Chapter 10. New members.

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Author's notes: Before we begin this chapter, I want to give a big shoutout to my boy shadowdelta666 for giving me the names for two of the new Spartans, and Sturgens for sanghelian names! Thanks both of you gentlemans!

And now, enjoy the chapter readers!

Noah:"I'm Noah A026, your right hand from now on. Looking forward to work with you, sir."

I accepted shaked his hand. He has a strong grip. The other three Spartans took a step forward, ready to present themselves.

F/N:"Right hand?"

Noah:"I'm Royale 2, sir. Whenever your not present, I'll take the lead."

I nod, understanding what he meant now. Similar to Noble team.

Noah:"Every each one of us have a more specific role on the team, I'll be your sniper, sir."

One of the three Spartans, another male, offered a handshake. I accepted it, listening at his presentation.

Jorge:"Bailey SH25, I'm your heavy weapons guy, tell me where to fire and I'll blow it up, sir. Also, if you need to track someone down, I'll hunt him down."


F/N:"S-sorry, what's your name again?"

Bailey:"Bailey, Bailey SH25... you okay sir?"

F/N:"Yeah, just a minor headache, nothing too important."

The other two Spartans stood infront of me, standing at attention.

Kim:"Kim SA14, I don't have an specific weapon specialization, I'll use whatever weapon is available. I'm an expert interrogator, if you need to make someone talk, I'm your girl. Specially split-lips, those are my favourite."

She almost spitted the last part. Kim does not seem to like the elites too much.

The last Spartan approached me, but didn't offered me a handshake. For her attitude, she wasn't try to be rude, she's shy.

Amy:"Amy LK11, your new support Spartan, sir. I'm skilled on first aid, aswell as engineering. Radios, vehicles, weapons... if it can't be patched up, I'll do it."

Noah:"Now that presentations are over, we have orders to take you to the armory, we are getting new equipment for our missions."

F/N:"Lead the way then."

Noah nodded, walking towards the armory. I followed him, my Spartans walking alongside me.

I... think I like this... being a team leader, having soldiers under my responsability, and more importantly, having people to call MY Spartans. I could get used to this.

F/N:"Do you have combat experience?"

Noah:"I do. I was deployed on Harvest. 2 years of pure hell. 78 confirmed kills."

F/N:"I've heard it was brutal."

Noah:"Brutal is an understatament."

Bailey:"I've fought on Arcadia. We won, but took heavy casualties. 52 confirmed kills."

Kim:"First time being deployed as an Spartan, but not as an ODST. I've been deployed 3 times, 2 fighting insurrectionists, the last one on Harvest aswell. 10 dead split-lips."

Amy:"I've never been deployed, is going to be my first time on a battlefield."

I glanced at her. I don't mind taking a fresh Spartan, the simulations are similar to a real battlefield, but, I'll keep an eye on her. I don't want the rookie dead on our first deployement.

F/N:"I suppose you're gonna be ready for trouble, right?"

Amy:"Sir, yes sir."

F/N:"Good. Noah, what is this new equipment?"

We entered a lift, going into the underlevels. Noah and Bailey, who were infront of me turned around, giving me the explanation.

Noah:"ONI are making new equipment to give us extra support on our operations. Since we are the new team, they're gonna make us test them on the field. If they don't work, and some of us die in the process, they will simply hide our existence to the public. They already sinned once when they agreed on letting Doctor Crane run the experiments on you, so why not sin more times if you're going to hell anyways?"

F/N:"How do you-"

Bailey:"Before you ask, yes, we are aware of your condition, sir. All of us. Lord Hood ordered Crane to inform us."

F/N:"I see."

Kim:"Your secret is safe with us, sir. You can trust us."

Amy nodded, agreeing.


Amy:"Sir, if I may be so bold, you were on Reach, right? Is it true? Did the Covenant win in less than a week?"

F/N:"Yes, but they aren't invincible. Reach will be our last defeat, that I promise. The Covenant will pay."

Kim:"Amen to that, sir."

The lift took us down. Once the doors opened, I entered a big underground facility. It was so big, there were more than enough space for the Autumn and many more ships to dock there.

Noah walked towards a group of tents, with marines around them. Some were on guard posts, others were running towards some pelicans, probably to get deployed, some were carrying supplies... the usual.

We followed him, entering a metal structure. In it, a single marine, cleaning the room turned around. Once he saw me, he saluted before presenting himself.

Cpl. Marquez:"Hello, sir! I'm Corporal Marquez, I was tasked to give team Royale their new equipment, sir!"

F/N:"Go ahead."

Cpl. Marquez:"Sir!"

He went to a nearby crate, opening it. Inside of it, many pieces of equipment could be seen. He grabbed one of them, what seems a really big chip.

Cpl. Marquez:"This is an armor lock Spartan configuration. It's made for an Spartan named..." *Starts to look around the equipment* "Where in the goddamned world is the name... oh! Here! Bailey! Bailey SH25!"

Bailey stood forward, and grabbed the black chip. After inspecting it, he attached it to his back. An orange light appeared on the chip, meaning it's activated.

Cpl. Marquez:"When activated, the chip will lock your armour, putting a shield around yourself capable of defending yourself from anything, including wraith or scorpion's shots! It will come at the cost of your movement tho."

Bailey tested it, getting on one knee, fist on the ground. A blue shield appeared around him. He deactivated the lock, nodding. He liked it.

Cpl. Marquez:"Next one! Oh, this one I like! Who's Noah?"

Noah:"What do you have for me?"

The marine grabbed a drone from the crate. It looks like a wasp in miniature.

Cpl. Marquez:"We call this little fella the BT-7274." *Hands it down to Noah.* "It's a reconnaissance dron, it does not have weapons, but it will mark enemies on your HUD. You can use it to explore the surroundings too. It has a magnet system capable of grabbing little items like weapons or grenades, it could also drag a wounded member, but be careful, is not made to hold too much weight."

Noah grabbed the drone. After pressing a button, the drone started levitating. The marine passed him a Tac-pad, one he attached on his arm. He could control the drone from there. Once he tested it enough, he deactivated the drone, attaching it to his back, like a backpack.

Cpl. Marquez:"This one is for Kim SA- WOW!"

As soon as she heared her name, Kim grabbed the piece of equipment. It looks like some explosives.

Cpl. Marquez:"C6 Explosives, powerful enough to destroy an entire building by themselves. Blast radius of 1.5 meters, be careful with those sons of bitches, they pack a punch!"

Kim chuckled. Toying with the explosives.

Kim:"I like them."

Cpl. Marquez:"This one for you, sir! Kat ordered me to specifically make it for you!"

The marine tossed me the handle of an energy sword, but it was bigger. Upon activation, I widened my eyes. The blade was way bigger than a normal energy sword, and it wasn't blue, but orange.

I saw an engraving on the handle. 'Kat-B320.' Heh, I'll thank her later.

Cpl. Marquez:"She had an energy sword when she reached earth. Once she entered this building, the first thing she did was modify that blade. She said something about "a gift for a loved one" It tooked one entire hour for her to find a way of doing it, but she pulled through. I don't know how it works, but she said you can recharge it with sun rays."

Amy:"Wait, does that mean, the energy of that blade is solar energy?"

Cpl. Marquez:"Not at all. To put it into simple words, the orange color comes from a "dye"


I deactivated the blade, and attached it on my holster. Marquez grabbed the last piece of equipment, and tossed it to Amy.

Cpl Marquez:"This one is suited for the medic. Is a healing beacon, throw it to the ground, and it will restore your shields." *Amy puts it on the ground and activates it, a green aura around the beacon* "Even if the name suggest it, it won't heal your wounds, it will restore your shields even if they are taking damage."

Amy deactivates the beacon, and attaches it to her hip.

Cpl. Marquez:"That's it Spartans, this is all the equipment, you're free to go."

We nodded, leaving the building. My Spartans turned at me, still wanting to do something else besides getting our new equipment.

Noah:"Follow us sir, we will show you the barracks."

I nod, following Noah. This time, he goes to a different section on the facility. On this section, there were more marines, and ODST'S. Even some Spartans too. All of them were at ease, either resting, chatting with their comrades, eating...

This gave me some memories of our base back at Reach...

Noah entered our barracks. On the center, there's a big couch, aiming at a TV. The couch looks really old, but comfortable. On the left wall, there was a kitchen, similar to the one I had on Reach, but way more cleaner. Lastly, at the end of the room, there were 6 doors. Every each one of them had 'Royale' and an specific number.

Noah:"Our private rooms are over there. Yours, obviously, is Royale 1. Get comfy sir, I don't think we're getting deployed so early after your arrival."

I nodded, walking towards my room. Before entering, Noah said one more thing.

Noah:"Oh, before I forget, you have a computer with our files, if you want to read them."

I nodded, finally entering my room. On the center, I see a king sized bed. Perks of being the leader, I guess...

On the left, the computer Noah said, resting on a big table, along side some files, papers, and books. On the right side, a drawer, with civilian military clothes on it. Next to it, a big capsule, where I can remove my Spartan armour.

I entered the capsule, the machine removing my armour safely. Once I got out of it, I realised two thing. One, I smell like shit. Two, my undersuit looks like shit.

Thankfully, there's a door leading to a private bathroom next to the capsule. Before entering the bath, I looked inside the drawer for an undersuit. There were three, so I grabbed one, and drop it to the bed.

I started undressing myself, at the thought of one really important thing.

Have I locked the door?

Amy:"Sir, there's a girl asking for yo- OH!"

Amy opened my door, entering the room while I was undressing. My torso was in the open, but thankfully, everything down my waist was hidden.


Amy:"A-an Spartan... N-Noble Six she said..."

F/N:"Let her in."

Amy nodded, signaling Six to enter the room. Before she leaves, I noticed how she gave me one last look at my torso.

Six entered the room, closing the door behind her and locking it, not commiting the same mistake I did. She whistled once she saw me undressing, this time, I resumed my actions, getting fully naked.

Noble Six:"You don't doing it in front of me?"

I grabbed my new undersuit, putting it on my shoulders.

F/N:"You saw me naked twice, why would I? Besides, you aren't complaining."

Noble Six:"Fair point."

I entered the bathroom, followed by Six. She sat on the toilet, chatting with me while I had a shower.

Noble Six:"How's your new team?"

F/N:"They are cool, specially Noah, he seems a cool guy. Kim is going to be a rather interesting one once she meets S/N..."

Noble Six:"Why?"

F/N:"She does not seem to like Sanghelian too much."

Noble Six:"I don't like them either, but, she will have to learn S/N is not our enemy. Besides, she's under your command, right?"

F/N:"She is."

Noble Six:"Then order her to respect him, and she will have to so it. End of the story."

F/N:"I's Miranda?"

Noble Six:"After you left, she regained her composure. She asked Lord Hood for you to be her second in command, so I suppose she isn't angry at you anymore."

F/N:"That's great. I'll talk with her later."

Noble Six:"That chat will have to wait..."

F/N:"Oh? Why?"

Noble Six:"Well, you see... my leader asked for your presence. And I aim to please, so I'll rather have you there."

I peeked my head through the courtains concealing my body. Six removed her helmet, letting it rest on her lap. She had a smug face.

F/N:"Kat? I wanted to talk with her too, so, there's that."

Noble Six:"I see."

I pulled my head back, continuing with my shower. The hot water on my skin feels so nice, I decided to prolongue it a little more.

Noble Six:"By the way, I noticed a sixth door on the barracks, yet I only saw 4 Spartans. Who's the another one?"

F/N:"No one, we're just 5."

Noble Six:"I see..."

I finished my bath, grabbing a towel, drying myself. Six seems in deep thought.

F/N:"Something on your mind, Six?"

Noble Six:"Nothing. Maybe... just maybe..."


Noble Six:"I could be your sixth member."

F/N:"I won't steal a member from Noble."

Noble Six:"They have S/N, and they are around the Chief very often, he can work as my replacement."

F/N:"Are you saying... the Chief... THE CHIEF should work as YOUR replacenent?"

Noble Six:"Ugh, if you don't want me on your team, is okay, no need to insult me..."

F/N:"I mean no offense, but we can't do something like that. Besides, he's Blue Team leader."

Noble Six:"I never said making him the official Noble Six, what I meant is, since Noble is assiting him, they will not loose any Spartans. Like that, both teams will have six Spartans."

She does have a point...

Once I dried myself, I started dressing up on the tracksuit.

F/N:"I'll talk it with Lord Hood. Heh, if he agrees on it, I'll have to call you Royale Six. It will be weird."

Noble Six:"Why not putting a name on me? You said you would do that, so why not now? It's the perfect time for it, right?"

She tilted her head a bit, a smile on her face. Her question caught me off guard, I did said I would give her a name, but I never gave it much thought...

F/N:"I-I see. Give me some time, I'm sure I'll find a name that fits you."

Noble Six:"And my last name?"

F/N:"Easy. L/N. I've already told-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Six tackled me to the ground, kissing my neck. Her hands went inside my tracksuit, caressing my body.

Noble Six:"Hey, where are you going darling? There's no rush, Kat can wait a little bit."

F/N:"Six, what are you doing?"

Noble Six:"I missed you..."

F/N:"It's been like 30 minutes since we last seen each other, what are you talking about?"

Noble Six:"I missed your warmth... your loving touches... I want you F/N, I want you to-"


Amy:"Sir? There's another girl asking for you! How do you... oh! Kat, sir!"

Noble Six grunted, standing up. She entered the bathroom, putting her helmet back on.

F/N:"Come in!"

I got up from the ground, and sat on the bed. Kat entered the room, locked the door, and sat next to me.

Kat:"Hey. I sended Six to pick you up, but I guess she's slacking off or something..."

Noble Six:"I've heared that!"

Six came out of the bath, and sat on a chair, staring at Kat, who was looking at the both of us, a bit confused. She eventually figured out what was happening.

Kat: *Chuckles* "You don't waste time, do you Six?"

Noble Six:"You could have waited. It was getting hot in here."

Kat:"Sorry for cooling it down then, but I want to pass some time with Mr. Royale Leader over here."

Noble Six:"I think I have the same right to stay here as you, Kat."

Kat:"I want to have a word with him, if you're going to act so possesive, I will be forced to order you to leave the room, Six."

Six stared at her, silence filling the room. It seems their old rivalry is appearing again.

F/N:"Okay, let's calm down, okay? I'm sure we can reach an-"

Noble Six:"I have a question. If I want to move into Royale, would you let me do it?"

F/N:"Six, we talked about this, I'll have to ask Hood about-"

Kat:"Sure, I'll be okay with five members, besides, Royale acts like a "branch" of Noble Team, you heared Hood. Do as you please."

F/N:"Are you guys ignoring me?"

Kat:"Hood gave me permission to move people in and out from both teams as I please, if you want to move in, do it, 'Royale Six'. Welcome to team Royale, Six."

Royale Six:"Thank you, Kat. Now, I don't need to follow your orders, which means I can-"

F/N:"Six, out. Go meet the rest of your team."

Six grunted, exiting the room, searching my other Spartans.

F/N:"Is it true? Hood is letting you change Royale and Noble members as you like?"

Kat:"Indeed." *Sigh* "A lot of papework comes with it, giving her the 'Royale' status, changing some things on her files... but yeah, I can do it. If she wants to be on your team, I won't oppose to it."

F/N:"I don't want to steal your soldiers."

Kat:"You aren't, after all, you're still MY Spartan, and my 'Noble Two', remember? You won't get rid of us that easily, dear."

I chuckled, glad to hear those words.

F/N:"Thanks by the way. For the sword."

Kat:"No need. I noticed your tendency for those swords, so I wanted to make one for you. That way, we'll always be together."

F/N:"I still have your modifications on my helmet, you know?"

Kat:"You'll rather have an unique sword or a more efficient motion tracker?"

F/N:"I mean, if you put it that way..."

I looked at my lap, noticing a bulge on the lowest part of my undersuit. It seems my little fella liked Six's touches a lot. Kat didn't noticed it, but I was still aroused.

I putted my hand on hers. She turned her head to me, staring at me.

Kat:"I know what you're thinking, and it's a very bad idea."

F/N:"We have a room for the both of us, the Spartans are distracted by Six, and I'm really aroused. By your heavy breathing, I can guess you are too. Is it truly a bad idea?"


NOBLE... ups, sorry, ROYALE SIX P.O.V

Once I exited the room, I looked at the Spartans, trying to gain their attention. The two males on the group were sitting on the couch, one of them was looking at the TV in front of them, and the other at a tablet he has. There were two females too, one was sitting on a chair, next to the entrance, taking care of some equipment. Her armour is similar to mines, but blue. The other female was sitting on the couch, sharpening her knife.

Royale Six:"Who's the leader when F/N's gone?"

???:"That would be me."

The one with a tablet spoke, still looking at it. I walked towards him, and placed myself infront of him. He glanced at me, patiently waiting for me to talk.

Royale Six:"Sir, I'm your number Six. Former Noble Six, now Royale Six. Pleasure to meet you."

Everyone stopped their things just to stare at me, interested in what I was saying. I offered him a handshake, and he accepted.

???:"We weren't informed of a sixth member joining us."

Royale Six:"Kat gave me permission to do so. Lord Hood gave her authority to do as she pleases with us. If she desires, she could place all of us into her team and be over with it."

Noah:*Sigh* "Whatever. Pleasure to meet you, I'm Noah, Royale 2. The white one is Kim, Royale 3. My friend over here" *Pats the other male Spartan's back* "Is Bailey, number 4. The last one is Amy, our fifth member."

I nod at them. Bailey and Amy wave at me, but Kim just stares at me, playing with her knife. Something tells me I won't get along well with her...

Noah:"Where's our leader? He didn't told us he was planning in getting another member."

I stared at F/N's door. They are still inside, and I'm not hearing their voices...

Well, I guess it had to happen eventually...

Royale Six:"He's busy "negotiating" the terms of my transfer with Noble Leader."

Noah:"I won't disturb him then. The last door is your room. Make yourself at home."

Bailey:"This is her home now, Noah."

Noah:"I am aware, Bailey, I was trying to be a gentleman."

Bailey:"You made yourself look like a fool."


Kim:"Yeah, that was dumb."

Noah:"My first day with you guys, and I hate you all."

I retreated to my room, accomodating it to my likes. It was built the same way as F/N's room. The bed was a normal bed tho, and there wasn't any private bathroom.

I locked the door behind me, and got inside the Spartan capsule, getting rid of my armour. I sat on the bed, looking at my armour.

Royale Six:"Miss... L/N... yeah, I like it."

I layed on the bed, closing my eyes. The little nap I had on the longsword didn't gave me much of a rest.

Even if I tried to get some rest, I couldn't, I was too busy remembering everything that have happened so far. Funny, when I joined Noble Team, my only objective in life was doing as many missions as I could, helping humanity turn this war around, even if it means my death.

But now... not only I've met someone far more important than anyone else. I, for the first time in my life, have fear. Fear of loosing him, or my life.

I don't want to die, I want to finish this fight, retire, form a family... all those things I couldn't experience since I joined the Spartan III program.

Maybe, if The Covenant and those who captured F/N never existed to begin with, maybe, I would have met him on different conditions, hell, who knows? Maybe I would be a mother at this point.

Heh, being a mother... nah, I wouldn't be a good mother at all...

Finally, my eyes started to close due the tiredness of my body. I gave in, drifting into my dreamland, peacefully sleeping.


Lord Hood:"My friends over here do not trust you fully, but the Chief, F/N and the rest of Noble does and that's enough for me. But, I'd like to know what was a mercenary doing on a Covenant ship."

I was still sitting in this room, with the Demon, what seems F/N's sister, and four other humans. Two look like doctors, one is a black human dressed up as a marine. Lastly, the one currently talking seems their leader.

S/N:"I was contracted to kill F/N, and bring his head to the elite commanding the Truth and Reconciliation."

Lord Hood:"Who is this elite? Is he a threat to us?"

S/N:"He's a fierce warrior, a skilled elite. Yet, he's not a fool. Once he learns about the prophet's lies, he will turn against them."

Lord Hood:"But, for now, he is a threat."

S/N:"No. If he returns to The Covenant, they will blame the lost of Halo to him. They will mark him with The Mark of Shame and then, executed. That is, if he haven't perished on that ring, which I doubt."

Lord Hood:"Hmm... something tells me this won't be the last time we see this elite. In any case, I want you to be with the Chief at all moments. He will make sure you don't... turn on us."

S/N:"I understand."

I can't expect anything else from them. After all, 1 week ago I was part of the Spartan assassination group. In fact, I think I shot one of them with a needler rifle once... was it F/N? Well, who cares...

In any case, having the Demon watching me closely will be benefitial. He's feared by the Covenant, and respected among his people. They won't try to mess with me if he's around. If I try to harm a human, I'll probably die in less than a second.

Lord Hood:"Tomorrow, the Chief and Miranda will have a special ceremony to congratulate their efforts on the war. I want you there too, along with Sgt. Johnson.

Sgt. Johnson:"Oh, I'll make sure his alien ass don't get lost on that space station, sir."

Lord Hood:"Good. You three, dismissed."

We nodded, exiting the room. Both humans turned around, staring at me.

S/N:"Where's F/N? I'd like to thank him for his support."

Sgt. Johnson:"What? Already wanting to return to your master like the good alien you are?"

S/N:"Watch your mouth, human. You should learn some respect from him."

Sgt. Johnson:"Oh, c'mon, don't get angry, I was joking. Follow me, I'll get you to him. And stay close, I don't want you to scare some poor people, you're not the handsome type, you know?"


Sgt. Johnson:"Chief, you comin'?"

Master Chief:"No. I need to talk with Doctor Halsey. Go ahead, and don't make S/N get into trouble."

Sgt. Johnson:"Don't worry, he's with me!"

Master Chief:"I know."

Sgt. Johnson:"Well, follow me, split-lip, let's see your master."

You are despicable, human.

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