Sad Report

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The next few months pass without much hassle. Winter had arrived, and this year was especially cold. It was early November and the kingdoms were already dealing with snow. The Wasp Kingdom all but shuts down as the kingdom goes into hibernation, the Wolf and Lion Kingdoms have turned to dealing with the snow and preparations for what is believed to be a long brutal winter. Sending messages had become only when nesscacary, Angel was tending to her duties as Queen of the Husky Kingdom as Rose goes from home to home in The Wasp Kingdom checking on famlies, she had been doing this for the last six days. Rose and couple of guards from the Husky Kingdom were delivering blankets, wood and other items to the famlies so they could stay warm. After they make the delivery to the last home Rose and the huskies return to the palace to warm up themselves.

The general who was now the royal advisor meets them in the throne room. He bows and says.
"My Queen, it is good to see your safe return. The famlies of the kingdom will now be safe and warm."

Rose nods and goes to bathe, even though she had warm clothes and a thick coat on she was still cold. Rose sits in the bath the warm water relaxes and warms her.

Angel was doing the same as Rose in the Husky Kingdom. They both knew this winter was gonna be the worst in years, everyone was doing their part to ensure survival.

Unknown to Rose three husky soldiers were on the way to her with very sad news. King Lucas's condition had deteriorated and was expected to pass away within the month. Unfortunately due to the weather, a two day trip was taking longer than usual. The message didn't reach Rose until five days later. King Dush's condition had deteriorated as well, he was expected to pass within a month.

King Dush had given Rose complete control of the kingdom knowing he was no longer able to rule. He knew Rose would do the best for the kingdom and make it better and stronger than it was. Rose was training helping the guards become faster, smarter, deadlier and confident.  A few weeks later the Wasp Kingdom was silent, nothing was open, no one was active. It was just Rose and the friends that had come with her.

"This is definitely gonna take some getting use to. A busy bustling kingdom basically shutting down overnight. It's kinda creepy."

"Agreed. But anyone that is insect anthro can't survive in the winter. The only option for survival is going into hibernation. It leaves them vulnerable, but protected. No one would be stupid enough to start a fight in the dead of winter."

Rose scoffs
"Actually there is two that are actually stupid enough to do it."

"The Wolf and Lion Kings don't count. Those two dumb fucking idiots are nothing but a waste of genetic material. Those two are too stupid to fight their way out of a wet paper bag."

"Exactly. You can't include the two dumbest dip shit fucking idiots in history. I mean seriously, how can someone be so fucking stupid and be a leader? It's inconceivable how they actually got put in as King, you and your sister have more intelligence in your pinky about running a kingdom. Personally I think they should be removed from the genetic pool. We really don't need more complete idiot dumb fuck morons in this world."

Rose chuckles
"Astra, we are not trying to continue a controlling and oppressive way. We do not support or participate in militarism. My mother and father did not fight to free the Husky Kingdom from oppression for their daughter to do the opposite."

"I know. I was just thinking out loud, you know I wouldn't do that."

"It is an entertaining idea, but one that is frowned upon. What I don't understand is why those two continue to test you and continue aggravating you. They know you won't hesitate to knock them down a couple of notches."

"They wanna see how far they can push before Rose snaps and unleashes her full fury on them."

Rose nods and sips her warm tea
"True. But one thing they don't know or understand, the Wasp and Husky Kingdoms are now allies. You attack one, the other returns the favor."

Zia laughs
"Yeah in a big way."

"Exactly. Wasp, Husky, Dark Elf and Dragon all laying siege to the attacker kingdom."

"More like a merciless ass kicking with the threat of annihilation."

"As interesting as that sounds. We do not wipe a species from existence without agreement from all ally kingdoms that annihilation is the best course of action."

"Agreed. It keeps everything in balance."

Rose nods
"That it does. Let us go and get some food and then you two are free to do as you wish untill I call for you. And don't do anything illegal."

Zia and Astra nod and stand. The three friends go to the kitchen. Not much is going on or to do given the fact the Wasp Kingdom has basically shut down for the winter.

At the Husky Kingdom Angel is doing what she can given the fact Orin has gone into hibernation for the winter. Angel wasn't use to someone going into hibernation for the winter and basically leaving everything to her. Orin had told Angel he would be hibernating for the winter, the messengers had returned giving verification on what Orin said. The entire Wasp Kingdom was in hibernation leaving Rose to do everything. One thing Rose didn't know that Angel did, Orin had told Angel it was common for some from the Wasp Kingdom to not survive the winter. All Rose and Angel could do is survive the winter and wait for everything to come back in the spring.

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