Chapter Seven

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POV: Maxon
Sighing contently, I stared deep into her crystal blue gaze. Our faces where inches apart, yet those few inches felt like miles . I love her. I know I do....but does she love me? Hiding my uncertainty with a smile, I work up my courage. "America." I whisper softly. "Yes?" She responds with an equal amount of  passion in her voice. I start to lean in when another flicker of doubt flashes through me. Will she be offended? I definitely don't want to reenact that scene in the garden! I'm hurting just thinking about it. I decide to play it safe, and not rush. I don't want to rush her. She had asked for time after all.
"Do you want to dance?"
" When I dance, I look like an oaf!" She retorted.
"To me, you dance perfectly, my dear." I respond calmly and slowly. "And besides, no one will see, even if you mess up." Her face crinkles up in a cute way, her delicate nose scrunching up. Finally, her eyes light up with amusement. Curtsying, she says " Oh course, your majesty." She empathized 'your majesty' in such a funny way that I chuckled. Offering her my arm I prompted, " My lady" smiling back I lead her across the roof. Stopping in the middle, I pull her in and we hold each other. I put my chin gently on her head, as she snuggles into my suit, neither of us caring about how wet we where getting.
  Then we began to dance. The little 'plip' 'plop' of each rain drop on the tin roof  was our music. The dance was ours. And the moment was right. Pulling her back slightly, I look her in the eyes. I see so many things flicker in them-in her two eyes, I see the world. Or, more preciously, our world. I watch as we get married, have kids, rule the kingdom, and get old. I watch my life unfold with hers, almost as if I'm in a fairytale. I silently scold myself for getting so lost in her, so caught up, when I didn't even know if she loved me back. Unable to resist, I cautiously lean in and go for a kiss. Our lips meet, hers dampened by the rain that falls around us. She engulfs me, leaving me drowning in her vanilla sent. Her kisses where shy at first, almost teasing. Then, she got a little bolder, and bolder, leaving us kissing without taking a breath, the lack of oxygen leaving me with both a dizzying and thrilling effect. I never wanted to stop.
Out of nowhere I hear an deafening "BANG!" Her head sharply jerks back at an odd angle upon contact, and she heavily falls to the ground.I look on in horror as blood seeps out of the back of her head. I've no choice but to watch helplessly as she bleeds out completely, or leave her alone the last minutes of her life searching for help that would only come too late. For I'd been trained for battle, and have seen enough wounds to know she'd been struck in a vital.  "America!" I shout "America!" 
         She suddenly stiffens and sits up ever so slowly. A haunted look in her eyes, like death itself. I watch, mortified, as she begins to speak in a cold and distant voice"This is all your fault Maxon. I wouldn't have died if you protected me better." My stomach plummets as she says my deepest fears"All your fault Maxon, Maxon. Maxon!
I jolt awake, drenched in sweat. I blink at the light flooding in my room, and through my squinted eyes I spot father by the door. He is wearing a dark blue suit, everything matching from his tie to his tawny brown shoes. He'd even found a crown with silver and diamonds to complete the outfit.
Sternly, with barely suppressed politeness, he states cooly " I went down to breakfast, expecting to see you there, and you weren't.Your mother assured me that you where probably upstairs working. So I head upstairs, ready to pick my 'hard-working darling son' up for the execution-"
" Wait, the execution, it's happening now?" I stutter, nervousness and a strange pang of guilt coursing through me.
"Well yeah Maxon, you have about five minutes to get ready, so if I were you, I'd hurry up." And with that he spins and starts to walk away, but then stops and turns back to me "I'll meet you in the Great Hall with your mom. Be on time." And although he said this with the same distant voice as the other words, something about this made the muscles of my back tense. Was that a hidden threat? My heart stops and I'm unable to keep move for a second. Then I jump out of bed, run to my closet, and through on my black suit for today, and my bronze crown, and comb my hair in what I hope is an acceptable way. I almost take off running, before I reason with myself: if I run, my suit will be wrinkled, and then I'd get a worse beating from father then if I was late. So I walk in my briskest pace, and reach the Great Hall just in time to walk out the grand doors of the palace, sandwiched in between mom and Kriss. They were both wearing dark green, almost emerald, dresses with black sweaters, and lacy veils. I looked over to Kriss, who smiled encouragingly at me. I feel bad for her, in a way. I don't love her, but she thinks I do. I didn't want to pick her, but she thinks I did. She's just another poor subject of my father that's been manipulated for his benefit. I manage a weak smile in response to hers as we step foot out of the grandness of the castle, toward the makeshift stage where the execution was to take place. For some reason, that same uneasy feeling from the night before forced itself into my mind. I gulped. Something is definitely wrong.....
Sorry I took so long, I've been very busy lately! Thxs for reading! 😀 Also, I'm sorry that I didn't follow the exact plot of the 'rain dance' scene. I kinda just added some pieces here and there that I thought would go well😀😀!!

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