(Chapter.3) I'm telling Dad!

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Venus: What do you think you're doing?!

Poppy: I-I..I'm just hanging out with my friend..Branch

Branch: Um Hi..

Venus: You two were getting REAL close there!

Poppy: *blushes* I-I um w-we were just talking 

Venus: Just talking? You really think i'm gonna believe that?! Oh wait til dad finds out

Poppy: *stands up* Venus! You can't do that!

Venus: Oh yes I can! You're gonna be in so much trouble! *giggles* Bye Poppy! *walks away*

Poppy: Wait!...*puts both hands on her face and starts to cry*

Branch: Woah are you okay?!

Poppy: N-no....I-if my dad finds out I won't be able to see you again...

Branch: That's not fair! *sigh* ...I guess I could send you letters...

Poppy: *wipes tears* I guess...I'm sorry...I've always been considered a crybaby so..

Branch: Woah..I think that's it okay to be a crybaby...I've been considered that 

Poppy: *smiles* thank you Branch *hugs* 

Branch: *blushes* You're welcome Princess

Poppy: *lets go* I should head back home...to hear my punishment..I-I'll see you...again...someday *Walks away*

Branch: Bye...*sigh*

Poppy walked back to the castle feeling very upset. As she entered the castle she saw her sister Venus, her Father, Creek, and Creek's parents.

Poppy: *curtsies* Hello Father, H-hello Mr. and Mrs Brand....

Mrs.Brand: Are you sure she is fit to be  the next queen?!

King Peppy: Yes 

Mr. Brand: Then why was she with that peasant?! What was his name?

Creek: Branch....Branch Timberlake

Venus: His family has the best bakery in the kingdoms.

Mrs. Brand: A Baker?! Ugh you are so uncivilized

Poppy: I'm sorry..

Creek: Why is your makeup messed up?!

Poppy: I....I-I....I was crying...

Venus: *rolls eyes*

Poppy: I'm sorry...

King Peppy: There is no need to apologize dear..

Mrs. Brand: Yes there is! I believed she should be punished 

King Peppy: But she hardly did anyth-

Mr. Brand: Excuse me?!

King Peppy: *sigh* Poppy you're grounded until the next ball which is in 6 weeks.  You will stay in your room and will only come out when you are called or for urgent needs. Understood?

Poppy: Yes father...

Mrs. Brand: Also you may only talk to royalty! 

Poppy: Bu- *sigh* O-okay...*walks away*

Mr. Brand: She is a disgrace! I thought you raised her better then this?!

King  Peppy: I'm sorry for her behavior sir 

*Meanwhile back in the village*

Riff: Branch?

Barb: Where's Poppy?

Branch: She had to go...and she might get in trouble....a-and it's all my fault...

Wani: Branch...

Branch: ...I gotta go...*walks away*

Branch walked all the way home and went inside. When he got in all he saw was his grandmother and his little sister Leaf.

Leaf: BRANCHIE'S HOME! *runs up and hugs*

Branch: Hey Leaf....

Grandma Rosiepuff: Branch, dear are you alright?

Branch: No...

Grandma Rosiepuff: How come?

Branch: You know the Princess...?

Grandma Rosiepuff: Princess Poppy or Princess Venus?

Branch: Princess Poppy...

Leaf: Princess Poppy is pretty 

Branch:...I know......

Grandma Rosiepuff: What about her?

Branch: Well I-I met her..and actually talk to her

Leaf: Really?!

Grandma Rosiepuff: Branch that's wonderful!

Branch: No it's not...I might have just got her in trouble...

Grandma Rosiepuff: Oh Branch

Leaf: Does that mean I will never meet her 

Branch: I don't know mayb-

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door.

Branch: I-I'll get it...*opens door* Hello?

Mail Man: Branch Timberlake?

Branch:  Y-yes?

Mail Man: Letter from Princess Poppy *hands letter*

Branch: T-thank you...

Mail Man: Have a good day *walks away*

Branch: *closes door, looks at letter then looks at his grandma*

Grandma Rosiepuff: Go on, you can head to your room to read it

Branch: Thanks grandma...*walks up the stairs*

Branch walked upstairs to his room and closed his door. He sat down and opened the letter.

Branch: "Dear Branch, I miss you already :( I just got punished so now i gotta stay in my room for 6 weeks until the ball. It's not your fault okay? I don't want you to feel bad. Please send letters back. Well i'm gonna go...sit and cry some more....I miss you, Poppy..."  

Leaf: *opens door* Branch...are you okay?

Branch Y-yeah i'm fine...just go back with grandma..

Leaf: Oki...buh bye *closes door* 

Branch:...*sheds tear* This is all my fault...

Grandma Rosiepuff: Uh Branch....Someone is at the door and they want to speak with you...

Branch:...*wipes tear and thinks* Who is it...


(Sorry i haven't updated this book that much I just didn't know what to write ;w;)

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