CHAPTER 34: Goal and Reason

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"Thank you, your holiness. Please, teach him well for the future of the Naga Kingdom." She said that sent smirks in Duan Luan and Ellis's faces.

'Get ready to be 'disciplined', Tadashi Naga Seiryū, you dxmn brxt!'


After chatting with Sakura, Bai Ying and Duan Luan, together with Ellis decided to retire to get some rest that Sakura and Kiyoshi understood. But before leaving, Bai Ying asked for a favour to the Queen.

"If you may, please inform the princes to go to the palace I am staying in for the classes to start." Bai Ying said.

"How long will it take if it's okay to ask." Sakura asked.

"It will only take a day. We will leave the next day. Because there are still matters I needed to do. Don't worry, they will come back safe and sound and have broader knowledge and skills." Bai Ying said that Sakura approved.

Now, Bai Ying and the two returned to the palace they are in. They are welcomed by Sebastian and Blaze who have their last pieces of works to do. But before they can even go to Bai Ying, their mate is already sleeping with exhaustion and stress showing a little on his beautiful face.

"What happened?" Sebastian asked the two especially Duan Luan while gripping his chest while looking at their tired mate with pained face.

Blaze who is in his half-beast form with his red wolf ears and tails started to whimper while looking at the sleeping Bai Ying.

Everyone in that room are watching Bai Ying. They are in pain. But who feels it more is none other than Duan Luan.

Duan Luan motioned for them to leave Bai Ying alone and go to the meeting room of the palace. The other three don't want to go and leave Bai Ying but Táo Shù— the Peach Tree insisted for them to leave and let the guarding up to him.

With the assurance because of the said tree's abilities, they sighed in defeat and then went to the meeting room led by Duan Luan, and Ellis who only knows half of the truth.

Somehow, Sebastian and Blaze felt like the meeting is something that will surprise or shock them. They feel off about it too but they chose to shrug it off and proceeded to the meeting room.

The meeting room is like your ordinary lounge room where you can find couches, sofas, tables, and so on. It is decorated in different shades of blue and white because the Seiryū that they represents or the Azure Dragon is said to be a water dragon that is why the palace is decorated to almost everything blue to symbolise water.

Duan Luan is sitting on a couch. One seat away from him is where Ellis is sitting then in a C form, Sebastian is in between of him and Blaze who are focusing now in Duan Luan's explanation.

Duan Luan sighed. He don't know what to say or where to start. He is now shouldering a very big burden about the discovery from the meeting earlier. He knows it's weight and it's really heavy because this information will now challenge their strength, will and love to Bai Ying, if it will stay and grow strong or it will dwindle and be gone forever.

There are reasons... possible reasons for the latter to happen. Untrue love, greed and cowardice.

Untrue love, is a thing that is the least to happen. Because for a mated couple, the mating process will not take place nor be effective if you have even a miniscule amount of feelings towards the other. And all of them, have successfully 'married' to Bai Ying that means that they really love him.

Greed. One of the less possible thing to happen. It have different forms. Greed for power, love, wealth, attention and even freedom.

Greed for power is like those other people who holds or desires higher position or even power in literal and/or figuratively way. Greed for love is like those who are love deprived that is a key of obsession and more. Greed of wealth, another common thing to happen especially for those in position or not in the government or maybe and sometimes... those who strongly desires for it. Greed for attention, the perfect example would be the late bastard Emperor of the Cross Empire.

Cowardice is most likely to happen inside of their circle. Why? Because not everyone is powerful enough to even defeat a devil of sins. Well, in their current state, Duan Luan can easily defeat one for he is stronger than the Supreme Devil who is the second ranked demon currently. The rest of the harem if trained properly, they can stand on par and if luck is on their side, they can defeat a single devil of sin. Though, it's kinda hurt to say nor to hear such remarks, reality really slaps hard.

Duan Luan sighed once again and with all seriousness, he looked at the other three in front of him.

"Ying'er found the purpose of the devils that are spying on making troubles in your kingdoms." He started.

As he expected, the three are shocked. They are also scared, anxious, and worried for their people. Duan Luan cannot blame them though.

"What do you mean?" Blaze asked while sweating profusely like he just ran for miles and miles. Though, in reality, it's his heart that is thumping crazily due to the news they received.

"The sins are wrecking havoc not only in your kingdoms but also the others. That is why I bet with all my memories with Ying'er that the place where is the fifth mate will be infested by one of the seven as well, or maybe two... who knows?" Duan Luan continued that made the three pale.

"Their goal is split into two under different circumstances and that is to capture and make Ying'er theirs. And whether they fail or succeed, they will flatten and invade this realm for good." This terrified the three especially the one who have the weakest heart in the group— Blaze.


Because despite of being feared by his people, they are still his people. He as an alpha king, have the responsibility to protect his kins from any harm and also to give them the life they deserve to have as a part of the Beast Men.

He is not actually alone. There is also the other three. But excluding Duan Luan from the 'protecting the kins' because what he wants to protect is the lower realm itself.

"WHY? Why do they want to capture Ying'er? Why do they want to do those things?" Blaze trembled that Sebastian started to comfort. Well, they are best friends no matter what they're races are.

Duan Luan sighed because of it. Ellis already deduce some of the possible reasons, but hearing the words from his adopted brother is still different because he is after all have connections to find these out and also he is the one who is with Bai Ying earlier.

"Before I go to that one, I will tell you who are the ten figures in their circle.

First is the Seven Devils of Sins: Baal of Pride; Barbatos of Envy;Beelzebub of Gluttony; Tsaritsa of Lust; Satan of Wrath; Morax of Greed, and; Belphegor of Sloth.

Five of them have deep obsession towards Ying'er. Because, who wouldn't? Ying'er is perfect in many ways. And possessing him is like possessing the beloved treasure of the Heaven Realm. But the remaining two who have their own world each, have this 'fantasizing' kinks towards Ying'er though they only heard about him from their two leaders and a person that stands behind the Demon God.

The Supreme Devil Lucifer is the third strongest of their circle. He also have this interest towards Ying'er. It is said to start the moment laid his eyes on Ying'er when he is only little but no one knows if that is true because there is only one occasion that the demons were able to ascend due to a celebration.

Me, who stands the second from the Demon God is called the Necromancer. Of course, you all know my history, right? So I will stop there because after all, I am already done with them because my only reason for joining them is to have my way to find Ying'er once again.

And last but not the least... the man that stands just behind Ying'er and the third strongest entity... the Demon God. His reasons?" Duan Luan paused. He looked at the other three who are waiting for the last part. He sighed and shook his head because he himself is also having a hard time believing the last part of this explanation. He sighed once again and as he opened his mouth, he expected the worst outcome.

"The Demon God's reason is... love."


Yes! The response is silence.


Because the other three and even the one who told the tale is also having a hard time to believe in this bvllshxt. Because... how?!

How come that a being such as the Demon God will fall to the innocent Ying'er of theirs?

Though Bai Ying is irresistible... they are questioning on why. And no one will and can blame them.

But their train of thoughts was stopped when a white and black large tiger and black lion entered the room.

"The reason of his love... I will tell you." The black lion said while looking at the four with his red eyes.


To be Continued...

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