Mysterious message

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If Ace has to pick one thing he liked about living in auradon it would be very very hard. For starters he didn't have to deal with his moms constant shouting that hurt his ears or the fact the food here wasn't rotten or mouldy or his classes that he enjoyed he particularly enjoyed Home Economics and Art his strawberry tarts were the best in the class and was the best sewer and in Art he got praised for being completely imaginative and creative with his work.

He also loved his role as captain of the auradon prep croquet team. but there were a couple of things he missed about the isle. His dads warm smile and friendly nature, playing cards with Celia Facilier youngest daughter of Dr Facilier, playing with Susan Sanderson Daughter of Sarah Sanderson, and hanging out with Squeaky smee. The two boys back on the island were usually seen near each other in school and outside reading exploring or just playing.

Besides the things he missed he really enjoyed Auradon he was currently sitting near a Rose bush sketching in his sketch book. Ever since kids at school saw the Croquet uniforms he designed and their coronation outfits lots of kids have been asking him to create outfits for them. Ace was just about down when he heard something from his bag he opened it up and saw Shuffle squeaking

"What is it Shuffle" he asked tilting his head in confusion. Shuffle nodded to his gold table that was in his bag. Ace took it out along with Shuffle and saw he had a message notification on Wonderrpad it was a app that let people post poems,short stories all stuff in that area it was also used for communicating with each other it was mostly popular with wonderland students . He opened the app and was curious about it since it didn't make much sense

Young prince you must return to the isle of the lost before the new moon

He tried to reply to it but it wouldn't send meaning the person wasn't receiving messages. He was confused why would someone want him to go back to the isle and why before a new moon aren't moons always new every night.

He thought this was a little difficult for him so he went where he was always confused about something ...................... Evie


Ace was looking about for Evie and was about to give up when he found her in the cafeteria he ran over to her. "Oh Ace what's wrong" she asked concerned. "Someone messaged me this" he handed her his tablet and showed her the message. Evie went wide eyed. "Ace is it ok if I take this I promise I'll bring it back very soon Evie asked Sweetly. Ace nodded and Evie got up and began to walk with it

"Where are you going" Ace asked. "Oh it's nothing to worry about sweetie she kissed his cheek and left Shuffle squeaked in his ear "i think Evie's hiding something to Shuffle and I don't like it" Ace said crossing his arm wondering what exactly is going on with Evie .


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I honestly couldn't think of another thing to write for this chapter sorry

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