Ending. Not over

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For the first time in weeks, I'm having a good dream. I was on a hill, dressed on a white beautiful dress. I was resting on a tree, it's shadow covering me from the blazing sun. Behind said tree, some meters away, an enormous house could be found. Weirdly enough, the house looks... old. Like, the ones you could found on the 21st  century.

On my lap, a book was resting. I grabbed it, looking at what I was reading. It was a book for children, a recopilatory book of thousends of stories to entertain the little ones.

Why... would I be reading this?

???:"Mama! Tell me another one!"

A voice coming from behind me talked to me. It sounded sweet, comforting. I somehow knew who it belonged to. The voice of a young girl...

I glanced at her, taking in her features. She has the same hair color and type as me, a blonde ponytail. I could not see her eyes, a weird mist was around them, making it impossible for me to see.


Royale Six:"O-of course."

The girl walked towards me, giggling all the way. She sat on my lap, and cuddle with me. It felt... good.

Just when I was about to tell her a story, the girl pointed at someone. By her smile, I can tell she recognised whoever she saw.

???:"Look, Six! Is Papa!"

Whe she said Six I widened my eyes. I completely forgot that name, that part of my life... anyways, my name is-

???:"C'mon, Six, wake up!"


???:"Wake up Six!"

Royale Six:*GASP*"

I suddenly wake up, grabbing by the neck whoever was shaking me when I slept. Once I opened my eyes I saw F/N on his Spartan armour, who had managed to stop my arms before I grabbed his neck.

F/N:"Hey! What are you doing?!"

Royale Six:"O-oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to!"

I quickly relaxed, F/N releasing my hands. I sat down, rubbing my eyes. F/N sat on my bed cautiously, not wanting to break it.

F/N:"Sooo... who's Lydia?"

Royale Six:"I know no Lydia."

F/N:"You were repeating that name nonstop. I thought you had another nightmare."

Royale Six:"The opposit in fact... it was a good one."

F/N:"Really? What was it about? Were you dreaming about me~?"

Royale Six:"You wish. How did you get inside by the way? I locked the door."

F/N shows me a lockpick. I don't need to see his face to know he's smirking.

Royale Six:"Really? I could've been naked."

F/N:"Your point?"

Royale Six:"Pervert. What do you want?"

F/N:"I was worried, you sleeped an entire day, you didn't haven't eat anything yesterday, so I wanted to know if you were okay."

Now that he mentions it, I feel really hungry all of the sudden. I could eat anything right now. Even him.

Royale Six:"Have I... wait, isn't today Chief's victory celebration?"

F/N:"Yeah, but don't worry, we have 5 hours before it."

Royale Six:"Oh."

F/N:"Hey, let's do something, okay? Why don't you go, take a shower, and I'll get you a delicious breakfast, okay?"

Royale Six:"You don't have too, I'm okay with MRE's, they-"

F/N:"You're not eating that shit here, Six. Now, go and take that shower, you smell awful."

Royale Six:*Get's up* "Charming as always, boss..."

He chuckled. I went to my drawer, grabbed an undersuit and went to the shower.


After talking with Six, I leaved her room, and walked to the kitchen. Noah and Kim were already awake, the first one waiting behind my door, and the latter watching the T.V.

Noah accompanied me to the kitchen, chatting with me.

Noah:"Sir, you saw the news? We have to be on HQ at 2:00 PM."

F/N:"First thing I did once I was awake. We're getting our first mission already."

Noah nodded, watching me cook with interest. I was making waffles, nothing too fancy.

Noah:"...didn't know you where a cook, sir."

F/N:"There are many things you don't know about me, Noah. You want some too?"


Kim:"Make me some too."

Kim talked to me from the couch, not bothering to look at me.

F/N:"If you want waffles, come make them yourself, soldier."

Kim turned around, annoyed.

Kim:"So, you do waffles for Noah, and not to me?"

F/N:"He atleast greeted me, you ignored me. Want waffles? Come help me make them."

She grunted, getting up from the couch, walking towards me.

I was smiling behind my helmet. This truly feels like a family...

Noah continued his talk with me, Kim sometimes joining the conversation. I taught her what she had to do, and she followed.

The smell of waffles atracted Bailey like a moth is attracted to light. Unlike Kim, he politely asked for waffles, recieving a yes from my side. He sat on the couch, patiently waiting for them.

Six and Amy exited their respective rooms. Amy walked to a dinner table, sitting on it. She was looking at Kim and I, so I suppose she wants some waffles too. Six walked towards me, and hugged me from behind.

Royale Six:"That smells good. Can I get some too?"


Kim:"Sir, this isn't fair, she isn't cooking."

F/N:"You're burning those, Spartan."

Kim:"Oh shit!"

Noah laughed at Kim, who burned her waffles a little. Eventually, I made more than enough waffles for everyone. I brought some dishes, and putted 5 waffles on five plates. I made some extra waffles since Six's appetite is quite huge.

Everyone went to the table, sitting down with their respective plate, even Kim and her burned waffles. They all removed their helmets, putting them on their laps.

Bailey:"These are really good sir, your cooking skills are remarkable."




Kim:"Can't say the same about mines!"

Amy:"Thank you, sir. They taste amazing."



Author's notes:Only the faces! Not the armours!"

I sighed, and gave my waffles to Kim. She smiled, and thanked me before tasting one of them. She widened her eyes, smiling. Kim then proceeds to eat the waffles like an animal.

F/N:"I... guess you liked them?"

Kim nodded furiously. Everyone laughed at Kim's antics, embarrassing poor girl.

Noah:"Anyways, sir, what's our mission?"

Royale Six:"Wait, we're getting deployed?"

F/N:"Yes. An Supreme Commander elite by the name of Karo 'Zevemee has destroyed various colonies such as Chi Rho and it's moon, Eiro. Asshole learned Earth's location, ONI expects he will be here very soon, on 6-7 hours roughly."

Bailey:"That's why we're going to HQ in 5."

F/N:"Correct. We will get our equipment, our weapons, and a pelican to move around the city. There are high chances a squad of ODST'S will help us too."

Noah:"Anything we should know of the elite?"

F/N:"He's ruthless, cruel. He made 4 Spartans go M.I.A, don't underestimate him. Shield strength matches his rank too, aswell as his skills. He's not dumb, he knows we're here, so he will probably bring a big army with him, expect  inmense amount of hostiles. Hunters, bugs, scarabs..."

Amy:"Were is he gonna attack exactly?"

F/N:"ONI believes he will attack New Mombasa."

Bailey:"I suppose it has to do with the A.I under the city."

F/N:"Correct. We can't let them get their hands on that A.I.  Our priority is New Mombasa's defense,  Noble Team will take care of the ship. Whoever that split-lip is, he's gonna face a group of deadly Spartans."

Kim:"Fuck yeah!"


Eventually, we all finished our waffles. We chatted a bit, bonding with each other. Amy didn't talked too much, but she listened to our conversations, just nodding and agreeing with what we said.

I keep an eye on my HUD's timer. 12:56 AM.

F/N:"All right everyone, grab your things, we are moving to the HQ. It is almost time, let's move."

Everyone nodded, getting our equipment. I attached my sword to my holster, and leaved the building, followed by my team.

I walked towards the hangar, various pelicans, falcons and wasps waiting there.

F/N:"Let's get our falcon, our pilots should be waiting."

Noah:"Falcon or Pelican?"

F/N:"I said falcon."

Noah:"I know, sorry. I once had a leader who misunderstood falcons for pelicans countless times."

Bailey:"Sounds like a fool to me."

Noah:"He was."

I saw two marines dressed up with pilot gear waving at me. I walked towards them, supposing that would be our falcon.

Pilot 1:"Royale, I suppose?"

F/N:"Yes. You're our ride?"

Freedom 1:"Sir, yes sir. Freedom 1 at yout service, sir.Get in, we will take you to the HQ, Colonel Holland will brief you there."

I nodded, entering the falcon. My team did the same, sitting on the falcon. It had two mounted grenade launcher aswell.

The falcon took off, going up and up. The ceiling started to open up, letting the falcon exit the underground facility, and into the city.

Amy:"This city is beautiful, filled with life. It would be a shame to see it ruined."

F/N:"We're here to stop it."

Royale Six:"F/N, shouldn't we be on that elite's ship aswell? Spartans aren't meant to deffend positions, but to attack them."

F/N:"We will do as Holland says. For now, our mission is to defend the city, and prepare an ambush for that elite if he dares to put a feet on New Mombasa. He likes to take things up close and personal, so it's not a crazy idea."

Noah:"I'm eager to kill that asshole already."

Like that, we all sat in silence, waiting for our falcon to reach HQ.

20 minutes later...

Freedom 1:"Sir, we're here!"

I peeked my head through the falcon, the HQ was filled with marines running around, getting prepare to defend the city, Spartand getting into falcons and pelicans, getting deployed for other operations...

The falcon landed on the LZ. Colonel Holland was waiting for us there. I exited the falcon, and shaked Holland's hand.

Colonel Holland:"Had a good ride?"

F/N:"Enjoying the view while it lasts, sir."

He nodded, walking towards one of the tents on HQ.

Colonel Holland:"Before we begin, my condolences for all of those that passed away. Your father, Carter, and Jorge were great soldiers."

F/N:"They died saving thousends of people, sir."

Colonel Holland:"As expected from them."

We entered the tent. Noble team was already there, along with a female ODST I don't recognised. She had a name on her helmet, Dare.

I walked towards Kat, who was staring at me.

F/N:"Are you sure you're combat ready? Yesterday you were a little-"

Kat:"I am, no need to talk about that here, hmm?"

Kat stomped my foot, annoyed. I chuckled, not caring about her stomp.

Colonel Holland:"We're all here now. I'll commence the briefing."

He grabbed a controller, and pressed a button. A radio inside the room went on, transmitting a recorded audio.

???:"Kill the heretics, brothers! Leave no weak human alive! Once we're finished here, their homeworld will perish aswell, so enjoy massacring these weaklings while it lasts! For the great journey!"

Roars are heared after that speech finished. On the distance, gun fire from both UNSC and Covenant weapons could be heared. Screams of thousends of innocents, running from the sight of the elites charging at them with energy swords.

Colonel Holland:"Karo 'Zevemee, Supreme Commander. A cold blooded killer. He's responsible of the glassing of various UNSC colonies, and he's coming to earth as we speak."

Emile:"Short words, a dickhead."

Jun:"Yeah, well, he won't give those speechs anymore once his brains hit the floor."

Colonel Holland:"He already made 4 Spartan II go M.I.A, I would be catious if I were you, he knows how to fight against Spartans."

Clara:"With all due respect, sir. He killed those Spartan II on an already lost battle. I'm sure if things were different, those Spartans would have wiped the floor with him."

Colonel Holland:"But things aren't different, he learned to fight you, and your team. That's why we're sending the best Spartans we currently have to take care of him."

Noah:"And the Chief? What's his role in all of this?"

Colonel Holland:"As much as I want him on this operation too, we can't. He and the new Commander, Miranda Keyes are nedded for their official promotions and celebrations. The will be transmitted to the public, T.V. will be here. Raising the moral of our troops by showing the Chief's returnal from Reach is needed."


Colonel Holland deployed a map on top of a table. It was a detailed map of the city divided into two sectors. Sector bravo was marked with our name.

Colonel Holland:"We will divide the city into two. The majority of the UNSC forces, along with a squad of ODST'S will defend Alpha. Royale, you and a different squad of ODST's will take care of bravo."

Noah:"You expect us to defend a city against an army by ourselves, sir?"

Colonel Holland:"No, I want you to get in there, kill anything that moves, including the Supreme Commander and survive to tell the tale to your offsprings."

Noah nodded, sighing. This is a suicide mission.

Colonel Holland:"The ODST'S will drop from orbit at your mark, Royale leader. They will contact you from radio. You will have comunication with Noble Team and with me aswell. If you need reinforcements, ask them."

I nod. Looking at the map I noticed how bravo sector was just a single building. I recognised it, being the ONI building our underground facility is.

F/N:"What if Karo 'Zevemee is pushed back and flees?"

Colonel Holland:"Pursue him. Kill him, at any costs."

F/N:"Yes sir."

Colonel Holland:"That would be all Royale, dissmissed."

I nodded, signaling my team to follow me. We leaved the tent, and walked towards the armory.

Bailey:"Our first mission, and they expect us to take on the Covenant pretty much by ourselves. I like it."

Kim:"That means more targets to kill."

Amy:"Sir, with all due respect, this seems like a suicide mission to me."

F/N:"And what did you expect? We, Spartans, are made for this, to take on impossible odds, and either survive, accomplishing something no one else can do, or die trying."


We entered the armory, scattering around to grab our weapons. I grabbed a BR, wanting to test this weapon on the field. For secondary, a shotgun. I holstered a magnum, just in case.

Six was on my right, getting a DMR (what a surprise) and a sniper rifle. Noah, on my left got an AR and another sniper rifle.

I turned around, staring at my team. Bailey got a rocket launcher, an AR and many spare rockets. Kim a shotgun and two smg's. Lastly, Amy grabbed a DMR and an AR. A weird combo, but I don't judge.

Noah:"Hear, you'll need them."

Noah handed me three grenades. I nod, thanking him. I saw everyone's special equipment attached to them, realising Six does not have any.

F/N:"Hey, Six, remind me to ask ONI for another piece of equipment for you."

Six nodded, not really caring of having one or not. Still, if they are providing us with special gear, I want to have as many gear as possible.

F/N:"Everyone, listen up."

Before leaving, I wanted to make a speech to raise their morale, specially Amy's morale, she seems to be down after what I said.

F/N:"This mission may seem like a total madness, fighting hordes of covies by ourselves... but we are Spartans, the best of the best. Six and I fought against them already, in worst scenarios than this one, and we made it through. I promise, all of you, we will kick their asses, and survive their invasion. We are Royale, Spartan's monarchs. Let's show them why the call us that."

Royale Team:"SIR, YES SIR!"

My team left the armory, walking towards the falcon, eager for battle instead of nervous.

Royale Six:"Quite the speech you gave them."

F/N:"Someone had to do it."

Royale Six:"Do you truly believe on those words?"

F/N:"I do. We will pull through, as always."

Royale Six:"Sir."

She nodded, following me towards the falcon. I got in, my team already in there. I sat next to Noah, discussing the strategy.

F/N:"Pilot, take us to the ONI building!"

Freedom 1:"Sir!"

The falcon took of, flying to the ONI's at high speeds.

F/N:"Noah, I want you on top of that building, give us support fire with your sniper. Six, you do the same, but you will cover the back entrance."

They both nodded, grabbing their sniper rifles.

F/N:"Bailey, get inside the building, and prepare those rockets in case we need them. Amy, booby trap the rear, and stay there. If something get's in, communicate it."


Bailey nodded, loading some rockets on his rocket launcher.

F/M:"Kim, you're with me, we'll defend the entrance."

Kim:*Cocks shotgun* "Aye aye sir."

Noah:"What about the ODST'S?"

F/N:"As soon as we land, we will tell them to fall. We don't have much time left, and once shit goes down, it will be difficult for them to land without casualties."

Noah nodded. Amy tapped my shoulder grabbing my attention.

Amy:"What about the civilians inside the building, and why are we protecting the skyscraper to begin with?"

F/N:"UNSC marines will use that building to evacuate civilians into the underground facility. If the covies get in, many will die."

Bailey:"The bugs could get in."

F/N:"Marines, along with the Spartans from the extraction teams will be there to protect the civillians."

Freedom 1:"We're approaching the LZ sir!"

F/N:"Roger that. Get ready, Royale."

Everyone got ready to land. The falcon landed on top of the skyscraper, letting us get out of the vehicle.

F/N:"Freedom 1, hide and wait for evac."

Freedom 1:"Sir!"

He took off, flying away. Six and Noah got into their respective positions, scouting the streets with the snipers. Bailey and Amy entered the building sprinting, scattering. Kim stood by my side, waiting.

I tried contacting the rest of our troops.

F/N:"This is Royale Leader, Noble Leader do you copy?"

Kat:"Loud and clear, F/N."

F/N:"We're in position, I'm about to call the ODST's."

Kat:"Roger that, Royale Leader. We are on the space station, waiting for the elite's fragate. Good luck down there, Royale."

F/N:"Good luck, Kat. Don't die on me."

Kat:"I told you already, you won't get rid of me that easily, F/N. Noble Leader out."

Kat ended the conversation. I tried contacting the ODST'S frecuency Holland gave me.

F/N:"This is Royale Leader, can anybody hear me?"

Sgt. O'Brian:"We hear you, Royale. Sgt. O'Brian, leader of Crow team, ready to drop at your mark."

F/N:"Drop on these coordinates, Sgt. Do it now, once the covies hit the ground, you won't have  easy time landing."

Sgt. O'Brian:"Roger that, sir. ODST'S drop inbound."

F/N:"Six, Two, ODST'S inbound, get ready!"

They nodded, grabbing onto something. From the sky, we saw six pods entering the atmosphere. They hitted the skyscrapper, all of them safe and sound. We helped them out of the pods.


Sgt. O'Brian:"The one and only. Orders?"

F/N:"This place will become hell in some seconds, I want you and your men on the lower levels, provide us support fire. Three of you with one of my Spartans, the other three with the other one."

Sgt O'Brian:"Roger that, sir. You've heared that lads, move!"

The Sergeant entered the building along his troops, searching the Spartans. Kim and I took the elevator and moved to ground level. We exited the building, standing on guard next to the entrance.

F/N:"Everyone in position?"

Noah:"I'm covering your ass, sir."

F/N:"Is it beautiful, Royale Two?"

Noah:"Meh, not bad."

Bailey:"Royale Four ready, my ODST'S too."

Amy:"Royale Five, reunited with the ODST'S and currently watching our rear."

Royale Six:"Got your back, Five. Six here."

F/N:"Good. Now, the waiting game."

Kim:*Sigh* "The boring part of this ope-"


We all looked above us, to the sky. Three Covenant ships were on the sky. Everyone went radio silent, shocked. Noah and I were the firsts ones to recover from the shock.

Noah:"Is that-"


Kim:"Let's make them regret invading earth, Royale!"

This book has come to an end, my dear Spartans, but you and Royale's journey are just getting started. After all, Halo man said it once...

This is just the begining.

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