Chapter 5: The Little Princess

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After the incident had taken place, the whole Louisville had an alert awareness spread around, every person entering the kingdom would be checked thoroughly & only then be allowed to enter, the security was doubled around the kingdom.

The queen was in a great trauma since the night of lantern festival as the incident kept on haunting in her nightmares, she was scared that she might loose the most precious thing of her life any time soon.


7 months later.....

King Jade's POV:

I was feeling so restless, overwhelming, happy & all sought of mixed feelings at once within me, as it was time for lily to give birth to our child & here I was fiddling with my fingers walking up & down in the corridor.

After a lot of patience time passed which looked like an decade soon the door flung open, out came the care taker Mrs. Vinci & at once she said its a girl nothing could I say but only in a whisper tone...

"my angel".. Slipped from my mouth.

And further not able to calm my senses down! I quickly made my way in & on entering heard the babies loud cry giving pleasure to my ear my baby I mentally told myself & soon a wide smile spread across my face along with tears emerging at the corner of my eyes, in came insight lily lying on the bed with a smile on her face & a little princess laying in her arms side ways.

No more crying I calmed myself. I sat beside her bed sighting me I could see lily's bright sparkling eyes going teary for the sake of happiness.

Sometimes gestures can talk louder than words so I passed a gentle kiss on her forehead just to soothen her for the joy we were sharing & by now my eyes too caught tears.

I soon took the Angel in my arms carefully & saw a smile across her lips, she was angelic her features revealing her mother's eye's, cute little nose with a small petal like lips & reddish cheeks she was all so adorable my baby I said & kissed her forehead & soon the angel closed her eyes into a deep sleep, I could feel her soft breaths it was magical.

Lily's POV:

My baby was all 2 weeks old & i still wonder as if it was like.. I trialed off the words thinking, I feel it was just yesterday when I came to know that I am soon to be a mother & now I am blessed with the most beautifully baby beside me.

I was standing in the balcony attached to our room thank full to have my lovely family besides, soon Edward came running towards me pinning my gown I quickly looked down.

"Can i please play with my little sister for a while...???" , he said in his childish tone difficult to spell out every word clearly.

Sure but unless & until u do not lift her or make her cry, I warned pointing my one finger to him and he quickly nodded & i led my way in with him to the inner room.

The little princess baby was beautiful & so adorable blessed with all the bounties of angelic looks just like an angel herself.

Today was the evening for the celebration of everyone the whole Louisville & the King's & Queen's of the other kingdom to come see the little princess & shower their blessings on the little angel.

But some where deep down in my heart the feeling of something precious would be soon snatched away from me haunts me every now & then which makes me total restless.

I saw my children playing in the bed where as the little angel was lying on bed & the elder brother who is actually not that elder was behaving as though a perfect brother.

Edward shows her toys or make funny faces just to make his sister laugh heartily & the little princess all behaving like an ignorant sister while Edward would hide his face behind his palms she would frown & while he shows up his face playing pika boo she would laugh & giggle in her childish tone which was just a melody to hear which literally made my heart swell in happiness and felt relax instantly.

I soon approached them kissed Edward & the little baby on their forehead & soon as i kiss them I can feel them smiling, I then slide the ring which the fairy god mother had given us approaching the dressing closet I quickly picked up a chain & slide the ring within it & placed it around the baby princess neck, just felt like taking away the little baby, Edward & run away with jade from all the chaos and the disturbance I am going through around.

I just prayed inwardly so that me & my family would all be safe, but still seeing the little princess my heart churns I do not know why? Why? I was battling with my own thoughts.

Finally the day passes by and the celebration event had taken place, everything around was beautifully decorated with orchid & lily flowers looking all mesmerizing by the view it was a really grand celebration with big fat foods with many people and children around, obvious to be it's a king's daughter celebrations held and jade is the bestest father were he would do anything in their name.

The king jade & i had seated in the thrown while Edward seated on jade's lap & to a little distance to us was a beautiful cradle placed decorated with flowers glitters and in there was the little princess placed in her golden attire looking so adorable.

All the other kingdom's kings & queens had already arrived & were all doing the pleasures of blessing the baby with loads of love, wishes & gifts too. It was a long session going on already.

I was still having that vulnerable feeling going on within me & soon we all heard a loud of burst out & all at once panicked & were making there way out to from the other way out to escape and jade hurriedly grabbed my hand & we ran towards the cradle & quickly embraced my baby and moved out to the other way safely with the soldiers to a distance place from the castle & soon jade going all furious was at a verge of killing his men for being careless as they told they have no idea how there was fire around the palace & instructed them to help the others in there who are in trouble just because of there irresponsible behaviour, they soon left us even after they had to be there for the king & queen but Jade wouldn't allow as in because many a life was in may be danger in there.

We went to the ware house or a broken house adjacent to the river side, i took my kids in and I cuddled my baby & my child Edward as in thanking for them to be all safe, from no where there came zoran's voice outside I quickly made my way out & could see both zoran & jade facing each other with nothing but full of hatred in their eye's.

No doubt!! So it was all you which caused us such a lot of trouble, jade questions out.

With a loud sarcastic laugh zoran says, yes whose else pleasure could it either be.

What do you need? Why don't you leave us alone? Jade asked him out with disgust.

I want nothing but all what is yours, especially wife of yours, he said it looking straight into my eye's.

I felt like punching his face hard until he bleeds...

I could see jade tightened his fist..

Groaning hardly jade took his sword and approached him, I quickly placed the little baby in the old basket which was placed in there and instructed Edward to stay there beside her beloved sister, approaching them I could see they were firing back on each other where the zoran would vanish when jade approaches him, & he on the other side zoran's power can not even touch jade because of the ring he possess.

He the zoran was playing fool around, anger boiled within me looking for something around I spotted a broken log grabbing it i took hold of it and felt a lot heavier more than I even thought holding a broken log which I caught near by I moved towards him, on noticing me he said with a sarcastic laugh that stick thing can definitely not harm me with that he quickly did some of his magic on me which almost made me flew backwards and I was literally thrown away with the death experiencing pain within me which I had never ever felt it before.

Zoran's POV:

I knew!! In fact I was sure lily & jade both had some intimate power's where nothing could harm them, so just without thinking any further I just did my magic on her to my utter shock the magic just worked on her she flew backwards & was almost thrown back hard enough which made my heart tore apart into pieces & i on return felt a great pang of regret deep down in my heart seeing her I was never like that why are things making me sick making me weak I had already lost someone whom I care for and I can't afford to loose the one whom I care anymore even if she is related to my enemy I felt ashamed regret full for my act so I choose the best way which was to just run away from all the chaos going around couldn't see her in pain which was given by me, I ran out with heavy heart full of nothing but regret & shame within me.

King Jade's POV:

Before I could even catch hold up off him he went away in the wind in no time, I just wanted to kill him then & there, I quickly hurried & made my way to lily who was lying on the grass with all dust around her clothes all exhausted laying motionless my heart churned on sighting the view of my love in such horrible condition.

I quickly kneeled beside and took her head & placed it on my lap kneeling and nudging her cheeks to wake her up.

Slowly, she winced squinting her eyes mumbling something under her breath, I caressed her cheeks & hugged her tight as I was so sacred of loosing her, & now I felt a bit relieved to have her on my arms all save.

I helped her sit straight on her back & Edward came hugging his mom sobbing fear evident in his face lily caressed him & soothened him & asked him where is the little princess & he just pointed near the ware house I helped lily stand by helding her by her waist Edward followed us & made our way & on reaching near by we found nothing but baskets, horror evident on Lily's face she didn't pay heed to her wounds she has & there she shouted out loud on top of her lungs crying loudly i gently caressed her back & saw were she was pointing towards, on sighting I saw a basket upside down on the river & the toy which the little princess had was floating beside couldn't hold I screamed & cried loudly, lily cried even more and later ran through the river water splashing around to find our child I quickly grab hold of her hand & prevented her from going any further we fell there in the grass near the river at once but she was broken & so was I broken.

Edward coming towards us stood by my side keeping his hand over my shoulder gently asked me in his innocent voice.

Why are you crying? Why is mom crying? & Where is the little princess? Where is my sister?

I couldn't answer him anything anymore he kept on nudging me twice & repeated the same questions feeling all frustrated at once I scowled at him.

Your sister is dead...!!! in between my loud sobs... I repeated more to myself.

She is no more!!
She is dead!!
She is dead!


1 year later

King Jade's POV:

I was all alone walking through the court yard, so lost in all my thoughts that it was clear I never had a peace of mind even for a while from past one year.

Everything was changed in past one year lily lived a life of a stone she wasn't lively as she was anymore.

She doesn't interact much she had broke all her relation with the fairies as well she blames them as well for our babies death & i know it was only zoran who should be blamed & accused for.

She isolated herself more of the time & almost all the time, Edward was sent to his school of warrior & visited us only once in a while.

Only then we could see some smile on Lily's face she would forget all her pains & laugh heartily only around Edward.

My kingdom and the people were not the same some where everyone was busy with all their jobs but still the loss of the princess life would make everyone feel glum & it was all because of only zoran I would never spare him I thought to myself igniting my nerves.

I would for one day surely find and kill him for sure he will have to pay for it, for snatching away the happiness from my life & he will pay for sure I'll make him pay for it if not..

I came back to senses when I heard lily's giggles her laughs, I was standing leaning over the door & there lily & Edward was sitting on the carpet playing & talking to each other for such a long time.

I could see Lily's eyes sparkling with joy & a bit teary because of excessive laughing she brushed off her tears from the corner of her eyes.

Edward was playing with a cushion talking about his school & random stuff's with his mom, he was rumouring over his toys as well, when ever he visits he would take all his toys play & make his room a huge toy store, his hands stopped & a frown appeared on his face I noticed he was holding the toy which the princess used to play & keep with her all the time & which was the last toy we saw floating on the river on that terrible day.

He held the toy for a few seconds caressing his fingers through it and turned towards lily to ask will ever the princess come back to us??

Suddenly Lily's gaze turned towards him & I could see her uncomfortableness her facial muscles tensed as if she would any time break down, she quickly stood & turned towards the door way finding me towards there and an tear instantly rolled down her lash line & with heavy foot steps she made her way out without answering Edward even a single word.

I could feel my short breaths felt so suffocated at once, but managed myself in front of Edward he came running towards me I kneeled down & embraced him into a warm hug tears where rolling down as if there is no end of it.. I could sense even Edward in little sobs.

I broke apart wipping my tears and tried to cheer him up gesturing him to play something but in vain he paid no heed to my words, his face now all wet with tears & glumness and he once again in a hurried movements hugged me back tightly and i tighten my grip around him patting his back trying to comfort him.

Edward had stored all his sister's toys as well he would always take it out and just stare at those for hours as if he can see her in those toys, he was too small for all this to even bare, I know how much he love his sister so everything of her's is yet saved by him more than lily..

Queen Lily's POV:

I really was living a lifeless life, the thought of mere loosing my precious thing of my life I already had known which was so strong still I dared to leave my children alone there in the ware house. I never knew that was the last time I'll be seeing her & will never see her again.

I wish I knew it...
I wish I knew it...
I was in loud sobs now almost

I just wish I could go back in the past and hopefully set everything right at once..

I just wish I can...

I could still feel as if its right in front of me the ware house, Edward, my princess, the river, the basket, the toy & my bare arms.

No matter what, I will never be able to forgive zoran I know only he might be the cause of my babies life, that's why he gave us the pain for the life & went away never bothered to turn again, he knew how to break us down completely this was something which would break us into pieces and to which nothing can rejoin us.

May be he was even aware of it that if he is to be seen again he is gonna be killed where found & that's why he didn't dare to show up again.

I knew how much jade is going through as well but he never shows up.

He pretends as if he is too strong but he can seriously not hide anything what his eyes behold the untold pain. I can sense how broken he himself is but always tries to console & takes care of me & Edward so well I would like to help him but I seriously can may be never do that so.

I had isolated myself so much after the incident, my babies death was the only shock I still have, even the ring didn't help us the either way, so I just took the ring from jade and threw away deep down in the water where my baby was drowned, I had broken all my relations with the fairies with my Laura too I feel a void in my heart still what they did to my child was something which I can never forgive them & warned them not to even try coming near me ever again so they left & would surely never return as I wanted if they can't help & save my child they have no rights to stay with us anymore no more.

Sometimes I wake up in the mid night & feel as though my baby is beside me, I dream her with me, somewhere deep down in my heart I still have a ray of hope of my little princess in my arms laughing & playing all lively whole heartedly which swells my heart with happiness, may be i am a total fool or something but still when I come back to reality my heart, my life, my mind all goes lifeless and pale as a dried leaf falling in the ground & blewed to elsewhere with the ways of wind passing by, no strength, no life & with no colors in life.


So how was the chapi my 'Choco Pie's'....????

Hope you all would like it..

Thanks for all the votes & comments.. My lovely readers opps my Choco Pie's I mean : ) : )

And here special thanks to @pretty_mexx isn't it sooo sweet. I mean so humble as well. She liked my story & yesterday she made a cover for me, I am so overwhelmed with happiness now she's so pretty sweet.. It was a lovely surprise.. I really appreciate your work your awesome at it.

Thank you once again..

Cover pic dedicated to me by @pretty_mexx
*smiling ear to ear behind the screen*

Keep voting & commenting that motivates me to write more.. : )

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