CHAPTER 8: Rouge Attack

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Another camping of the couple have passed and this time, the tent was not brought out but they camped in a secluded cave along the way. And as usual, the peach tree guarded the two of them while at the same time acted as Bai Ying's resting place.

But doing so just caught the attention of a group of werewolves that do not actually belong to any pack or tribe in the Vampire Kingdom.

The next day while the two are chatting, they were interrupted by snarling sounds from a distance. They both turned, their back facing each other while they are observing the surroundings with their guards at the peak and their senses sharper than usual.

They are in the middle of a dense forest. There are also a mountain track in their north and west. The two of them are trapped!

"They seems to be rouges. Be more alert, Ying'er!" Sebastian warned his mate as he bit his thumb and let the blood ooze out from there that turned into a sword.

Bai Ying just nodded his head and in an instant, he pulled out a flute that is colored like his hair. And a deep breath, the rouges that are about to attack them started to whimper in pain.

Sebastian slashed the other rouges who are way too late to stop themselves in midair. They whimpered in an inaudible sound from Bai Ying's flute. And with the last whimper that escaped their mouths, is the time they were slashed by the Vampire King who is protecting his mate.

Sebastian still don't know what is up actually. But he guessed it that it's Bai Ying who is the reason behind it.

Sebastian was about to approach Bai Ying who suddenly turned around and with a swift move, the flute changed into his unsheathed sword to receive the attack of someone to Sebastian.

The rouges started to retreat at the sight of the newcomers. Not so long, they turned around and with their dead comrade carried by them, they attempted to flee but was stopped by another large wolves who came with the one Bai Ying is fighting against.

Sebastian who just snapped out from being dazed, charged towards the red wolf who's having a hard time to push Bai Ying. He underestimated the young man greatly. But he is not the one he wants to attack!

The red wolf turned his head towards Sebastian and he leaped forward the vampire who is also charging towards him and left Bai Ying who just sighed and took a sit under the peach tree that suddenly popped out once again. The peach tree dropped a fruit and took a bite from it. He hummed once again before he continued watching the two opposing specie in front of him.

The two large wolves who just came back from capturing the rouges and ordering their subordinate's to take them away was welcomed by an unbelievable scene: the Vampire King is fighting against the red wolf while the young man whom the red wolf fought earlier is now sitting idly and enjoying the peaches from the tree that just popped out from nowhere.

Bai Ying noticed the two and in an instant, offered a piece of peaches that the two helplessly accepted.

The two transformed to their human forms, not even caring if they are naked. They thought that it's okay because they are all male. But this scene was noticed by Sebastian who roared towards the two but just got ignored in the end.

"Why aren't you helping your companion?" Fuyo asked curiously.

Bai Ying sighed and with a flick of hand, a book suddenly appeared in his hand and with another sigh, he replied, "if they want to fight, then fight. I only stopped your companion because I felt the bloodlust, that's all."

"You stopped? Our Alpha is the strongest person in our kingdom though!" Natsu retorted but was glanced by Bai Ying with indifference.

"He needs to eat more. He is so light that I thought that the one who is attacking is a weightless feather." Bai Ying casually said that made the two jaw dropped in shock.

"Are you kidding me? You are the one who looks like will fall with a flick of my finger!" Natsu arrogantly said.

Fuyo stayed quiet because he can see no lies and arrogance in the young man's statement. He suddenly thought of the place where he will bury the poor corpse of his friend.

Bai Ying just took a bite from his peach once again until leaving almost nothing except the stem and the seed inside. He carefully observed the seed and mumbled, "I should plant this in my garden. So that Peach-Kun will not be alone again."


"Tian'er! Stop that already!" Bai Ying called his mate that immediately followed by Sebastian who suddenly appeared in front of Bai Ying as if he is a tamed dog that was called by his owner.

"I'm here, Ying'er!" Sebastian responded that made Bai Ying giggle.

But not so long, the red wolf was frozen after sniffing the familiar smell of peaches and apples when Bai Ying recollected the peach tree. He also realized who he is that he unknowingly transformed himself into his human form.

Sebastian saw that and with a wide eyes, he tried to cover Bai Ying's eyes from witnessing a 'beast' in front of them.

"Shameless! Look for anything that will cover your... your beast! Ying'er have a pure and innocent eyes and I don't want you to taint it by your... your..." Sebastian started to blush because he have no guts to mention anything about Blaze's nakedness.

"Tian'er. Have you forgotten that you, him and I share such thing you are calling beast?" Bai Ying said casually as he removed the hand blocking his eyes.

Sebastian blushed more at the sight of his Bai Ying. He then timidly looked away that made Bai Ying tilt his head confusedly.

"What?! I am proud to have this... this— I am a man, Sebastian! How rude of you to call my... my..." Blaze also started to blush at the sight of Bai Ying looking at him from head to toe.

"Before anything else... who are you and why are you letting such evil bloodsucker to pull you around?" Blaze cannot help but to blush more while looking at Bai Ying's beautiful face.

"My name is Bai Ying. And this bloodsucker you are mentioning is my mate. How should I address you?" Bai Ying politely asked in return.

"WHAT?! That's impossible! You are my mate!!" Blaze suddenly blurted out that shocked the three except Bai Ying.

"I know." Bai Ying said nonchalantly. "You're the second out of..." Sebastian's eyes grew wide when Bai Ying suddenly fell asleep while talking that made the second statement almost a whisper. But because the werewolves have a sharp sense of hearing, they heard it all and they all shrieked in surprise when the peach tree appeared... again.

Sebastian laid Bai Ying under the tree and placed an outer robe from the space ring he received and placed it on Bai Ying's body.

"I think he ate a lot of peaches." Sebastian helplessly mumbled.

One fact about Bai Ying is that whenever he eats one whole peach, he is bound to take a nap like how he met him at the very first time. But because of the fight, he kept himself awake.

"What does he mean by that? Why am I the second?! And what does he mean to 'second out of'?" Blaze asked confusedly.

"I can't disclose you who he really is. All I know is that due to some special circumstances, he was granted five mates. He was sent down here to search for us and fortunately, he only need to look for four because his family already knew the fifth." Sebastian explained.

Blaze, the Alpha King is his childhood friend. Due to their difference, they are bound to be enemies. But it didn't stopped the two of them to be friends.

Despite being a bit wild and uncontrollable, he is devoted in everything except of course... working.

For Sebastian, having Blaze as the second mate of Bai Ying is better than having a wicked obsessive Necromancer.

"Oh!" Fuyo suddenly blurted out.

Every attention turned to him.

"But why do we only smell his mark on you but not your mark on his?" Fuyo asked.

Sebastian sighed helplessly and looked at the sleeping mate of his. "He wished to be marked at once."

The three are surprised after hearing such. It's a complete suicide because they know according to the elders that marking ceremony hurts like hell.

"Well, how about you? How's the marking?" Natsu asked curiously.

Sebastian grinned and then put his index finger on his lips. "It's better for you to find out~"

They are about to react when Sebastian added, "but if you decided to be marked, you better not let anyone approach him for five to seven days."

"Why?" Blaze asked, worriedly.

"He will fell into a deep slumber." Sebastian responded, gloomy.

"How many days is yours?" Natsu asked again nervously.

"Five days. It really made me and the whole kingdom go into a crazy spree because we are clueless at all. But he woke up at the end of the fifth day." Sebastian responded once more.

Blaze watched Sebastian return to Bai Ying's side to adjust the robe covering the young man. He felt something wants to invade his head and heart while looking at Sebastian's hands brushing against his mate. He knows what it is and he already made his choice after he smelled Bai Ying, and that is to make him his.


To be Continued...

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