Ch. 1: The Fraud

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Tw: Slight Cussing

This is literally the beginning of "Rapunzel's Return" with the scene of Cassandra and the Enchanted Girl or Zhan Tiri if you know. Except, there are some changes. Many of them. Enjoy.

Cassandra softly opened her eyes with Owl on her shoulder. 'Was going through this door a good idea?' She thought.

She heard a soft voice calling her name. Drawing her sword, she looked around the oddly peaceful area.

"There you are, Cassandra!" Someone said. She turned to the cause of the voice, seeing what looked like a young ghost girl. "I'd nearly given up on you."

"Who are you?" She asked the mysterious being.

"A friend." The ghost girl said, circling Cass. "Or, at least, I'd like to be. Come." She gestured to Cassandra, moving forward.

"Wherever you're taking me, better have a blonde princess," Cass said, mistrusting the ghost but following her, nonetheless.

Owl, confused, stayed behind.

Cassandra kept following the ghost girl until they stopped. The girl pointed at a small cottage from the middle of nowhere.

"This place... feels familiar," Cassandra said, no longer knowing how to feel.

The girl suddenly pulled her inside the cottage.

"Wha...?" Cassandra looked around, feeling nostalgic. She walked around the area with a music box playing in the background, and then Cass saw her. 

"Do you recognize that child?" The ghost asked.

Cassandra gaped at the child in front of her.

The child picked up a doll sitting on a chair and looked at it, but her music box stopped playing, so she placed it back on the chair and approached a tall figure.

"Wind, please." The child said.

"Not now, darling. Mommy is in a hurry." The tall figure replied harshly.

"That's my..." Cassandra cut herself off. She instantly recognized that voice.

The figure revealed herself to be Gothel but with gray hair.

"Mother. Yes. It is." The ghost said. Cassandra stood in shock.

"Are you going to the castle?" Little Cass asked Gothel. "Can I come?"

"Absolutely not, Cassandra!" Gothel snapped. "You know your place is here."

Little Cass looked dejected after that. Gothel rolled her eyes.

"Oh, stop with the pouting. It's very unbecoming." She said but crouched down to Cass's level afterward. "Now, Mother needs to rush off for just a teensy tiny moment. I won't be gone long. This cottage isn't going to clean itself." She laughed.

"Mama?" Little Cass asked, offering Gothel the music box. Gothel sighs.

"Must I do everything?" She snarled slightly but took the music box and winded it nonetheless.

"Thank you, mama."

"Yes, dear."

Time skip

After keeping them in for so long, Cassandra finally let her tears fall.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Cassandra." The ghost girl said, reappearing. "Sometimes, the most painful truths are the most difficult to remember. You always felt outshined by Rapunzel, haven't you?

Even though Cassandra was heartbroken at the reveal, she couldn't help but feel more suspicious of the ghost in front.

"And you always will." She continued. "Unless..."

She looked up at her ghostly figure, confusion appearing on Cass's face. 'What the hell does she want me to do...?'

"Once you and your little group arrive at the Dark Kingdom and get close to the moonstone, you'll take it from its area." Cass widened her eyes at that. "And once you do, you will take what's rightfully yours. Your destiny."

Cassandra didn't say anything, only looking at the ghost with shock. They stared at each other for a minute or so.

"Cassandra, I think it would be better for the both of us if you give me a response." She says sarcastically.

".......No," Cassandra muttered.

"What was that? I thought I heard you say n-"

"I said no!" Cass exclaimed while standing up, causing the ghost to flinch.

"No?! But it's because of Rapunzel that your mother abandoned you!" The ghost yelled back, getting angry.

"And?! It's not Raps' fault that Gothel kidnapped her!" Anger was starting to fill Cassandra's veins.

"Gothel, huh? You're not even going to call her mother or anything?" The ghost asked sarcastically.

"Not a chance!" Cass yelled. She sighs. "Listen. What you may have seen in that vision of the past was Gothel abandoning me for Raps, but what I saw in the past was Gothel kidnapping Raps for her selfish needs. And that proves my theory that GOTHEL WAS NOTHING MORE THAN SELFISH. ENTITLED. SELF-ABSORBED. GOOD-FOR-NOTHING BITCH!!!" She yelled out in rage, her anger becoming clear in every word.

The ghost stepped back in shock, not expecting Cassandra's outburst. But her shock quickly got replaced with anger.

"And how do YOU know that?! You weren't there when Gothel kidnapped her!!"

"You're right! I wasn't!" Cassandra said with almost a snarl-like tone. "But do you have any idea how long that woman has lived?! I heard endless stories that she used the Sundrop to get younger constantly! Sounds like hoarding if you ask me."

"Oh, please! I see why Gothel chose Rapunzel instead of her snarky daughter!" The ghost yelled out, getting close to Cassandra's face with a furious look on her face.

"Oh, those are some big words for someone like YOU. You don't even have a body! Oh! Do you want to know something?! I genuinely feel BAD that Gothel chose Rapunzel. It should have been me who should've suffered! SHE WAS JUST A BABY!!! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF SOMEONE KIDNAPPED YOU JUST TO USE YOU, HUH?!"

The ghost remained silent after that.

"Heh, yeah. That's what I thought." Cassandra said with an amount of venom in her voice.

The two stared at each other with glares on their faces. After a minute, Cassandra walked past the ghost with an angry look.

"Oh, so you're just going to leave? What do you think you're going to do anyway?!" The ghost yelled out.

"The opposite of what you want me to do! Find my best friend, or should I say, sister?" Cassandra said with a mocking tone, making the ghost snarl at her. "I would say that it was a pleasure meeting you, but that would be a lie. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a sister to find. Hasta la vista, shortstacks." She turned to walk away. The ghost looked at her leave with a death glare on her face.

"I must admit, your loyalty is something to admire, but if you don't take the moonstone from the Dark Kingdom, I'll get a friend to do so." The ghost said, causing Cassandra to stop in her tracks.

"What's that supposed to mean? Do you have a whole army waiting, blueberry pint?" Cass asked sarcastically.

"Who? Me?" The ghost asked before laughing. "No, of course not! They do."

And right on cue, Cassandra gets pounced on by a creature as dark as the night.

"AH!! What the-?!"

"Cassandra, meet Azriel!" The ghost exclaimed.

The creature gets off Cassandra and starts circling her, giving her a feeling of unease. 

"Okay, this isn't creepy at all," Cassandra mutters. "Alright, 'Azriel'! What are you, and why are you working with tiny genius here?"

"Well, I am so glad you asked, Cassandra!" They said mockingly. "I am a fraud, and I can become anyone I desire. Even those you recognize." First, they transformed into Eugene, then Rapunzel, and then Varian. Her heart dropped once she saw them transform into Varian.

"Varian..." She muttered.

"Correct. And I'm working with 'tiny genius' because we have been friends for as long as I can remember." They continued, turning back to their form. "We always waited for the right moment to destroy Corona."

They pounced on her again, catching her off-guard.

"And that moment has finally come!" They said sadistically.

"Oh, yeah? And what makes you think that you'll ju- AGH!!!!" Cassandra gets caught off by Azriel clawing her right eye.

"As I said, I can become anyone I desire, including yourself." They said, turning into Cassandra and letting go of her.

"Agh... So you plan to take my place in the group, and then you'll steal the Moonstone and destroy Corona with this jester child?!" Cassandra exclaimed while gripping her now bleeding eye and signaling the ghost.

"Wow! Would you look at that?! Quite the smart one, are you?! You're spot on!" They said mockingly, turning back. 

"Correct." The ghost said.

"Not if I do something about it," Cassandra said determinedly and quickly zoomed toward the way she came from with the ghost.

"Hey!" The fraud called out and then whistled, summoning more of their kind.

Cassandra kept running as fast as she could, tripping once or twice. Two tree branches were in her way and scraped her left cheek, causing it to bleed.

"OW!! FUCK!!" She yelled out but kept running. Once she nearly got to the door, she realized Owl wasn't there, so she stopped.

"Owl...? Owl, where are you?" She then gets grabbed by more frauds, holding her in place.

"AH!! LET GO OF ME!!" She screamed.

"She's quite the feisty one, isn't she?" Azriel asked, appearing out of nowhere with the ghost.

"Indeed." The ghost replied before turning her head towards Cassandra. "I'm sorry, Cassandra. I wish it didn't have to be this way." She said mockingly.

"What... what are you planning to do to me?" Cassandra asked, panting.

"Oh, nothing much. Just making sure you won't escape."


"Go to sleep." The ghost said before blowing some blue dust in her face causing her to get sleepy.

A while after

Cassandra woke up with a severe headache. She groaned in pain. She looked around her surroundings, full of purple and orange crystals.

'I seem to be in a crystal cave.' She thought. And then she remembered what happened before, her eyes widening. She started running where her legs would take her then she saw some crystals revealing what was happening.

She saw Rapunzel hug her, or a fake, to be exact. The fake told Rapunzel to keep on moving, causing Cassandra to feel anxious.

"RAPUNZEL!!! DON'T LISTEN TO HER!! SHE'S A FAKE!! SHE'S A FRAUD!!" She yelled as loud as she possibly could, but it was clear that no one heard her.

She tried grabbing her sword, only to realize it wasn't there. She checked all over her armor to find a weapon, but she was fresh out.

"They took all my weapons?!" She yelled out before punching the crystals as hard as she could, but no effect. She kept going at it while tearing up before giving up and crouching down.

"DAMN IT!" She yelled out in anger. "DAMN IT! DAMN IT! DAMN IT! Argh..."She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

"Well, it looks like there's no way out. I might as well explore." She said to herself before walking.

Two hours later

It has been two hours, and Cassandra already feels like she's going insane. She felt tired, hungry, and thirsty.

"Looks like Corona is doomed, after all. Heh..." She said to herself. She decided to look at the new scars on her face on the crystals.

She had four small scars on her right eye and two middle ones on her left cheek.

"Well, at least I didn't go blind in my right eye." She said before realizing what she was doing.

"And I'm talking to myself. Fantastic, just what I needed."

She sat down on a nearby stone to take a few deep breaths before hearing a stone drop. 'I think I'm not alone.'

"Who's there?!" She yelled out before seeing a dark gray hooded figure run away from her spot.

"Come back here!" She exclaimed before giving chase.

The two ran throughout the cave, not seeming to get tired. The figure threw what looked to be a smoke bomb, causing Cassandra to stop and cough.

Once the smoke faded away, she kept chasing the figure. Once she got close, she pounced on it, making the two roll around.

"Please!! Don't hurt me..." The figure said before looking up at her. "Cassandra, it's me!"

"Who are you?! And how do you know my name?!" She exclaimed at the figure. The figure retracted the hood from their face, revealing the same boy who disappeared a year and a half ago.

"Varian...?!" Cassandra said, voice filled with shock. She lets go of him.

"Heh... Hey, Cass. Long time no see."

I headcanon Cassandra to speak a good amount of Spanish xD

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