#eight - Stranger things on Facebook

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Dedicated to Bankymassie for not giving up on this book. Your support means a lot to me!

The song above is one I'm currently obsessing over and I felt like attaching it to this chapter. Do listen to it if you want. :)


IT WAS LATER THAT EVENING when I saw it. With no warning beforehand.

And I think that was the thing that shocked me the most.

School today had been relatively ordinary. Well, maybe except for Barbara's surprising confession from lunch.

I had no goddamn clue how she and Will could become a thing - or whatever they were - in merely two days. It was a complete and utter mystery to me that had left a terrible taste in my mouth, but even so, the way the events from the rest of the day would unfold was even more surprising.

When I finally entered into my room with my school bag hanging loose from my shoulder, I was preoccupied with my daily overthinking session that went on inside my head. Today the topic was - you guessed it - Barbara and Will. (God, was I supposed to call them Bill now? Or Wara? Barbill? Barbie? I didn't know anymore.)

Which, now that I though about it, was good in a very, very twisted way. Because now that my mind was flanked by this new topic, it gave it less time to think about Mac. Which, by some God-sent miracle, started to happen a little bit less often.

So as I threw my bag somewhere on the floor and flopped on the bed, I had no idea that what I was going to find only a few moments later (much like Will's last phone call) was going to shake things up quite a lot.

And then the sound came.

I got up from the bed and, having recognized the sound, waltzed up to the desk where my laptop sat. I propped open the cap and hovered the mouse over the screen so it awoke from its sleeping mode.

I entered the user password on my laptop and Facebook appeared almost instantly, with a picture of a friend's of a friend's dog on the newsfeed. But it wasn't that picture that got my attention.

It was the message from the chat box underneath the picture that made my blood run cold.

It was a one-line message, along with a link to another Facebook page attached below. I immediately recognized the name of the sender, and that somehow only aggravated things.

Lily Green: Cece, do you know anything about this?

Lily Green was the girl I frequently chatted with before and after our only class together, which was Calculus. She was a very friendly person, and even though we didn't talk a lot face to face during the rest of the time, we usually chatted via Facebook about whatever topic we would find at the current time.

And now I had yet to find out what today's topic was about.

I stared at the link attached underneath her text message, and realized it was the link to a Facebook group page. I reluctantly clicked on it.

I didn't know what I had expected, but it wasn't this.

The Berry High Group appeared onto the screen and I felt instantly confused.

The Berry High Group? I haven't been active on this group for a year.

This Facebook group was, as the name presented, the school's group, and also the quickliest and only way the Principal and the rest of the teachers could inform the students with all the important news regarding the school.

Well, that had been the initial purpose of this group anyway. Now it was mostly filled with up-to-date memes, supposedly funny videos and other Facebook trends like pranks, which the students liked to share.

The members also consisted of parents, so they could see the important news from the teachers along with their children. But after several parents had gotten bored of the students taking over the group with their teen posts, they left.

Only the bravest, fearless, most Facebook-enthusiastic members remained - including my own mother. She was a Facebook fan to the core.

But even so, the group still had hundreds of members in it.

But that didn't explain anything. I didn't understand what Lily wanted to show me.

And then I scrolled down.

My pulse quickened and my cheeks flushed bright red. It was a post from thirteen minutes before, from a person named Robin Wick.

I frowned, reading the words carefully to make sure my mind processed them correctly. And then I read it again.

And again. And again.

And the message still didn't seem to process itself into my head.

My head was spinning and my heart was almost ready to bust out of my ribcage.

There were several comments underneath the post, from almost all the people that also left a like on it, but they all sounded pretty much the same - expressing either their confusion or amusement.

Oh my god. What is this?


Who's Cece? And who the hell is this Robin?


And a few more others like that. The last comment was, unsurprisingly, Jenny Whitman's.

I re-read Lily Green's message. Cece, do you know anything about this?

I typed back a respone.

Me: No... What IS this?

I waited a couple of moments, watching my own chest rise and fall with quick, heavy breaths that now seemed out of my control.

Lily Green: I don't know... I mean it's obviously a prank, but I thought you knew something about it. Or at least I hoped so.

I jumped straight to the question that had been nagging me ever since reading that message.

Me: Who the hell is Robin Wick?

Lily's response came instantly this time.

Lily Green: I don't know... I was hoping you would? Because it's clearly someone who doesn't care that much for you, if they're able to do something like this.

I shook my head at the screen. A cold chill travelled my body.

I had no idea what else to say. I was rendered speechless.

I craned my neck closer to the screen and re-read this person's post. Nope, it was real. It was so very real and yet it seemed like a dream.

I'd often had dreams where someone played cruel jokes on me and people laughed with their fingers pointing at me. But then I woke up and it was all over.

But this was far from over. It was only the beginning.

And the worst part was, I had no idea what was even going on.

It was clearly a sick joke. A prank made by someone who, just like Lily pointed out, didn't care that much for me.

But who on Earth was this Robin Wick?

A new message popped up in the chat with Lily.

Lily Green: Cece, are you okay?

I typed back a quick reply.

Me: Yeah... Thank you for showing me the post.

I clicked on the small X on the right corner of the chat bar and the conversation disappeared from the screen, leaving Robin Wick's post in full display.

With the blood roaring into my ears, I clicked on Robin Wick's profile. Naturally, this person had no profile picture, otherwise the post wouldn't have had such a dramatic impact.

I looked through the details about Robin's old school and high school, but nothing was posted. This person had no pictures, and no other details whatsoever. Not even the birthday. There were no posts on the profile and no one had posted on Robin's timeline, either.

I sighed. Of course this profile had nothing on it.

This whole thing was meant to make a mess of things, to confuse them, not simplify them.

I reluctantly exited Robin Wick's profile, realizing that whoever this person was, they weren't going to expose themselves even more than their name permitted. And that was far from enough, considering the fact that Robin could be both a girl's and a guy's name.

I did a mental scan of all the people I knew from Berry High. Friends, classmates, acquaintances... But none of them had the name Robin Wick. Quite frankly, I wasn't sure I'd ever heard that name in my life.

Of course, it wasn't like I knew all the people from school. I barely knew all of my classmates and a few other people from other classes, but that was all.

That was all the information my mind was possessing. Which, in this case, meant absolutely nothing.

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans in an attempt to dry them off, but it was useless. One second later, they were sprayed with sweat again.

I was confused. Nervous, angry and confused. I didn't know what to believe. I didn't even know what to make of this thing.

I felt the air tighten in my lungs and I tried my best to think.

Thoughts were aimlessly circling my mind, coming and going in a haze that only made my heart beat even harder. But in that organized chaos of thoughts and ideas, there was only one that seemed to be coming back to me.

And that thought bore the name of Jenny Whitman.

I know, I know. Cliché. It was only a coincidence that Jenny Whitman, my ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend left a comment on Robin Wick's post. That didn't say anything. Several other people had left comments and quite frankly, I didn't blame them.

A post like this was bound to get attention sooner or later.

But what bothered me was the way she added only commented a simple Lol! - as if she was genuinely having the time of her life just by reading that post. She was simply laughing at my embarrassing situation. Not shock, not wonder... Only laughter.

I shook my head. No. No. I wasn't going to accuse Jenny of being a part of this just because she wasn't my favourite person, or because it was convenient.

No, I wasn't going to lower myself to that.

Not for now, at least.

I got up from my chair and shut down my laptop, my head still spinning furiously.

I walked downstairs instead, took a slice of cheesecake from the fridge, ate it in under two minutes and ignored Mom's stares as I went back upstairs, one question still clutching desperately onto my mind.

Who is Robin Wick?


So, who do you think is Robin Wick? Do you have any clues, any ideas?

Hope you found this chapter interesting, and if you did, do let me know by pressing on the small star button to turn it yellow :)

Thank you so much for sticking with this story, I really appreciate it!

Cheers x

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