💝Chapter 13💝

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"G-Get back in your cage!" Bridget yelled, starting to get up.

Just then, all of the trolls started scrambling around running.

Bridget got off of her bed completely and grabbed a pan and immediately went after the fearful creatures.

But no matter how many times she tried to get them, or in this case but them, they were just much faster than her.

Finally, her eye caught Branch desperately trying to find a hiding spot, and she began to sneak up to him.

After Poppy got everyone settled into one spot, she checked to make they were all okay.

"Everyone alright?" Poppy counted all her villagers when she noticed someone missing.

"Branch? Where-" She gasped when she saw what Bridget was about to do to him.

Hearing her call his name, he turned around and yelped out loud, backing away.

Bridget raised her pan up to charge at him, but was immediately stopped when Poppy yanked it away with her hair, making her turn around.

"Hey! Give it back!" She yelled.

Poppy put the pan down carefully and slowly walked up to Bridget.

"Bridget, you don't have to do this." She said, still walking up to her.

"What're are you talking about? Of course I do! Or I'll get kicked out of Bergen town forever, or worse, killed!" Bridget fully turned to her, an angry but also nervous look on her face. Poppy just sighed.

"I see how the people around here treat you, Bridget. Even the King." She tried to look into her eyes so she would understand her completely.

Bridget looked back into her eyes for a second but then turned away, trying to hide away her tears.

"N-No.. you don't know anything.. you don't know anything about me! You never have and never will!" It was clear she was on the verge of crying due to her voice cracking.

She went back to her bed and sat down on it, still looking away.

Poppy just continued to walk close to her and talk to her. She jumped on her bed next to her and laid her hand of top of hers.

"You're right, maybe I don't. But I do know one thing. That you deserve much pretty. You deserve to be treated just like everyone else here. You shouldn't be pushed around and ignored just because you're a maid. I'm fact, you do almost all the work around here, you should get more appreciation!"

Bridget, a hint of annoyance but also confusion, said, "What're you getting at here?"

"I'm just saying Bridget.. you shouldn't just let your people push you around like this.. you're just like them, you deserve happiness too."

Bridget looked to the side down to the floor and said, "But.. I'm never going to be happy, and the only way for that to happen is for me to have one of you but that's never gonna happen because Chef won't allow it!" She looked back at her and her annoyed tone came back.

Now Poppy looked off to the side in silence, not knowing what to say.

Everyone just watched the two in silence, still huddled close to each other.

Then she thought, and turned back around to her.

"What if you didn't need us to be happy. What if.. you could all try and find your own ways to be happy. In fact, we can help you!" Poppy stood up on her feet.

Bridget looked at Poppy with a puzzled look.


"We could help you, and everyone else in your town be happy again!" Poppy spread her arms out wide and happily.

"Are you kidding? What other possible way could there be to make anyone happy around here? You guys are so ridiculously happy and joyful there's no way anyone would turn down the offer of eating you."



"Since we're so ridiculously happy like you said, we could pass it on and help you find that ridiculous happiness."

Bridget now became intrigued and turned to fully look at her again.

"And as I always say, happiness is inside of everyone. Sometimes you just need someone to help you find it." Poppy smiled up at her, hoping she would return the smile.

Bridget bit her lip and looked down then back up at her.

"Whaddya say Bridget? Will you help us trolls get home safely, and in return we'll help restore your town?" Poppy held out her hand.

Bridget looked at the trolls, who were huddled up in the corner still, then looked at Branch, who didn't know what the hell was going on.

Then she looked back at Poppy and let out a deep sigh.

Poppy felt her grip her tiny hand gently with her two fingers.


Everyone cheered happily hearing this. Never had they expected a Bergen to work with them, let alone help them.

"So um.. what do I- I mean, "we" do?" Bridget asked rubbing her fingers together.

"Don't worry, I've already got a plan." Poppy smiled, urging Branch and the others to come over to them to listen.

A/N: Sorry this was kinda short lol

I promise it'll be longer next chapter :D

I wanted to update now cause I wanna start working on an animatic and also draw some more :D

But uh hope you guys like this chapter-


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