A New Beginning

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The new younger Kings have taken over the Wolf and Lion Kingdoms with them taking over a new hope filled the Wolf and Lion Kingdoms. A new life, a new feeling of peace, a new beginning however it wasn't going to be easy. Many from the other Kingdoms still held resentment towards the Wolf and Lion Kingdoms because of the idiots that were the former leaders. However the new Kings were not afraid to take on the difficult task of restoring trust, they had faced hell and survived with a new respect and understanding of what was expected of them. It didn't help that the battle they were fighting was a long and brutal uphill fight because of the ones before them. Both the new Wolf and Lion kings had faced the harsh reality of what it means to be King, and had one person to thank for it, Queen Rose and Queen Angel. With their guidance they were prepared for this and anything that would come. They learned chaos was and always will be a part of their lives, but they knew they could handle it and take the problem on.

Orin had finished his training and now sits beside Queen Angel as King of the Husky Kingdom. He was grateful that Queen Angel and Queen Rose took the time to teach him and physically kick his ass till he couldn't stand. It showed him what he was getting into and prepared him to be King. The sword Queen Rose had given him still hangs by her picture as a reminder to Orin what he had to go through to be where he was and how his failures had cost him so much, not only in what he had to learn but in pain he would never forget.

Orin stops at the picture of Queen Rose and smiles.
"Thank you, you opened my eyes to what it means to be King. Your constant assaults, relentless demands to push further and harder and the kindness you showed me shaped me into the man I am today. For that I will be eternally grateful, I only wish I could repay you for your help, support and guidance. Perhaps one day I will get that chance."

Angel hugs Orin and smiles
"Orin, you do realize becoming the man you are today is what Rose wanted? I can tell you that everything that has happened and the changes you have made are exactly what Queen Rose wanted. My sister wanted you experience first hand what it means to be King, she showed you the darkness and pain being King entails. The constant attacks, the relentless demands to push further and farther, the constant training and tests prepared you to be ready and capable to be King."

Orin nods and smiles
"I can't deny that, if it wasn't for you and Rose I would be lost and completely unable to even attempt to be King. Not to mention Rose would probably kill me for being a failure and an incompetent idiot."

Angel laughs
"Probably, but then again you forget one very important thing. Rose is smart enough to know how far she can push before there's backlash, plus she wouldn't kill you without reason. Would she kick your ass till you cry like a baby? Yes she would, but she also would make sure you understand why she did."

"That's true, that's what makes her so intriguing and mysterious. Plus Queen Rose is wise beyond her years, I learned much from her and you. My sister has already accepted Queen Rose as mom, plus my sister has actually started advanced tactics training and combat training. According to my sister if Queen Rose can be a Warrior Queen, then she can be a Warrior Princess."

Angel nods
"Your sister is on her way to become something she never dreamed. You said your sister said if Rose can be a warrior princess, so can she. Rose never was a warrior princess, she is and always will be a true Draga Elita."

Orin smiles and nods
"Very true and that is what scares me. My sister becoming like Rose. A take no shit from anyone, will kick you ass without a second thought then explain why before she kicks your ass again for being an idiot. Then when you lay there in pain regretting your decision she sits there and helps you. Rose is a mystery and a confusing enigma all wrapped up in one package. Plus the way she teaches lessons by riddles makes my brain hurt."

Angel laughs as she leans on the wall
"I can't deny that but you have to admit her riddles did help you become a much wiser person. Plus making you brain hurt means you were thinking and actually trying to make an effort to figure out the riddles. But I will admit some of her riddles do require you to think outside the box to find the answer."

Orin smiles and laughs
"Especially for someone like me, but I will never wish it was different. The riddles, the constant training, the nights laying in bed in pain begging for sleep helped me open my eyes to everything I was an idiot to ignore."

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