Fighting Back

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Annika opened her eyes with a headache, she was lying on the wet floor which was smelling of damp. The room was dark and cold. An unusual smell filled the room. Her head was paining and her eyes swollen. There was a cut mark on her elbows and knees while her left cheeks hurt.

She sat abruptly, she realised what brings her here. She was not afraid till now but suddenly fear covers her. She puts her hand on her stomach. New life was inside it. She feared about that new life. Her and Shivaay's life.

She was not tied so she tried to figure out the place.

She remembers that she was talking to Shivaay over phone and saw the roka ceremony of Gauri and om. She was happy even if she could not go. She is witnessing it.
It was her bathing time. She was told by ever caring shivaay to eat and take rest. He told her he will join her after dinner. He had already told maid to prepare food for her. They have taken appointment for next morning. They confirmed their pregnancy with pregnancy kit. Two were very happy. Their love found a life. They had new dream and new hope now. The new one will complete them in true sense.

She went to freshen up. When she returned she gaped at the sight in front of her. Daksh was sitting on the bed. Lying there like it's his own. With his wicked smile.

"How dare you enter my room like that?" She questioned him knowing how useless the question was. He is an evil man he can do anything. She asked because she don't want to show him how sacred she is.

" You missed me right? Baby doll!" He said coming towards her.

He did not touch her but came very close and he whispers in her ears "such a nice opportunity, Shivaay is not there ,you and me are alone. Lets do some Romance baby"

Annika disgusted by his talk, she hates how close he was. She pushed him away. "Don't even think to get close to me. I won't think twice before killing you." She said. Her voice determined and strong.

Her faith in shivaay has no bound. She felt stronger now her Shivaay is with her. Nobody can even touch her.

"Chill baby, I am not interested in you. Actually, you are not my type. I thought before some action why don't we have some Romance. But as you wish!"

"I never thought you are such a fool. You thought you'll come here and harm me and can get away with it?" She gave a sly smile.

"Who told you I am here to harm you?, We just need something from Shivaay till then you come with me.. after getting what we want you can go back to your Shivaay..." He mimicked her.

" And you think I will come?" She said laughing.

"If not on your own then I have other ways too" he said.

Annika ran towards the door. Which Daksh blocked swiftly. She tried to go out from window but Daksh was quicker he dragged her abducting her way. He closed her mouth she struggled on his grip. She tried to release herself from him. The tussle was Strong. In the process she injured herself on her elbow. She fell on the ground. She shouted "shivaay."...... Daksh made her stand and gave a tight slap on her left cheeks which made her fall again. This time injuring her knees.

"Don't be so..... difficult baby......" he said putting a cloth on her mouth and she got unconscious.

Now she don't know for how many hours or days she is been there.
She was searching for the way out. Fanatically. She was calm outside but there was turmoil inside. She feared for her child. For Shivaay. Again he must be in mess. He feels week whenever something happens to her and now this. Her tears were the proof how badly she wanted to go to him. Not for herself it's for him. To tell him that not to worry she is fine. Her baby is fine, their baby is fine.

Suddenly Daksh appears and laughed as if he won the game.

"What did I say,....I told you I never loose. I'll give you one more chance. Be mine. Leave Shivaay. We'll be happy now I am rich too. And you know what I am very good in the bed too." His filthy mouth speaking filth.

She did not respond. She should not waste her energy in these stupid things. She thought.

" What?" " You don't believe me.? Your Shivaay just had an accident you know. Heart attack. Last time he got lucky....this time I am sure..he will die......."

A tight slap.... With a thud sound. already silent room felt silent. Daksh was baffled.

Her eye's boiling with fire. Those hot lava from her eyes made Daksh shiver in fear. She said pointing finger towards him "Don't you dare you go there....... If Shivaay is my weakness then he is my biggest strength too. Last time I got weak, I left him. This time..........listen carefully......if....if anything... anything means even a small.... scratch comes to my.... Shivaay........then I'll kill got it...Mr. Daksh."

He surely got her intentions. He was shuttered by her anger. He hid it with wicked smile. But Annika is no less.

"You take whatever you want from him. Money property anything....he is Shivaay he can give you whatever you want. But....if anything happens to him because of you.....I won't spare your clan. Be it you or your so called dai ma.......and this is my promise to you..." She added it with full tadi. Her belief and love for him makes her overpower her fears.

She just looked at him. He was staring at her in fear. He went away without uttering a single word.

As soon as he moved out and closed the door she fell on the ground and sobbed.

"Shivaay...I am sorry meri wajah se fir se aap ki jaan pe ban ayi."

"I always try to give you happiness but every time I fail....... I am sorry. Please shivaay don't leave me. Please I need you. Our baby needs you. Don't break your promise please. Shivaay....."

She was fearing for him....

May be her voice reached to him he abruptly wakes up. "Annika....."
He said. He was not hurt it's just his heart problem. He got his sense back. He drove the car again. He got the call from khanna who traced Annika's number which went silent in some lonely road. He drove to that place .

It was a abandoned road. Not many vehicle ply from there. It was last location where Annika's phone got switch off. He came out of his car and looked at the place.... There is nothing He can see which takes him to her.

He scrutinize the place finally closing his eyes he called her. His Annika. With whom he share his soul. They can feel eachother. Its their way of communication. He whispers....Annika.....

Annika fainted after breaking down.....

Few minutes later Daksh came back. This time he woke her up. He splashed water on her face . "I have a good news for you. You are going to meet your Shivaay soon."

She did not react. She can't trust him. She will believe her fate not him and Shivaay is her fate. Whatever he is saying she won't believe it.

"I know it's difficult to believe but it's true. Oberoi gave their 50% share to me. And finally I am rich. Congratulate me baby doll." He was smiling. Afterall whatever he wanted he got.

Yes, oberoi agreed to give the property to them as far as Shivaay's marriage is concerned he is not picking anybody's call.To safeguard his life they gave the property to them.They were worried about him so they decided to get away with this Daksh crap. Dadi was very much disappointed. Kaveri was her friend afterall. She never thought a friend with whom she shared her family is deceiving her. Sometimes an experience eyes can also be fooled. She thought.

"Now you are of no use. You know what I am a Little disappointed. I wanted a fight scene with Shivaay but.....he did not appear... But I don't want to waste my time.... afterall I am a busy man.... so... Bye bye baby doll" he said suddenly pulling out gun at her.

She was not at all reacting. She was numb and lost in her world.

Her whole mind was into something else. She was not feeling good. Her inner self told that her baby which was inside her is not okay. Even though it's not even formed properly she could feel it. Her sense regarding her loved ones is great. She can't feel it.

That uneasiness is killing her. Even if she survive she is already dead... Her baby is no more she can feel it. And if Shivaay left her......better she should die..... So better Daksh shoot her and release her from this pain. He triggered the gun when a thud sound broke the trance.

It was Shivaay who happen to reach there. He finally found her.The moment Shivaay Annika saw eachother they felt their heartbeat again....they don't give damn about world and hugged. Showering kisses all over eachothers they embrace eachother like there is no tomorrow.

Annika in between her sob and kisses told him"Shivaay.....humara baby....... Shivaay..."...... .she could not complete. she cried holding him... for the first time she felt what it means to be a mother. A hope was dead. She was already attached to it. She cried bitterly

"Ssshhh......Annika.....don't cry....sab thik bhi thik hai... We'll go to doctor...don't worry...."he could only assure her. This is the only thing he could say to her.

"Tum thik ho na?" He kissed her forehead.

"Mein thik hu...aap?, Mein to darr gayi thi...aapko heart attack aaya tha na? She said sobbing. And forgetting her sorrow for sometime.

Her scrutinizing eyes looked to him. She felt relieve when she saw him unharmed.

" wish comes true. I so...wanted this showdown. Welcome Shivaay."

Daksh walks towards Shivaay...both had dual Battle. Daksh is strong and he beat Shivaay to black and blue. He was struggling with his energy when Daksh was about to hit him. Annika roared towards him and beat him on his head with a rod. He fell unconscious.... She went towards Shivaay who was all in blood.

" Shivaay.....please open your eyes please..." She cried hard.

" You know right that I can't live without you. You can't break your promise. You told me that nothing can happen to you. Then why you are not opening your eyes.......please shivaay don't do this to me. I love you. More than anything...more than my life..... If you don't open your eyes....I'll die... Shivaay......"

She hugged his lying body. Took his head towards her chest. And kissed him on his forehead. Whisper in his ears. "Shivaay.......I need you....I love you"

Finally Shivaay opens his eyes. He was weak but he could see her tears he somehow manages to wipe her tears.

" I am okay Annika....don't worry..."he said.

Finally police arrives(as usual). Taking Daksh in their custody.

Shivaay was taken to hospital. He was injured badly and omru came to meet him. Annika was also admitted. She was right she had miscarriage. Though she has just conceived and her pregnancy has complications too. When doctor informed her that she lost her baby she fainted. Shivaay was already unconscious and Now Annika too.

After few hours. Shivaay gains his consciousness. He saw omru sitting with him. He searched for Annika but did not see her. Omru told him what happened, and how she could not control herself.

Shivaay cried. May be for the first time he cried for himself. He had dream so many dreams for that unborn. His happiness and his childhood was coming back to him. Now it all shattered. He hates himself how he could not save his child. He wanted to reverse everything and remove this whole day from his life. He could not even protect his Annika and his unborn. He was blaming himself for all of this.

Omru told him to calm down because however how much he is hurt he had think about Annika. She is the one whom they should care about. Its destiny afterall. And being a mother her pain is more then anybody else.

Shivaay knew he can't be weak he had to support Annika. For her he had to forget his tears. He went to her room. She was resting was sleeping. He sat in tool and rubbed his hand on her stomach. Then looking at her face he felt sad. So many trouble, so many sorrow she had to face. All these days. Their life changed so much. That dreadful day her accident happened, finding her, living with her in solace, and this baby. Everything came and passed in nicker time.

He kissed her on her forehead. A drop of pearl fell on her. Which made her shriek a bit. But she did not open her eyes. Shivaay then gave a peck on her lips and said silently" whatever happened is past. Now I promise you Annika. Whatsoever comes I will never let you down. From today it's our new life. A new beginning of everything. Our marriage our love and relationship. Everything will be new."

"I promise you that I will never leave you and will never let you leave me. Its my promise.." he said pecking her lips again."

Late in the night Annika got back her consciousness. She saw him sitting holding her hand. He was cover with bandage in his forehead and few on his hand. He looked pale.

" Shivaay.." she spoke weakly.

"Ssshhh no need to talk. Just relax. I am with you." He knew she will tell him about the child.

"Shivaay....." She wailed. Shivaay hold her into his arms protectively. Soothed her back and said"'t cry.... Jo hua....isko bhul jao...I know it's difficult but.......that's life...Annika....and ......I know jo hua.....wo......ssshhh....just have faith...we will have our baby.....abhi nahi to baad me sahi.......hai na...." He said he was also feeling the same sorrow but he had to calm her down for that he need to stay strong.

He hugged her tight, she was crying louder. Spending all her pain his his embrace. She cried while night. Emptying herself.


Lots....of sorry....
Sorry For updating late. As I previously also told you I am preoccupied these days. I am running out of idea too.

Sorry for such a sad chapter. I know you want to kill me for this. But trust me it was already planned. I did not want their child to come like this. It will happen in good manner.

Sorry for the not so interesting chapters..

I promise next one will be nice and interesting. I have planned a part 2 kind of thing for this story. I will let you know later. Those who are disappointed please don't loose hope I will give you what you want.

***Please guys check my other story too...I am not getting good response on "Love Rebound." Please read that too. And let me know how it is. Do comment and vote.



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