16: Revenge.

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Caspian was pacing, somehow having enough energy to pace in fury. Anger did that to a man, made him too focused on fuming to realize they were about to collapse in exhaustion.

Jamaal stared at the fire. He didn’t blame him though, what they’d seen tonight was enough to make anyone’s blood boil. He glanced over at Isidro, who lay on his stomach, wounds still exposed as he waited for treatment.

The physician was busily running about, treating wounds and burns. Several villagers were helping, including the priest, who finally came over to where Isidro lay.

“Jamaal, Hiram, nice to meet you two again. Isidro, what is with you and fire, my friend?” The man teased, having treated him for burns in the past.

“I must be cursed.” Their leader grumbled, barely awake. The older man smiled, but Jamaal could read the concern in his eyes.

“Then perhaps you shouldn’t spend too much time near the King?” The man may have been a priest, but he was sharp. Isidro just smirked, then flinched as the man began to apply a salve to his burns.

Jamaal turned his attention back to Caspian, who was still pacing, eyes narrowed as he glared at the dirt. “My King,” He began, getting his friend’s attention. “-you cannot plan if you drive yourself to insanity first. Please relax, save the planning for tomorrow.” He suggested. Caspian blinked, then sigh, joining them.

“This challenge will not go unanswered.” He vowed, sitting. Somehow, it was good to see Caspian fired up. The peace had been good for Rayndra, but the king had been restless having to stay at the castle and lacking more intense work.

Footsteps approached, and Jamaal turned to find one of the knights approaching.

“Darias! How is the new apprentice working out?” Hiram greeted as the man joined them.

“Very good, he certainly has far more skill than any other apprentice his age. I can see him becoming a great knight.” Darias paused, frowning slightly. “However, I must say I do not approve of whatever tactics were used by his old master to train him. Had he been there much longer, I think he would’ve been permanently broken.” He shook his head, anger surfacing in his expression.

“How so?”

“He wasn’t encouraged to think. He wasn’t encouraged to learn the way he needed to, only the way he was told to. There was also no trust between master and apprentice. He’s weary.”

“I noticed the same thing.” Jamaal agreed quietly. “He has no confidence in much of what he does. Has he showed any sign of becoming more comfortable here?” The kid had been with them three weeks now, long enough to get used to the place, at least a little.

But Darias shook his head. “The only places I’ve seen confidence is when he handles a sword or horses. But the moment there’s another person involved his confidence crumbles and he hides inside that blank expression again. I’m worried he’s going to get sick yet, he’s so nervous he barely eats.”

By now Caspian had been drawn out of his rage and was listening carefully. “Have you done anything other than training with him?”

“My King,” Darias began carefully, smiling. “-with all that’s been going on, we have had time for nothing else.” Jamaal smiled, glad his friend had forgotten for a moment about all the battles the last three weeks had held. Caspian blinked.

“Right.” He paused a moment. “After we return to the castle and rest a bit, I am ordering you to take him away from the barracks for a while, toss him in the river or something.” There was a smile in his voice, even though it didn’t quite reach his face.

“Are you sure, my King? I would hate to be missing the moment I am needed.”

“I’m sure. We would be in a worse place if one of the men gets sick. I’d rather allow some play time, if that’s what’s needed.” He paused a moment. “Perhaps I’ll arrange something for the other men too, something enjoyable that won’t take them too far to help if needed.”

“I have a suggestion, sir.” The gazes all turned to Jamaal.

“Lets hear it.” Caspian said, leaning forward on his elbows in interest.

“We could set up a contest for the men, let them compete with their various skills.” The men slowly nodded, and he exchanged a look with Hiram. The contest would be an excelent oppertunity for them to watch for more additions to the Dark Knights.

Caspian was nodding. “Agreed.”

Jamaal watched as his old friend mentally set aside that problem and glance around, looking for what he needed to focus on next. He glanced around too, trying to spot something that needed to be done so he could beat the King to it. He found nothing, and looked back at Caspian, who also seemed to have come up empty.

But this didn’t stop the King from finding something to ponder, and a frown quickly came over his face again. Jamaal watched as he pulled out a stray stick and began drawing in the dirt. He was trying to get a visual picture of whatever was in his mind.

Finally he finished the drawing and his frown eased as he studied it. “Sir?” Everyone looked over to the priest, who was beginning to cover Isidro’s wounds.

“What is it?” Caspian asked, straightening.

“Isidro shouldn’t work too much for a while. If you want him to heal quickly, you will not allow him to do anything which might add to the damage.”

“Sound’s like you know him well.” Caspian smiled. Jamaal nodded in agreement. The leader of The Three was well known for ignoring injuries and such to do whatever had to be done.

The priest smiled and nodded. “Well, sir, I have treated him at least a dozen times in the past. I’m sure you will have your hands full keeping him in bed.” He said, gathering his things and moving on to his next patient.

Darian also moved back to his apprentace, leaving The Three to listen to Caspian’s brooding silence.

Well, two of The Three anyways. Jamaal thought to himself, glancing at his sleeping leader. Caspian looked back to his drawing in the dirt. “How many men do you figure we can spare for a counter attack?” He asked quietly, not looking up.

Hiram and Jamaal exchanged a look. “I’m not sure, sir. Isidro keeps track of that more than I, my job is to train the men, his is to oversee and organize.” Hiram answered carefully, thinking.

Caspian looked up, meeting his gaze. “I want to hear your thoughts. Please, let’s drop the formalities for a moment and just talk freely as we once did.”

Hiram didn’t need to be told twice. “Okay. I believe we can spare a hundred knights, depending on what exactly we are doing.”

“I wouldn’t push it that far. Seventy.” Jamaal guessed. Hiram was a more ambitious man, one that would put all his eggs in one basket if he thought he had a chance of winning.

But that was the thing about war, there was always a safe estimate for what you could risk, but you always needed a little more, just enough that losing could be disasterous. It was always a gamble.

“Might be enough…” Caspian’s voice trailed off, his frown deepening. “How wide do you figure the gap between our south border and Adrelawin?”

“Maybe seven miles? We haven’t actually measured it, but the peace treaty stated it was seven.”

“Hmm.” Caspian thought another moment. “Alright, when we return to the castle I will send out a messanger to Adrelawin, find out if they are expiriencing the same troubles, and request the permission of Thaddeas to send some troops to clear the area of barbarians. Perhaps he will offer some troops to give us a hand.”

“I’d sure hate to request any kind of help.” Hiram grumbled.

“However,” Jamaal cut in. “-it is in Adrelawin’s best interest to clear that area. After all, the barbarians are as much a danger to him as they are to us.”

“Indeed. Thaddeas would be unwise to refuse.”

The two nodded their agreement, each thinking about the details of the plan. Jamaal was worried. If the plan didn’t succeed, the barbarians would likely intensify their attacks. The day might soon come, in which they must strengthen their defenses…

Author note;
Hi, my lovely readers! How are you liking the story so far?

Any idea what the King of Adrelawin will say when he recieves the message?

What about Tamar, is she gone for good?

And Herschel, what do you think will happen if they go to battle against the men he once fought beside? Will he be loyal to Caspian, or will he panic and run?

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