Chapter 5. An unexpected alliance

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1 Day later...

After grabbing our new weapons, we launched the mission. Foe Hammer flyed on her pelican with Kat, the Chief and I to the Cartographer, and used an underground system to travel towards the facility we had to take over.

The pelican finally arrived to the other side of the underground system. A grunt was there, with his group, resting. When they heared us, they got so scared they dropped their weapons and flee, going towards the exit.

Foe Hammer:"This is as far as I can go!"

Kat:"Roger that. We'll be able to find our way to the Marked location from here."

Foe Hammer:"Good luck, Foe Hammer out."

My team and I get out of the pelican, cautiously moving towards where the grunts fleed. 

Kat:"Alright squad, let's move and find that facilty. We can't let the Covenant get control of it for much longer. Doble timing, Noble."

She likes that phrase so much...

We start sprinting, but stopped when the automatic doors opened by themselves, showing an elite accompanied by the grunts from earlier.

The elite inmediatly starts firing at us, but he got overwhelmed by the three of us focusing our fire at him, depleting his shields really quickly, and killing him even faster. The other grunts got even more scared than earlier, but this time, we didn't let them escape, dropping them to the ground.

We entered the exit, navegating through a corridor made out of this weird technology.

F/N:"Any idea of who could have done this?"

Cortana:"Scans detect it was made long time ago. There are some rumors about an advanced race called "The Forerunners." Who are they, or where are them is unknown."

F/N:"And they made the rings?"

Cortana:"It seems like it."

F/N:"Let's try to not anger them if we ever find them."

Kat:"Sshhh, contacts."

We reached some type of generator room, a weird pillar on the center with a ray on it. I suppose this is what gives power to the installations nearby. It was filled with Covies, elites, jackals and grunts around.

F/N:"The grunts are... sleeping?"

All the grunts were in one place, sitting, and snoring. One jackal was looking after them, while the rest of the troops patrol the area.

Master Chief:"We can take advantage of their foolishness. Kat, take care of them. F/N and I will clear out the area."

Kat nodded, and sneaked her way towards the jackal watching over the sleeping grunts, meanwhile, the Chief and I hidded behind a pillar.

Master Chief:"Take out those two elites. Put that sword to good use."

F/N:"With pleasure."

I crouched, and silently moved towards one of the elites. I grabbed the sword attatched to my pistol holster, and activated it.

The elite turned around, surprised, but it was too late. I thrusted the sword on his torso, lifting him up. Then, I dropped him to the ground, and stomped his head, making sure he doesn't get up.

The forces nearby got a little intimidated, but aimed at me. I quickly rushed to the other elite, more corcened of him than the grunts and jackals. Besides, the Chief started shooting at them, scoring headshot after headshot.

It seems the last elite doesn't have a sword, since he started to shoot nonstop his plasma rifle, eventually overheating. He panicked, trying to cool it before I reach him, but like his friend, it was too late, since I jumped at him, and thrusted my sword on his neck, killing him quickly.

Kat returned to us, playing with her knife, stained in blue blood. The Chief finished the rest of the troops, not having a chance against him at all.

F/N:"Having fun?"

Kat:"Not gonna lie, it was fun. Let's keep going, we still have a lot of work to do."

Master Chief:"I founded the exit."

Kat:"Let's go then."


Thel' Vadam:"The demons are approaching Halo's Control Room. Kill the parasite, bring me his head. This is your last chance, next time you fail I will finish our contract."

S/N:"I won't fail."

Thel' Vadam:"You better."

He ends the call. Fool. You don't even know what Halo is, right?

After loosing the Cartographer to the humans, I took the day off to investigate about the parasite, and Halo. I wish I didn't. Halo is not a planet, but a weapon, and the prophets will use it to erase us all. And the parasite... well, let's say I need to gain allies if I want to stop them.

I was in the Control Room, looking through some cameras the situation in a power room nearby the Control Room. The demons were killing my troops back and forth without breaking a sweat. Good, I need them alive.

Two elites were on my back, guarding me while I use the console.

S/N:"Get out of here, make sure no one passes through that door without my consent."

Elite:"As you wish."

I used the Control Room to search more information about Halo, proving my point even more. Halo is a weapon, and it will kill everyone around the galaxy. I can't let this happen.

Something that caught my eye is the mention of "flood" on this ring. Investigating more about this flood thing, it leads me to another installation, far away from this one. Is currently being invaded by Covenant troops. Some human airships are moving there too. This is bad, if these "flood" are what gave that demon his powers, it would be better if they stay down there.

I can't let the Covenant use Halo. They will kill us all. But, does the humans stand a chance against them? And then we have the flood problem. What to do, what to do...

Checking through the cameras again, I see the demons made it to ground level. They managed to get a tank, and are currently moving towards the facility. There are some more wraiths and elites between me and them, but after what I saw, I'm sure they will pull through.

Sigh. Let's hope they don't open fire upon seeing me...


After fighting some more Covenant squadrons, and getting a Scorpion, we move through a snowy canyon.

Cortana:"The main installation is 1 kilometer away from our current position. I detect some heavy artillery waiting for us. Get ready to rumble, Chief."

The Chief nodded, driving towards the installation with his guard up. Kat, who was in the gunner position looked at me, sitting on the Scorpion's hull, above the Chief's seat. 

Kat:"Sitting there is risky. You can get shot from any directions."

F/N:"And what do you want me to do? Run in front of the Scorpion?"

Kat:"I would enjoy the view."


Master Chief:"You know what I'd like? Your feet off the hull. I can't see."

F/N:"Sorry, sorry." *Puts his feet off the tank, leaving them hanging on the air* "Better?"

The Chief didn't respond, but I heared a small chuckle coming from him. I managed to amuse the Chief. Now that's an achievement.

F/N:"Have I heared a- CONTACT!"

I saw a wraith, aiming at us, accompanied with grunts and jackals. I instantly jump out of the tank, and rushed some rocks to hide. The wraith fired at the tank's position, but the Chief dodged it. Both vehicles start to fight each other, while I shooted at the ground units, dropping some grunts.

The jackals pushed me, their shields protecting them. I hided in my cover, and grabbed my shotgun, a plan in my head.

I threw a grenade, forcing the jackals to scatter. The grenade didn't kill anyone, but they are now separated. I rushed at them, kicking one of the jackal's shields, throwing him to the ground. Another two aim at me, but I quickly dive to the ground, avoiding some plasma rounds.

I fire at one of the jackal's hands, hurting him. The wounded jackal dropped his plasma pistol, and showed me his body. Big mistake. I pumped my shotgun, and fired at him again, killing him.

His friend tried to kill me, but I quickly rushed him, jump over him, and grabbed his body, forcing his shield to cover me from the jackal I kicked, who tried to shoot me from the ground. All the plasma rounds hitted the shield, eventually destroying it.

I broke the jackal's neck, and walked to the other jackal. His pistol overheated from the amount of rounds he used. Panicking, he threw his gun at me, and crawled away, trying to escape from his demise. It was useless, since I grabbed his leg, dragging him towards me.

I place my feet on the arm that wields the plasma shield, not letting him defend himself. I pump my shotgun, and aim at his head.

F/N:"The hunter becomes the hunted, am I right?"


I fired, destroying his head. I looked to my allies, destroying the wraith and the two elites driving it. I walked towards them while I reloaded my shotgun, taking note of the amount of shells remaining.

Once I catched up, I climbed the Scorpion, sitting above the Chief's hull, again.

F/N:"See? You were in a more dangerous position than me."

Kat:"Point taken."

Master Chief:*Sigh*

After a minute of driving, we founded a big building at the end of the canyon, filled with Covenant filth.

F/N:"Give them hell, Chief!"

Master Chief:"Roger."

I dropped down, and hided behind the Scorpion, slowly following it while shooting at anyone who tried to attack from behind.

F/N:"Cortana, what's that building? Is it what we're looking for?"

Cortana:"Analyzing... This must be a Control Room. Heh, subtle."

F/N:"You've heared that Kat? We have eyes on target!"

Kat:"Affirmative Noble Four. Chief, take us there."

Master Chief:"On it."

Some grunts runned at us with plasma grenades, but I took care of them, headshotting them. Chief destroyed some banshees while he drived towards a ramp going upwards. Kat fired at any elite who dared show their faces.

Cortana:"The entrance to the Control Room is at the top of that pyramid structure. Bring me up there and I should be able to get us inside."

While we moved up the ramp, I called Keyes through radio.

F/N:"Captain Keyes, this is Noble Four, we are in the location. It's not a shrine, is Halo's Control Center, over."

Captain Keyes:"Roger that Noble Four. I want you inside that Control Center ASAP. Get Cortana in there, and keep her safe. You're staying there, kid."

F/N:"Copy that, sir."

We finally made it to the top, where some grunts, jackals and elites were waiting there for us. Nothing that could stop us, specially with a Scorpion with us. After eliminating that, the Chief granted Cortana access to the Control Center, opening the doors for us, letting us in.

Cortana:"This is it. Halo's Control Center."

We moved forward, looking around us. It was beautiful, not only it showed every part of the ring, but it was so detailed. It marked every important location around the ring. It was awesome...

We eventually find a terminal, it seems used though...

Cortana:"That terminal. Try there."

Cortana then suddenly appears on top of the terminal, hands on her hips, smirking.

Master Chief:"You alright?"

Cortana:"Never been better! You can't imagine the wealth of information- the knowledge! So much! So fast! It's glorious!"

F/N:"Cool. Now, can you tell us what Halo is?"

Cortana:"What are you talking about?"

Kat:"Have you forgotten why are we here? Halo could be a weapon, one, we could use against the Covenant."

Cortana:"This ring isn't a cudgel, you barbarians. It's something else... something much more important."

F/N:"Yes, a mega cudgel."

Cortana sighed, dissapointed. Suddenly, she perked up at something.

F/N:"What happened?

Cortana:"The Covenant were right? This ring... it's Forerunner! Give me a second to access..."

Kat:"Cortana, we-"

Cortana:"Yes! The Forerunner built this place, what they called a "fortress world" in order to- wait... that can't be... oh!"

Master Chief:"What's wrong."

Cortana:"Those Covenant fool! They must have known! They must have seen the signs!"

Master Chief:"Slow down, you are losing us."

Cortana:"The Covenant founded something, buried in this ring, something horrible... and now they are afraid."

Kat:"Afraid? Of what?"

Cortana:"The Captain! We must stop the Captain!"

F/N:"My father?! What's wrong with-"

Cortana:"The weapons cache he's looking for, it's not really- we can't let him get inside!"

Master Chief:"I don't understand-"

Cortana:"There's no time! Get out of here! Find Keyes! Stop him before it's too late!"

We all turned around, but just when I was about to leave, Kat stopped me.

Kat:"You stay here."


Kat:"You recieved orders, Four. Stay."

I sighed, nodding. The Chief and Kat turned around, sprinting towards the exit.

I turned at Cortana while trying to contact father, but he does not resopond.

F/N:"Cortana, can you contact my fa- the Captain?!"

Cortana:"I can't, he's not responding."

F/N:"Shit, what the hell is there, Cortana?"

Cortana:"Something really dangerous, Sergeant, something- you're motion tracker! Watch out!"

I looked at the motion tracker in my helmet's HUD. A red dot some meters away from my location. I turned around and aimed my AR, while I slowly walked backwards, towards Cortana.

F/N:"Show yourself before I shoot at you, split-lip."

I grabbed Cortana and putted it on the back of my helmet, where AI's goes.

Cortana:"He's infront of you, Sergeant."

F/N:"I know."

The elite decloacked, showing himself. It was that yellow elite that ambushed me.

F/N:"You again? Want a second round?"

Asshole:"I'm not here for a fight, demon, I came here to talk."

Cortana:"Don't believe on his lies."

F/N:"Yeah, right."

Asshole:"I'm telling the truth, human. Look, let me show you, I mean no harm."

He throwed his sword to the ground, and kicked it towards me.

F/N:"You are either too brave, or too stupid."

Asshole:"I'm only taking a risk for the greater good. You would like to hear what I want to say... Spartan."

Cortana:"Sergeant, this could be a trap! Don't trust him!"


I lowered my gun, waiting for him to do something.

S/N:"First of all, my name is S/N, and I'm not owned by the Covenant like the rest of the elites you've been killing. I'm just a mere assassin, a mercenary if you will."

F/N:"Get straight to the point."

S/N:"Do you know what Halo truly is?"

F/N:"For all I know, a weapon."

S/N:"Yes, the problem is, what kind of weapon? Do you know of it's truly potential? Of it's destructive power?"

F/N:"Enlighten me."

S/N:"Let me show you..."

He walked forward, towards the pannel. I raised my weapon, not trully trusting him. He raised his hands, but didn't stop his movement. I stand aside, and let him, do his thing.

Cortana:"This is a bad idea, Sergeant."

S/N:"If I wanted to kill your... "Sergeant" I would've already."

F/N:"Like last time?"

He chuckled, not caring in the sligthtest about my tease. He starts typing something in the pannel, eventually showing a document filled with information about Halo... and it's not good... not good at all...

Cortana:"This...  this can't be possible..."

S/N:"But it is. If Halo activates, all life in the galaxy would go extinct. We must stop this madness. And I need your help with it."

He offers me a handshake.

S/N:"The Covenant are a bunch of religious zealots, they would activate them for "The Great Journey" even if they knew about Halo's true nature. You humans are our only hope. Are you with me?"

I think about this. If he is saying the truth, we need to destroy Halo at all costs.

I take his hand, joining his side.

S/N:"Heh, never thought I would work alongside a demon. There's a first time for everything, I guess."

F/N:"That's it? You fully trust me just like that?"

S/N goes towards his sword, holstering it. He then stands next to me, opening his palm. An image appears there, showing a building. It seems some type of underground facilty.

S/N:"First, we need to take care of this. In order to destroy Halo, We need more help. Your friends will do. The problem is, they aren't alone."

He starts walking towards the exit. I follow him, while listening to his words.

Cortana:"Wait, are we really gonna cooperate with him?! And you're taking me with you?!"

F/N:"What do you mean they aren't alone."

Cortana:"Oh, now you ignore me?!"

S/N:"The Flood. Parasites, things. Their goal, consume the galaxy. If we don't move quickly, they could kill your friends."

We exit the facility, and moved and go down, towards a secluded area, were a phantom was hiding. We both go in, S/N on the pilot seat, while I stand behind him.

F/N:"So, we go in, grab my friends, and destroy Halo. Then what?"

S/N:"Let's focus on the matter at hand. Resupply, you should be able to find something useful around here."

I go around the ship, taking some plasma grenades with me, and a battery recharger. I used it to recharge my sword's battery. Meanwhile, Cortana decided to argue with me.

Cortana:"Sergeant, are you out of your goddamn mind?! He works for the Covenant! He could be leading us to a trap!"

F/N:"Track the Phantom's route. If he's going towards my father's location, he isn't."

Cortana analyzed the ship. She sighed, dissapointed.

Cortana:"Still, he-"

F/N:"I know, but, we don't have a choice. They will need all the help they can get, and, if we have to destroy Halo, it would be better to have someone that knows how to do it."

Cortana:"Okay, but why taking me with you?! I could have investigated more about Halo, and-"

F/N:"Negative, I can't leave you. You're too important. I can't risk your safety."

Cortana:"... I see..."

She said that in a weird tone of voice, like if she was surprised about something.

Once our conversation ended, I sat next to S/N. He was calm, like if betraying his allies and working with the enemy was the usual for him.

F/N:"You're too calm."

S/N:"Are you gonna stab me in the back?"


S/N:"Then I have no reason to be nervous."

F/N:"What if you die?"

S/N:"Try to stop that from happening, demon."

I was about to respond, but suddenly, my radio goes on.

Noble Six:"To any units around, this is Noble Six! We are taking heavy casualties! We're getting attacked by an unknown enemy! We are at- send help ASAP! We-"

F/N:"Six?! Six, answer me!"

Radio silence...

S/N:"Time is running out it seems."

F/N:"Can't this thing fly faster?!"

S/N:"I'm going as fast as I can. Get ready, this will get ugly."

F/N:"I'm ready."

Timeskip brought to us by S/N and F/N standing next to each other, hunted by thousends of creatures...

After an hour, we managed to get in a jungle like biome, where S/N said the installation and my friends are. Yet, it was weird, since you can't hear anything, besides the rain, and our phantom. It was completely silent.

When S/N pulled the phantom down, we took our time looking at our surroundings, making sure it was safe to go out.

F/N:"It's too quiet."

S/N:"Not a good signal. Purple lady, can you detect anything?"

Cortana:"My name is Cortana, alien. And no, I can't detect any life form around you two. We are alone."

S/N:"Then let's get out of here, we don't have all day."

S/N and I got out of the phantom, cauteously making our way through the jungle. We could only hear our footsteps, and the raindrops falling on our helmets.

Cortana:"I'm recieving signals from a friendly Spartan unit, 1 Km ahead of you, Sergeant."

S/N and I quickened our pace, moving towards the Spartan.

F/N:"Any idea of who could it be?"

Cortana:"Spartan FN-045. It's the ODST."


Cortana:"The signal is weak, Sergeant, she could be in trouble."

F/N:"Don't worry, we will save her."

We started sprinting, worried for Clara's condition. After a minute of running as fast as we could, we founded the entrance of the installation. Hundreds of both human and covenant troops were on the floor, dead. The weird thing is, it doesn't seem they were fighting each other.

Right next to the door, Clara's body lays on the floor, her hand on her stomach. She was wounded.


I sprinted towards her, sliding next to her. I let her head rest on my lap, while I check her condition.


F/N:"Don't worry, I'm here."

I removed her hand from the wound. It looks like if some type of claw mauled her. I never seen something like this.

Clara:"T-There's something bad down there... I tried to stop them... but they got out... I'm sorry..."

When S/N heared that, he raised his weapon, aiming at the jungle, ready for an ambush. Clara saw him, and gasped, pointing at him.

F/N:"He's with us, don't worry. Now, let me help you."

Clara:"There's no time, the rest of Noble is down there, you have to-"


Clara jumped a little from my sudden outburst. Looking at her wound, I knew it had to be healed quickly, or she would bleed out. I had a a plan though, I was gonna use the same trick I did back on Reach.

I grabbed a shotung shell and opened it, pouting the gunpoweder on Clara's wound.

F/N:"This is gonna hurt."

Clara:"I'm ready."

I nodded, grabbing my plasma sword. I lighted it up, and cauteously moved it near the wound. The plasma lighted the powder, cauterizing the wound. Clara screamed, after all, fire on your wounds it's not a pleasant feeling, but there's no other way.

Once the wound closed up, I looked around for something to protect the wound. S/N handed me a piece of cloth from a dead  marine's pants.

S/N:"Rudimentary, but it will work."


S/N:"No worries, but we have to hurry."

I used the cloth like a bandage, strapping it around Clara's wound. Then I lifted her up in my arms, carrying her inside the facility, S/N taking the lead.

Clara:"Thank you... you saved me..."

F/N:"You have my back, and I have yours, remember?"

Clara didn't respond, she just stared at my helmet.

S/N:"I founded a lift. Your friends should be down there."

I got on the lift, next to him. He was staring at Clara, but his eyes doesn't show any type of hatred, instead, they show worry.

S/N:"I don't wanna be pesimistic, but, if the flood wounded her, she may be-"

F/N:"She isn't."

Cortana scanned her, and sighed.

Cortana:"She's completely fine, Mr. Alien, you won't be killing a spartan today."

S/N:"That wasn't my intention."

F/N:"Cortana, can you detect any more UNSC signals? Father? The Chief? anyone?"

Cortana:"Scanning... I'm sorry, Sergeant, but I can't detect any UNSC signal down here. Something is blocking it."

S/N:"If you demons are as skilled as you seem, they will be okay. Look at your friend, she survived the flood by herself."

F/N:"I hope so..."

The lift finally took us down. We keep moving forward, finding more marines and elites dead on the ground. Something I took notice of is, instead of a facility, this place looks like a prision...

S/N:"This is weird..."


S/N:"We haven't found any combat life form yet."

Clara:"N-Noble team... they should be around here.... somewhere..."

Clara started to move on my hold, uncomfortable.

F/N:"Clam down, we will find them. We are here for that."


I crouched on a destroyed pillar, letting Clara rest next to me. I grabbed my shotgun and look ahead of us, finally seeing the flood.

Truly horrifying. Those marines got infected by some type of little... weird thing, and transformed into that thing...

F/N:"I suppose that's the flood."

S/N crocuhed next to me, nodding.

S/N:"Indeed. I'll go down there and slay them, stay here and take careof your friend."


S/N ignited his sword, and jumped towards the flood units, killing them back and forth. I grabbed my AR to assist him if needed.

Cortana:"Wow, he isn't bad at all."

F/N:"No, he's quite the opposite of-"

Clara:"WATCH OUT!"

I turned around, seeing a big tentacle coming after me. I grabbed my sword and sliced it, but the tentacle tanked the hit. It slapped my arm, throwing my sword to the ground, and then, it wrapped around my leg, pulling me towards a hole.


She dived towards me, grabbing my arm, trying to push me to her, but the tentacle had more strength than her, specially since she is wounded. It was starting to drag us both towards the hole it came.


S/N tired to run towards us, but he got surrounded by more flood combat forms. I tried to grab my shotgun, anything to fight the tentacle, but it was too late, Clara losed her grip on me, the tentacle dragging me inside the hole.

I heard Clara shouting my name, and then silence. The tentacle dragged me so far, I stopped hearing her voice. Eventually, It dragged me to a room, where it trew me towards a nearby wall.

The room is filled with bodies, that were getting consumed by the flood drones, or whatever they are called. One of the dead marines had a pistol on his holster, I grabbed it, and aimed at the flood forms.

Cortana:"Sergeant, are you okay?!"

F/N:"For now, yes."

The flood forms start to walk towards me, angry. I walked backwards, till my back hitted the wall I was thrown at wall.

F/n:"I don't like this. One. Bit."


Clara:"F/N! F/N!"

The tentacle dragged F/N away.

No, no, no... this can't be happening, not again... please not again...

A flood tried to stab me from the back, but I was quick enough to roll away. I crawled towards F/N's shotgun before the flood could get me. I managed to grab it, but when I aimed at him, he was already standing before me. He sliced the shotgun in half, and aimed his claw at me, but thankfully, S/N appeared behind him, thrusting his energy sword in him.

Once the flood was dead, he kneeled besides me, and checked my condition.

S/N:"Where's the other demon?"

Clara:"He... he got... they have him..."

S/n:"Don't worry, we will find him, let's try to-"

Suddenly, he got tackled by the Chief, who was about to stab him in the head, if it wasn't for me shouting at him to stop.

Clara:"Chief, stop! He's with us! He's friendly, stop!"

Master Chief:"I find it hard to believe."

S/N:"It's true, demon. I'm not your enemy. Not anymore."

Master Chief:"What are you doing here? You are usually hunting F/N."

The Chief got himself off of him, letting the elite stand up. He still had his AR raised at him.

S/N:"I'm the reson he is here to begin with. We came here to pick all of you up, and destroy Halo before the Covenant uses it. The problem is, your friend and the purple lady got dragged away. We must find him."

Master Chief:"Purple lad- Cortana is here?"

The Chief doesn't sound very amused by that. S/N nodded, and grabbed his sword from the ground. The Chief suddenly grabbed a marine radio from his pocket, and pressed a button.

Master Chief:"Noble team, this is Sierra 117. I founded Noble Four, and a... "Friendly elte" Bad news are, F/N is here, with Cortana, and got captured by the flood. He should be around here, somewhere. We must get him back. That's an order, we aren't leaving without him, over."

Multiple voices are heared through the radio. The rest of Noble Team. Thanks god they are okay...

Kat:"He what?! You've heared that Noble, find Four. We won't let him die here."

I hope so...


Kat:"He what?! You've heared that Noble, find Four. We won't let him die here."

I was running through the installation, trying to find survirors. When I heared that, my heart stopped for a moment. 

I turned around, and sprinted, looking inside all the rooms I haven't checked.

Noble Six:"Don't you dare die on me... you can't do this to me..."

I suddenly recieved a signal from an AI. Cortana...

Cortana:"This is Cortana to any nearby UNSC units! I need assistance inmediatly! Spartan CP30 it's under heavy fire! We won't hold much longer! Please, anybody, help us!"

Noble Six:"This is Noble Six, Cortana, tell me your position, over!"

Cortana:"Thanks god... we are 200 hundreds meters  ahead of your curent location, Liutenant, I'm marking it on your HUD! Please, hurry!"

Noble Six:"I'm on my way, hang on for little longer!"

I started sprinting towards the direction Cortana showed me. Meanwhile, I grabbed my UNSC radio, and dialed our new frecuency.

Noble Six:"This is Noble Six! I've founded F/N, he is under heavy fire on my location, I request reinforcements, over!"

Emile:"I'm on my way, Six. Hang on."

I'm almost there, F/n! Don't die!

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