Part : 1

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Today, one year has been passed since I lost my brother in a accident. It was a nightmare for me. Only I know that how I have handled myself after that incident. My brother was like my baby for me. When I was ten, he was born and now I'm 21 and he is no more. I still remember that day when I held him in my arms for the first time and how he smiled at me. Sometimes, his memories hurts me a lot.
But after losing him, I have realised one thing that life never stop, it moves on. People will come and go out of your life, nothing is permanent, everything is temporary in this life. We just have to accept the things and move on with the life. If you get stuck at one point, then it will get difficult to live, like my mother.

She has gone into severe depression after losing her son. Her condition is getting worse day by day. My father and I are trying our best to cheer her up but I feel like she doesn't want to live. I know she was the mother of Nikhil but he was my baby too. I know it is difficult to accept the truth but that's what life is. We can't stop living, life moves on and mom needs to understand this sooner or later. Sometime I feel like I lost my mom also with my brother that day and it hurts more to think this.

I'm standing under the shower and like everyday, I'm thinking about my life. This is the only time when I think about my life, that's why I hate taking shower. I know people feel relax after the shower but I feel depressed and I don't know why. The water is cascading down my body and I'm running my hands all over my body to clean myself.

"Finally." I sighed and turned off the shower. I took the towel which was hanging in the bathroom.

I stepped outside of the bathroom after wrapping the towel and I got ready in ten minutes for the college. I'm not that type of girls who take two three hours to get ready. I don't apply make up, just a lipgloss, sunscreen cream and eyeliner sometimes. I hate those girl who come to college after applying so many layers of makeup and wearing fancy clothes.

Do they really come to college or a fashion show ?
Last time glancing myself in the mirror, I walked out of my room. Today, I'm wearing black jeans with white off shoulder top.

I strolled toward my parents' room. As I stepped into the room, I found my mom still sleeping because of the medicines she is taking. I heard the sound of water falling on floor from bathroom, I understood that dad is taking the shower.

I came into the open kitchen of our house and started preparing omelettes and sandwiches for the breakfast. This is my daily routine, wake up early in the morning, prepare breakfast and then leave for the college.

"Good morning." I looked at my dad as he wished me. I was so engrossed in cooking that I didn't come to know when dad walked inside and stood beside me.

"Good morning, dad." I smiled at him. He leaned down and gently kissed my forehead.

"So what are you making ?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and then moved his eyes from me to glass, in which I was whisking the egg for the omelet a minute ago.
He looked at me and I replied. "Omelettes and sandwiches." His corner of lips were drawn down and his lower lip pouted out.

"Today also this boring breakfast. I wanted to eat aloo pratha, Nandu." I chuckled as he is showing tantrums like a small kid.

He is damn cute. Nobody can say that he is 45 year old. He is fun loving person. He is the strongest person, I have ever seen. He is my inspiration. I'm trying to become strong like him.

"Eat healthy, stay healthy. We have kept Sunday for your unhealthy food like aloo pratha with lots of butter spreading on it. And let me remind you today is Thursday and you have to wait till Sunday." He was listening to me, pouting his lips out.

"Okay." He agreed, having no other option because he knows me very well. I'm his stubborn daughter. I smiled at him.

"Now let me help you." He turned on the gas with the lighter after putting the fry pan on it.

"Dad, you can go. Mom can wake up any moment and you should be with her, I'll do it myself." I asked him to go because leaving mom alone is dangerous. She can do anything.

He sighed deeply and said. "You're right." I can see pain in his dark black eyes. He doesn't want to loose mom.
"Mom will get fine soon, dad. Don't lose hope." I reassured him, putting my hands over his shoulders.
He gave me a faint smile. "I'll never lose hope. She has to get fine one day for me, for both of us and she will get fine." I can clearly see confidence in his back eyes. He loves mom a lot.

I smiled slightly, thinking about those day when mom used to laugh with us. Her smile was so beautiful. I can't wait to see her bright and friendly smile again. I miss my happy mom a lot.

Dad went to see mom. Dad really loves her a lot. He left everything for her. He was a maths professor in the government college but he left his job for mom because she needed him more. After that we opened the coaching centre and luckily it became so popular in one year. He takes care of mom till afternoon until I come back from college and then he goes to coaching centre. He comes back in the evening and then I go to teach students at our coaching centre. In starting days, we had faced lots of financial problem but now we're earning pretty well.

After one hour, I stepped into my parents room, holding two plates in my hands. I saw dad is stepping out of the bathroom, holding mom's hand, may be after giving her bath because her hair are wet. She is staring straight like a lifeless soul. It hurts a lot when every time I see her in this condition. She has become silent since one year.

After putting the plates on the table, I walked toward them. "Good morning, mom." She just looked at me blankly as I placed a kiss on her cheek. I'm feeling like she doesn't even remember me. My mom is not able to recognise me and it hurts a little more.

"Let's eat the breakfast, I'm starving." Dad said. I gave him infinitesimal smile and nodded at him. We walked toward the sofa and settled down. Mom is sitting between us and still staring straight.

Dad started feeding her with so much love. He is caressing her cheeks and kissing her forehead after every bite. I'm just admiring them. I can't even describe in words, how much dad loves mom. I also want to be loved like this by somebody and I want to love somebody like my dad. Where will be my life partner ? When I will meet him? I won't lie but I'm waiting for that day desperately. But don't know, Will I get somebody like him or not?

Dad and I are cracking jokes to make mom laugh but she is just lost in her own thoughts and staring at the walls which are in front of her. We both laughed on the joke loudly and when mom didn't even move her eyes then I stared at dad helplessly. Dad blinked his eyes in assurance that she'll be fine. I pursed my lips to control my emotions and turned away my face dejectedly.

I sighed deeply before standing up from the sofa. "Dad, I'm getting late for the college. So I'm leaving. Bye and I love you." I bent down and hugged dad before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Bye my doll and take care." He said, placing his hand over my face and Yes, I'm still his doll, his little doll.
We smiled at each other. "Bye mom." I hugged mom tightly and waited for her to hug me back for a minute but she didn't as expected. I badly want her to hug me tightly and say I'm fine, Nandu. I broke the hug, fighting back with my tears.

I smiled at mom and kissed her forehead after clasping her face. "I really miss you, mom." I whispered, touching my face with her and a solitary tear trickled down my cheek mechanically. I pulled away from her after wiping off my tear. I came outside of room after glancing at my parents for the last time before leaving.

I walked into my room. I tied my hair in a high pony tail with the rubber band, standing in front of mirror. I hung my bag over my shoulder and stepped out of the room.

Love Mehak

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