Chapter Sixteen

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Trigger Warning: mentions of self harm

The prince wasn't sure if he wanted to hear more of Virgil's story, but he knew he needed to hear it to fully know who he was. He let out a shaky exhalation of breath. "H-He threatened to kill me if I didn't help him," he continued, heart in his throat as he recalled his horrific actions. "He asked me what I thought the best thing he should do to get his gang more wealthy. I-I..."

He couldn't finish before he choked on a sob. Roman shushed him quietly, trying to comfort him. "It's alright-"

"No! It's not alright!" Virgil snapped, pulling away harshly, turning to face the prince as tears streamed down his face. "I sent them to another kingdom. I said they were wealthier and wouldn't have heard of them to suspect them. About two months later, there was word of a massive killing. It was supposedly an accident, but I knew, I knew it was him..."

There was silence, thick and heavy. Roman could feel his heart hammering in his chest as it tightened. He knew what he incident he was referring to, and if you believed solely in what he'd just said, it was Virgil's fault. The artist was staring at the ground, eyes covered by his dark bangs. He didn't need to see them to know he was crying. The boy was shaking, breathing shallowly. "Virgil-"

"It's my fault."

The prince shook his head. "No, no it's not."

"People are dead because of me."

Roman put a hand on his shoulder. "No, it's not your fault-"

"I killed people, Roman!"

They both stopped, staring at each other. Virgil was searching for the horror, disgust, hatred that he knew would be in his eyes. If the prince had feelings for him before, surely they were gone. Roman didn't have a single sliver of any of them in his gaze as he looked at him with determination. He grabbed Virgil's wrist, pulling him closer to him by his arm.

"You must stop blaming yourself for another's actions. You did not kill anyone; he did. Besides," his voice dropped as he moved his wrist to face upward so they both could see it, "you've punished yourself enough..."

The world seemed to slow down as Virgil realized what he meant. They were both looking at the fresh and faded scars lining his arm from years and years of guilt, grief, and heartbreak. His eyes were wide. Neither of them spoke, staring at each other. One tear drop...

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice..."

Two drops...

"You don't deserve this..."

Four drops...

"You have to stop..."

More drops...

So many tears Virgil thought he'd never stop crying as he crumpled. Roman caught him as they fell to the ground, pulling him close as he tried to calm him down. The artist could barely breathe, vision spotted with black dots.

"Breathe for me Virgil..." he murmured, holding him tightly as he panicked. In his mind, he was scared. He'd never seen someone like this and it terrified him. Was he doing this right? "Virgil..."

"I-I'm a-a-a m-monster..." he choked out, crying into his chest. He felt lightheaded and broken, clutching onto him. He was his only anchor, and he feared if he let go he'd drown.

The prince shushed him gently, rubbing circles in his hand with his thumb. "No you're not," he reassured him, whispering into his ear. "You're not a monster, Virgil. I promise, you're not."

"B-But I-I d-did s-something s-s-so t-terrible," he said shakily.

Roman gave him a sad smile. "No you didn't Virgil," he told. "Everyone does things they wish they hadn't, but that doesn't mean they deserve to suffer for it the rest of their life. You're no exception."

Virgil was surprisingly starting to calm down as the prince started to run his fingers through his hair. He relaxed into the feeling, his breathing slowly starting to become more even. After about fifteen minutes of holding him as his breathing became deeper and he stopped crying, Roman spoke up. "Hey..." he said quietly, offering a small smile to him as he looked his way.

"I'm sorry..." he apologized, trying to pull away. Roman held him firmly in place as he looked at him questioningly. "F-For losing it like that... I understand if you don't want to be around me anymore..."

The prince chuckled, making Virgil look at him in confusion. He reached up to take his chin in his hand and pulled him in for a deep kiss. The artist let out a muffled sigh as he kissed back. There was so much love and passion in the slow kiss that he felt he couldn't breathe again, but this time he didn't mind he lightheaded sensation as the prince pushed him to the ground gently. He gasped, but Roman didn't break the kiss, not that he wanted to. His hands had found there way into the prince's hair. He responded by letting his hands wander gown his sides. Two of them were lost in the feeling of kissing each other.

"Virgil! Prince Roman!"

The two of them gasped, immediately jumping apart from each other to the best of their ability and looking around wildly. They discovered that Patton had called them from downstairs. Their faces were flushed bright red as they looked at each other.

"We made some late dinner! Come down please!"

The two of them each sighed in relief as they realized why they were being called. Their eyes met for a moment of silence before he two of them started laughing a little. Prince Roman stood up, offering a hand to the artist, who allowed him to pull him to his feet. He smirked at him as Virgil giggled a little. "My apologies, I seem to have gotten carried away," he apologize with a smile. The artist shook his head with a smile, pressing their foreheads together and sharing a small, sweet kiss before pulling by the hand toward the door. He stopped to turn to Roman.

"I didn't dislike that by the way," he said with a sly wink that made the prince flush again as he was pulled out the door.

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