• Part Eight •

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Y/n pov still.

I have never met my mother.. But hearing how amazing she was, I wish she was still here. Things wouldn't be like they are right now if she was here.

I mean, I have heard that my father has always been mean and cold as long as people could remember. But he was different around her.. Or so they say...

I now noticed the fox was watching me attentively, and I remembered I told him to promise me.

Of course he didn't actually promise me. But I put my hand out and he put his right paw on my hand.

I was mind blown honestly. This fox is like a house pet or something. I wonder what his story is.

After a few seconds, I stood up, and started walking.

The fox was following me. I didn't look back, but I could hear his little feet on the leaves.

I let the breeze blow through my hair, and I took a deep breath of the fresh air. Then I chose a nice spot in the flowers, lied down, and looked up at the stars.

The flowers surrounding me were many different colors, but I couldn't tell what colors exactly since the only light came from the stars.

Then the fox came trotting through some flowers and then stood next to my side while looking into my eyes.

"Hey love, look at the stars!" I said as I pulled him on me, and wrapped my arms around his soft orange fur, then pointed to the lovely sky. "You can't see the pretty stars from the castle..."

Third person pov.

Yeonjun was always very shocked whenever Y/n would touch him suddenly. Since after all, no human had ever touched him in years unless they planned on skinning him for his hide that is very pricey and popular for citizens to wear nowadays..

However, Y/n's touch didn't really frighten him too much. Instead it made him feel loved, and happy. Just like the touches and hugs he used to receive when he was younger.

And, at this moment, Y/n was lying down on her back with her arms around Yeonjun who she had lifted on top of her.

This cuddle felt so loving to him. He never wanted to stop cuddling her under the stars.

Even his stomach started getting a few butterflies.

He then rested his head on her shoulder. He could feel every breath she took, and every heartbeat.

He felt safe and relaxed.

Usually at night he would be worried if an annoying bear might try and eat him while he was asleep, but with Y/n, now his troubles and fears all just faded away...

Y/n now poined to the sky, "Oh love, look! It's a shooting star!" She suddenly gasped. "Let's make a wish!"

Yeonjun certainly did make a wish:
I wish to find my soulmate soon, and fall in love so I may be human again.

And so did Y/n:
I wish that my father could stop being so cold.. And stop forcing me to be next in line for royalty..

After silently making their wishes, Y/n wrapped her arms around Yeonjun again.

Y/n felt very free and happy where she was; in the forest. Underneath the stars with her fox friend. She didn't feel like returning back to the castle. She didn't care right now. She might be mad at herself in the morning, but right now, she is going to let herself stay here until she falls asleep.

Yeonjun fell asleep sooner than Y/n. But she also fell asleep some minutes later...

Yeonjun pov.

I woke up and I slowly opened my eyes and I saw I was lying in a field of dead flowers.

I quickly stood up on my four fox legs and took a look around.

Where am I?

This field looks familiar..

It suddenly struck me, where I was standing. This was the same field of flowers I used to play in. Where I used to chase Steve around. And where I cuddled the girl who visits me..

I looked around again and didn't see her anywhere.

Why did the flowers all die?

I then decided to see what was going on, so I ran over to the Maple tree which was the only thing left standing where my home used to be before the massacre..

It wasn't very far. And once I was closer, I smelled something familiar. But not a good familiar. It was the smell of smoke.

I ran faster towards the smell and I stopped when I saw something strange..
It was the village I was born in..? And it was in flames.
But, why is it here? It already burned down so many years ago, and the rest had already decayed.

As I watched, suddenly I heard a familiar scream, "Yeonjun! Run away! Go save yourself! Now!"

Mama?! Where is she?

I was of course unable to speak since I was still stuck in fox form. But I felt like crying. Even though being a fox, means being unable to actually cry.

Instead, I decided to go find my mother. I won't let her die this time. And this feels too real to be a dream..

I began running again towards my old home. But then a big, shiny black raven landed in front of me which caused me to halt quickly so I wouldn't run into it.

But unexpectedly, the raven shifted into a human..

A familiar woman with a black dress stood in front of me now.

This woman was the witch who had cursed me!

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