Chapter 56: Celebrating.

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Jamaal had figured out a new technique, though not unlike any he had seen from his knights before. Isidro glanced at Hiram, noting the slight change in posture, the only indicator that he too was fighting laughter at the sight of their friend. 

The white royal clothes made his dark complexion all the more striking, and the hours spent training were obvious under the fitted suit. All of this made him the focus of the young ladies, as well as a few of the older ones. 

But in the last few moments, he had begun to simply cozy himself up next to the older men, the old war generals. There he joined them in conversation about battles of the past, and completely bored most of the women. Even the most persistent were beginning to lose interest. This didn’t stop the stares, however.

He shifted his gaze over to where Tamar and Caspian were standing, drinks in hand. They were casually chatting with some of Rayndra and Adrelawin’s trade partners. He smiled as Tamar laughed. She had learned the art of holding a good facade, and looked comfortable and calm, as though there was no other place she’d rather be.

Suddenly his view was blocked by a young lady, elegantly dressed, and headed his way. He glared, though she didn’t notice due to the mask he wore. Her mouth began to move as she stopped in front of him, but he ignored the sounds she made, staring over her head to continue his watch over the room. 

But her blabbering didn’t stop, oblivious to the fact he wasn’t paying attention. His back began to ache, a reminder of the stab wound he’d suffered.

He clenched his jaw in irritation, patience quickly running thin. It was going to be a long night, and he began to wonder how inappropriate it would be for a knight to punch a deligate...

*     *    *

The conversation was boring, though it was clear that the trade partners thought they were getting somewheres. It had taken barely moment to realize that they were out to get new trade deals, and she had very quickly lost interest in the conversation, instead finding herself amazed by Caspian’s ability to sound interested.

After just a few minutes, he’d successfully brought the conversation to a close, and then led her away from the pair. He led her to the dance floor and offered a hand. “Shall we?” He asked. She smiled, accepting it.

Caspian wrapped his other arm around her and led the way, moving with practiced grace. She knew he wasn't particularly fond of dancing, but in situations like this it was not only expected of him, it was also the only way to avoid talking to delegates from other kingdoms. 

She let out a breath at the small measure of relief dancing provided, leaning against him. "Is it always like this?"

He lowered his head, speaking softly. "Not always. This is just worse because they have yet to establish a pecking order, and they are trying to figure you out. Later, once connections have been better established, you'll have particular people you speak to more, and everyone else becomes mere background characters." His voice vibrated against her ear, somehow comforting.

"I hope so." She murmmered. They fell silent, moving to the music. Once the song was over, she opened her eyes and realized that Caspian had maneuvered them near a side door. 

She looked up and he winked, then glanced around. “Now’s our chance.” He murmured, nodding to Isidro that they were heading outside. She didn’t look and just followed him to the door, nodding her thanks as he held it open and stepping out into the night.

*     *    *

The garden was quiet, empty. Paths led through dense trees, lit by lanterns, casting a warm glow over the green spruce trees. The snow had melted away over the past few days, and spring was quickly arriving, banishing the cold from the land. 

It was a time for new life, a time when the evils of yesterday could fade away into mere memory. Caspian glanced at Tamar, who was silent. Peace had been restored to Adrelawin, but it felt like a war was raging within him.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd been able to forget about work, forget about his duties. But when he was with her, everything else seemed to fade into the background. But tomorrow... Tomorrow that all ended...

"It's crazy." She broke the silence.

He glanced at her, recognizing the detached look in her eyes. She couldn't believe they had finally reached this point. Neither could he. "I told you we'd get through it." He reminded, unable to think of anything else to say.

His words received a hint of smile, but it looked a little strained. "Yes, you did. But it still blows my mind." She tilted her head to meet his gaze. "So, what's your plan now? When you return to Rayndra, I mean?"

He thought a moment. "I think I'll take advantage of the opportunity to grow the city. We'll make sure the people have plenty of space again, and are set up to prosper. Then we build the new castle." He shrugged. "I'm sure I'll find plenty of projects to keep busy. What about you?"

She smiled. "I'm going to finish the rebuilding. Then redecorate the castle the rest of the way, the colors are just too dark still. Then when the ground has softened, I'll add some gardens to the city, get the streets cleaned up, and find ways to get the people jobs." She paused. "I also would like to purchase some fields and move the orphanages to the country, maybe give them some gardens and animals to care for to help cover their food expenses."

Caspian nodded. "Make the orphanages self-sustaining." He guessed.


"That could work pretty well. You could also take the homeless and give them work on those farms, provided they're harmless people. That would give them work, and eventually they would be sustaining themselves and helping sustain the orphanage." He suggested. She nodded again.

He liked the eagerness he saw, it was something every ruler needed to have. Far too often a king would get burned out and become a fat, dumb man on a throne, doing nothing out of his own power.

After a few more moments of silence, he stopped and turned to her, taking her hands in his. “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”

Her eyes didn’t waver from his, and though he saw some level of fear there, it was mostly sadness. “Caspian, you have gone far beyond what anyone could ask of you.”

She smiled, though it was a little forced, and moved a hand to the side of his face. “Now your people need you. I can manage here, I have many people to help me, and I know you’d be here in a moment if I needed anything.”

He studied her, trying to be certain. “Okay. But I’m not leaving you entirely alone.” He began, relaxing slightly as he remembered. She tilted her head. “Sinati has decided to stay, to offer you his counsel.”

Her eyes widened slightly, then suddenly she was hugging him. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, then realized exactly how worried she actually was. He sighed, carefully wrapping his arms around her. When would this get easier?

*      *     *

Caspian stopped at her door, turning to her. "Goodnight, my lady." He said, bowing. She smiled and bowed her head, watching as he turned and left. What more was there to say? She wished there was, but everything had already been said. He was leaving in the morning, with all his men. 

Well, not all… She almost smiled, remembering the old knight who had volunteered his services to her. She didn't know him very well, but she liked him, and understood why Caspian kept him around. But Caspian had released him to her service. How much more could that man give? 

She shook her head and entered her room. She was very tired, but somehow wasn't ready to sleep, the emotions of the day too much to ignore. She approached her window, peering out at the city. 

Lights flickered all throughout the streets, fires telling of the parties all about. The people were similar to children suddenly, blissfully unaware of the sacrifices that had been made on their behalf, aware only of their new ruler who promised peace and prosperity.

It was to that joy in their eyes, that she would have to cling if she wanted to survive this. It was for their joy, that she would say goodbye to the only friends she had, the people who had given everything for her sake. And it was for Rayndra, that she hadn't begged Caspian to remain in Adrelawin.

A gentle knock on her door distracted her from her thoughts, and she hurried across the floor to open it. It was Isidro, leaning against the doorframe as he waited for her. He'd removed his helmet, holding it in hand, revealing ruffled hair and a tired face.

"I just came to see that you were back, my Queen." He explained, meeting her gaze as he paused. She swallowed as she saw the pain in his eyes, remembering that it had been only days ago that he was stabbed.

"You did very well today, my lady. I have no doubts that you will lead your people with wisdom." He continued, pushing himself off the doorframe. "Goodnight, my Queen." 

He was gone before Tamar could think of a response, disappearing into his room. She blinked and stepped back, closing the door as his words echoed in her ears.

She remembered when she'd first met the three, they'd been gruff, entirely focused on Caspian and getting him back to Rayndra safely. Now, she had a special place among them, her comfort always being considered.

The change hadn't come when they'd found out that she was royalty. It came before that, at the castle, when she had been running around helping out like a maid.

It wasn't because of her status that they had softened towards her, it was completely genuine love that they had for her.

She stared out her window and bit her lip. How long had it been since the last time someone had cared for her like that? How long would it be before someone else did?

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