Chapter Two

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The artist boy glanced up one more time as the prince walked away. He watched his back as he made his way through the streets, a small smile tugging at his lips. A similar tugging was in his chest as well, making it harder to resist smiling. 

"He's quite the handsome one, isn't he?" Patton said, flashing a playful smirk at his son. He blushed red as he tore his gaze from the prince with a shrug.

"I mean, sure, I guess," he mumbled, trying to play it off as nothing, but Patton knew better. He raised an eyebrow as he stared at his son, who looked up at him and blushed darker red. "W-What?"

Patton chuckled, ruffling his hair. "You're in love with him Virgil," he said with a giggle. The boy, Virgil, gasped in embarrassment and disbelief. That was quite a bold statement for his father to make after merely a first meeting with him; and given his past experiences with love, he was shocked at how eager he seemed to be. 

"N-No I'm not!" he cried in denial. He received a look from his father that made him sigh. "I- okay, m-maybe a little..."

He smiled, ruffling his hair once more. The gesture annoyed Virgil at first, but gradually became a comforting notion. "You're welcome for setting you up to see him again by the way," Patton said with a wink. "Got to get him more interested."

Virgil nearly choked on his own spit as he looked at him. Had his father bought the wrong keg again, and was drunk? That had happened once before, and it was quite amusing. "What are you talking about?"

"Logan told me you have to see things three times before it makes an imprint on your brain and makes you intrigued to learn more," he said with a smirk. "He's seen you once, he'll need to see you a couple more times to be truly interested. You haven't imprinted on his mind yet."

Virgil rolled his eyes, looking up at the palace in the distance. His chest fluttered as he thought of him. I don't have to see him more than once for him to be imprinted in my mind, he thought.

Later that evening, he and Patton had returned from their stand to their home. He excused himself to eat dinner in his room while Logan and Patton gave him nods. Virgil loved his dads, but they had a tendency to be affectionate to each other all the time, which became overbearing for him after a while. Although, he did smile whenever Logan made his dad blush and beam after whispering a sweet nothing in his ear. It was one of those times that seeing your parents happy together made you smile without realizing it.

Patton was his biological father. He'd been born to him and his late wife. She'd died in childbirth, so Virgil didn't really know her enough to care about her. From what he'd heard about her from his father talking to Logan, she wasn't the best person either. He liked Logan anyway; he'd been around since he was eight, and loved him like a son. Virgil reciprocated that love, thinking of him as his other father. Not to mention, he made Patton happy, which Virgil was happy about.

The teenager absentmindedly ate his dinner at his desk, which was covered in pieces of paper containing drawings. As he ate, his left hand sketched a person that turned out to be a familiar royal. Virgil stared at the drawing in shock, heat rising to his cheeks. He quickly slid the drawing underneath the stack of others to hide it from immediate view.

Was this really happening? He'd fantasized about the prince for years, wondering if he was as amazing as the rumors said. Now he'd met him and immediately started crushing on him. He was embarrassed with himself for having such thoughts, for even thinking he had a chance with him. He was the prince! He was the most desired boy in the kingdom, and a royal. What was Virgil? An artist in a middle class family. Just another face in the crowd the prince had seen today. Hell, he probably talked to a dozen other more attractive boys throughout the village today. Virgil shouldn't even bother...

But as he laid down to sleep that night, he was all he could think about. The way his eyes dazzled, how his smile seemed brighter than the sun above, and how everything about him seemed just glow. He imagined what it would be like to kiss him. How would it be to hold his hand? To be in his arms? He imagined it was like being in heaven.

The next day, Virgil went down to the stand with Patton like usual and helped set everything up. Once they'd done so, Patton said something about going to buy them some pastries for breakfast. The artist boy nodded and just started sketching as he normally did.

"Well, hello again."

Virgil's head snapped up in shock as the voice that had remained echoing in his ears all day sounded once more. "Uh, hi," he responded. "What can I help you with today, your Highness?"

Prince Roman leaned forward on the stand, getting close enough to make Virgil's heart beat even faster. "I have something I'm curious about that I've never tried," he told him.

"What's that?" Virgil asked shakily. The prince smirked and reached out to grab his shirt. He pulled him into him, cause the artist to gasp. Prince Roman's lips met his own, sending fireworks through Virgil's nervous system. Their lips moved together perfectly as he kissed the prince back, not caring who saw him in that moment. The prince kissed him harder, his whole body on fire.

The artist boy gasped as he sat straight up in his bed. He was panting as he raised a hand to his forehead, thinking about what he'd just dreamed. A dark blush rose to Virgil's cheeks as he hid his face in his blanket.

"I'm so screwed."

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