51: When Lightning Strikes.

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*     *    *

Caspian offered a hand, which she accepted, allowing him to help her down from the window ledge. He closed the window behind her just as the rain began to fall rapidly, sending a gentle rumbling sound throughout the castle as the drops pelted the roof.

They had decided to return indoors to avoid the gathering storm, and had been just in time. Caspian leaded close to the glass, peering out. He let out a low whistle. “Glad we came in when we did.”

She tilted her head. “Don’t like water?” She teased, laughing at the mock look of horror he sent her way.

“You do?!” He exclaimed, still in character.

She shrugged. “I don’t fear it.”

He grabbed his chest, stumbling back. “You wound me!” He said dramatically, face twisting in a childish impression of agony.

She rolled her eyes and elbowed him. “Wounded your pride, maybe.”

He straightened and grinned, shaking a finger at her. “Same thing.” He shrugged. Just then she heard the changing of the guard, a warning that it was nearly midnight.

He glanced in the direction of the noise. “Well, I think I’d better get you back to your babysitter before I get in trouble with him.” He said reluctantly, offering an elbow.

Tamar smiled, a little taken-aback, but covered it quickly and accepted. How his people could doubt him, I don’t know. The only explination she could think of, was that they didn’t really know him.

They were silent during the walk through the halls, but it was a comfortable silence, the kind that comes after a long day. They arrived at the door to her room, and she turned to him. He was watching her intently, but somehow it didn’t make her uncomfortable.

She smiled up at him. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, my Lady.” He bowed, then quickly left.

She knew he was probably going to get more work done, as he often did, but didn’t have the energy to stay up with him. “I thought I’d find you here…” The memory of his words brought a smile to her lips. He’d seeked her out. She turned and opened her door, then froze.

Isidro stood by the window, arms crossed. Waiting. “Where have you been?”

She slowly smiled again, amused. “Walking around.”

“Since dusk?”

“I was safe, I had the escort of a knight.” The King, actually. She watched as he raised an eyebrow, his shoulders relaxing slightly.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I wish you’d told me.” His gaze dropped to the floor.

Her heart softened, amusement draining away. He’d been worried. She approached him, regaining his attention. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think I would be gone so long.”

He blinked in surprise, then looked away again, nodding. Without a word, he turned and walked to the adjoining door between her room and his, which was there to ensure he could easily reach her if needed.

He opened the door and paused, turning back to her. “Sleep well, Princess.” Then he was gone, closing the door behind him.

She smiled, turning to study her room. Over the last week it had been redecorated, a mixture of white and dark wood. On a table in the corner sat a simple, clear glass vase filled with white daisies. She fingered a petal, then turned to the window, looking out at the city once again. She was eager to restore it to a beauty beyond it’s former ages.

This city would be different from the rest of their world. Where other cities boasted in strength and armies, hers would be known for it’s beauty. There would be no drunks sleeping on the streets, no orphans playing in the trash, no families eating rats to survive. She would create work for the jobless, and make adoption possible for families.

“This city will be a beacon of hope for the hopeless.” She whispered, eyes fixed on the city that lay beyond the rain splattered pane of glass…

*     *    *

Lightning flashed, lighting up the room briefly, then it faded back into the dim lighting of the candle. He pulled off his breastplate, placing it on the armor rack. It took a few minutes to remove all the armor, but it required no attention, and his mind wandered.

He knew Caspian was disappearing regularly, probably to get away from everyone. At least, almost everyone. He glanced towards the adjoining door. The Princess seemed to have found his soft spot, and had been disappearing too, reappearing with the King.

He relaxed, glad to have the heavy armor off at last. His clothes felt almost too light, and he couldn’t help but check that his shirt was there, unaccustomed to wearing thin fabric.

A gentle breeze drifted through the window, causing the candles to flicker, and bringing in a couple raindrops. He moved to close it, breathing in the rainy air. Beneath the smell of rain was a familiar scent.

The hairs on the back of his neck rose and he suddenly glanced down-Wham! A fist rammed into his eye, and sent him sprawling backwards.

He scrambled to his feet, running to a rope which hung above the bed. He heard feet hitting cobblestone behind him and leapt- A large hand wrapped around his ankle in a bone-crushing grip, catching him mid-air and flinging him to the floor.

He grunted as his body slammed the cobblestone with a slapping sound. A dagger stabbed into his back. His head rolled back as pain seared through his body. “Gaah!” He screamed uncontrollably.

“Silence him!” A rough voice hissed.

His time was running out! Through his rapidly swelling eye, he spotted his belt and sheath lying on the chair, just within reach. He grabbed it, feeling hands wrapping around his throat and beginning to cut off his air supply.

Drawing the sword hastily, he blindly lashed out behind his head, hearing the blade hit flesh. The grip on his neck loosened, and he wiggled around onto his back, slashing the barbarian across the throat.

He surged to his feet, immediately met by two swords. Through the flashing blades and swelling eye, he saw more men pouring through the window, shoving past the fight and rushing for the adjoining door.

The sight send a rush of adrenaline through his veins, and Isidro fought with extra fury, pressing his way towards the door, trying to get between them and the door to the Princess…

*     *    *

She’d heard the scream, a bloodcurling sound of war, and then the clashing of blades. But she’d only had time to grab her sword before her door was being flung open, barbarians rushing through. Behind them she saw Isidro being shoved around, barely blocking the blows as he was surrounded. Then she was forced to focus on her own battle.

She blocked the first blow, immediately surprised by the force with which it came. She realized instantly that this was going to be very different than training with her bodyguard. The barbarians were absolutely vicious, merciless, willing to use any method to win.

Tamar found herself retreating, unable to figure out a better method to beat them. Even with the skill she had, they would win by shear strength. Suddenly her adversary was shoved aside, replaced by a familiar face. Damon. Her old captor.

Fury flooded her veins, tightening her grip on her sword. Fear faded away as she glared at her enemy, at the man who had played a huge role in robbing her of her father and future. She readied her weapon. She was ready for round two.

*     *    *

They had reached the city at last, but the horses could not go any further. They pulled up at a blacksmith’s shop, instructing him to look after the animals for the King, and began to run. It was slower going, but faster than riding lame animals.

His clothes clung to his body, sticky with water and sweat. His hand was crusted with blood, and his throat stuck to itself when he attempted to swallow. He focused on the castle, ignoring the growing pain in his lungs as he pushed his body to its max.

He’d heard of men dying from too much excersize, but it didn’t matter. His friend’s lives were at risk. He reached the gate at last and pounded on the small man-door with his fist until it opened. “The King and Princess are at risk!” He shouted breathlessly, running past the man who had opened it.

Within seconds, men were running towards the castle, in a race against time to rescue their leaders. Hiram reached it first, kicking down the door and rushing into the building…

This story has passed 70,000 words y'all! That's the average length of a novel!!

Okay, yeah, you guys are just mad at me for the cliffhanger...

Hopefully I will have another update ready by Saturday, but guys, I am having a lot of issues with my eyes and headaches, and if they continue I will be unable to continue writting...

But I promise you, I will finish this book!

Anywho, comments? \_/

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