Chapter 58: Home Again.

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Caspian had gathered The Three in his study, where they also had a tray of food delivered for breakfast. He studied them as they bantered back and forth between bites of food. 

They looked much better now that they'd had some rest, and the sadness from yesterday seemed to have faded in sharpness, though it still sat in the room thickly. It was painful, and he couldn't stand the familiar feeling of going back to the way things were. He had changed, and it felt like everything else should've changed too. But it hadn't.

He needed to dive back into his work here, or else he feared he would never recover. He took another sip of his tea and set the cup down. Something about the movement gained their attention, and they guessed he was ready to begin the meeting.

"There are three main things on our list right now. First, there have been reports of wild beasts causing trouble for the villagers near the west woods. Hiram, I want you to investigate this and do what you can, then report back."

A smile cracked through the large knight's usually stony face as he set down his plate and leaned back in his chair. Killing wild beasts had once been his main occupation, and it seemed to be the man's favorite past time.

"Jamaal and I will take a group of knights out to investigate the claims of raids on the villages, see if we can find their hideout and ensure they aren't connected in any way with Damon and Thaddias." He paused as Jamaal nodded his agreement. "Isidro, I need you to stay here, keep an eye on things, keep it running smoothly, and heal up."

Isidro glanced down and nodded, clearly disappointed. "We meet back in three days." He finished, rising from his seat. "Pack what you need, we leave in an hour." 

Jamaal and Hiram stood, but Caspian stopped Isidro with a hand, waiting for the other two to be gone before turning to him. "I want you to stay for more reasons that just your injuries." He said quietly, glancing around uneasily. "There is a tension among the people, I felt it yesterday."

"What kind of tension?" The knight asked, quickly growing still at the tone in his voice.

"I'm not sure, but I have been gone a long while." He paused. "It may just be that they feel I have dedicated myself to Adrelawin more than to them, but this is no time to let our guard down. That is why I want you here, to play the role of a leader here while I go settle other issues. Listen carefully to what the people say, but don't take action except in the gravest of circumstances."

Isidro nodded, though his concern was obvious. "Do you really think there is something more going on?"

Caspian thought a moment, then sighed, feeling tired all over again. "I'd like to say no, but they lost their faith in me very quickly after I left... I suppose the loss of their trust made me lose my trust in them as well." He admitted.

Isidro was silent a moment, then placed a hand on his shoulder, looking him in the eye. "The people will not easily forget what you have done for them. They simply need some assurance that nothing has changed since then. They will relax soon." Caspian nodded, and Isidro left him, off to his duties. 

Once alone once again, he grabbed his bag and began selecting items he would need for the journey. He moved somewhat stiffly, the chair not being the most restful place to spend the night. When he had finished, he picked up the lists he had been reading last night and glanced over them again.

Moments later there was a knock on the door and he added the pages to his bag, deciding there would be time to read as they traveled. He slung the bag over his shoulder and went to the door, opening it. Jamaal stood there, wearing leather and chainmail armor, which was lighter and easier to move in, better for travel.

Caspian wore similar armor, and a short cape. The clothes were not as grand as what they usually wore, but it was better for traveling, allowed them to blend in better. Besides, the crown on his head was plenty enough to tell people who he was.

He nodded to Jamaal and led the way out to the stables, where three other knights were awaiting them with the horses. They bowed as he approached, and he nodded to them, going straight to his steed and stowing his bag. Then he took the reins from the hand of the stableboy and turned to the men.

"We'll take our time on the way out of the city. I'd like to catch up with some of the people along the way. Feel free to speak with them, and make sure you do not give the impression of being in a rush. I do not mind them knowing of where we are going and why, but I don't want them to think that I am leaving them in any way."

"Yes sir!" The knights chorused, mounting their steeds. Caspian nodded and led the way out. He knew he didn't have to explain his reasons to them, for they were older knights, aged in the skill of dealing with civilians. 

He guided his horse through the rubble, exiting the castle grounds and entering the city. Villagers were going about their day, clearing rubble and rebuilding their homes. All over the place there were soldiers helping them.

It was a strangely beautiful sight, to watch his men serving the same people they protected day and night. To see them joking around and eating with the common people. He could see much to be gained from this friendliness.

Younger soldiers were helping their own families rebuild, and mothers joyfully handed out water and food. It was a time for rebuilding not only the city, but the relationships within the walls.

He found himself greeting many of them, and found that he knew a lot of their names. He shook hands as he passed them, exchanging words of encouragement and praise. 

"My King! We are so glad to see you back and well!" A greeting reached his ears. Caspian looked up to see one of the businessmen he had visited regularly before all the chaos began. 

He smiled and shook the man's hand, stopping his horse. "Alejandro! How have you fared?" 

"Alas, those barbarians destroyed my store. But some of my house remains. We have been fortunate. But you've gained a new scar, I see." The man commented, glancing at the mark above his eyebrow. Caspian laughed, having forgotten about it.

"Can't leave a battle without a few souvenirs." He winked. 

"I heard they put you in their dungeon." Alejandero commented, curiously. He could see the gears turning in the man's mind, working every angle.

"That is a tale on it's own, but unfortunately it will have to wait until next time we meet. I have some business to attend to in the villages."

The man nodded and stepped back. "Fair enough, but next time you stop by I'll have my wife brew us some tea so we can talk."

"I look forward to it. Until next time!" He waved, nudging his horse forward again. The man waved and bowed as he left. Caspian pondered the man's words as he continued on his way.

He'd assumed that word had gotten out about some of the things that had happened, but he had not yet considered what he would confirm or deny, or what information he himself would reveal. 

He supposed he would have to figure much of it out as he went, but one thought immediately stuck out to him; He would have to be sure to redirect their attention to the fact that Adrelawin had a new ruler and would never be the same...

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The sun shone brightly in the sky, and the returning birds sang in the trees. The chill of winter was passed, and the snow was rapidly disappearing, nearly none remained now. Only in the trees did snow still cover the ground, or where it had piled especially high. 

The men were talking quietly among themselves, and while Jamaal paid no attention to their words, he knew they were discussing Caspian's return. They were surprised that he had gotten straight back to work, and had joined them to check on the villages.

Jamaal glanced at his friend. Even now, as they rode, he had a stack of papers in hand and was reading, glancing up only occasionally to make sure he was on the right course. 

He had to smile, watching as Caspian absentmindedly rode. He didn't know what the papers contained, but he could practically hear Isidro's voice in his ear saying 'if he wasn't such a control freak...' 

He nudged his horse over, pulling up beside Caspian and grabbing the steed's bridle. His friend just nodded his thanks, completely distracted by his papers. Jamaal smirked as he led the King's horse around large stones and in the right direction.

'Well he's not such a control freak after all, Isidro. He just gave up control over his horse.' Jamaal thought, proceeding to lead the way...

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