Ch. 3: Uniting Paths and New Allies

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Varian sat at his and Cass's picnic area, eating his third fruit bowl in a row. He was at ease until he heard Cass rushing towards him.

"Varian! You won't believe what I fou-" She stopped once she was the two bowls on the floor and the one in his hands. "Damn, Varian. I didn't know you liked fruit THAT much." She joked.

"What can I say? I have to stay healthy, you know?" He replied.

"Right... Anyways, you won't believe what I found. Follow me!" She exclaimed before sprinting. Varian took a moment to register what happened before running behind her.

"For someone who's 'healthy,' you're quite slow, Var!" Cass teased, still running.

"I'm running as fast as I can!" Varian retorted.

After a whole minute of running, Cass stopped abruptly. Varian walked beside her, taking his breath.

"Jeez, Cass. Give me a warning next time..." Varian said while breathless.

"Sorry. I got excited." Cass said, though there was a teasing sound in her voice.

"Now, what is it you wanted to show... me?" After catching his breath, Varian spoke, but he was quickly interrupted by the sight ahead of him.

It was an opening of the cavern leading to the outside world. Varian had his mouth gaped, eyes wide with glee.

"Woah... Cass. How did you find this?" He asked.

"I was walking back to our picnic spot when I found these crystals that were brighter than the rest. They were hollow, so I used my body strength to break them. Voila." Cass replied, feeling a bit of pride.

"I've walked around this area for so long! How come I never noticed this?"

"Well, you know what they say. Sometimes the most obvious things are right under our noses!" Cass said, chuckling.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Now, let me enjoy this. I haven't seen the outside world for a long time!" Varian rushed outside, with Cass following.

Outside, the two couldn't help but admire the sunset. Varian let out a content sigh.

"I never thought I'd see the sunset again..." Varian said calmly.

"Well, looks like we've defied the odds, Varian," Cass replied with a playful glint in her eye. "Best part? We can watch as many sunsets as we want now!" Cass smirked, playfully nudging Varian, savoring their newfound freedom.

"Alright, I guess you're right," Varian said, chuckling. "Now, what's the plan? Do you want me to leave or..."

"Oh, I don't think you're going anywhere, Var." Cassandra cuts him off.


"Varian," Cass began, her voice warm and steady, "we make a great team. Your resourcefulness, intelligence, and bravery are qualities I deeply value. Through our shared experiences and challenges, we've proven our reliance on each other."

She paused, sincerity evident in her eyes as they met his. "Now, with the chance to reach the dark kingdom before the others, I can't imagine embarking on this journey with anyone else. Your unwavering spirit during nearly two years in that crystal cavern continues to inspire me."

With a faint smile, Cass extended her hand. "So, what do you say? Let's be travel partners, facing whatever comes our way, and reach the dark kingdom before that fake does. Together, we can make a real difference, stopping Zhan Tiri's chaos. What do you think?"

Varian is speechless. He doesn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't that. Once he came back to his senses, he smiled brightly.

"Uh, yes?!" He exclaimed, clearly happy.

Cassandra's smile brightened more. "Great!" She exclaims. "Now, come on! We need to get there as soon as possible!"

"Hold on, hold on! Wait, wait, wait..." Varian said suddenly. Cassandra halted, her gaze locking onto him with a puzzled expression. "How do we know where we're going? We don't have a path or anything!"

"Actually..." She slowly turned to the black rocks creating a path. "We do."

Varian is flabbergasted. "The rocks are the path?!" He asked, bewildered.

"Surprising, isn't it?" Cassandra responded with a playful grin, confirming Varian's incredulous question. "My friends and I followed the rocks to the Dark Kingdom, but you know how that ended..." She mumbled the last part.

"So, the plan is we follow the black rocks, make sure we arrive before Rapunzel does, so we can warn her about the imposter?" Varian asked. Cass nodded. "Sounds simple enough..."

"It's not as simple as it seems," Cassandra said. "During the journey, my friends and I faced many foes. But we had weapons and six people. Now we only have each other and nothing to defend ourselves, so we need to stick together. Are you ready for this journey?"

Varian's face shifted from shock to determination. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Good," Cassandra replied. "Remember, always stick beside me. We never know what we'll find."


After hours of walking, the two decided to take a break. They set up a campfire, gathered resources, sat around, and talked.

"Turns out the girl Hook Foot had a crush on was a mermaid!" Cassandra exclaimed.

"A mermaid?! I didn't know those were real!" Varian replied, impressed.

"Me neither. However, I also didn't know a magical flower capable of healing others and more abilities existed before, so here we are." She playfully said.

"Heh, true."

The two kept talking until they heard what sounded like soft humming. The two looked around in paranoia.

"Did you hear that, Var?" Cassandra asked, still darting her eyes all over the area.

"Sure did." He replied.

"Stay close. It feels as if someone is watching us."

The two huddled together, glancing around the area for signs of danger. Out of nowhere, a blue dove appeared and flew toward them, and landed right in front of them.

"Huh. It's just a regular dove." Cassandra said, her voice a mix of confusion and relief.

"Despite it being blue?" Varian asked, puzzled.

"Meh. Not the weirdest thing I've seen the past year." She turned her head to face the dove. Something about it felt off. Something wise.

Suddenly, the dove shape-shifted, becoming a human girl with neon blue hair, a ponytail tied to the bottom of it, and her skin a pale peach with slightly rosy cheeks. She wore a flowing, navy blue tunic with intricate silver embroidery, a teal sash cinched at the waist with a silver buckle, a pair of fitted, midnight blue pants, knee-high, soft leather boots in a rich azure shade, with a pendant with a glowing aquamarine gem, thin silver bangles on both wrists, an indigo hooded cloak with a silver clasp, and a leather bag. She opened her eyes, her pupils a soft sky blue, filled with warmth and a gentle smile.

Cassandra and Varian's eyes widened in shock as they took in what had just unfolded.

"Um, how did you do that?!" Cassandra asked, feeling flabbergasted. "Who are you...?"

"I am but a wanderer," the girl began, her voice carrying a soothing cadence. "A humble soul who has roamed these lands, learning from the whispers of nature and the secrets of existence."

She paused her gaze, meeting Cassandra's with a gentle understanding. "As for how I did it, my dear, magic flows through the veins of our world, waiting to be woven into the tapestry of reality. It listens to those who are attuned to its rhythm."

"So... you're a shapeshifter? That's so cool! But we didn't get your name yet." Varian said, rubbing his neck.

"My name is Azule Tiri, but you can call me Azule." She said softly.

"Azule Tiri..." Cassandra mumbled. "Tiri. Are you related to Zhan Tiri in any way?"

A shadow seemed to cross over Azule Tiri's gentle expression, her eyes momentarily clouding with a blend of sorrow and resentment. "Yes, you've guessed it," she replied, her tone with a touch of bitterness. "Zhan Tiri is my sister, though her chosen path led to our estrangement."

She paused, her gaze distant, as if recalling painful memories. "Once, we were kindred spirits, united by the bonds of sisterhood. But power and ambition twisted her heart beyond redemption. I disowned her when her actions revealed the darkness she'd become."

"And how do you expect us to trust you?" Varian asked a slight suspicion in his gaze. "With the many things Zhan Tiri has done, there has to be a way to know when one of her relatives is honest."

"I understand why you don't believe me, and I don't blame you," Azule said, a genuine look of sadness. "But you have to trust me! I know her every weakness! I know exactly how to stop her."

"Even if that were true, how can we stop her? She's a warlock, and we're just..." Cassandra trailed off to find the right word. "Us." Varian's eyes widened at her self-consciousness escaping so openly.

Azule looked at Cassandra with an empathetic expression on her face before she widened her eyes, confusing Cass.

"What's wrong, Azule?" Cassandra asked. "Is there something on my face?"

"Oh! Oh no! Nothing like that, dear." Azule replied, giggling. "It's just..."

"It's just what?" Azule gently grabbed her hands. "The world often conceals the bloom before the flower fully reveals its colors."

Cassandra's brow furrowed, a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment dancing in her gaze. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Azule gently squeezed her hands, her eyes holding a glint of cryptic wisdom. "Destinies unfold in petals, dear Cassandra. And sometimes, the touch of fate grants us powers beyond what we can fathom. Keep your heart open to the whispers of the wind and the earth's secrets. You'll find that greatness often lies in the most unexpected places."

Varian, listening intently, exchanged a puzzled glance with Cassandra. They were both caught in the enigma Azule wove, unsure of its true meaning but sensing the weight of significance in her words.

"Trust me, young ones," Azule continued. "I want to help you stop Zhan Tiri once and for all. Even if I may lose my life in the process, it'll all be worth it."

"What do you think, Cass?" Varian asked. "She does seem genuine."

Cassandra remained uncertain. She glanced at Azule.

"What do you say, Cassandra? Will you allow me to join your team?" Azule asked sincerely.

Cassandra looked at Varian, who smiled at her. She smiles back before turning to Azule.

"Alright, Azule. Welcome to the team." She said calmly.

"Great! I promise you won't regret it!"

"We better not! We wasted so much time in that cavern already!" Cassandra exclaimed.

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