Chapter Fourteen

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The artist let himself melt into the prince's kiss. Roman's other hand found his other cheek as he held him closer, lost in their tender kiss. Virgil's hands rested against Roman's chest as his lips move in rhythm with his. Both of them were perfectly content with kissing each other until they couldn't breathe. When that time came, they slowly broke apart but didn't pull away. Their eyes were locked as they breathlessly smiled.

"I've been wanting to do that since the first time I felt your lips on mine," Roman murmured. The artist nodded, cheeks pink from the kiss combined with winter air. "I hope you know how much I care for you Virgil."

Virgil smiled shyly, looking down as he spoke. "And I hope you know that you've stolen my heart your Highness."

The prince's heart soar in his chest, smiling wide at his words. He pressed his lips to Virgil's once more for a much shorter amount of time, but with the same amount of gentle love. When they broke away, Roman released him to put his mask back on. The artist did the same before placing his hand in his once more. He allowed the prince to guide him back into the crowded ballroom; however, it felt surprisingly less overwhelming with Roman next to him. They made their way to the center where the couples were dancing, stopping to face each other. The prince bowed to him a little, Virgil doing the same before Roman slid his hand to his waist. His own hands found his shoulder and his other hand as their fingers laced together.

Virgil let him sweep him off his feet, guiding him through a waltz as they moved across the ballroom floor with the other dancing couples. The prince was an experienced dancer, twirling him smoothly without missing a beat, lifting him perfectly in time with the music, and dipping him with no hesitation. Both were smiling wider than they ever had in their lives, and for a little while, the world was perfect.

Except for when it wasn't.

Something caught Virgil's eye, a familiar gaze that chilled his blood. Every sound seemed to become silent, and everything around him seemed to slow. Barry's smile told him all he needed to know, and his thoughts were confirmed as he raised his hand to draw a line across his neck. The artist's heart was in his throat; he only had moment to react and pull the prince close to him as everything happened.

The palace shook, an explosion causing smoke and screams to fill the room. There were sounds of people being struck with swords and debris. Virgil's instincts had taken over as he pulled the prince with him through the smoke. He grabbed Roman's simple sash, ripping it from his shoulder and holding to his mouth to protect him from the smoke. The artist found the secret panel in the ballroom wall, pushing it open and shoving the prince inside. He followed suit and quickly shut the panel behind him, breathing heavily as he urged Roman to crawl forward. The tunnel widened out and grew as it sloped downward, allowing them to stand. When they did, the prince started to collapse.

"Your Highness!" Virgil gasped, quickly moving beside him to support him as he coughed. "Are you alright?"

Roman nodded as he heart raced and his lungs constricted, causing another fit of coughs. The artist looked back, frowning. "Come on, Princey," he urged, helping him forward. "These tunnels lead to my house remember? I've got you..."

"T-Thank you..." the prince managed, smiling at him. Virgil returned it as he continued to help him, leading the way through the winding tunnels. To Roman, they were completely lost, but the artist knew the way. They soon reached the door that lead to Virgil's basement. As they entered the basement, the prince had to stumble to the ground. "W-What happened?"

Virgil looked away, but helped him back to his feet. "I... I know what happened... but I'm not going to tell you until you're in better condition. Come on, let's get upstairs. I'm praying my father and Logan will have made it back quicker than us-"


Both of the teenagers sighed in relief as Patton came rushing down the stairs. He had tears in his eyes as he rushed forward to hug his son. "Oh thank goodness you're alright!" he said, gasping for air. "I was so worried, but I knew you'd make it into the tunnels; and... you saved the prince."

Patton's tears fell in relief as he hugged Roman tightly as well. "I'm so glad you're alright your Highness," he said, pulling away swiftly. "Come, you must clear your throat of the smoke, and get you cleaned up. You have a safe place to stay while we figure out what happened, and what we must do."

"Thank you, so much," Roman said, smiling gratefully at him. Patton and Virgil helped the prince get upstairs where Logan had prepared glasses of fresh water as well as tea. He quietly sipped it with a rough sigh. Patton looked over at his son, seeing a look on his face that made his chest tight. He inconspicuously pulled him into the kitchen, sending his husband a look with his eyes. Logan nodded to him, turning to the prince.

"Virgil, do you know what happened?" he asked his son urgently, worry lacing his voice.

The artist nodded a little, not meeting his eyes. His voice was quiet as he spoke. "Barry... he planned it out..." he explained quietly. "I knew he wanted to get revenge on me but I- I didn't know he'd actually do something like that..."

Patton looked horrified, pulling his son close to him as he shook. He rubbed his back comfortingly, as Virgil rested his head against his father's chest. The artisan's heart was pounding in his chest; he felt a pit in his stomach, the kind you get when you're nervous about something. He held his son closer, biting his lip.

The past was something the two of them wanted desperately to forget, but it was back.

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