• Part Thirty Four •

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Y/n pov.

I stretched my fingers across the cold sheets. My eyes still shut. Though I was tired, I couldn't sleep. Not even for a second.

Ever since I returned from the forest with Sunghoon and Yeonjun, I just couldn't think about anything else. The fact that I was seconds away from being crushed, was frightening.

I wonder if Yeonjun feels the same way..

Finally, I had enough lying here, unable to sleep. I climbed out of bed. Barefoot and in my night dress.

I slipped out of my room. It was definitely after midnight. So everyone was fast asleep.

I tiptoed through the hall, being sure to be quiet. And soon, I got to the balcony. It wasn't far from my room.

After arriving, I leaned over the balcony rail and took a deep breath of the cool air. The stars were bright and the moon was full. I could hear crickets, and wolves howling in the far distance.

This certainly was helpful. Easing my stress and anxiety.

"Y/n?" I heard Yeonjun's voice behind me. So I turned around.

His tall, handsome figure stood in the shadow, and then stepped forward, revealing his smiling face in the moonlight.

"Yeonjun." I smiled. "You can't sleep either?"

Yeonjun nodded. "Yeah.. My mind was thinking about a ton of things.."

"Like what? If you don't mind me asking."

Yeonjun stepped forward and leaned against the railing next to her.

"Well, the fact that we both almost got crushed. And also, I was thinking of what I should do now with my life." He smiled again and looked up at the moon.

"What do you mean?" I leaned farther forward to look at his face. Which looked very handsome, and flawless.

"Well, I can't live in this castle forever. It's my nature to live in a smaller space in the forest. Don't get me wrong, this castle is gorgeous. But I want to feel the grass under my feet when I walk out my front door. To be woken up by the birds singing on my windowsill." He was still smiling. Daydreaming about the forest.

I frowned. What Yeonjun was describing sounded like my dreams.

"Yeonjun.... Are you leaving? When?" I felt a pang of disappointment in my heart. I had already became good friends with him. We had lots in common and I didn't want him to go.

"Yes. I am leaving." He chuckled. "But not yet."

"Well.." I nervously glanced at the moon. "You can stay here as long as you like..."

"Thank you." Was his simple answer.

After a few moments of non-awkward silence between us, I spoke up. Both of us still looking at the moon and stars.

"Hmm... I wish I could go."

Yeonjun chuckled and turned to look at me.

"Why don't you come? I wouldn't mind having you tag along. I'd get lonely and have to visit you anyway. But if you came, then we could always explore together, and go fishing, feed baby birds." He smiled, counting the possible things we could do, on his fingers.

I signed and looked back into Yeonjun's eyes.

"I can't.. I'm being crowded queen in a few weeks. It's my duty to be here..."

Yeonjun shook his head. Still smiling.

"What about Sunghoon? He's a prince. That's why you were supposed to marry him. He was the one who was supposed to be the king in the first place. And you know him better than me, but I've never heard him complain from the time I've known him. I think he'd like it, and he'd do great at it."

I turned again and looked at the moon, thinking about his words. After a few minutes, I spoke again.

"I... I don't know.. I'm not sure yet.. Leaving my home sounds a bit frightening."

"I understand that." I looked back at him and noticed a slight sadness in his eyes.

I felt a bit guilty. I knew he was thinking about the time he was forced to leave his home. But I remained quiet.

After a few more minutes, Yeonjun smiled again and pointed to the sky.

I looked, and saw a shooting star.

"Make a wish." He smiled and then closed his eyes.

I did the same.

I wish that Yeonjun won't leave without me.

After making my wish, I felt my cheeks heat up.

What?? Why did I wish that?

Yeonjun pov.

I closed my eyes tightly and made my wish.

I wish that Y/n will come with me.

I opened my eyes and looked at Y/n, who's cheeks were a light shade of pink.

"Did you make a nice wish, Y/n?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yes I did. Did you?"

I nodded as well.

There was nothing I wanted to do more, than to grab her small, soft hand that rested on the railing. But I resisted the urge.

I looked at the beautiful sky and started daydreaming about living in the lovely forest with Y/n. Imagining a picnic by a lake, swimming in the cool water, painting beautiful portraits on the walls of the house.

Suddenly, I was brought out of my daydreaming when Y/n's tiny arms wrapped around me.

"Thank you Yeonjun... Thank you for everything."

I turned and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. Her arms around my waist and her head over my chest. I rested my chin on her head.

"Thanks for what?" I asked, slightly chuckling.

"For saving me. For being nice to me even though I was mean to you and locked you up."

I smiled. Feeling a mix of amusement and flattery.

"No need to thank me. I knew you'd believe me someday."

I tried to act relaxed and normal. But my heartbeat was so fast, I wondered if she could hear, or feel it. And butterflies. A whole zoo of them.

I'd save you many more times, love.. I thought, but didn't say out loud.

The two of us remained hugging for a while, until we both started getting sleepy. And headed to our own bedrooms.

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