Betrayal and Plot Revealed

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A day after the failed attack King Dush arrives with the Wolf King in ropes as a prisoner. The Lion King had been sat at a table with armed guards.

King Dush looks at the Wolf King
"I suggest you sit by your counter part in your plot."

The Wolf King nods and sits by the Lion King. Rose walks in and stops looking, she shakes her head.

"Why am I not surprised? Well looks like both of you are now at my mercy."

Wolf King
"It was his idea, I went along with it."

"Doesn't matter who's idea it was, you both are cowards. As I told the Lion King, you will now agree with my demands or find yourself in a war you will lose."

Lion King
"We wanted to force a new negotiations."

"Not surprising, you two have been trying everything to start a war. But of course you failed, and seriously pissed me off. Now you have to deal with the repercussions, and trust me. You thought my dad was difficult to negotiate with."
Rose puts her hands on the table and leans forward.
"Now you have to negotiate with me"

King Dush nods to Rose
"I will wait for your return. Do what you must, you have my full support."

King Dush leaves as Rose cracks her knuckles giving both the Lion and Wolf Kings a smirk.

"We tried your way, of course it failed and backfired on you. Now we do things my way, and things will get better."

Wolf King
"So what are you saying? We failed at the previous negotiations ans made things worse?"

"Yes you failed, and you two have fucked things up so badly, you have left me no choice. I have to step up and fix what you fucking idiot, genetic failure, useless, sorry excuse of a male did!"

The Lion king just sighs and nods. The Wolf King was on the verge of tears, he thought he was doing what was right. And yet here he sits getting his pride crushed by a female who had bigger balls then him.

Rose sighs and sits
"Look, I may seem like I am a heartless bitch. It hurts me to crush your pride like this, but I don't know how eles to get it through your heads. Ask Orin, I'm not a complete heartless bitch."

Orin nods as he sits between Angel and Rose.
"Rose speaks truth. She would rather you have a civilised negotiation with Queen Angel. But the two of you are constantly making it difficult for any chance of that. As for the Wasp Kingdom we will always defend our allies against all enemies. So I suggest you two either man up and grow a pair of balls, or step down as king and let a new generation lead."

Lion King
"I do believe it's time to let the next generation lead us into the future. Many things have changed, a new path is needed. Princess Rose, if I send five of my most trusted and honerable young men. Will you test them to find the best to lead The Lion Kingdom into a peaceful future with The Husky Kingdom?"

Queen Angel
"We will discuss that later. The current situation is what I want as priority."

Queen Angel
"I understand you will want demands met also. But given the failed negotiations from before, my demands are not open for negotiations. My demands are as follows.
One. You sign a treaty agreeing to working with me. If you so much as attempt to back out, you agree that you will be an enemy and dealt with as such.
Two. You will begin trade again. If you don't, you will be an enemy.
Three. Any and all negotiations will be held here under the control of my sister.
Four. You will pull your head out of your ass, quit this testosterone fueled saber rattling. Or you will step down and surrender your crown.
Any attempt to undermine or not comply with my demands will result with you being declared an enemy and a threat to peace."

"If Queen Angel deems you a threat, you will find yourself facing an army of unimaginable size. An army that will crush any attempt at defence like a flood a flood that will leave a path of death and destruction in it's path."

After a few hours a new treaty had been signed. The Wolf and Lion Kingdoms agree to start trade again, and all of the demands by Queen Angel. Although unhappy about how the agreement was reached Queen Angel did understand why it was done the way it was.

Rose hugs Angel
"I must return to my home. Any time you need me or just want me to visit. You know how to get a hold of me."

"Thank you my sister. I will call on you again, that you can be sure of."

Rose nods and turns to Orin.

Orin nods and kneels, Rose takes her long sword from it's sheath. Rose taps Orin once on each shoulder.
"Stand Orin."

Orin stands as Rose puts her sword away. Rose steps forward and puts her hand on Orin's right shoulder.
"Orin, you have proven yourself. You have the ability to lead the army, but you are not ready to be king. You have much to learn, but what my opinion is may not hold any weight. As my father slowly leaves us, you may find yourself thrust into being king."

Orin nods and bows
"I am aware of that, I will always accept any advice or criticism."

Rose nods and bows to Angel.
"I shall take my leave your majesty."

Angel nods and bows
"Safe travels my sister. Orin please see that my sister has no issues leaving."

"Yes Queen Angel."

Orin escorts Rose to the stables and walks with her to the center of town. He helps her mount her wasp then steps back.
"Safe travles Master Rose. Thank you for showing me the truth and a path of honor."

Rose nods and hands Orin her long sword.
"As in the tradition of master and student training. Once the student completes their training, the master must provide a gift. Take it Orin, and always remember. I give you this because I believe you have earned it, do not make me regret my decision."

Orin holds the sword close and bows.
"I promise you, I will do everything in my power to honor you and this gift."

Rose nods and she heads home to the Wasp Kingdom. Orin watches untill Rose had vanished into the horizon then heads inside and hangs the long sword by the painting of Rose. Orin nods and smiles.
"Only in a time of battle shall this sword leave this spot."

It seems the attack by the Wolf and Lion Kingdoms was a failure. But now they are under a contract that has serious repercussions if they fail to honor it. But one thing is clear, Rose didn't want to force them but had no choice. Her hand was forced by the cowardly attacks, and the contract was signed by all in attendance of the negotiations.

Thank you for reading and please remember to vote and comment.

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