40: A Glimpse Of The Future.

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“She what?!” King Esteban exclaimed. It had been a full day since his conversation with Tamar, but he’d been unable to meet with the other members of the Treaty until now. But he was glad for it, as he’d had a lot of thinking to do.

“She refused.” Caspian repeated, watching the two kings, who were now leaning forward with interest.

The two kings exchanged a look, then King Jacques leaned back slightly. “Well I guess that settles it then. But what position will she be given? Surely she won’t just remain a rescued slave.”

Caspian sucked in a breath. Now or never. “I thought of that, and have a proposition which requires the agreement of the Treaty members…” He quickly outlined his plan, being sure to mention the benefits of it as persuasion. When he was done, he waited while the two men silently considered his proposition.

Finally King Jacques glanced at King Esteban. “I think it would be the most appropriate solution to our various problems.”

King Esteban nodded, turning to Caspian. “Do as you’ve said, you have the agreement of the Treaty members.” Caspian stood and bowed his thanks before excusing himself to do just that.

As he walked towards the tent which he knew Tamar was in, his heart felt suddenly light, as all the pieces seemed to fall into place.

As he neared the tent, he noticed Isidro and Hiram conversing in low tones near the tent. As he glanced at them, they seemed to pause, waiting until he passed to continue. Odd. I’m going to have to start asking questions if this keeps up.

He understood that sometimes those close to the King would keep secrets in order to lower his stress levels, and had done so himself as a bodyguard, but they had been that way for several weeks now. It was time they came forward about whatever it was.

He reached the doorway and paused, pressing the thoughts out of his mind and reminding himself what he was doing. Then he lifted the cover and ducked inside, smiling as he saw Tamar studying the weapons rack.

“Looking for something, Princess?”

She spun around, startled. Then returned the smile. “Caspian! I see you haven’t been devoured by your to-do list as of yet.”

He shook his head. “Not quite.” He glanced at the weapon rack again. “What were you doing?”

“Thinking.” She shrugged sheepishly.

“Not about fancy castles and gardens I presume?”

She smirked, shaking her head. “No. Actually I was thinking about your to-do list, and wanted to ask you if there was anything I could do? It was my father’s kingdom after all.”

He had to laugh. Here she was wondering what she could do to help him with Rayndra, while he was about to give her a kingdom of her own. “Mind if we sit?”

Her smile faded some and she raised a questioning eyebrow, but still joined him at the table, siting next to the head seat. He sat at the head of the table, turned to face her. “I have another proposition for you.”

Her eyes widdened slightly and he realized how that might’ve sounded, so he quickly continued. “Adrelawin has no ruler, and the members of the Peace Treaty have been trying to decide what to do with it.” He paused as something stirred in her eyes. Excitement maybe?

“I spoke to them this morning. We’ve agreed that we would like to place you in charge of it, if you are willing.” He was somewhat nervous. If she turned him down, he had no idea what he was going to do with her.

Luckily for him, this time there was no hesitation. A smile instantly spread across her face, though she tried to hide it. “Only if your offer of assistance still stands.”

He blinked. “I’m sorry?”

She tilted her head, smiling. “I may be the daughter of a King, but I have the training of a handmaid.”

He blinked again, brain trying to grasp the enormity of it. He would essentially be leading two kingdoms at once, both of which currently needed to be lifted out of the ashes of war. It’s her best chance at securing the throne. One look into her eyes told him she had very little idea how much she was asking.

He couldn’t turn her away. He would make it work. “Alright, I will teach you, as your father taught me.” He promised, already feeling the added weight on his shoulders. It’ll be worth it...

*    *   *

“I want walls built here, and new entrances made here and here.” He pointed to the areas on the map. Changing the interior of a castle was easier said than done, but Jamaal enjoyed the challenge of it.

His goal was to ensure that the castle interior was unrecognisable to it’s old inhabitors, just in case someone was to try breaking in. He would be a lot more comfortable once he was certain there weren’t any enemies hiding in secret rooms.

His mean had gone all throughout the castle, measuring rooms to figure out the thickness of the walls. If there was any wall deemed too thick to be normal, they destroyed it, searching for tunnels and secret doors. So far they had found eighteen.

Jamaal finished giving instructions and began to wander the halls, searching to see if there was more he wanted to change. The bare walls filled him with satisfaction, a reminder that all the horrendous weapons and paintings had been removed.

His mind wandered to the clean up outside… They were still discovering bodies beneath the rubble of the walls, which were recognisable thanks to the preservation of the bitter cold. For now, the freezing temperatures were his ally.

But his hope that all their main advisaries had been rounded up or killed was rapidly dwindling. Something in his gut just didn’t sit right. Their victory over the huge city had been difficult, sure, but somehow it seemed too easy. Too simple.

Jamaal reached a large window and paused, staring out at the city below. The castle would be ready for the Royals within the week. Then the knot in his gut could ease a little, knowing that Caspain and Tamar were in a well protected fortress again...

*    *   *

It was late, the moon already rising in the night sky as Isidro turned his steed towards the army camp. He kept the horse at a slow walk, just admiring the calm night.

As the moonlight shone brightly against the remains of the city, he could see the progress. It was as though the entire city was rising out of the ashes, as villagers and soldiers hauled rubble out of the way, and used it to rebuild.

In the distance, he could see silutes of the guards, who were posted all over the city. Some on rooftops, others hiding in the rubble. Watching. Waiting.

Even while working, the soldiers had been instructed to keep their swords and bows on them, for fear of barbarians taking advantage of the oppertunity to attack.

Isidro forced himself to think of tasks on hand, but his mind just kept wandering back to what had been done. Caspian was getting cold feet about going to Adrelawin to set up headquarters for the time being, feeling as though the people would take it as him abandoning them. It had taken a lot to convince him that it was neccissary, and he’d had to be blunt. A dead King is a useless King.

He shook his head. His friend had always been dedicated to whomever he was serving. To the point that he often forgot to properly take care of himself. He needs someone to tell him when to quit. But who can give the King orders? He had to smile at the dilema.

He arrived at the camp and brought his horse to the make-shift stables, handing him off to a waiting stableboy. As he made his way to Tamar’s tent (which he stayed in as her personal bodyguard), he noticed the light was still on in Caspian’s tent and shook his head again, the topic of his thoughts on display.

He reached the Princesses tent and tapped the wooden frame of the doorway. “Enter.” A voice responded absentmindedly.

As he pushed open the flap and ducked in, he saw Tamar sitting at a small table in the center of the room, staring into the flame of the candles.

Isidro made no comment, walking over to the cot which was his and sitting on it. He removed his weapons belt, setting it on a chair beside the bed so that he could easily reach it in a moment’s notice.

Then he gingerly pulled off his boots, wincing as his sore feet cramped up. All the while he was aware of Tamar watching him. She was a bit of a people-watcher, always observing what they did. He started to massage his tired feet, easing the tight muscles.

“You look tired.” She commented quietly.

Isidro paused and looked up. She was up to something. He released the foot and leaned his elbows against his knees, giving her his full attention. “Is there something on your mind, Your Majesty?”

She studied him another moment, then glanced at the floor. “I hesitate to ask, but once we move to the castle of Adrelawin you will have more time, am I right?”

He thought a moment, then nodded. “Most likely, yes.”

“Well then, once we settle in there, I would like you to teach me to handle a sword.” She said, somewhat bluntly.

He stared. That was the last thing he’d expected her to request. He’d taught many apprentaces, sure… but a Princess? “Are you sure, Your Majesty?” He asked, hesitant.

“Quite. I would hate to become or be seen as a frail Queen. If I am to rule, I will not be helpless.”

He studied her a moment. There was something deeper behind her answer, which he could not discern. But taking the answer at face-value, he could admire it. He finally nodded. “Alright, if that is what you wish, then I shall be glad to comply.”

Only then did she crack a smile, and he realized one of the reasons she hadn’t coveyed. She just wanted to learn to handle a sword.

His heart softened a little and he had to smile. Perhaps this was the part of her heart that hadn’t been dampened by a broken childhood. Perhaps this was the part of her heart that hadn’t grown up.

Forgetting his sore body, he stood, pulling his sword from its sheath. Something lit up in her eyes, dispite her efforts to supress it. He held the hilt of the sword out to her.

“Lesson one: how to properly hold the sword.” He began, encouraging her to take it.

She did, standing. Her pensive look from earlier completely disappeared as she admired the weapon in her hand. He bit back another smile and frowned as he studied the way she held it.

“We’re going to have to adjust the way you hold it, and I think I’ll get the blacksmith shop to make one a bit lighter, maybe with more weight towards the hilt to make it easier to handle.” He paused, adjusting her arms to hold it properly. “We’ll also have to compensate for your lack of bodyweight and muscle-” He stopped as she raised an eyebrow at him.

“Err… male sized arms.” He reworded his initial thought. It was then that he realized he was going to have to learn to handle an entirely new temperment. Suddenly training teenage boys seems a simple task…
Author note:
Well what'd'ya know, both Tamar and Caspian get to lead their own kingdoms!

Okay, I want honesty; was anyone expecting that one?

So here's the deal; I'm hoping to eventually get this story published, once it's completed and edited to perfection. Do you think this could be a good introduction for me into the world of authors?

Here's my bucket! \_/

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