the place we'll meet...the tornament

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Chi's Chi's P.O.V

I gently rest my head on the leather seat as i closed my eyes.
The darkness soon filled in on all I could see. I tryed to focus my thoughts but the same answer soon came blabbering to my head.
all I could think about was him. The way he smiled, his spiky black hair, how silly and funny he could be somtimes, how Incredibly strong he was.
His name just kept echoing inside my head as if it were made out of a deep long tunel. I tryed to agnore it but it ended up the same.
many memories of when we were little came to me. when we first met and how he helped save me and my dads lives. How he seriously thought I was I boy (=_=' sorry had to say that)
And how he agreed I would be his bride.
Anger then boiled through me as I finally remembered how I hadent seen him in probaly 6 years!
Arg stupid goku! I felt like yelling as loud as I can at him and telling him how much I couldn't help but miss him, and how much I cared about him! how worried I was and still am! I started to feel a deep and empty feeling in my heart. As if I was missing somthing. my blood boiled as I angrily opened my eyes tempting to hit something! Anything!
I was about to hit the window when I sensed my dad look at me worried.
"Are you ok chi chi?"he asked slowly glancing at my tightly clenched hands then at me.
Reality came to me as i turn my head to look at him. My gaze softened and I let go of my tight grip. "Uhhh im ok papa just daydreaming" i said forcing a smile on my face. "Well...ok then!" he said giving me a warm smile."oh and it looks like were almost at the tournement!" He said pointing at the giant billboard on the side of the road. I felt my heart skip a beat and my face flushed red, remembering that goku is going to be there and the day I have been dreaming about for six or seven years would finally come true. It was the day i would finally see him agian...
I felt exicied untill quesions i kept telling myself came to me and i felt sone sort of dought.
'Does he remember me? How much did he change? Does he still remeber his promise he told me?...................................does he love me?
I sighed and looked out the window. Trying to avoid the tears that tryed to form in my eyes. Soon starring at every object I could see.
My eyes suddeny fell on the small family that came to view. I looked at a tall man and a pretty women walked on the sides of a young boy.
They all seemed happy. As if there was no evil in the world whatsoever. my face flushed again, pretending that was our family and that was our son. I then thought of how I wanted to be the best wife and maybe mother in the hole world. The way my mother wanted my future to be. Filled with happiness and love. I remember her soft smile, her mysterious and loving eyes, her calm voice. How are lives used to be a full happy family. My moms cooking was always delicious to! She somehow always felt like a mytery to me. The way she stood tall and believed in the right thing. I smiled at the long lost memories and closed my eyes thinging about the present events

"Chi chi! Come on chi chi honey wake up"
I felt someone shakeing me on my shouler.
"Come on chi chi our child needs us!"
Child!? What!?

"Chi chi were here! come on wake up were at the tournament now!"

I finally got out of my small faze as my eyes sprung open. "Were here!?"
I practically screamed as I sat up and looked around. "Yep were here chi chi"papa said and chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his head. I quickly shook my head and looked around. Papa was right we were here! The light of the sun shined around the famous grounds of the world martial arts tournament. The tournament goku goes to. I quickly looked out the window to see a humongous group of people walking around the place as we passed them in our car. a smile formed on my face as I thought of what might happen nexted. I was in a small daydream again untill papa spoke. "Our you sure you want to enter?"he asked worried and looked at my bag.
I shook my head yes. "Dont worry papa, goku will protect me and you trained me remember? Ill be fine!"I said smiling to papa, nodding my head telling him ill be ok. I almost hesitated when I said goku will protect me hoping nothing bad will happen.
I tryed to shrug it off, and looked back at how long my dad has also been training me Well for 5 years. so I can try to get closer to goku, by learning the way he and my papa learned. And im really grateful for my training because ive been able to do many things for my village. Like fight off any forangers that looked for trouble or stole our towns goods.
It was a tought and really painfull way of training but I learned alot of new techniques.

"Well if Its goku that will protect you then ok then! I wonder what that boy is up to?"papa question as I silently asked the same.
looking at the time I quickly picked up my bag and opened the passenger door. "I have to sigh up for the tournament papa! Ill meet you at hotel ok!"I said as I put the bag over my shoulder. "Ok chi chi! You be save ok?"he asked looking at me seriously. "I already told you papa ill be fine!"I said thinking of how he still was a little protective of me. "I have to go now! I love you papa!"I said waving goodbye at him
"I love you to chi chi!"
He waved goodbye before putting the car in drive and driving off.

I gazed at the dark cloudy sky then looked around. it was really big place. alot of food booths and some activities surrounded the place supported with red pillars and buildings.

I slowly closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Ok chi chi you can do this.
I opened my eyes and started to walk through the large crowed.
I Looked around for the sign up place, bumping into peole as I walked by. Some would give me nasty glares and some would apologize. Alot of different and starnge people here I thought still looking around. As it started to rain people started to leave inside as I just pulled out my yellow umbrella.
As it rained, My mind was soon filled with thoughts about goku and curious questions that I couldn't help but ask.
I was deep in thought when I suddenly bumped into something.
My bag flew in the air as I started to hit the ground. I quickly closed my eyes for impact expecting the cold hard ground and people laughting at me but........I felt warm strong arms around me? I some how suddenly felt save and all my troubles soon faded away, feeling as if I wanted to stay this way forever.
'What am I thinking!?' I though snapping out of it. slowly opening my eyes a pair of black eyes stared back down at me in with confused and concerned stare. "Are you alright?"the strong figure asked. I opened my eyes more realizing that i was being carried bride style.
My face flushed red of embarrassment and looked away.
"Umm t-thank you"I shuddered.
"no problem! are you ok?"the he asked in a cheery voice looking down at me. That voice? .
"y-yes im fine th-ank you"I said trying my absolute best to not shudder or miss place the words.
"Well thats great!"he said smiling at me. we looked at each other in akward silence when I notice alot of cold wind hit my skin. Uh? I looked down from below his arms and completly paniced. WE WERE ALMOST 80 FEET IN THE AIR!.

I screamed for my life and quickly flung my arms around his neck and held on him like a there was no tomorrow.

"Whoa! Hey. Dont. Hold.on.that.tight"he said through breaths trying to breath his body turned lefted and right trying to breath and trying to carry me at the same time.
because of my fear of death I screamed with my eyes clenched shut."put me down! Please I dont want to die young I haven't even seen him yet! Its not fair!"I cried out saying my last prayers.
"Hey its alright ill get us down"he said lowering himself down to the ground.
When we reached the ground he gently set me down. as I started to get my head to work my heart slowed down abit. "wow you sure do hate heights uh? hehe"he asked me laughing abit.
My face went red."y-yes I do"I replied finally looking up to see his face. he had a training outfit on black shoes, a white towel wrapped around his head and a red umbrella that he carried. for some strange reason he looked familiar.
"So why are you here?"he asked me while opening his umbrella. He was taller than me so I had to look up abit. "To watch the tournament"I lied waiting for his answer. I felt guilty for not saying the truth but I had to keep my identity a secret even the reason why im here. " thats great! well Im entering! You might see me!" he said giving a flashing smile. I smiled knowing that ment we might end up fighting each other in a match. His voice some how felt comforting like the voice meant something important to me.
"Whats your name?"he asked
Uh oh a name.....
"Doka!"I said finally thinging of somthing.
"Doka? Welll im g-" he was cutt off by one of the staff calling him.
"Mr. The food court is This way"the staff told him.
"Oh ok! Well see you later doka!"he said waving goodbye"
"Ok then! See you later!"I said picking up my bag from the floor from were it landed. I then realized that I dident get his name.
"w-wait! I dident get your name!" I said trying to get his attention but it was to late, he was all ready no where in sight.
I fround while putting the bag on my shoulder.
'Hmm that was strange' I though remembering how we were 80 feet above the ground. I was about to think of another question when I suddenly remembered that I had to sign up to compete in the world martial arts tornament and quickly darted over to were it was. As I did I started to think about goku. But my thoughts then went to the person that saved my fall. 'Why did he seem so familiar? I hope I find out soon. Goku......I wonder what he's doing now...

Hello guys sonFamily118 here! Yes my name used to be miku81802 sry I changed it guys! I kinda just wanted to change abit. Dont worry I still love the vocaliods and the sonic team!
Anywayyyys on to the story this is mt first dbz book because I also love dragonball alottt! Anddd I also love chi chi and goku sooo im going the write a fanfic on them!
its going to be about how goku and chi chi's live went from the separate time between the ending of dragon ball to the beginning of dragon ball z. Im kinda new to writing dragon ball fanfics and im still learning more about goku and chi chi's marriage life(in dragon ball z) soo plz take it easy on me k? I might have added my own part there hehe.
Oh!(almost forgot-.-') all characters rightfull belong to akira toriyama! (I respect all his hard work to make Dragon ball well dragon ball)
anyways I hope you guys like the dragon ball love fanfiction gokuXchi chi story! And enjoy the beginning!:D

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