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My idea for a AU of "Star vs The Forces of Evil"

Star Butterfly is the princess of Mewni as we have already known who came to Earth to master her magic skills but here's my twist, along with her is the the new Royal Guard turned bodyguard Marco Diaz. The Diazs in this universe has been protecting the Butterflies family for generations and Marco is the next in line to protect the upcoming queen of Mewni. Marco was actually surprised by his new assignment to become Star's bodyguard as he has just joined the Royal Army for 2 months.

In this universe, the Dojo Sensei is Marco's Mentor and Jeremy Birnbaum, well, he's just being himself (I actually want to have a frienemy relationship between Jeremy and Marco because the little boy thinks he would be more suitable for the bodyguard role so he would be older, maybe a little younger than Marco). Tom and Marco will have the same relationship in the original show. Janna, Jackie and everybody else on Earth will be kept the same.

However, I'd like everyone to help me in this task, answering some questions before the first chapter because I want to get people more involved in my fanfic. Please note that you can use any characters from the shows, we just need show changes or you can just create an OC, the best options will be used in the main story. You can also submit your idea for an episode because I'm not that creative. And if someone with good writing skills want to help me, I always welcome because I'm not that good with English. Now, let's get started:

1. Where will Marco and Star stay on Earth? If in someone's house, whose is it?

2. Who will they be up against? What is the villian's motive?

3. Have Marco and any other charaters known each other before? If so, who, when and where was it?

4. What spells and episodes would you like to make a return in this universe?

5. Who do you ship? Starco, Jacko, Janco or Tomco?! (This question isn't effect my choice for Marco's romance but I would like to know how many people support each ship)

6. Here's the questions for your OC (if you have one):

- What is his/her name?

- What dimension is he/she from?

- Is he/she a good or bad guy? If bad guy, what is his/her motive?

- What does he/she look like? As detail as possible plz?

- How would he/she play out in the story?

- Do he/she have any interest in either Star, Marco or any other characters?

7. And for the episode idea:

- What is this episode called?

- How will it played out?

- What characters will be feature in it?

- Is it a cannon or just side-story?

Well, that's all for now. When the materials are enough, I will start writing (actually I have already written the first half of first chapter). Remember to favorite me and this fanfic so you could be notify when the new chapters are out, you just need an account for it and don't worry it won't take long to sign up for one. This is Henry, saying goodbye. Peace!

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