Negotiations fall out

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King Lucas returns home from a somewhat good news from the peace negotiations with the Hive Confederation. War wasn't coming, but he lost someone, actually two in the peace negotiations. His daughters Princess Angel and Princess Rose. Unfortunately it also means he had to tell Princess Rose that she was to be the new wife of King Dush, a man twice her age. The worst part about it is he had to tell Princess Rose, something he wasn't looking forward to. In all actuality he was actually scared. Princess Rose was him, only female and that actually scared him. King Lucas meets with his wife Queen Aryla to inform her of the situation.

Queen Aryla
"There wasn't any other way? It was our daughters or war?"

King Lucas
"Unfortunately, no there wasn't. King Dush wanted a queen and our daughters were the only viable option. Because Angel is the crown princess she gets to stay here and be wed to Prince Orin. Rose however has to go to The Wasp kingdom. I tried to keep Rose out of the deal but I was unsuccessful. And now I have to tell Princess Rose, something I'm not looking forward to."

Queen Aryla
"You did what you could, I'm proud of you my love. If we have to suffer to prevent war, then it must be done. Don't forget, I went through the same thing'

King Lucas
"I know, I just didn't want to go through that again. Hopefully Rose doesn't hate me forever because of this"

Queen Aryla
"I'm sure she won't. She might be angry about it, but Rose does love you."

King Lucas
"I know. I'm too tired to face the beast today."

King Lucas had a cancer, one that medical science nor magic could eliminate. It was only a matter of time before it claimed his life. That night they sat to a quiet dinner, King Lucas was trying to figure out how to tell Princess Rose, the only way was to just tell her. No matter how much he tried to soften the impact of the news, King Lucas knew it would be madness.

The next day King Lucas calls for both Angel and Rose, he waits for them in the throne room. After a few minutes Rose and Angel walk into the throne room.

Princess Angel
"Yes father, you requested to see us."

Princess Rose
"You look well father. How did the negotiations go?"

King Lucas
"As well as can be expected. I have good news and bad news."

A palace servant walks in and bows.
"Your majesty. General Xavier has requested a meeting with you."

King Lucas
'Very well. Tell him I'll be there shortly. Angel, Rose I'll tell you at dinner."

King Lucas gets up and leaves to go meet with General Xavier. The meeting didn't end until late into the night. Rose and Angel had already gone to bed.

Queen Aryla
"You are doing the right thing, it's hard. I don't want to send Rose to be queen of another kingdom, but I understand why."

King Lucas
"I just hope Rose understands. I did everything I could. With the Wolf and Lion kingdoms stopping trade, it's creating a real mess."

Queen Aryla
"I know, I just wish there was something else that could have been done. I know Angel is gonna be upset about it. Come her love, let me put you at ease."

Queen Aryla gets over King Lucas and makes sweet passionate love to him. After they both fall asleep in each other's arms. Rose's birthday was in two days, the day after is when she would be leaving to the Wasp kingdom.

Wasp Kingdom

King Dush sits alone in the throne room he was happy war had been avoided, however he wasn't happy about having to take the daughter of King Lucas, but he did need a queen to rule by his side.

"King Dush, your presence is requested by General Aston"

King Dush nods and goes to meet with his general.

General Aston
"Thank you for coming your majesty. I know you have had a rough day. I only have one question. Given the current situation, do you believe it was a wise decision to make King Lucas give up both his daughters?"

King Dush
"Aston, you know we need a queen. The only viable option was Princess Rose. I only hope King Lucas is honest with her, we desperately need the wood and resources."

General Aston
"I understand that my king and agree with you. I am worried that if something happens to either of King Lucas's daughters, he will blame not only you, but the entire Hive Confederation and the Wolf and Lion kingdoms."

King Dush
"I'm aware of that, it may not be a happy solution. But it did avoid a war that no one wanted"

General Aston
"That's true. If the Wolf and Lion kingdoms hadn't stopped trade I believe it would have been a better situation to ask for Princess Rose as queen."

King Dush nods, the situation did make it look a little suspicious, especially if King Lucas didn't tell Angel and Rose everything, King Dush goes back to his room and looks at the picture of his late wife Queen Maria.
"I hope you understand my love. I never wanted to use the peace negotiations to get a new queen. The opportunity was there and I seized it. Our son however, I'm afraid he will make the crowned princess of the Husky kingdom a very unhappy queen with his arrogance."

King Dush gets his sleeping gown on and climbs into bed, he looks at the spot where his wife used to lay. His mind fools him by creating an image of Maria laying there sleeping peacefully. That night he dreams, in his dream Queen Maria comes to him.

*Author's note. What follows is in King Dush's dream*

Queen Maria
"Hello my love. I'm not angry with you. I'm happy, yes the situation was not the best time to ask for Princess Rose as your new queen. But the opportunity was there and may not have been there again. Love her and care for her as you did me, our son however will find himself in a situation where he will be forced to make a choice. One that will test him, Princess Angel with make a statement. One that will make him question his actions. You must not interfere, unless life is at stake. Let him succeed or fail on his own, you must not interfere unless life is at stake. I do not believe that Oron will harm Princess Angel, but you must be ready to quell not only a angry king and queen of the Husky kingdom if he does, but also an angry wife or future wife.  Always remember, I love you. Show Princess Rose, the future Queen of The Wasp kingdom the same love and compassion you gave me. Remember, I'm always watching. Sleep well my love."

With those final words Queen Maria fades away, leaving King Dush to sleep. King Dush sleeps, but it wasn't a peaceful sleep.

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