One Step Closer

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Only an hour has past and Stiix was already in view. Jay was sitting down on a bench near the railing with Nya sleeping in his lap. 'She's so peaceful when she sleeps' Jay thought as he saw her chest move up and down with every breath she takes. 

"We will be arriving in five minutes" The loud speaker reported as the ship was slowing down. 

Jay took a deep breath and shook Nya to wake her up, "Wake up Nya, we're here" Jay whispered to her. 

Nya groaned, "Wake me up in the next hour" She responded. 

Jay laughed at her unusual behavior, "Come on it's time to go" He told her.

Jay helped Nya stand up, but Nya fell right into Jay's arms. They looked in each others eyes feeling the same spark they did when they first kissed. Jay gave Nya a little peck on the cheek before placing his hand on her forehead, "You're a bit warmer than this morning" Jay told her. 

"Once we get to Prince Zane's temple, he can get some medicine" Nya assured him. The thief smiled as Nya was able to stand on her own.

The ship came to it's stop at Stiix and they were able to get off quickly, so no one could recognize them. "Come down here" Nya whispered to Jay pointing to a tunnel. 

Jay looked at her confused, "Why are we going through here?" He asked her while Nya was already walking down the tunnel. 

"It's me and Zane's secret passage way in and out of the temple when we wanted to hang out without the guards watching us" Nya told him as she continued down the tunnel. 

"Nya can I ask you a question?" Jay asked. 

Nya nodded her head, "Why did your parents wanted you to marry Cole and not Zane since you knew him more?" Jay asked.

"I don't know, they told me that it would help the kingdom, but I know a little more. The Royal Brookstone's are well known for their money and power over the kingdom. While the Julien's were known as the most peaceful kingdom in all of Ninjago, and my parents didn't like that it was over water" Nya explained.

"Why didn't they like the kingdom on water?" Jay asked once again. 

Nya sighed, "My brother almost drowned in a pond of water" Nya told him, "We were there when I was about 3 and Kai was 5. I wanted Kai to jump into the water with me, but he wouldn't go, so I had to go in by myself. What we didn't know was that there was an alligator in the water and Kai was the only one who noticed it, but I didn't see it. Kai yelled my name and I turned around to see Kai jumped into the water onto of the alligator. I ran out of the water to find my parents and once I found them we found Kai on the ground not breathing. My father gave him CPR until he started breathing again, he was in a coma for 6 months."

Jay looked at Nya sadly, "That's why he has the scar over his eye" Jay realized. 

Nya nodded, "After that day my father made a law that all the ponds, rivers, or anything filled with water other than drinking water should be evaporated. And I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't let anyone risk their life for me ever again for the rest of my life, so I trained with the knights even when they said no. And that's what made me be the person I am today" Nya said, "Oh look we're here"

There was a light in front of the two love birds, and once they reached the end of the tunnel they were in a room with plain white walls and titanium carvings. That was until the two were blocked by silver men. Some of the men tumbled over Jay and the other's grabbed Nya by the arms. "Bring this man to the prison and bring the princess to the prince"  One of the men commanded. 

"Let go of me!" Nya yelled as she tried to get out of the grasp of the guards. Jay heard Nya's shouts and tried to get out from underneath the guards to get to her until they both heard a command that didn't come from the guards, "Release them" Some one commanded.

Jay was lifted up from the ground and onto his feet before running over to Nya as the guards let go of both of them. The figure that said the command was wearing a long white winter coat, a gray shirt that almost looked titanium, and had icy blue eyes. "Prince Zane" Nya said. 

Zane walked over to us, "Are you alright I heard that you have been kidnapped by this man" He asked while looking back at Jay. 

"First of all I was not kidnapped, I ran away. Second of all I'm trying to help someone I care about" Nya explained. 

"Nya do you realize who this man is? He killed the royal family of the abandoned kingdom" Zane told her.

"I did not kill the royal family" Jay said in a stern voice. 

The guards were raising their swords in position, "Your finger prints were all over the bodies there's proof" Zane said. 

"Did you even find the princes body?" Nya asked him. 

Zane shook his head, "No we all assumed it burned in the fire thanks to you thief" Zane told them referring to Jay. 

"My name is Jayson Michel Gordon son of Cliff Gordon and Amy Gordon. The boy that always liked the color blue and had the greatest friends with wild hair, the one with icy blue eyes, the one that was the smallest, and the one with the bolder brain." Jay told him, "I saw the man who killed my parents right in front of my own eyes, I felt anger fill in me as I wanted answers to who did it. I stole to get answers and I was caught in Jamanakai village and they saw my finger prints because I hugged my dead parents one more time before leaving them to find somewhere safe. And the abandoned kingdom you are referring to is the Kingdom of Zelda."(Couldn't think of anything else)

The prince was shocked about the mans information of the abandoned kingdom, but he needed to know it fully, "Follow me both of you. Guards say behind" 

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