The Arrival of a Prince

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December 10, 2022

We go into the women's iron survivor match where we are down to the least few minutes and when the last entrance was about to be under way with Indi about to make her way to gorilla the camera catches Indi getting jumped by a masked women. We then see the masked women go to the ring and gets and hits a shining Wizard on Cora Jade and pin for the win and the masked women stands up and revels herself to be Fallon Henley.

But what shocked the crowd is what happens next is that in the men's Iron match we see the four members in the ring and then we here a count down as all four are on the ground we then see the arena go dark and we here a new entrance music and a new face enter the arena.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We then see Ashton Haller walk out of the curtain and the crowd losing their minds. Ashton then walks down to the ring enters and grabs Joe by the face throwing him into the ropes and hitting a massive scoop slam. Ashton then hits a massive clothesline to JD and then hits Grayson with a DDT with having him on his back.

Ashton then hits a running blockbuster to Carmelo.

Ashton then grabs Joe and JD and lifts them on his shoulders and hits a massive The Fallen Hammer to both of them.

Ashton then hits a massive and hard forearm to the back of Grayson's head and as they all roll out Ashton grabs the back of Carmelo's arms and lines up The Stolen Throne and hits it for the pin and the win.

Ashton then asks for a mic and is given one.

Ashton: "Who ever wins the next match I will personally walk out to the ring shake your hands and look you in the eyes when I take your title and not feel sorry about it at all. This is not a threat boys this is a promise."

We then cut to the finish for the world championship match where Bron hits a spear on Apollo and pins for the win. As soon as Bron was handed his title his music didn't play but a entrance music that was played earlier in the night.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton comes out still in his ring gear after his match. Ashton walks out to the ring and gets in with a mic and stares at bron.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton: "That is what professional wrestling is all about, out off all of the champions we have in this company I chose you out of everybody. I mean I'm not going to tell you all but I think that match deserves a standing ovation and by the way you all are now I think you agree. Ok, now I see you looking at this so let's get to business I told everyone here in the back and everyone watching when I turn this in for my shot I will look you in the eyes, stand across from you and shake your hand. In one months time I'm going to turn this in and get my shot at that and I want you to shake my hand saying you accept my challenge."

Bron shook Ashton's hand and as Bron was getting out of the ring with Cora waiting at the top of the ramp. Ashton attacked him from behind, knocking him silly right in front of his girlfriend , and then smashed him repeatedly with a steel chair while Cora begged him to stop. He then zip-tied Bron's hand to the bottom rope and reminded him that even though he had kept his word about giving Bron advance warning as to when he would cash in. Ashton looked like he was going to hit Bron with the chair yet again, but instead he grabbed Cora and pulled her down the ramp by her hair and to the ringside floor. As Bron screamed at him, Ashton threatened to Piledrive Cora on the concrete floor unless and until Bron handed him his title bet. Bron had no choice but to relent and he gave Ashton the belt. Ashton then menaced them some more before walking away to the boos of the crowd.

As Ashton was walking up the ramp he turned around and saw Shawn Michaels walking down as Ashton now walks around the ring. Shawn is pissed and is being told by refs to back up but he is throwing them everywhere. Once Shawn got into the ring Ashton on the steps grabs a mic from the ring announcer.

Ashton: Shawn you are right I am a piece of Fucking shit but you are the piece of shit that hired me. Remember that.

As Ashton was walking up the ring he walked to the back. Where in the back we see Brooke and Jenson trying to figure out with Fallon did tonight but she didn't get to say anything as Ashton walks up to the three.

Ashton: What seems to be the problem here you two.

Brooke: Get out of here you have no business with us.

Jenson: Yeah you have nothing to do with this.

Ashton: You see you two you know what I see? Is two men surrounding a women who took opportunity Something the two idiots in front of me can't figure out to do. So be nice men and fucking leave or I'll make you two leave.

Brooke: I see two of us and one of you.

Ashton: Ok how about this on Tuesday Me and a partner of mine vs you two ok?

Brooke: Your on.

Ashton: Good night then.

December 13, 2022 NXT

We then get to NXT where it will be a six man tag instead of a normal tag team match. We see Brooke, Jenson, and Apollo with Fallon in their corner waiting on Ashton and his partners. We then see Ashton walk onto the ramp and Ashton walks out with a mic in his hand.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton: Boys with all three of you in the ring and me by myself you think that right after what I did to our so called champion. I'll let you guys know I am not alone you see the prince always travel with backup. So welcome to my Kingdom boys.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton then steps aside and two men come out and the crowd loses their minds about who came out it was Vincent and Dutch from ROH but both of them walk behind Ashton and look ready for a fight.

As the match got under way Vincent and Apollo started the match almost equally match throughout the whole match we then see something unthinkable happen. We see Brooke hit Dutch and the referee with a double splash into the corner. We then see Ashton slide into the ring with brass knuckles but the Fallon gets into the ring and blocks Brooke from hitting Ashton with her trying to get the brass knuckles. Until she turns around and low blow to Brooke smiling as Ashton then lifts him up for  The Broken and hits it after Fallon throws a chair under him.

Ashton then yells at Vincent and Dutch to end this so both enter the ring and set Brooke up for the House of 1000 Curses. With Vincent pinning for the win.

Ashton grabs a mic as all four of the Kingdom members stand in the ring after the victory.

Ashton: You see this? I have been the Bastard Prince since I haven't been given the respect of this business. So I went to find people like me who have been chewed up and spit out like me. First off Vincent a man who has been at the top of his career for the last 4 years and hasn't won many titles due to creative thinking others are more suited for the titles. Then their is Dutch a man who has been overlooked due to his looks but not no more these two are the knights to my dark kingdom while we have the queen of Spades Fallon Henley a woman who has won my heart and also a women who knows how to take a opportunity when handed it. I have grabbed these three out of the darkness of the business and brought them into the fucking light and they will take everything away like me. So this is a warning to everyone more will come with this kingdom soon we will rule this brand with a iron fist. Don't question what we do but I warn everyone of this either step up and fight against us and try or get stepped on because we don't give a flying fuck.

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