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A few years later...

"And that's how Queen Poppy and her knight in shining armor, Branch, brought the Bergens and trolls together in harmony!" Poppy closed the scrapbook she was presenting, and all of the trollings in front of her cheered.

Branch was sitting next to her, failing to remove the smile from his face. Not that he wanted to, anyway. Poppy had asked him if he wanted to join her in telling stories with the trollings, and he couldn't just say no.

Then, one troll raised their hand.

"Yes Lola?" Poppy smiled at her.

"No, I have to ask Branch a question!" She said.

"Oh, me? Uh a-alright." Branch shuffled a bit in his seat, putting one hand over another in his lap.

"Is it true you want to marry queen Poppy?" Lola asked him dreamily.

"Huh?!" Branch's ears perked up immediately after hearing such a question, but Poppy, on the other hand, was intrigued.

"I mean.. you guys are together and all! Right?" Lola asked again, now some of the other trollings began to look intrigued as well.

"W-Well, yeah, but-"

"Then marry her!"

"I uh-"

"Pleeeaaasseeeee?" The trollings asked in plead.

Branch began sweating. He didn't know how to respond to any of this.

Poppy noticed how he was looking and turned to the trollings.

"Okay guys, let's not put pressure onto Branch about this. We'll talk about it privately, but for now, let's just keep on the low." She quieted them.

The trollings looked at each other, some with disappointed expressions, but then they nodded.

"Great! Scrapbook stories are over, you can all go home now." Poppy smiled at them.

"Bye Queen Poppy, bye Branch!" The little trolls giggled and ran out of the pod, playing with each other as they did.

Poppy watched them leave then turned her attention to Branch, who still looked uncomfortable.

"Heyy, you okay?" She patted his shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, oh yeah I'm good, never been better." Branch nervously smiled, hiding the anxiety behind that smile.

Poppy sighed and grabbed both of his shoulders.

"Branch, look, they're just kids. Don't let them make you feel like you have to make certain choices. I understand completely if you're not ready to get married right now.. or ever. Whatever you want to do, I'll be fine with it, I promise."

"No!" Branch all of a sudden blurted out, quickly covering his mouth afterwards.

Poppy blinked in confusion, not taking her eyes off of him.

"No?" She repeated.

"I mean.. um.. thanks Poppy, but, I, um.. I gotta do some stuff now. We'll talk more about this later, I promise. See ya!" The blue troll quickly ran off, out of sight.

Poppy sighed, hardly even saying anything back.

"See ya."


The bright blue troll walked back and forth in his bunker, tapping his chin repeatedly, one hand holding a notepad.

"Poppy, will you.. no. Poppy, I was gonna ask.. no. Poppy, I'm- ARGH!"

He threw the notepad at his bookshelf, making a few of the books shuffle around.

Sighing heavily, he slid down against the wall and hid himself in his hair. It was true, he did want to marry Poppy, but he had no idea how to ask her.

His thoughts were quickly stopped, though, when he heard a knock at the door.

Not really wanting to, he got up to answer the door only to see Guy Diamond.

"Hey Branch! Came over as soon as you called for me!" Guy Diamond spun around and did a little pose.

"I never called you over here." Branch just stared at him like he was crazy.

Guy stared back at him, blinking.

"Oh, well, I thought- oh-"

Branch just facepalmed and spoke through his hand,

"But since you're already here I guess you might as well come in."

Guy, hearing this, immediately smiled and climbed inside the bunker.

"Soooo, whatcha doin?" Guy asked him, looking and walking around.

"Nothing." Branch just went over to his shelf and cleaned around and inside of it.

"But you have to be doing something in he-"

Guy stopped when he felt his foot step on something that felt like paper.

He picked it up and it was the notepad Branch was writing in earlier.

He looked through it and saw different notes that all included Poppy's name in it, asking questions that were yet to be finished.

"Uh, Branch, what is this-" He continued looking at it.

"What is what- AAAAHAAAAA GIMME THAT-" Branch snatched the notepad out of his hand and quickly put it in his hair.

"Why, was it something I-" All of a sudden, Guy let out a dramatic gasp.

Branch looked at him, the same puzzled instead it was also a hint of nervousness expression appeared back on his face.

"What, what is that gasp for."

"You.. you want to-"

"Want to?"

"You want to MARRY POPPY!! EEEEEEEKKKK!!" Guy squealed, running around the bunker crazy.

"What- I- don't-" Branch sighed in defeat, "Okay, I do want to marry her, but it's not gonna happen anyway! And stop running around my bunker!"

Guy immediately stopped and looked at him.

"Oh but why would you say that? You two love each other, of course it's gonna happen!"

"I know, but.." Branch sighs.

"She might be ready or might not want to or.. I might mess up trying to ask her."

Guy now gave Branch a sympathetic look.

"Aw come on, don't bring yourself down like that. Mess up or not, she will obviously say yes. And if she's not ready or doesn't want to, not that any of those are a possibility, it will never change how much she loves you. But in my opinion, I think she'd be completely down to marry you!" Guy bumped his side in a playful and friendly way.

Branch sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking the other way.

"I.. guess you're right?" He mumbled.

"Of course I'm right! Now come on! You've gotta-"


Guy stopped in his tracks, looking back at him, puzzled.

"I still haven't figured out a way I want to propose to her." Branch said nervously.

"Oooohhh." Guy completely turned his body towards him, then smiled.

"I can help with that!"


"And I just.. I don't know, I feel like I'm making too much of a big deal out of this." Poppy rubbed her arm.

"Oh Pops," DJ, Poppy's best friend, hugged her gently, "it's okay, you're not making a big deal out of anything. I'm sure he wants to marry you! He probably just got nervous about the topic because he doesn't know if he'll do great, which is normal."

"I don't know, I mean, I guess? I want to ask him about it but at the same time, he seemed pretty stressed and under pressure so I just avoided saying anything. It's not like he has to marry me anyway."

"Just let it take some time and maybe he'll want to talk about it later. Who knows, he might even just surprise you." DJ rubbed her back and pulled away from their hug.

"Mmh," was all Poppy let out as she turned to the window, putting one leg over the other, sighing.

And she was right.


After a few days of preparing, gathering, helping, and assembling, Branch believed he was finally ready to propose to the troll of his life.

"Okay, okay, okay- AGH, WHERE IS IT!" Branch panicked.

Guy, hearing him, burst into the room he was in.

"Everything all good in here?!" Guy asked in concern.

"My tux! Where is it?" Branch looked at him, his face full of nothing but one that worded "Why must my life be like this."

Guy blinked for a second.

"Ohhh, yeah. I added a littleee.. sizzle to it." Guy smiled cheekily, like it was nothing.

"You what?! Bring me that tux right now!" Branch groaned.

"Alright, alright, I'll be back."

Guy disappeared for approximately three seconds.

"Okay here." He handed him his tux which was covered in glitter.

"Guuuyyyyy!! You soaked my tux in glitter?! You know I don't like glitter!" Branch yelled.

"Well, I um, I just thought that I-"

"There is no way I'm wearing this, I'll look ridiculous in it!" Branch facepalmed so many times until he lost the energy to continue doing it.

"Well, you don't really have time to get another one, you have to meet Poppy soon.." Guy reminded him.

Branch just exhaled heavily.

"Okay, okay, everything is already planned out. I won't let this one little thing get in the way of it." Branch slowly started walking up to the entrance of his bunker.

"Uhm, I'm sorry Branch.." Guy apologized in a soft voice, rubbing his arm.

Branch stopped, hearing this, and sighed.

"It's alright, Guy." That was all he responded to him, and he went to leave out of the bunker.


"Okay guys, seriously, what's going on?"

After putting on a nice and pretty dress and touching up her hair a bit, Satin and Chenille had just finished putting on Poppy's make up, not too much obviously, but a little something like light appliance of eyeliner, eyeshadow, and blush.

"Oh Poppy, you're just gorgeous! But your eyeliner will probably be ruined with tears when you come back, teehee." Satin said, giving her a quick squeeze.

"I'm seriously confused right now.." Poppy got up out of her seat.

"We would tell you, but that would ruin the surpriseeeeee!" Chenille also gave her a quick squeeze.

"Okay, fair enough I guess. Where am I going again?"

"Not very far, just in the flower field near the lake in the forest."

"Alright. Well, I'll be back from.. whatever this is." Poppy said, taking her jacket and walking out the door.

As she walked for about ten to fifteen minutes or so, she began to notice soft glowing lights in her view, and more began to appear as she drew closer.

"Huh." She said, becoming quite interested, also beginning to notice the small little flowers surrounding her as she walked.

Assuming she was close to the flower field, she stopped and looked up, seeing the many flowers before her along with the lights she saw before, except they were way more of them now and they were more pretty looking. There was also two candles sitting on one side and the other.

"Oh my gosh." Poppy's eyes widened at the beauty her eyes were hooked onto, not wanting this gorgeous scenery to leave her sight.

"Poppy?" A familiar and soft voice rang through her ears.

Immediately, the pink troll whipped around, and saw the troll who made this moment even better for her.


"Branch? Wha.. did.. did you do all this?"

"Uh, heh, yeah.. I got some help from our friends too." He said, his smile small but genuine.

"It's.. It's so beautiful!" She squealed, taking his hands and spinning around.

Branch chuckled and let her spin him around, squeezing her hands gently in the process.

Poppy stopped as she noticed something on his tux.

"Is that, um.. glitter?" She rubbed her finger against it a bit and it got on her finger.

"Oh, yeah, uh.. Guy had threw some on it.." Branch rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Poppy looked up at him, her hand resting on his chest.

"I know it looks bad! I'm sorry I-"

Poppy burst out laughing.

Branch just stared at her, staring in confusion.

"Uh, what's funny.." Branch just watched her laugh, not sure whether to smile with her or be offended.

"I-It's so adorable!" Poppy continued laughing, holding her sides.

"Oh, uh.." Branch began to smile a bit, chuckling. Even if he wasn't really in the best mood, he wasn't afraid to admit that her laugh was everything to him. It was like walking into the gates of heaven.

"I love it!" Poppy finally calmed down, but the smile on her face remained where it was.

"Hah, well I'm glad. I kinda got worried that you'd think I look ridiculous in it."

"What? Of course not! Come on Branch you know me, I absolutely love glitter." Poppy chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess I kinda forgot about that." Branch smiled.


"So.. you wanna da-"

"I would love nothing more in the world."

Branch just smiled and walked over to a small radio he had nearby, and turned on one of his favorite songs he thought would also be suitable for a slow dance.

🎶I love you too much
To live without you loving me back🎶

Branch took Poppy's hands and held her close to him.

"Shall we?" Branch smirked playfully, making her giggle lightly.

"I did say I would love nothing more in the world, didn't I?" She smirked playfully, back, leaning against him, and they began their sweet and slow dance.

🎶I love you too much
heaven's my witness and this is a fact🎶

🎶I know I belong
When I sing this song
There's love above love and it's ours
'Cause I love you too much🎶

Branch took Poppy's hand and spun her around gently, never releasing out of the other's touch.

Poppy sighed in pleasure and let him spin her around, feeling warm and fuzzy inside. She never wanted this to end.

🎶I live for your touch
I whisper your name night after night
I love you too much
There's only one feeling and I know its right🎶

The two began singing the song to each other softly, warming their ears with sweet and soft melodies of comfort and love.

🎶I know I belong
When I sing this song
There's love above love and it's ours
'Cause I love you too much🎶

Branch dipped Poppy slowly, and she reached her hand slowly to his cheek, caressing it gently.

"Branch.." She whispered, before he leaned in slowly, closing his eyes, and pressed his lips against her soft ones, feeling her return the the kiss.

They kissed for what seemed like forever, and Branch finally pulled away, feeling like he had enough confidence for what he was about to do next.

"Poppy.." Branch took her hands and helped her stand back up on her feet.

"Yes?" She looked deep into his eyes, awaiting for what could happen next.

Branch sighed a bit shakily, bending down on one knee, taking one of her hands.

At this moment, Poppy could hear and feel nothing but her heartbeat racing through her chest, like at any moment it could just jump out of her.

"Poppy, these past few years with you have been nothing but amazing. I can't believe I was ever so lucky to ever have met and even be next to someone as amazing as you. When you came into my life I always thought you were a nuisance, but now, I wish I could just go back and punch the ever living troll out of myself.. because you, you showed me what happiness really is, you've helped me become greater and stronger than what I once was, and I'm oh so grateful for that. If I ever did anything to hurt you back then, I'm so sorry. I was an idiot. You're the love of my life Poppy, and I want to spend my entire life with you."

"O-Oh Branch.." Poppy whimpered, covering her mouth, holding back the tears threatening to fall out.

He let go of her hand then began to look for something in his hair, and it revealed to be a small black box, holding it out in both of his hands.

Poppy gasped, removing her hand from her mouth.

He opened the box and it revealed to be a ring with a violet flower jewel in the middle.

"Poppy.. will you marry this idiot and be his trollmate for life?" Branch chuckled softly, blushing lightly.

Poppy didn't respond for a few seconds, keeping the astonished look on her face, as it began to turn into one like she was going to explode.

Branch's smile faded away and he began to look concerned.

"Pops? Are you-"

"YES!!! YES YES YES YES YES I WILL MARRY YOU!!!" Poppy eventually blurted out, the tears finally falling from her now messy mascara and stained her cheeks.

Branch smiled widely and took her hand gently, sliding the ring onto her finger carefully.

As soon as he stood up, he was pushed down onto the ground again, a crying Poppy nuzzling into his neck, never letting go.

"Popss, don't cry, you're gonna make me cry." Branch laughed softly, already feeling the tears burn the corners of his eyes.

He sat up while holding her in his arms protectively, and they pressed their heads against each other gently.

"Promise me you won't ever leave me.." Branch murmured under his breath, locking both of his hands with hers.

"Only if you promise to never leave me either.." Poppy laughed quietly and croakily, the tears still falling down her cheeks.

"Of course I won't." Branch shook his head slowly, squeezing her hands softly.

"Good. I promise too." Poppy nuzzled her forehead into his, melting under his touch.

He brought Poppy closer to him and rubbed his nose against hers, putting soft kisses on her lips.

Poppy smiled widely and did the same, pressing her face into his neck, cuddling into him.

From a little far behind was their friends, watching them enjoy their happy moment together, trying their best not to let out any kind of outburst. Especially Guy, of course.

This moment would, as long as they continued to live, change the two's lives forever.

A/N: Yay, it's done
Wow I got the feels just writing this
Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this book!
I want to make another broppy book but I'm not sure yet
Be on the look out for it if I do tho
Anyways, bye
Also sorry, no sequel will be made for this book lol

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