot of things need to be fixed after which you guys can reread this book if you want to. *Please say yes* in Shaa ALLAH.

Would you guys leave me a review, A BLUNT AND HONEST ONE, so that I may understand my mistakes and see from a reader's point of view.

I have a question for you all. If — just an if — I ever decide to publish this or any others that I will be writing in the future — with lots of better chapters and good load of cheesy cheese and crackers (if that makes sense) would you guys support me and buy my books?

Would you even consider that?

I don't know how famous or loved I am as an author, but maybe things could change for the best or worst in the next few years and I might be atleast known enough.

I just want to fulfil my dream of being a real author one day.

Let's see what my destiny holds for me in Shaa ALLAH.

To all of you lovely souls,
You've been the stars of my night
The sun of my life
The smile of my sadness
The Knights of my bad dreams
A little hope in a hopeless world
A dose of love in a lonely home
You guys made me smile endlessly
And made me cry with esctacy
To all of your support
Hats off
I would have been anywhere
Had it not been for your love.

My prayers are always with you all.

Until next time princesses....



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