Wonderland Classes

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Ace was sitting next to Carrie in a weird class room. Their was furniture on the ceiling and weird plants that didn't look like they were from Auradon. Ace and Carrie weren't the only ones in the class their were other kids including Blanc and Alistair and kids with weird hair styles and bright neon clothes that weirdly reminded him of Dizzy.

"What Class is this" Ace asked. "It's a new class" Blanc said from behind him. "Fairy godmother wanted us wonderland kids to be able to control our magical madness and our powers" Carrie said. "So all the kids here are from Wonderland" Ace asked looking around. "Yep" Blanc said. "Every single one" Carrie said looking over to other kids. "Who's the teacher he's late" Ace asked.

Suddenly they all started to hear hopping. They all turned and saw a white rabbit wearing a pair of circular shaped glasses up in. "I'm
Late I'm late" the rabbit said before jumping onto the desk. Ace began to go pale and start to draw in quick breathes. "Oh no" Blanc said. Carrie saw Ace looked like he was about to have a panic attack.

she slowly began to rub his back. "Ace it's alright he's not going to hurt you" Blanc said. "Is everything alright kids" The White rabbit asked. "Yeah are friend is just freaking out a little bit he's calming down" Carrie said.

"Oh good then I suppose we should get started since we're already late" The White Rabbit said checking his pocket watch. "Good morning Students I am The White Rabbit and for this term I will be your teacher" The Rabbit said to the students. Ace began to fiddle with his fingers to relax himself and it seemed to be working.

"All of you are here because all of you have the magical madness of wonderland within you and it is my job to teach you how to use this magic and how to control it" the white Rabbit said pointing to the classroom. He hoped over to a chalk board that seemed to be connected by a variety of diamonds and began writing unpredictable,Mad and different. "Now class as you all know Wonderland magic is different from Auradonion magic it's less predictable more creative and without a doubt more mad making it potential dangerous to those who do not know how to use it" The White Rabbit said.

The white rabbit turned to them all. "Now for today's lesson we are going to practice walking up walls" he said to them. "Now who would like to go first" The White Rabbit asked. Immediately everyone except Ace raised his hand. "How about you" he pointed to Ace.

"What's your name young boy" he asked. "A-Ace Hearts Son of The Queen of Hearts" Ace stuttered immediately the other students (expect Carrier,Alistair And Blanc) began to whisper and look at him in awe after all Ace was Wonderlands prince the Prince of Hearts. "Now,now students settle down" he said to the kids. "Now Mr Hearts why don't you try to walk up the wall" The White Rabbit said.

"B-But I don't know how" Ace said worried. the white rabbit took his hand and hoped him over to a wall. "Now gather around students" he said to the others and they gathered around them. "Now Ace all you need to do is let the madness of Wonderland go threw you feel it coursing threw your veins and imagine yourself walking up the wall and remember nothing is impossible" The White Rabbit said.

Ace closed his eyes and took a deep breath and began to imagine himself walking up the ceiling feeling something deep within himself being awoken like someone waking up from
A long nap and stretching out.

When Ace opened his eyes he saw he was dangling from the wall and was almost on the ceiling Ace began to worry and panic when he suddenly fell down and landed on Alistair. "Sorry Alistair" Ace said getting off of the blonde boy. "It's fine" Alistair said dusting himself off. "W-well that was a very good first try Ace you just need to focus on not being scared you need to know it's fine and truly let your wonderland magic run threw you do you understand" he asked.

Ace nodded. "Right well then who's next" The White Rabbit asked his students.

After everyone had a shot off walking up the wall they then began to practice their own individual power Ace was able to make a small heart and make it float in mid air for 4 minutes before it collapsed.


When Class ended they were already five minutes into the morning break. Ace,Alistair Blanc and Carrie were leaving the classroom. "That was so cool" Alistair Said. "Your dads a good teacher Blanc" Carrie said. "He's not as scary my mommy said he was" Ace said. "Aww thanks guys" Blanc started blushing.

"So what do we have after break" Carrie asked. "Riddlish 101" Blanc said. "Ooo wonder who's teaching that class" Carrie said. Ace was about to say something when he saw Evie."it's ok Ace you can go talk to her if you want" Alistair said. "R-really" Ace asked. They all nodded. Ace  smiled at them and  went over to her.

"Hello" Ace said to her. "Oh hey Ace how was you Class" she asked. "It was ok The White Rabbit is teaching us how to use our Wonderland madness" Ace said. "Ooo sounds interesting" Evie said. "We walked up walls" Ace said causing Evie to giggle. "Sounds like you had a fun lesson" Evie giggled. "Can you walk me to my next class" Ace said. "Oh sorry Sweetie I have to get to chemistry" Evie said.

Just then Jay came over. "Sup" Jay said. "Jay effect timing can you walk Ace to his next class I would but I have chemistry" Evie asked. "Sure that ok with you bud" Jay asked Ace began to think but he wasn't sure he has never spent time with Jay alone before and not sure if it was a good idea. "I I guess so" he said unsure. "Great let's go" Jay said holding out his hand.

Ace looked at it unsure. "It's ok Ace he won't bite" Evie said reassuringly. Ace shakily took it and left with Jay. The two began to look for the classroom. "So what's your next class" Jay asked. "Riddlish 101" Ace said. "That's a class" Jay asked skeptical. "It's only for wonderland kids" Ace said.

When they got to the class room they saw that it was bizarre instead of desks their was a long table with different chairs and tea cups and tea pots and their was a perfect view of the outside from the top. "Well uh have fun Ace" Jay said leaving. And before he did Ace hugged him carefully. "Thank you Jay" Ace said before letting go.

"N-no problem Little dude" Jay said smiling at him before leaving. After a few minutes the rest of the wonderland kids arrived and they all sat down at different seats. "I think it's safe to assume who's teaching this class" Carrie said and the other students except Ace. Suddenly the doors burst open and in came the infamous Mad Hatter of Wonderland.

"Hello class" he said before jumping over the long table and sitting down and began to pour him self tea. "Drink up everyone drink up" he said to the students who began to pour tea cups. "Change places" he said and they all began to change seats. "Now students my young pupils look under your desk and under you see you'll get a big surprise just take it from me.

They all looked under their desks and each found a book. "What's this" Ace asked. "Why a riddle book of course now change places" he said. All of them then proceeded to move to different seats. When Ace sat down he took a look at the book cover and realised it's a riddle book. "Now feathers and friends together alone why is a raven like a writing desk" he took a sip of tea.

When class finished Ace was smiling. The mad hatter taught the class different riddles while holding a tea party when the class ended everyone left with a smile and stomach full of tea.

Ace looked at the cloak on the wall and saw it was time for Croquet practice he quickly sped down the hallways to go and get changed in his uniform and hopefully for him that unlike the white rabbit he wouldn't be late

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