Chapter 1. Halo

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Cortana:"Sargeant, Chief, you are closing to Noble team's location."

Going through the dark cave Master Chief entered, we finally go to the other side. It was between some mountains. A canyon of some sorts. Behind a lot of rocks, UNSC shuttles laid, destroyed. Using the pods as cover, a couple of marines and Emile were fighting the Covenant.

The battlefield was filled with marine and elite corpses. If we don't do something, the rest of the marines, and Noble Team will become a corpse too.

F/N:"Chief, I'll cover you, give them hell."

The Chief nodded, and climbed down the hill we were in, a perfect spot for a sniper.

I gently dropped Noble Six besides a little rock, protected from any enemy fire. Then, I crouched down some meters away from her. Not want any losse bullets hitting her.

Master Chief sprinted at the elites, not realising he was there. In total, there has to be 10 elites, 20 grunts, and some jackals.

The jackals were scattered among the rocks inside the canyon, waiting for a chance to hit a target with their snipers. Gotta take care of them.

Cortana:"Those sniper rifles could kill a Spartan in one shot, Sargeant. Be careful."

F/N:"That is, if they hit me."

One was right below me, so I fired a round from my hip, hitting him right on his head.

Two jackals turned around, startled by his friend corpse falling to the ground. One of them spotted me, aimed, and tried to hit me fast, but he failed the shot.

I quickly aimed, and fired at him, hitting him where his heart should be, killing him.

I took cover on a little rock nearby, I had to crouch for me to cover succesfully. The other jackal seems far more precise, proving my statement by the laser that almost hitted me on the head.

The Jackal fired again, trying to make a hole on the rock. Bad idea, those guns can only fire two times in quick succesion before jamming. My chance.

I got out of cover, and took my time to aim, and fire. I hitted him right on his head.

The Chief had killed alredy 4 of the 10 elites. The grunts were running around, either shooting at him, or fleeing.

I had one more round, so I crouched down, and aimed, covering the chief. I saw an elite activating his camouflage, so I aimed at the Chief, waiting for the elite to activate his sword.

The moment I saw the blue light, I shooted him on the head, dropping him to the ground. The Chief glanced at me, and nodded. I got ya.

I reloaded, noticing where the covies were running towards. Another cave. Once I finish reloading, I took aim at the cave, and patiently waited for the covies to come.

The grunts and elites were getting demolished by the Chief, Emile and the rest of the marines forces, so their only option was to retreat. The last 2 elites standing tried to fall back inside that cave, but just when they were about to enter, I headshotted both of them, killing them.

Some grunts managed to escape, but they don't pose a threat.

I placed my gun on my back, and reagrupped with the Chief, Six on my back.

Master Chief:"Thanks for the cover."

F/N:"No need. Let's move."

We walked to the pods. Emile was reloading his shotgun, while checking the rest of Noble Team condition. The marines were tending their own wounds, resting, or cheering us.

F/N:"Emile, how are they?"

Emile:"Ask them yourself."

Clara and Kat's bodies started to move. After a while, they both standed up, weakly. I placed Six where those two were resting before.

Kat:"Emile... report."

Emile:"Ma'am. We landed on a planet with a halo shape. The covenant is here too. Half the Autumn crew, including Johnson, Keyes, and the marine forces are either missing, or dead."

Kat:"Mierda. Are we all here?"

F/N:"You missed me?"

Kat and Clara turned around. Clara chuckled, but Kat just stared at me.

Kat:"Stop doing that kind of things. You are going to give me a heart attack one day."


Kat:"Chief, a pleasure to meet you." *Gives him a handshake* "Lieutenant Commander Catherine-B320, current Noble Leader, at your service."

Master Chief:"What happened to Carter?"

Kat:"He didn't make it, sir. You met him?"

Master Chief:"During the Spartan program."

Kat:"I see. I'm sure he would like to fight alongside you, sir."

The Chief nodded.

Kat:"Cortana, where are the rest of the pods."

Cortana:"There are another three landing locations nearby your position. You may want to resupply, heavy enemy forces in the area."

Kat:"You heared the lady, grab weapons, ammo, whatever you need and move out. F/N, take care of Six while she-"

Noble Six:"No... need. I just had to take a nap..."

She stood up, but almost falled to the ground. I quickly grabbed her, putting my arms on her back. I helped her stand, forcing her to use my shoulder as support.

Noble Six:"I'm fine... I'm fine..."

Kat:"You aren't. F/N, give her your sniper, she will help us from affar. Take an AR from one of the dead marines. They won't need it."


I patted Six's back, and give her my sniper. She relucantly took it, not happy to hear she isn't ready to fight.

While Six tried to convince Kat to let her be on the frontlines, I searched in the area for a weapon. I spotted an AR, lying besides a poor dead marine. I walked to his corpse, and kneel besides him.

F/N:"Rest in peace, soldier."

I grabed his dogtags. Issac Clarke. Sigh...

I returned to the rest of my team. Kat was explaining the plan to the remaining marine force.

Kat:"There's a path leading to the landing zone. Extraction will be here ASAP, so protect this zone, marines. Noble team and I will go to the next zone."

Marines:"Roger that, ma'am!"

Kat:"Good. Noble team, move."

Kat starts walking towards the path she said. I decided to walk with her while I listened to a conversation Noble Six and Clara were having.

Clara:"So, you talk when you get nervous?"

Noble Six:"Something wrong with that?"

Clara:"No, it's just... weird."

Noble Six:"Why?"

Clara:"You're not much of a talker, so, hearing that from the Chief... yeah, can't believe it."

Master Chief:"I don't lie."

Clara:"N-never said you did, Chief..."

Emile:"Heh, kids..."

While the others had fun while they could, Kat looked way more serious. Even with her helmet on, I know when she's worried, or angry.

F/N:"Something's wrong, Kat?"

Kat:"My first mission as Noble Leader... and not only we lose the Autumn... but Keyes aswell. Am I a good leader?"

F/N:"It's too soon to ask that. Only time will tell. But, I trust you will be an amazing leader. He would be proud."

I gently patted her back, trying to reassure her, everything will be okay.

Kat:"Thanks. That helped. I'll try not to dissapoint you, or him."

F/N:"You won't, Noble Leader. I'm sure of it."

Kat:"Heh, it's funny, you know? In the past, it was me giving words of support to Carter. Now, it's you, helping me..."

F/N:"Maybe, I'm Noble Four, but, I'll be your two if you need it."

Kat glanced at me. For a split second, I thought I heared a gasp.

Kat:"T-thank you... Okay, Noble Team, quicken the pace!"

Kat went up ahead, sprinting. The rest of the team followed her, except the Chief, who stayed besides me.

Master Chief:"We should move."

F/N:"Yeah, let's go."

And so, we followed them...


While the Spartans were fighting inside the planet, outside of it, a Covenant spaceship could be seen in orbit, deploying troops on it.

The ship had thousends of elites, hunters and grunts running around, getting ready to be deployed on the planet. But, there was one elite, that was different from the others..

He was walking towards the ship's bay, were the Supreme Commander awaited for his subordinate to come. Yet, he wasn't amused...

??? P.O.V

Why is the Comander following this human ship? Is he insane? There's nothing useful for us in there. Why attacking that planet to begin with? This... Great Journey the prophets are talking about... I don't think is going to cause us any good.

I finally entered the ship's bay. There, the Supreme Commander was looking to the planet, his back turned to me.

???:"Supreme Commander Thel 'Vadam, I am here."

Thel 'Vadam:"Enter the planet. Bring me this one head."

A hologram of one of those... demons appeared. He had a F/C (Favourite color) armour. Easy to remember.

???:"It shall be done."

Thel 'Vadam:"One more thing. Don't fail me, S/N, or I'll have your head."

S/N:"Yes, Commander."

(S/N=Sanghelian name. Yes, you will have your own elite aswell!)

I leaved the ship's bay, and went for a banshee in the hangar.

Demons are only humans...


Cortana:"Up ahead! The enemy is attacking our troops!"

After a 5 minute walk, we founded a big open area, with a cubical structure in the center. In it's roof, various Autumn crew members tried to hide from the Covenant fire. Some marines were trying to push back the covies, but they were getting overun.

Kat:"Emile, Clara, left side of the building! Four and I will go to the right! Six, get on top of that building and cover us! Chief... do your thing."

Master Chief:"On it."

We all did as our leader said, splitting up and taking control of the building. The Chief got on top with Six, to quickly jump on two elites who almost backstabbed two marines.

On the left, Clara and Emile flanked a firing team of jackals and grunts, quickly eliminating them with little to no effort.

Kat and I fought three elites. They were distracted, all of them aiming at the Chief. We both opened fire, quickly killing one of them before they could react. The other two turned around, and aimed.

Kat:"Throwing grenade!"

Kat pulled the pin on a grenade and threw it at the elite's feet. We got into cover, and waited for the explosion. When it explode, we heared one scream.

The other elite got a jump on me, throwing me to the ground with him on top of me. He tried to stab me with his sword, but Kat mounted his back, and stabbed him multple times on his neck with a combat knife, killing him.

Kat gave me hand after finishing her work with the elite. I took it, getting on my feet.

Kat:"I still owed you one."

F/N:"I'm sure you saved me a couple of times too."

Kat:"Maybe, but you would still be here if I didn't saved you. I wouldn't. I will never forget what you did. Now, let's keep moving, Four."

I grabbed my AR from the floor, and pushed forward. Finally, on the front part of the building, we reunited with the rest of the team, who were fighting a little Covenant group. Thanks to our help, the covies are loosing.

Clara used her trusty SMG to kill any grunt or jackal who got too close, not sparing any. Emile and the Chief decided to go close and personal. Emile killed the covies in brutal manners, like putting the barrel of his shotgun inside an elite's mouth, and firing, or forcing grenades inside a grunt's suit, to later on use him as a projectile.

Meanwhile, the Chief tried to kill as many as he could, really fast. His aim and skills were beyond this world, hitting all his shots with his AR on the head, avoiding enemy plasma rounds as if it were easy, and fighting elites with energy swords with his fists with no problems.

Kat, Six and I covered them, firing upon those who tried to kill those two on long range. While fighting, I noticed Six was having trouble hitting shots...

Still, we managed to pull through, and kill all the enemies. While Kat asked the nearby marines what was the situation, I decided to meet up with Six at the top building. She was kneeling besides cover, heavily breathing. Some crewmates were trying to help her, but she refused.

Crewmate:"Ma'am, with all due respect, you don't seem to be in sha-"

Noble Six:"I said, I'm okay."

F/N:"What's going on"

The crewmates stood up, and surrounded me, all talking at the same time.

F/N:"Hey, hey! Calm down! You, explain."

I talked to the one that seems to have more experience.

Crewmate:"Your friend seems to be wounded, sir. I'm a medic, I've healed hundred of spartans. I know when one of you are bad. She isn't okay, sir."

Noble Six:"H-he is lying... I'm fine..."

F/N:"You were underperforming, Six."

I slowly walked to her. She looked away, ashamed per some reason. I kneeled in front of her, worried.

F/N:"Six, helmet out."

Noble Six:"W-what?! I'm not-"

F/N:"Do I have to pull rank again?"

Six sighed, and relucantly took her helmet out. I gently checked her head, and, in the back of it, she had blood on her hair.

F/N:"You hitted your head... this wasn't here when I last checked you... Cortana, you there?"

Cortana:"Way ahead of you, Sargeant. She has a great concussion on the head, that's why she's missing shots. She should be extracted, Four. She isn't combat ready."

Noble Six:"No, I won't be extracted, I'll fight with you."

F/N:"How exactly? Missing half a clip on an elite?"

Noble Six:"..."

F/N:"Dear, you're wounded. Once you recover, you'll fight again. Medic! Over here, patch her up!"

The medic nodded, grabbing a medikit from a nearby stack of weapons, ammo and supplies they gathered from their landing pods, and rushed us. He kneeled next to me, and started healing her.

Medic:"She will be fine, it's not that bad, but, she will feel a little bit dizzy for a while. Even if she says otherwise."

F/N:"Once you patched her up, put her helmet back on, and give her a magnum. If she has to fight, she will. If she isn't needed, you have my permission to order her to back down."

Noble Six:"You don't trust me?"

F/N:"I do, but, I know you'll put your life at risk for any of us. That won't happen today, dear."

Noble Six:*Sigh*

I gathered my weapons, and reunited with the others. It seems they are positioning themselves in defensive formations.

F/N:"What's going on?"

Kat:"The covies are sending another attack. Get ready, your with me, Four. We will defend the rear, while Emile and the Chief defends the front."

F/N:"And Clara?"

Kat:"Cortana informed me of Six's condition. She will be our sniper now."

F/N:"Gotcha. You sure work fast, Cortana."

Cortana:"Well, thank you. How do you guys say it... I aim to please?"

F/N:"Hehe, yeah, exactly that."

Cortana:"Well, I- Covenant airships, incoming! Get ready!"



Three airships appeared, one of them dropping troops in front of us, from where we came from. The marines started shooting, managing to kill a couple of grunts. In total, 3 elites, 4 jackals and 10 grunts were dropped on our positions. 4 grunts died alredy.

Kat threw her last grenade, but the jackals activated their shields, and placed them in front of their friends, protecting them from the grenade. The grunts hided behind the jackals, firing at the marines.

F/N:"Shoot at the gaps! Force the jackals to move!"

The marines started aiming at the jackal's gaps, trying to hit them on the hands. Some of them managed to do it, killing a couple of them.

The elites joined the fight, using their swords to kill some marines. Time to join the party.

I got out of cover, and started firing upon the elites, forcing them to look at me. They deactivated their swords, and took their plasma rifles, shooting at me while getting into cover.

Kat flanked one of the elites, quickly finishing him by stabbing him on the head, brutally crushing his skull. I jumped over the barricade the other two elites were, and tackled both of them.

Using my AR as a blunt weapon, I managed to deplet one of the elite's shields. I could have killed him, but the other elite grabbed his sword, and tried to kill me. I rolled away, and realoaded.

The elite rushed at me, ready to fight. I unloaded my clip on him, but it only depleted his shields. He was too close, so I threw my AR, and grabbed my knife. The elite threw an slash. I ducked, and thrusted my knife on his mandible. Twisting the knife, I broke it, killing the elite.

His friend was still on the ground, dazed. Using this chance, I sliced his throat, killing him too.

The jackals and grunts were filled with fear, seeing their leaders getting killed so soon lowered their morale. They tried to flee, but the marines didn't let them, and quickly killed them all.

Kat:"That would do it. Hey, once we get back home, you're getting a bath."


Kat:"You're a little... blue."

I looked at my armour. It was stained in blue blood.


Kat:"Help Clara, she's wouldn't mind the help. I'll check the boys."

F/N:"Got it, ma'am."

I grabbed my AR, reloaded, and rushed to the building. A squad of elites and jackals tried to go up the building, but Clara was keeping them at bay.

Clara:"Fuckers! You won't get me! Die!"


The elite got interrupted by a barrage of bullets coming from my AR. They turned around, and tried to fight back, but they couldn't fight both Clara and me at the same time, getting killed quite fast.

I went up the building, meeting up with her.

F/N:"Everything fine over here?"

Clara:"Having a lot of fun. Go check your girl, she truly talks a lot when you aren't with her. Oh, and take this. I like my SMG more."

She handed me the sniper, and grabbed her SMG from her hip. She watched the ramp, making sure no one goes up.

I went next to Six, who calmed down the moment she saw me.

Noble Six:"Thanks god you're okay."

I kneeled and took aim with my sniper. Kat, Emile and the Chief were giving the covies a beatdown, but still, I wanted to make sure they don't die.

F/N:"Why do you worry so much? We've done this a couple of times."

Noble Six:"Yes, and you have a tendency of getting badly injured when I'm not around you. Even when I am."

And elite tried to sneak up on the Chief. I was about to kill him, but the Chief headshotted him with a magnum without even looking. Jeez...

F/N:"Sorry? But it's part of our work. If you're going to be like this all day, you're going to get a heart attack. Calm down. I want my old Six back as quickly as possible. I liked fighting alongside you."

She didn't said anything else. She had her helmet on, but, by her body language, I think she's in deep thoughts.

Meanwhile, the covies were pretty much dead at this point. Emile was just toying with a grunt, scaring him.

F/N:"That should be all of them. Cortana, do we have anyway of getting these people out of here?"

Cortana:"We do, and I alredy contacted them. Extraction is on it's way."

I grabbed Six, and lifted her, carrying her princess like. She was uncomfortable, she doesn't like to be carried. I couldn't care less right now.

I reunited with the rest of us. Emile finally killed the poor grunt, who, by the way, had pissed on his suit.

Clara:"That was...unnecessary..."

Emile:"That's for Reach."

Kat:"Amen. F/N, how's Six?"

F/N:"She's okay, as stubborn as always."

Noble Six:"Fuck you."

Suddenly, someone contacted us by radio. Someone from the Autumn.

Foe Hammer:"Spartan 117, this is Echo-419, do you copy?"

Master Chief:"Loud and clear."

Foe Hammer:"Extraction it's alredy here, get your wounded inside. I have a present for ya people."

A pelican appeared above us, slowly descending into ground, landing. Not before throwing a Warthog, and a Moongose

Foe Hammer:"C'mon, get the people inside!"

The marines and the crewmates started entering the pelican. I quickly entered, and dropped Six on one of the chairs. Just when I was about to leave, she grabbed my arm, stopping my movements.

Noble Six:"I promise... once you're back, the Six you love will be waiting for you. I love you."

F/N:"I love you too. I'll hold on that promise."

I went outside the pelican. Kat, Clara and Emile were alredy inside the Warthog, Emile getting into gunner position. Master Chief patiently waited next to the Moongose.

Master Chief:"You drive."

I nod, and sat on the Moongose. The Chief sat behind me, grabbing my hips for support.

F/N:"What's the plan?"

Kat:"There's a cave nearby that leads to the other side of the island. There should be more pods there."

F/N:"Then let's go."

We started driving towards the cave Kat said. They were ahead of us, after all, the Warthog had far more protection than our Moongose.

After a minute, we saw a cave. The problem is, it was made out of the same weird alien materials than the rest of the island's structure. We entered it, navegating through it. It was perfectly iluminated with neon lights.

Cortana:"This cave is not a natural formation."

F/N:"What gave it, Cortana? The neon lights? The weird materials the cave is made of?"

Cortana:"Okay, okay I'm sorry... smartass..."

Emile:"Check your threat sensors. Enemies incoming."

We made a turn to our right. We entered a big room, filled with what seems to be supplies, and Covenant containers and structures. There was an energy bridge too, one we were about to cross, but the covies deactivated the bridge, forcing us to stop.

A couple of elites, grunts and jackals started firing on us. I had to drive around the area to dodge the bullets, while the Chief fired on them.

Kat:"F/N, Chief! Find the bridge console! We'll keep them busy!"

Emile quickly killed those troops that were trying to kill us with the Warthog turret. Kat was driving around the area, dodging the enemy fire while giving Emile some targets to shoot.

I drived the Moongose behind a container, and got out of it with the Chief. We sneakely made our way to the console. An elite was hiding behind it, trying to get a shot on Emile.

F/N:"Oh no you don't."

I tackled the elite, and started punching the shit out of him. Meanwhile, the Chief tried to activate the console, but couldn't.

Cortana:"We are going to need a covenant authentication to operate the console."

Master Chief:"F/N, bring him over here."

I grabbed the dazed elite and brought him to the console, forcefully putting his hand over it. Once the console unlocked, I threw his body to the ground.

F/N:"Thanks for your assistance, now, here's your reward."

I grabbed my AR from my back, and fired an entire magazine on him.

Master Chief:"The bridge is out. Let's go."

The Chief and I returned to our Moongose, and started driving. Kat, Clara, and Emile had alredy killed all the covies, and were crossing the bridge.

We crossed the bridge, and reunited with the others.

Kat:"All good?"

F/N:"We're fine here."

Kat:"Then let's keep going."

We keep driving, going up a ramp, till we finally went outside the cave. There, marked with lights, were three possible ways we could go.

F/N:"Where should we go, Cortana?"

Cortana:"It doesn't matter, the three of them leads to a landing zone."

Clara:"We should split up then."

Kat:"Good idea. We will go to the right, you two go to the right. We will then reunite in the center, and save everyone."

Emile:"Sounds like a plan."

F/N:"Okay, let's move, Chief. Good luck, people."

Kat nodded, and went to the right. We started driving to our position.

F/N:"Chief, ammo count?"

Master Chief:"Last magazine."

F/N:"Then let's get creative."

I grabbed a grenade, and prepared myself to pull the pin when needed.

F/N:"At my mark, you'll jump out, got it?"

Master Chief:"Okay."

We finally are able to see the enemy outpost. It was made of two structures made out of those weird materials. In the first one, the covies were placed in defensive positions, while, in the other, the covies were shooting at something inside the building.

F/N:"The marines should be there!"

Master Chief:"Take care of them. I'll cover you."


I went full speed to the elite group shooting what I suppose are the marines.

F/N:"Jump, now!"

The Chief jumped out, rolled, and proceed to fire upon those who tried to kill me. I drove the Moongose to a couple of elites, jumped out, and threw the grenade at the vehicle.

The Moongose runned over an elite, and crashed into another, trapping him between the building's walls, and the vehicle. He realised there was a grenade on the floor, and tried to kick it away from him, but it was too late.

The grenade exploded, making a chain reaction with the Moongose, killing every elite around the explosion.

F/N:"See? It was going to work."

Cortana:"Try not to use our only way of navegating through this island next time."


I grabbed my AR, and peeked my head inside thr building. A scared marine fired a round, bouncing on my helmet.


I peeked again. The marine apologised, and told the others evac was here. They started to go outside, little by little.

Meanwhile, the Chief was effortlessly killing any Covenant troop in the area. He runned out of ammo, and used the weapons on the ground to kill the rest of them. He had a plasma pistol on his hip, and a sword on his hands.

Marine:"Is that, the Chief?"

Marine 2:"Holy crap, he killed them all by himself."

F/N:"That's Master Chief for ya."

The Chief turned around, and nodded on my direction. I nodded back. Suddenly, he grabbed his pistol, and aimed in my direction.

Master Chief:"BEHIND YOU!"

I instinctively ducked, dodging a slash from a energy sword. It was aimed to my head, so it would have decapitated me. I turned around, and kicked whoever tried to kill me. It was an elite in cloak mode.


More elites decloaked, charging the marines with energy swords.

F/N:"Retreat! Fire while moving! Now!"

The marines did as ordered, running back while shooting at the enemy forces. The elite that tried to kill me decloaked, and charged at me.

???:"I won't fail this time!"

He threw a slash, this time, ready for another duck, so I stepped back. I tried to fire with my AR, but the broke it in half. I grabbed my knife, and tried to stab him on the head, but he kneed me in the gut, and headbutted me.

This elite was far more experienced than the others, I have to be careful. I quickly glanced at the battlefield around me. It seems the elites were having trouble with the marines, specially with the Chief here. I need to buy time.

The elite cauteosly made his way towards me, ready to fight. I stood my ground, waiting for my opponent to make a move. He threw another slash, followed up by a kick. I grabbed his leg, and thrusted my knife in it. He roared in pain, but quickly used his other leg to kick me, both of us falling to the ground.

I recovered first, since he was injured. I tried to finish it by stabbing him on the skull, but the elite rolled away. He grabbed a plasma grenade from his hip, and threw it at me. I dodge it, rolling away and running towards a nearby barricade.

The grenade exploded, but I jumped over the barricade, avoiding getting damaged by it. A body of a dead elite was on the ground, a plasma pistol on his hand. I grabbed the pistol, overcharged it, and fired it behind me.

I heared the elite behind me, cloacked. The plasma shot hitted him in the chest, depleting his shield in one hit. I turned around and kicked him in the chest, throwing the elite to the ground.

F/N:"Any last words?"

???:"You are too cocky, demon."

A big shadow appeared on the ground below me. I looked to the sky, seeing a Banshee flying towards me, trying to run me over.

I laid prone on the ground, dodging it. The elite stood up, and mounted the Banshee, fleeing from the scene.

I got on my feet, looking at the Banshee dissappearing into the distance.

Master Chief:"Are you okay?"

F/N:"Yes, but he escaped."

Master Chief:"A problem for another day. Evac is here, let's go."

I turned around, seeing a pelican landing on the ground. The group we were supposed to save were in a bad shape, many of them died, but we couldn't do anything else.

F/N:"And the other location?"

Master Chief:"When Kat arrived, they were all dead. I'm sure it has to do with your new friend."

F/N:*Sigh* "This is a shit show."

Master Chief:"It is. Let's go home, we are moving to a nearby outpost to rest, and ressuply."

Next time, you'll die.

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