Lang Zu meets Queen Rose

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Three days later Queen Rose arrives with her new King. He was a year older than Rose but was very wise for his age.

"Sister, welcome it's always good to see you. Who is this?"

"Hello my sister, it is always good to see you too. As you know King Dush was taken by Wasp Disease he passed the same day our father passed. This is the new King of the Wasp Kingdom, King Zander. Zander this is my sister Queen Angel."

"An honor to meet you Queen Angel. Queen Rose has told me much about you."

"I trust you are listening to Queen Rose?"

Zander nods
"Yes. I am well aware of how well and efficiently Queen Rose is running the kingdom. I admit I have much to learn, but with Queen Rose teaching me, there's no doubt I will be a fair and wise King."

Angel nods
"Good. Rose we have a guest that made a very long trip to see you. The son of the sword maker that made your sword. I will let him explain why he is here, be aware he can speak the common and mountain dragon tongue. His name is Lang Zu, his father Zang Zu was the one who made your gift."

Rose nods
"Very well, sister I've come with official business from the dragons. We will discuss it later when the representatives from the dragons arrive tomorrow."

Angel nods as Rose walks with her to the garden.
"I understand, for now let us relax and enjoy the lovely evening."

The following morning Lang Zu meets Queen Rose at breakfast.

Lang Zu
"Hello Queen Rose, it is an honor to meet you in person."

"My sister has informed me of the situation. Allow me to first offer my condolences for your loss, your father was a wise and very intelligent man. Second as for the sword, I have it with me it has never left my side even when I sleep it is always within reach."

Lang Zu
"Thank you for keeping it safe. I hope it served you well."

Rose nods and hands Lang Zu the sword.
"It has and I am truly honored to have used it in the protection of my family and friends."

Lang Zu takes it and gives Rose the swords he had in exchange.
"My father would be proud to hear those words. He believed violence wasn't the answer but he understood it was sometimes unavoidable. Every sword, throwing knife or star he made he did so with pride in his work."

"Lang Zu I have thought about your offer and discussed it with my sister. I accept your offer and welcome you to the Husky Kingdom, your knowledge and skills will be a great asset to the kingdom as well as you will be as a citizen of the kingdom."

Lang Zu
"Thank you, I will use the knowledge and my skills to help the kingdom become stronger. As I explained when I arrived, my father told me to fulfill his dream to expand to friendly kingdoms and teach others. I intend to exceed my father's dreams and become a grand master sword maker."

"After you settle in here Lang Zu and find worthy apprentices I need 300 samurai swords traditional combat style is all that's needed. Nothing more, they are for the Wasp army the weapons they are currently using are slowly failing and getting a new sword is becoming increasingly difficult."

Lang Zu
"I understand, it will be a great honor to make reliable swords for the Wasp army. It may take time to make all 300 but I'm sure I can have a couple dozen done by next month. My only concern is, where am I going to get a reliable and equivalent steel here."

"Do not worry about that Lang Zu, my friends the Mountain Dragons are bringing 700 pounds of Dragon Steel here. That should be more than enough for you to make the swords."

Lang Zu
"Yes that is more than I need, but it's always a good idea to have more than you require."

Rose nods
"I have a request for a sword Lang Zu, a special request. I need a Dragon Claw Katana, one made in the old ways."

Lang Zu
"I can do that, but I need time to create it. The old ways have strict rules about what can and can't be used or done in the creation of it."

"I am aware of this, and I trust you to adhere to them fully. It must be done to the standards and requirements set forth by the ones who first made it."

Lang Zu
"As you wish Queen Rose, I shall follow the old ways completely."

"I trust you will, you will bring great honor to your family. We are honored to have you here Lang Zu, and I do believe what happened and what will happen is not chance. It was fate that brought us together."

"Lang Zu you are free to explore the kingdom. If you find anything you need tell the shop owner you are a guest of the Queen and they will be fairly reimbursed. All I need from you is what shop and what the amount is. Oron please help Zang Zu with anything he may need. If you don't have the money to pay tell them I will send payment."

"Yes my Queen."

"Angel and I have a highly important meeting to attend. Zander, please help around the palace and kingdom while we are here. Think of it as training and exposure to different cutures and ways of life."

"Of course with pleasure. Any chance I can get to learn is a benifit to me to be a better leader."

Lang Zu
"Shall I assist?"

"Yes. It would be a huge benifit to you. It will give you a chance to explore the kingdom. Also look for a suitable place for your shop and forge."

Lang Zu
"Yes your majesty, thank you."

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