Chapter Nineteen | Meet the Parents

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⚠️Trigger warning: themes of eating disorders appear in this chapter. ⚠️

James and I arrive at the train station a little after Lara's train drops her off. We find her sat on a bench, shivering from the cold. Every instinct I have begs me to run to her and hold her in my arms. Instead, I stay exactly where I am in James' car, respecting her wishes.

"Tell her I love her," I say, fiddling with the sleeve on my jumper.

James responds by kissing me gently on the lips and bumping his forehead with mine. "Call your mum and dad."

I do as instructed and watch him as he makes his way across the car park to where my terrified sister is waiting. Upon seeing him, she buries her head in her hands and begins to sob uncontrollably. I'm seconds away from leaving the car when James wraps his arms around her back and offers her one of his amazing bear hugs. I pause what I'm doing, in awe of his actions. I don't necessarily want to intrude on their moment. I understand that Lara needs to talk to someone she trusts who—perhaps she sees as an unbiased opinion? She knows James enough to know he has her best interests at heart, yet he's still somewhat a stranger. With her mind currently where it's at, that exactly what she needs.


In my haste to watch every second of their interaction, I failed to notice dad answering my call.


"You're on speaker, sweetheart," he shares, letting me know Mum is listening too.

"Are you with her?" she asks, sounding worried beyond belief.

"James is. She wanted to see him."

There's a moment of silence before Dad finally asks the inevitable. "Who's James, sweetheart?"

"He's my—"

The way I see it, I have two options here. I either introduce him as my professor and suffer through the many questions that'll no doubt follow. Or, I say he's my boyfriend and still suffer through the many questions.

"He's my boyfriend."

In the end, I say what feels right.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend," replies Mum.

Dad—to no surprise—says nothing.

"It's quite new," I explain. "Lara met him when she visited. I think she needs to speak with someone who isn't family right now."

Dad hums his agreement.

"Where are you?"

"On the A1. About two hours away."

"Don't speed," I warn, acting as the third parent yet again. "She's safe now. We'll take care of her until you get here."

Mum sighs, followed by what sounds like a sob.

"She'll be okay," I hear dad say.

It breaks my heart that I can't comfort them in person.

"I'm so scared," she cries. "She's my baby."

In the distance, I see James put his coat around Lara's shoulders and take a seat beside her. They both have their back to me, not that it really makes any difference. It's dark as shit out here.

"Lara's strong," I offer. "She'll get through this."

I desperately want to stay on the phone but hate the idea of distracting Dad when he's driving on the motorway.

"Text me when you're five minutes away," I say, mainly talking to Mum. "And don't worry. We'll handle this as a family."

Mum is the emotional one and dad—although usually calm and collected—is struggling to process this. I might not be able to help with Lara's pain levels, but I can certainly step up and become the third parent she needs right now. Mum and Dad are amazing role models, but their parental approach is very relaxed. They were still kids when they had me and have yet to shed their youthfulness. Not that I'm complaining. I love that the most about them, but in times like these, they struggle. They don't know how to handle complex situations and with Lara bringing up something as serious as suicide, I can foresee them crumbling without my input. Perhaps that's why Lara came here. She knows as well as I do what our parents are like. Maybe this is her way of helping them out? By letting me take charge while they watch.

"I will, sweetheart. See you soon. I love you."

"I love you too," I say, hanging up shortly after.

James and Lara talk for another ten minutes before slowly making their way towards the car. When she's a few feet away, I spring from my seat and practically throw myself at her.

"Jeez, Sloan! No need to be so dramatic."

As much as I'm relieved to see her teasing side is back, humour simply won't cut it this time. Not when I know it's a facade to mask her true feelings.

"I'm taking you back to the flat. Mum and Dad are on their way."

She nods, as if she knew this would happen.

"We're going to talk. All four of us."

"Can you help them?" she pleads. "They have no fucking idea what they're doing."

We both share a small smile, loving them regardless.

"Of course I will. That's what I'm here for."

She gestures toward James who—in our haste to hug—quietly snuck back into the driver's seat in a bid to offer us some privacy.

"I hope you know my need to talk to him had nothing to do with you."

I squeeze her shoulder and smile, letting her know I understand.

"I just needed someone who doesn't know me that well. Someone I trust."

"I'm glad you asked for him," I reply.

She wraps his coat tighter around her arms. "He's incredible, Sloan. He thinks the world of you."

"I think the world of him," I respond, blushing.

She nudges her hip with mine, half mocking my feelings and half celebrating them.

"Let's get you warmed up," I say, helping her into the back seat.

I slide in beside her, needing her closeness more than ever.

James twists in his position and—in an attempt to brighten the mood—speaks. "Seatbelts on, kids."


I messaged Nicole to give her the rundown of tonight's events and within thirty minutes, her and Freddie were back at the flat.

I manage to explain James' presence by claiming I went to him for help first, not wanting to interrupt Nicole's study session. Upon seeing me, she immediately hugs me and follows it up with a gentle scorning.

"Don't ever feel like you can't call me in an emergency. I'm your best friend and I'm always here for you."

My heart both soars and aches. On one hand, I'm delighted to have her fighting in my corner. On the other, I'm riddled with guilt for keeping such a huge secret from her.


"How is she?"

"She's sleeping," I inform, gesturing towards the sofa.

Last night's lack of sleep, combined with the emotional strain of today has turned into exhaustion and she's completely wiped. James is with her now, keeping her legs elevated on one of the cushions. He insisted on it when she first mentioned taking a nap.

"Thank God Jamie was able to drive you to the station," she says, rubbing at her forehead.

I don't fail to notice her stress signals.

"How are you?" I ask, gently. "Stress can be a trigger. Are you looking after yourself?"

She instantly laughs. "Stop worrying about everyone else for once. Let us take care of you."

Freddie chimes in, agreeing. "She's right, Sloan. You just focus on you."

I pull them both into a hug, grateful for the presence on what is quite possibly the worst night of my life.

"My mum and dad should be here soon. They're driving up from Yorkshire."

Nicole nods, taking hold of my hand. "Is there anything I can do to make it better?"

"Just be you," I tell her, appreciating her more than ever.

She offers me a smile before sharing her plans to check on James. Once alone, Freddie flicks the switch on the kettle, adding an extra layer of privacy to our conversation.

"You need to tell her."

"I know," is my response. "We will. Soon."

"The longer you leave it, the harder it'll be," he says.

He's right. The more I put it off, the messier it'll be.

"Any luck on finding out who's behind today's attack?" I ask, attempting a subject change.

The graffiti incident seems like a distant memory when—in actual fact—it happened only a few hours ago. On top of everything with Lara, I'll admit I had forgotten about it. And I shouldn't. It's a serious issue that needs immediate attention.

"I don't need to find out," he replies. "I already know who is responsible for it."


"Who?" I ask.

"Jamie would kill me if I told you. You'll have to ask him."

I have a feeling he'll be reluctant to share.

"He can't open that part of his life up to me," I say, keeping him informed.  "And I respect that."

Freddie smiles.

"Just promise me you'll look after him. Keep him safe."

"He's my brother," he states, confident as ever. "I'll always keep him safe."

With my confidence restored, I make my way back into the living room, finding Nicole now gently caressing Lara's hair as she sleeps. Something inside me stirs. Seeing both James and Nicole tend to Lara in her darkest moment not only fills me with gratitude, but also joy. Even Freddie looks concerned, and I can't thank them enough for that. Now knowing what I do about these three, I understand why. They're not biologically related, but they're a family, no less. Perhaps that's how they see Lara and me? An extension of their family.

"Someone texted you," informs James, gesturing towards my phone resting on the coffee table.

He's still sat with Lara's legs resting on his lap.

"Mum and Dad must be close," I explain, reaching for my phone.

The moment I grab it, there's a knock at the front door.

"I'll get it," insists Freddie, still on high alert from this afternoon's incident.

I follow him, not wanting Mum and Dad to think they've got the wrong house.

"Sweetheart!" cries Mum, practically falling into my arms.

I haven't seen her in over a month and—until this very second—hadn't realised just how much I miss her.

"She's a sleep on the sofa," I inform, offering the other half of my hug to Dad.

He immediately accepts.

"We had no idea things were this bad," he explains, pulling back an inch. "She's been hiding it from us."

"I know. It's just her way of coping."

Tears roll down Mum's cheeks. "We've failed her."

"You haven't failed her," I insist. "Your support it what's kept her going all these years."

Dad rests a reassuring arm around Mum's shoulders. "She's right, Helen. You're a wonderful mum."

Freddie's gaze is transfixed on our interaction, and I certainly don't miss the new layer of shine now present in his eyes. I have no insight into his life, but from what James has told me, it isn't good. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Freddie doesn't know what it means to have supportive parents. And seeing it now is obviously proving too much.

"You must be James," interrupts Dad, smiling.

"I'm Freddie," he replies, mirroring his smile. "James' brother."

Dad shakes his hand and gestures towards his uniform. "You're a police officer?"

Freddie nods.

"Is everything okay?"

I quickly jump in, not wanting to worry my parents any further. "Freddie and James are Nicole's brothers. My roommate. They're always hanging around."

"Sloan can't get rid of us," he jokes, thankfully lightening the mood.

Mum smiles.

"Let's see if Lara's awake," I suggest, heading towards the living room.

The three of them are in the exact same position as before and I quickly begin my introductions. Nicole—seeing my mother in such a state of distress—immediately embraces her, keen to ease her worries. Nicole is so affectionate, and I can't help but think she often gives out what she most craves herself. Thankfully, Mum appreciates her gesture and holds her back, gently squeezing her.

"Dad, this is James," I say. "James, this is my dad—Simon."

James instantly grins and sticks his hand out for him. "Lovely to meet you."

Dad accepts his gesture and returns his huge smile. "I can see you're a little bit stuck."

He points to Lara's legs and laughs a little.

"Elevation is supposed to be good for arthritis pain," explains James. "Or so the books say."

"Oh, you're a book fan? That explains why you're dating my daughter."

The room goes silent and my heart stops. James looks mildly distraught and somewhat panicked. I—on the other hand—have no fucking idea what to say thanks to the bile now clawing its way up my throat. Freddie stays unusually quiet and for once, I plead with him to use his quick wit to somehow restore the situation.

"Jamie and Sloan aren't dating," laughs Nicole. "He's her English Professor."

Mum and Dad look at me and I subtly shake my head as is to say just go with it. I don't have time to explain this to them right now, and I certainly don't have the energy.

"Oh. My mistake," offers Dad. "I just assumed."

James lets slip a small laugh and it's awkward to say the least. I had certain expectations when introducing my parents to James for the first time and it's safe to say this is not how I intended things to go. Grated, I perhaps shouldn't have told them about him over the phone in the midst of a family crisis. What did I expect was going to happen? Of course Dad was going to say something. He can't help himself. And of course there was always the chance Nicole would be around to hear it.

I'm so stupid.

"Hmm. Sloan?"

Lara—thankfully—choses now to awaken, though looks far from refreshed for having done so. Her hair is a tangled mess, and I can tell by the crease in her forehead that she's in a great deal of pain.

"Painkillers?" I ask.

She nods and Mum produces some from her purse.

"Right, you lot," announces James, gently squeezing Lara's legs. "Let's clear out. Give these guys some privacy."

"James—" protests Lara.

He nudges her shoulder "Remember what I said?"

She nods.

"You'll be okay."

I have no idea what their interaction means but can only assume Lara is holding back on telling us something. That James is somehow encouraging her to be honest with us.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," he whispers on his way past.

He subtly takes hold of my hand and squeezes my fingers, though not subtly enough it would seem. Dad clocks onto the action almost immediately and smirks. I can already tell he has questions about us and I'm unsure if I'm capable of answering them.

"Sit down," offers Lara, addressing all three of us as James exits. "I have something I need to tell you."


Hello, lovely! 💕

How are you feeling?

I always like to check in with you guys after a particularly hard chapter. Remember to speak with someone you trust if the themes in this update have brought any negativity up for you.

What do we all think about Sloan's dad dropping the big bomb like that?

Who thinks Nicole might start putting the puzzle pieces together? 😈

And who the heck is responsible for the graffiti attack?!?!


P.S, I have lots of amazing things coming your way soon, so be sure to follow me on social media where I'll be revealing some exciting stuff!

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