• Part Thirty Seven (end) •

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Y/n was taken off guard a bit.

But she'd be lying if she said she didn't want to go sooner rather than later.

"N- now?" She asked, making sure he was serious.

He nodded. "Yes. Or whenever is fine. Whenever you're ready."

She thought for a moment. Considering it.

Would it make a difference if I went now, or later?

The sooner would be better...

Before anyone would find out and try to convince me to stay.

How far away will we go?

"Yeah. Now would be great." She smiled. "But one question... Where will we go?"

The thought of leaving was scary and it would always be scary. She had to just face her fears. She had Yeonjun after all.

Yeonjun smiled brightly at her answer.

"Wonderful." He looked into her eyes. His heartbeat racing just as much as hers. "And.. I want to go to this lovely place near a big, pretty lake.. about a day or two walk on foot."

That was... Pretty far.

They kept eye contact for a moment. Then Yeonjun spoke.

"Let's get ready. Do you have anything you wish to bring?"

Y/n thought for a bit before nodding.

"Nothing much. But I need to write something."

Yeonjun nodded. "Good idea."


When they reached her room, Y/n took a piece of paper and a feather pen and started writing a long letter for Sunghoon and her other friends.

She was getting emotional as she wrote letters she put her heart into. Thanking people she never thanked when she should have.

Yeonjun was on her bed, fiddling his thumbs as she sat at her desk and wrote. He suddenly heard her sniffling, and knew she must be getting emotional.

Y/n rolled up the paper, stood up, and turned around, facing Yeonjun.

He looked into her blood shot eyes. He felt a pang of guilt for her.

"You're so brave, Y/n.." he spoke, his voice soft and understanding as he stood up.

She wiped a tear that fell down her cheek, then took a few steps forward and wrapped her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest.

He was thrown off gaurd by her sudden hug. But he wrapped his arms around her too, and hugged her tightly.

His heartbeat was beating faster and so was hers.

"It's okay, Y/n... You can cry.. get it all out." He whispered.

..Y/n did so. She cried until all her tears were out. Leaving her with a headache, but she felt a little better about leaving. And better about all the crazy events that happened in a year.

She pulled away from Yeonjun and then grabbed her shawl that was hanging over her chair at her desk.

"I'm ready..." She said confidently.

Yeonjun smiled. "Good.. Let's go," he reached his hand out. And then immediately wondering if it was an okay thing to do or not.

But she smiled and took his hand, making him blush.

They walked together through the halls. Y/n looked at every detail of every statue, every curve, or dent in the wall. Memorizing everything, for she didn't know if she'd see it again.

Yeonjun, however, was already imagining life in the forest with Y/n.

He wanted to build the most lovely little cottage for the two of them.

BUT, he needed Y/n to be comfortable with living with him in a cottage.

He needed to ask her an important question before they went to the forest.

But he wanted to wait a little longer.

When they reached the castle doors, and stepped out, Yeonjun squeezed her hand and looked at her.

"You know... You can always come back to visit. So don't worry about never seeing this place again. Or your friends."

Y/n smiled. Yeonjun was right. She could visit as long as they didn't go too far away.

"You're right... I'm so glad to go with you. Out of everyone I know."

They continued walking together. Yeonjun's heart beating so fast because of her words. The way she held his hand. It was driving him insane.

....They made it to the edge of the forest. The castle and village just behind them.

Now? Or.. later?

No... Now is right.

Yeonjun cleared his throat and stopped, turning to her.


She tilted her head and looked up at him. "Yes?"

Where do I start? Ah...

"Before we get too far, I need to ask you an important question."

"What is it, Yeonjun?"

Yeonjun took a deep breath before speaking. "Will you feel comfortable living with me?"

Y/n smiled after Yeonjun's question. "Yeah. I will."

"One more question..." He felt a million butterflies in his stomach as he prepared to ask his last question.

"Go on.."

"D- do.. Do you love me?" He asked nervously, looking into her eyes for her reaction.

His question made her blush like crazy. She felt butterflies, and her pulse quicken.

"Yes. I do, love." She smiled, her cheeks beet red as she looked up at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun felt a wave of relief. He smiled.

She called me 'love'.. love!

"Actually, Y/n... I have one more question."

Y/n chuckled. "What is it, love?"

"Can I kiss you?"

Y/n and Yeonjun felt as if their hearts were ready to explode.

"You may." She said, still smiling.

Yeonjun pulled her hand so she would move closer to him, then he cupped her cheek with his left hand. And his right hand on her waist.

"I love you, my princess Y/n." He whispered when their foreheads touched. Her arms around his shoulders.

Y/n's eyes fluttered shut. "I love you too, so much."

Yeonjun and Y/n slowly got closer, closing the gap between them until their lips touched.

They kissed slowly and gently. But full of love.

Yeonjun, and Y/n, wished this moment would never end.

The kiss seemed magical. Special and precious. Their first kiss, and certainly not their last.

My love.. My fox.. my everything..

They pulled away for a moment to catch their breaths.

"Are you ready now, Y/n?" Yeonjun asked, panting. "Ready to continue our journey? Our journey as a couple? Living our dream?"

"I am so ready, love." She smiled.

And the two lovers walked in the forest together. Towards a place they'd call home. A place they'd cherish so much. A place where nothing existed except the forest's beauty, and their love.

The end.

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