CHAPTER 38: Last Lesson

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Bai Ying's harem cannot help but to let their heart flutter once more with Bai Ying's words earlier about his 'loved one' and 'family'. Well, they are already a part with it. They feel giddy and somehow... smug. They cannot help but to feel so proud to be Bai Ying's mates. Well, they know that danger will be on their way, they will not back down not surrender. They will hold their places and protect Bai Ying in their own ways. And also... love him eternally.

Meanwhile, Bai Ying is waiting for the three's answer. Which the three gladly gave. And as expected... they said... a big... NO!


Bai Ying cannot help but smile with the three's development and also... their response.

He is actually hesitant at first to ask them that. Especially Tadashi. Why? It's obvious! He is way too ambitious to the point that he acts trash in front him, of all people.

Well, like he said, he do not blame the prince with his antics. It's just that, like Kenji's concern, he don't want Tadashi to die in such foolish reason.

After the whole discussion and to slightly get to know each other, Bai Ying and his harem with the three princes finally walked inside a portal that is set up for the three princes. One for Tadashi with Duan Luan and Blaze, one for Kenji with Ellis and Sebastian, and lastly, one for Bai Ying and Kiyoshi.

The portal is a mini timespace that was set up by Bai Ying. The time inside is so slow. One day in the outside word is a total of ten years inside. And the training is not a joke.

After three years inside the portal, the three groups of teachers will exchange their students. Well, mostly the two pairs. Because what the three needed to learn is for Tadashi to have self-discipline, strength, martial and fighting skills. In short, duties and stuffs a general must know and have. Kenji on the other hand have the similar lesson except for the additional lesson for politics. Well, his duty is more on a grand duke or prime minister side than general. While Kiyoshi is assigned mostly for politics, leadership and governance aside the other lessons of fighting skills and discipline.

The two older princes have it already enough for the past three years inside the timespace. Their teachers are brutal especially Tadashi's. Well, who can blame Duan Luan and Blaze?

Kenji on the other hand seems to have been broken. Well, not in a bad way but, the knowledge he is gaining from Ellis and Sebastian is way too much for his mortal mind. It amuses the sadistic side of his teachers though. Well, hopefully, not in a bad way.

The one who have a bit easier life between the three is Kiyoshi. Why? Meditation, calligraphy, reading, lessons and so on. Well, the two is also having tea time together. He learned so much from Bai Ying in a calm and collective way unlike his brothers that are suffering from Bai Ying's mates who are filled with malice towards the two. Well, he can understand Tadashi, but he cannot fathom why Kenji too.

You see, despite being a calm person with a wise mind, he is actually dense. Yes! He is dense to the point that he also don't know why Duan Luan is so clingy with him when they are kids. Well, he still don't know until now why the Creator threw him from their realm aside for the information he knows that it is because of the forgotten memories due to his own doings which is purely accident.

The Creator knows. He knows Duan Luan way too much. And because he loves Bai Ying so much, he tried to protect Bai Ying from Duan Luan. Well, luck is on his side. It's just that, he knows one day that the two will meet and still be mates in the end though he tried to disrupt it by throwing Duan Luan away.

The Creator have no malice at all. He is just an overprotective fellow who wants nothing but the best— in his own view— for his beloved child.

Back to the session, the set of teachers of Tadashi and Kenji finally changed. Well, Tadashi's suffering is understatement. Why? Because he is now facing the yandere Vampire King and sadistic Elf Prince. Well, Ellis dislikes him. That is why, his suffering is only understatement... it's hell!

Kenji on the other hand also suffers at the hands of Duan Luan and Blaze. The two are already bruised with the fighting skills their teachers teaches them. Let's add the bruised mind of the two due to the knowledge being shoved inside their head.

Poor thing. Well, like before... Kiyoshi is still living in tranquility of knowledge while learning how to use his spiritual energy. He is actually the first mortal who will learn it. And he learned it to a pro like Bai Ying. He is also learning various fighting skills with weapon which Bai Ying gave to him away because after all, he is not using it.

Finally, the last shifts came and the three sets of teachers changed. The four mates with Kiyoshi and Bai Ying to the two tortured princes.

How he taught him?


He merged the two timespace to be one!

Bai Ying raised his eyebrow to see the two. He really wonders why Kenji was taught into black and blue like his brother. Well, he just didn't utter any inquiry and just made the two relax for the next two years in timespace. But at the next and last two years, he started to give them lessons of governance that will help their brother in the near future. Surprisingly, the rest made the two easily listen and comprehend his words. And after a year and a half, they were dismissed to rest by Bai Ying that ended for the two to be knocked out.

At the end of the day, the three princes are exhausted. They were delivered to their parents to be tucked in their bed and at the same time, Bai Ying left the three his last words and gifts before leaving for his fifth mate.

Sakura and Tomo are thankful. They see changes in their children's aura after the last exchange and they know full well that it's because of Bai Ying and his mates.

They even offered their own kingdom as a gift that Bai Ying refused before they even utter the word saying that he only did what he think is right and beneficial not only in their kingdom but their realm. Because he knows to himself that these three will be pillars that will guide the mortals in the near future.

Bai Ying gave Sakura and Tomo his words too like their children. Well, not only for their kingdom but also for the betterment of their family. Because why not? A kingdom with unstable pillar will only fall like a castle made with sand. Not reliable indeed. And that pillar will be the Seiryū Royal Family of the Naga Kingdom.

And with a smile, Bai Ying left the kingdom with his beloveds by his side.






To be Continued...

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