A New Position

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He stood in the large quite luxurious looking office, preparing himself for the worst. It was never a good thing to be called in to see the boss and this was not an exception to that rule. In all his many years he had never been called here for a promotion, although he had been promoted many times, working his way up had been easy for him, now he was fifty eighth and a president of his division. They always came to him while he was working, bringing him the good news, admiring his work and once he was done, congratulating him on his new position. His rank now seen him handling people on a large scale and he had a team that were very good at it, he hoped to hell that he wasn't going to lose his rank or worse.

Looking around the office he tried to distract his mind while the boss returned from whatever errand he was on. Surely the boss was playing out his sadistic nature by making him wait this way. The room was nice, not at all office like. The carpet was plush and the drapes that framed the window were a thick deep red material lined with black. The window they were made to cover, may as well have been a wall it was so large. The desk he stood before was large and wooden, with ornate carving up and down the legs. The whole room felt more like a parlor, with polished timber and leather featured everywhere. A long bookshelf, filled with leather bound books took up the side of the room that wasn't window. All filing was done on the computer network these days, giving him reason to suspect that he was looking at the bosses private reading collection.

The wait grew longer until he could no longer resist the temptation. Walking decisively he covered the floor to the window, admiring the hauntingly beautiful scenery. In the distance he could just make out the boundary tree line that circled the company grounds. Closer in was a foggy graveyard with large headstones symbolizing death and decay. It had just gone dusk, night beginning once more as the full moon rose beyond the trees, illuminating something dark and sinister scrabbling in the graveyard. He strained his eyes to make it out over the vast distance. A dark humanoid form clawed in the rich soil, pulling itself from the damp eath to stand, red eyes ablaze with uncontrolled urges. Slowly it began to make its way closer joining the host of lesser demons that guarded the company tower. Looking down he surveyed the multitude of dead knights as the freshman joined their ranks, donning armour and taking up a spear.

Turning away from the scene he flinched, finding the boss with his dog standing close behind him. The dog was the worlds ugliest dog and possible the ugliest dog of all time. It had passed from the earthly realm in 2005. His boss had since taken a liking to Sam, carrying the beast almost everywhere with him.

"Superb view isn't it Amy?" He spoke most pleasantly.

Amy shuddered a little hearing his name spoken aloud, he had never been a fan of the name himself but couldn't bring himself to change it.

"Yes it's beautiful." he replied hoping his discomfort wasn't too obvious.

The boss was a short unassuming man with wispy balding white hair, his brown eyes wrinkled in the corners as he smiled. Placing Sam on the floor he strolled around the desk taking his place at its head and pulling a laptop from a drawer.

"I suppose your wondering why your here?" He asked opening the laptop and switching it on.

"Yes sir, it was on my mind." Amy answered standing passively with hands clasped behind his back.

"Please you can call me Levi, and I want you to know that you can feel at ease, I wont be demoting you today." His smile made his words even more unsettling, Amy wished he would reveal his hand in this game soon this mans poker face was legendary.

"Thank you, Levi." The words seemed wrong even as he heard them leaving his mouth.

"I understand your hesitation, they don't call me the Father of Lies for no reason, so I'll be short and get to the point. I have a special task of you." Levi's eyes never ceasing their smile.

"I'm honored to serve you in any way you need."

"Then stop the pathetic sucking ass and pleasantries." His eyes suddenly flaring behind his smile.

"Well... I was wondering why you would choose a level fifty eighth for a special task when you have a multitude of higher ups to choose from? Levi." Amy braced himself for the harsh response he had been expecting since being summoned here.

"That's the heart of this matter and I'm glad you asked. It shows your intelligence and I've always thought, if you don't think, then you shouldn't talk. You my friend are a thinker and it shows in you work. Why do you think that so many people end up here in hell?"

"Because they reject god and fall into sinfull ways." It was the correct answer but at the same time he knew the master was expecting more.

"Listen to me. The human world is a mess. Most souls don't truly belong here, most have just strayed from the path, becoming hopelessly lost. It's rare that we ever get someone who truly deserves to reside here."

Amy thought he could hear sadness in the ancient dark angels voice as he spoke this.

"We have someone I would like to see gets the special treatment he deserves. A treatment that I want you to devise."

"Why me?" Amy replied starting to feel like this was less of a twisted game and more of a calling.

"You have that something that really shines through." Levi smiled fatherly with a hint of pride. "I give all my creations free will and the mind to choose. Unlike god I don't give it to you, only to forbid you from using it. I watched how meticulous you were when you devised the care plan for that priest recently. The effort you take is nothing compared to the thought you invest in such matters. This time I want you to dig a little deeper, think of something we've never thought of before." He finished sitting back in the chair waiting for Amy's answer.

Amy wondered how many times someone had refused this deity anything. He was not about to buck that trend now.

"Who is it?" The president asked openly feeling more confident in himself now.

"An Evangelist, his crimes are so vast I won't bother to mention them all but his abuse of the weak and powerles is sickening." Tapping the laptop keys he continued. "I've sent you the file I'm sure you will put it to good use."

He stood looking friendlier than ever, not at all deserving of his many titles. The large room making him look small and almost frail. Amy shook his hand suprised at the firm grip before letting himself be ushered out the door, he gave only one look back as Levi picked Sam from the floor to cradle the beast in the crook of his arm once more.

Amy sat in solitude, reading the file again as he fleshed out the plan in his head. He would handle this personally, not trusting anyone else with a task the devil had seen important enough to deliver personally to him. He knew Levi was expecting this from him and that he would watch over this project closely. Every detail had to be perfect.

The new born demon crawling from its womb of earth stuck heavily in his mind. As much as he liked to think that the father cared for every thing he allowed to crawl from the ground he still couldn't shake the feeling that he was so easily replaced. Time was running short but he wasn't willing to compromise anything and if he ran into overtime so be it. After three days he was confident he knew the man well enough to proceed, and with that it was time to create something wonderful.

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