Chapter Three

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POV: Maxon
It's odd that something so bad can happen in the span of about 5 seconds. I feel like we should make a new law or something ' the universe must henceforth give a valid warning before acting too drastically.'Or something like that.
"Honey,-" the queen starts, with a concerned  look in her eye, and the rational side of me tells myself to put on a calm face, hold back the tears, wait until the camera is gone....Who cares that your love died, why don't you answer our next question? The camera seemingly mocks me from the corner. Just as it has my whole life.
" NO!"I scream as loud as my heart does, torn and defected. " You're LYING!" As I say this, I know that they can't be lying, she would have been with them. Still, a small part of me clings, hopes, lingers.I feel myself start to shake as tears burst in the corners of my eyes. For once I let them fall.
"Your lying." I whimper out, my statement having a questioning tone to it. I look up into my mother's eyes as she slowly walks across the room toward me with sadness in her eyes and my unasked question is answered. That tiny bit of hope in me simmers out, leaving me utterly defeated and alone. This is all my fault! I should have gone with her! I should have bloody caries her! I shouldn't have ever let her out of my sight! She was supposed to live, and I die! Very suddenly I recalled my conversation with him as I lay on the ground.
Coughing up blood, I stated. "Take care of her. Whatever happens, she lives." I looked him in the eye and could see that he would, with his life.
That ****ing B******d looked me in the eye! In the eye!! Whipping the queen's hand from my shoulder, I spun, rounding on him.
"You promised!"  " You ****ing swore on it!"
" This is all your fault! You!Are!The!Reason! She's-she's-DEAD!" I spat harshly at him. He seemed to shrink more and more before my face as every syllable was formed. Not that I cared. Not in the least. I'm pretty sure everyone is looking at me as though a mad man right now, but none of that matters. Maybe I am. Let my father whip me a thousand times, nothing could hurt as much as my breaking heart.
" Now you stay away from me Aspen Ledger, or you don't know what will come your way!"
I lash out. He's broken her heart, has had her cheat on me, and now, on his watch, she dies! I would kill him, right here right now, if America hadn't loved him so. If she hadn't..... That's going to take some getting used to.He seems to sense my death wishes and backs away quickly, disappearing from the room.
"H-How?" I mutter, barely louder then a whisper, all of my furry gone, replaced by a hollow feeling. She was my life, my light, the reason I live. Even though 99.9% of me repels at the thought of it, the other one percent of me must know. I must learn how we died, even if only to seek revenge. For not only did America die, but I went with her. I might as well have anyway.There is nothing left for me on this world now...
      No one says anything for a second, before father speaks up.  "I saw it." He takes a gulp. For once his face looks genuine, but it might just be from the horror of seeing her brutally murder.
" I was running down the hall." He starts. " when I saw her and Officer Ledger running down at the opposite end. Suddenly, a figure ran out behind him, swinging its gun and knocking him out. Then it turned to America." He paused "A-and stabbed her right through the the heart." He finished, an almost sad look on his face. My tears fall more frequently, blinding my vision completely.
"We caught her, Maxon."
"Caught the rebel"
I gave him a quizzical look.
" The one that killed America."
Please Comment!!!! I want to improve my writing!!!!!! I'll try updating soon! Please vote if you think this is good. If you don't like it, please tell me why!

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