scattered pieces

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Doctors were correct,he indeed got discharged within two days, it was just 5days to that incident but it felt like a lifetime. The happiness, cheerfulness from the faces faded. Now oberoi mansion looks dull and loomy. They were trying hard to forget the unfortunate happening of that day but it comes back like memory and creates a new turmoil in their life.

Senior oberoi wanted to remove all the decoration from the mansion,but shivaay refused to do it. He wants it to last few more days. He did not give any reason and nobody ask. For them he is important and whatever makes him forget his misfortune they are okay with that.

Shivaay finally returns to the house. Even though it's a good news nobody really showed it. He was adviced to not take up any work for few days but being the SSO, as he was,he went to office.

Pinky scolded him for his behaviour but he did not listen. He went with Khanna the very next day. Suddenly he has become very introvert, not sharing his feelings,his anger and his sorrows. Only occupied with some thoughts eyes staring at something and always on hurry to go to work.

They knew it's not his normal behaviour but they have to let him be himself . It makes him forget her. It's painful to watch but they can't afford to loose him again.

"Khanna what is this? I don't like this kind of behaviour..........I told you to do it as soon as won't hear any excuse....if you can't do it I'll check..... And don't you dare come here searching for me....I want to be alone.. on this..... understood?"

He was looking very furious.... It's regular for him to shout at Khanna like this. He was standing somewhere in the outskirts of the city. Outside some chawl. He knocked at the some random door..........the door was already opened as if the person inside has knowingly left it like that. There was darkness inside, he stumbles at the foot of the door, after that dream in the hospital he suddenly started to fear darkness. He saw the room and a shiver ran through him. He looked around but nobody was there.

He moved back turned towards door.when he felt something.........his heart loosing it's control, has he again got heart attack??? His breaths heavier and his limbs loose as if he is melting. Eyes became heavier too. He turns back..........

He could not see....the dark room looks more dark....


It was not dark infact lights were on,but why he could not see anything?? Has his eyesight gone????'s because his eyes has filled with tears, making him blind, the tears started to pour...and.......

He saw her........

His Annika, she was standing there, in same white sari which he saw in his dream, looking exactly the same only she was smiling in his dream now she is crying. He hates her tears,but he could not stand properly, he can't go to her, his limbs don't want to move. He was fixed to the ground.

Shivaay was a crying mess. He was happy to see her, he falls on the ground with a thud. He was standing on his knees, head down and crying like a small child. He was unable to say anything....just few repetitive words came out from his mouth which was not even audible......

"kyu????.....why??". He can't be angry on her, he don't have that strength to hate her. So he just cried. Cried for his misery,cried for his happiness, cried because she is fine.
His Annika is fine.standing there looking at him with equal amount of sorrow. The only thing she felt was guilt. She was desperately waiting for him but equally guilty to make him suffer like that. This restricted her to go to him, to hug him,sooth his pain.

His sudden outburst he was weeping,he sat supported by the walls of the room, his tears still flowing, "Annika.....kyu??.........."he could not finish it....... tears begin to fall again....Annika can't hold herself now,all this while she was waiting for him to calm down.
She went to him kneeling down cupping his face she said"sssshhh...........shivaay, it's okay, mein thik hu. Thik hu main.. please Apne aap Ko sambhaliye"....

She wipes his tears,kisses on his forehead and was looking at him with love and care she was equally hurt, now shivaay could see her eyes. It was puffed up as if she was crying for many hours. Looking at his blue orbs she could not handle herself, her world,the one who mattered most is in pain,and it's because of her she knew it and she is guilty about it"I am sorry......" She said.

Shivaay gives a bone crushing hug,both sat there hugging eachother, to not let go.... closed eyes and embracing her .His chin resting on her shoulder, hers on his.
His hot breaths fanning on her neck and lips touching the nook of her neck," I love you annika." He said in his tearful voice, his voice turned to hiccups. She wrapped her hands around him holding him to not let him scatter. Her head resting on his knook of neck her lips also touching his skin there. They kissed on the neck, it was not exactly a kiss it's sensing other one to realise they are fine.

His hold was strong at first.... to not let her go, showing anger, frustration, how dare she left him? It was meant to let her know that how dare she do this to him?... Next few moments the hug became a little softer, now he was concerned,how is she? Did she got hurt? It was hug out of care like a mother does. The lips still touching each other's neck. Making hickey on the neck. They did not move from that position. Eyes were still closed holding eachother.

Few minutes later, the hug was simply out of love, nothing more nothing less. Just love for eachother. Mild and soft she was becoming part of him .Now his hands moving on her back to sooth her or it was his way of assuring she is fine and with him.

The breaths getting heavier they kissed a thousand times on their neck, involuntarily.
They did not move from their place it's dark outside. It's been 6 days they were apart but it felt like six lives, they wanted to forget everything, hold on to eachother and feel the presence.

It was Annika who broke that stance, she broke the hug and kissed him on his forehead,his eyes were closed. He took a deep breath. "Shivaay mujhe dekhiye!"she said, he nodded a no.

"Shivaay please" she plead ,he did not opened. He can't do it, he don't want this to be a dream. He don't want her to be a dream.
She kissed him on his eyes, still he did not open it, on cheeck, no response, she kissed him on his lips, finally he opened his eyes. Slowly.
Those blue eyes conveyed so many things she thought.

This part of story contains mature content strictly 18+.

She saw those eyes fear, love,care, anger it has everything. She carcasses his face and again places her lips to his, it was light at first but when he responded it became passionate, her hands on his hair and neck moving voluntarily, she got access to his tongue and she entered his mouth, making him grasping for more. That hug was not enough for them, they wanted to feel eachother in all means. They kissed....

Suddenly She stood holding his hands. She made him stand. She took him to the other room.

Closing door she came forward, both looking at eachother with love and passion and want. They wanted eachother. It been a while they stayed apart. She came forward taking control because shivaay will not initiate,because for him her approval is everything,and specially today when he is broken like this, she has to make a move.

She embrace him her hands on his neck wrapped pressing herself to him she kissed him again,first pecking his lips to calm him down. Then placing her lips on his. He can't deny her it's like taking breath he responded. Soon both were kissing eachother like maniac,it was their exertions taking a different form. Soon both were into eachother mouth discovering.

He kissed her neck and collarbone, she bend her head backward to give him access, few minutes of pleasure and she was already feeling the intensity. She moaned everytime he touched her or kissed her, he bit her soothed her with his lips and tongue.

He took her to the bed while kissing all this while, they were not in hurry, taking their own sweet time. In no time they were out of their clothes naked. Looking at eachother admiringly.

They kissed again, this time with lust, it was strong and hard. His hands pressing her assets her moulds, memorising her every curve, she moaned, and it turned him on. The sensation was something unexplainable.

They did not part the kiss, even if they were out of breaths they did not stop. Taking a small break for the breaths they continued. He dropped her to the bed and hover over her. Kissing every corner of her soul. It was her first time but still she was not nervous,all these days being away from him,she realised how much she wanted him she knew what he meant to her. He was indeed part of herself. So,now shying away was not an option.

She arched herself to kiss him again. She was beautiful inside and out, he was mesmerized by her. Giving pleasure with his lips and tongue on her soft spots. He entered her.She gasped with pain,tears came from her eyes, but the pleasure was something more than that pain. She felt complete. He felt peace, he felt his world turning into a dream land.
Finally they became one, in true sense. The fears now vanished,all worry sadness, emptiness gone.
With a final kiss on lips they sealed Their togetherness. They are two bodies and one soul now they are one body too.

After their union,He wanted to shift to her side, she may not feel comfortable he thought, but she refused, she asked him to stay above her and she taking support from beds header she made him lay over her his hands wrapping her, and face hiding on her chest, smelling her sweet smell. It was such a peaceful night after so long. He kissed her on her heart, which loved him so much and he dozed off.


* I am not at all good at writing mature content. I tried I hope I don't disappoint you all.
*I hope you are happy with the story's new twist.

*Finally shivaay meets Annika.
*So many does shivaay knew she is alive? Annika faked accident? Yes no? If yes then why??
* Read next part to know.

*Keep voting guys. Share your views too.


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