Chapter 5: The Search

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The blizzard had finally passed, leaving behind a landscape cloaked in a thick layer of snow. The sun, though still low in the sky, shone brightly, casting a golden glow over the pristine white. The snow was beginning to melt, creating small streams that trickled down the hillsides and pooled in the lowlands. The air was crisp but calm, a stark contrast to the chaos of the storm just hours before.

Rapunzel and Eugene were both on Maximus's back, while Cassandra, Lance, and Quirin walked. They made their way back to Old Corona. The group walked in silence, their expressions tense and focused. Quirin's eyes darted from one snowdrift to another, a mix of fear and hope etched in his face. He had been quiet for most of the journey, his thoughts clearly somewhere else.

The scenery was eerily quiet. The once lively area that surrounded the village now laid still, blanketed in snow and ice. Trees stood like frozen sentinels, their branches heavy with snow. The sun's rays slowly began to melt the frost, causing water droplets to trickle down the branches, pattering softly onto the snow below.

Cassandra moved ahead with Ruddiger on her shoulder, her boots crunching through the melting snow. Her eyes were sharp and attentive as she scanned the area. Though she remained outwardly calm, something felt off to her. The others were unusually focused and seemed to be searching with more urgency than usual, but no one told her what they were looking for. Ruddiger chitters softly at her in confusion, which she responds by scratching his head.

Maximus lead the way, his powerful legs plowing through the snow, while Lance followed behind with grim determination. Rapunzel held onto Maximus as he trudged forward, her usual cheerfulness replaced with a look of deep concern. Eugene held on to her, a comforting presence amidst the tension.

Quirin hung back slightly, his eyes scanning the landscape, hoping for any signs of Varian. Every now and then, his gaze lingered on certain spots where the snow had melted more quickly, revealing patches of frozen ground and broken branches. Each time he spotted a place where Varian might have fallen or hidden, his heart skipped a beat, only for disappointment to set in when there was nothing there.

The group moved as one, spreading out to cover more ground. They combed through the snowbanks, checked behind fallen logs, and peeked into hollowed tree trunks. The sun continued to rise, melting the snow more rapidly, creating slushy pools and patches of mud beneath their boots.

Cassandra's mind buzzed with questions she didn't voice. Why were they searching this area with such determination? What had happened that required all of them to drop everything and head back to Old Corona? She furrowed her brow, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the area, looking for any clue that could give her a better understanding.

As they reached the edge of a frozen stream, Rapunzel urged Maximus to stop, her gaze sweeping across the shimmering surface as she got off of Maximus, Eugene following her. The ice was beginning to crack, thin fractures spreading like spiderwebs beneath the weak sunlight. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, silently praying for some sign of Varian, some clue that they were on the right track.

Eugene's hand squeezed hers gently. "We'll find him," he whispered, his voice low enough that only she could hear. Rapunzel nodded in response, but her face betrayed the worry gnawing at her.

Meanwhile, Lance poked at a nearby snowbank with a stick, hoping to uncover something—anything—that could point them in the right direction. "This storm sure did a number on everything," he muttered. "But there's gotta be something, right? He can't have just vanished."

Maximus snorted in agreement, pawing at the ground as he tried to pick up a scent.

Quirin's face was tight with worry as he circled around a cluster of boulders, calling Varian's name into the still air. The sound of his voice echoed off the stone, but only silence answered back. His heart felt heavier with each passing minute.

Cassandra, who stood further away and her eyes still darting around, crouched near a tree, inspecting the snow. Her instincts told her that whatever they were searching for was important—she could feel the weight of it in the way the others moved and whispered—but without more information, she could only continue searching alongside them... Her thoughts get interrupted by loud chittering of the raccoon she's holding, who looks very confused.

"I don't know, buddy..." Cassandra whispered to Ruddiger, her hand rubbing his head. "I really don't."

As they moved deeper into the forest, Quirin suddenly stopped, staring at something half-buried in the snow. He hurried forward, dropping to his knees as he frantically brushed away the slush...but it was just a broken branch, nothing more. The hope in his eyes dimmed again.

Rapunzel, seeing his distress, approached and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "We'll find him, Quirin. We have to keep looking," she said softly.

Quirin took a deep breath and nodded, though the uncertainty still lingered in his eyes. He rose to his feet, determination hardening his features. He couldn't give up—not now, not when his son might still be out there, waiting to be found.

Cassandra watched the interaction from a distance, her own thoughts swirling. The quiet exchanges, the subtle tensions—it all pointed to something much bigger than what she was being told.

Rapunzel and Eugene exchanged  a glance as they watched Cassandra's behaviour. Her confusion was evident, even if she didn't say anything. Rapunzel knew that at some point, they'd have to tell her what was really going on. But  the hesitation in her heart grew stronger with each step closer to the truth.

Cassandra crouched near a tree, grabbing Ruddiger in her arms and gently settling him down, letting him sniff the ground while she absentmindedly petted his head. The raccoon chittered again, a small sound of confusion and worry. "Trust me, bud... I wish I knew."

She looked over her shoulder and saw Rapunzel's concerned gaze locked on Quirin, who was frantically inspecting the snow-covered ground near a cluster of boulders. Cassandra's eyes narrowed. She was done with the guessing games. With a determined stride, she made her way toward Rapunzel.

Rapunzel saw Cassandra approaching and felt a lump form in her throat. She turned away, trying to refocus on the search, but Cassandra wasn't about to let this go unnoticed.

"What exactly are we looking for, Raps?" Cassandra's voice was firm, though laced with growing unease. "Everyone's acting like this is life or death, but no one's telling me what's going on."

Rapunzel's heart raced as she avoided Cassandra's gaze for a moment. She knew how fond Cassandra has grown towards the boy—how much she cares for him. It was clear that keeping this from Cassandra any longer would only make things worse. With a deep breath, Rapunzel turned to face her friend.

"Cass... it's Varian. He... he's gone missing." Rapunzel's voice was soft, but the words struck like a hammer.

Cassandra's eyes widened in shock. For a moment, she couldn't process what she had just heard. "What do you mean he's missing?" she asked, her voice trembling. "How could you not tell me this earlier? When did this happen?"

Rapunzel's eyes filled with guilt. "We found out during the blizzard. Quirin noticed he was gone in his manor while we were discussing our plans to blow it away. He said he searched everywhere inside, but it's like he vanished into thin air."

The air felt suddenly felt colder despite the sun's warmth. Cassandra's grip tightened around Ruddiger as panic set in. Her mind raced with a thousand scenarios—where could he have gone? What if he's hurt? What if...?

"No..." Cassandra shook her head, refusing to let those dark thoughts settle. "He wouldn't just disappear. Not like this. Not with that storm raging. Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Her voice cracked, her emotions unraveling in front of them all.

Eugene took a step forward, reaching out to calm her. "Cass, you were busy when we were told the news and we didn't want to overwhelm you. We thought—"

"You thought what?" she snapped, cutting him off. "That I wouldn't care? That I wouldn't drop everything to find him? You know how much he means to me!"

"We do, Cass. We know," Rapunzel said softly, placing a gentle hand on her arm. "But we also know how you get when you're worried about someone you care about. We didn't want you to panic while the blizzard was still going. We were going to tell you."

Cassandra's breath hitched as she fought to regain control. She bit her lip, trying to push down the tears welling up in her eyes. Panic threatened to consume her, but she forced herself to focus. Varian needed her more than ever, and she wasn't about to let fear stop her.

After a long moment, Cassandra's expression hardened into one of steely determination. She clenched her fists, her jaw tight with resolve. "We're wasting time standing here. I'm going to find him. No matter what it takes."

Without waiting for a response, she turned and marched back toward the snowy expanse, her eyes burning with resolve. Ruddiger clung to her shoulders, sensing her shift in emotion and chittering softly in anxiety for his owner.

The others exchanged a quick glance, each of them recognizing the fire in Cassandra's eyes. Rapunzel, her heart heavy, gave a small nod to Eugene before they followed Cassandra.

Quirin, though weary from his own worry, felt a glimmer of hope seeing Cassandra's determination. He hurried after her, grateful to have another person so fiercely dedicated to finding his son.


The hours stretched on, and the once hopeful determination began to wane. The sun had climbed higher in the sky, melting more snow, but with it, so too melted the faint hope of finding any trace of Varian. Despite combing through every inch of the surrounding area, checking behind every tree, under every rock, and through every snowbank, they found nothing. Not a single footprint, not even a shred of cloth or a dropped tool—just an empty, white silence.

Quirin's face was ashen, his eyes hollow with despair. He stood still, staring out at the snowy landscape as though willing Varian to suddenly appear. But there was nothing—only the endless stretch of melting snow and the chilling realization that they might never find him.

Rapunzel and Eugene exchanged a look, both of them worn and defeated. Lance stood off the side, rubbing his face as if trying to wake up from a nightmare. Even Maximus lowered his head, his usually confident trot sluggish and tired. The weight of the situation hung over them like a dark cloud.

Cassandra, however, refused to stop. Her eyes were wild with desperation as she continued to search, her movements becoming more frantic and erratic. She scanned the horizon, ran her hands through the snow, dug at patches of earth where the sun had melted the ice away. But each time she found nothing, she moved to another spot, refusing to give in to the growing dread gnawing at her heart.

"Cass, stop," Rapunzel's voice was gentle but firm as she walked over. "There's nothing here. We've searched everywhere. We need to regroup."

"No!" Cassandra snapped, her eyes blazing with stubborn denial. "We haven't looked everywhere! There's got to be something we're missing. He's out here—I know he is! Her hands clenched at her sides, trembling with the intensity of her emotions.

"Cass..." Eugene stepped forward, his voice weary. "We've been searching for hours. There's no sign of him. We need to face the facts—"

"No, I won't!" Cassandra's voice broke, a hint of desperation creeping into her tone. "He's not gone! He can't be! We just haven't found him yet. We need to keep looking!" She turned away from them, her eyes scanning the trees, the snow, anything that might give her a clue. She couldn't—wouldn't—accept the possibility that Varian was... gone.

Lance placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down, but instead, made her flinch. "Cass, listen. We're all worried, but we have to be realistic. The storm was brutal, and... maybe he didn't make it."

"Don't you dare say that! Cassandra whipped around, her voice trembling with emotion. "He's alive, okay? He has to be. I'm not giving up, so don't ask me to."

Quirin stood a distance away, barely holding it together. His shoulders slumped, his eyes red-rimmed and glazed over with sorrow. Every muscle in his body seemed to sag under the weight of a grief he didn't want to accept. "I should've— I shouldn't have been so harsh..." he muttered to himself, his words barely audible. "I shouldn't have let him out of my sight..."

The rest of the group fell silent, the weight of the moment sinking in. Rapunzel's eyes filled with tears as she looked between Cassandra and Quirin. She knew Cassandra was in denial, clinging desperately to hope. But at some point, they had to accept what might be truth, no matter how painful it was.

"Cass, we all want him to be okay," Eugene's voice was quiet but steady, cutting through the tension. "But you can't keep running yourself into the ground. You're not thinking straight. We have to go back and rest—"

"I'm not leaving without him!" Cassandra shouted, her voice cracking as she glared at Eugene with tear-filled eyes. "You don't get it! I can't leave him out here! What if he's cold, or hurt? I promised... I promised I wouldn't leave him behind again!"

Eugene took a deep breath, his expression hardening as he took a step closer. "Cassandra, he's gone!" The words struck like a thunderclap, echoing in the still air. "I know it hurts, but there's nothing left to find. You need to stop before you tear yourself apart."

The raw finality in Eugene's voice hit Cassandra like a punch to the gut. She staggered back a step, her breath hitching as her eyes widened. The world around her seemed to blur, her chest tightening as the words sank in. Her heart pounded in her ears, drowning out everything else.

For a moment, she just stood there, staring at Eugene as if he'd just torn the ground out from under her. Then, all at once, the strength drained from her body. She stumbled forward, tears spilling down her cheeks as she fell to her knees in the snow.

"I... I can't..." she choked out, her voice barely a whisper. "I can't lose him..."

The fight drained out of her, leaving only a hollow ache that seemed to swallow her whole. Her shoulders shook as she buried her face in her hands, sobbing openly. The fierce determination that had driven her up to this point crumbled, leaving only raw, overwhelming grief.

The others looked on, hearts breaking as they watched Cassandra's despair unfold. Rapunzel knelt beside her, wrapping her arms around her friend in a tight embrace, tears slipping down her own face. "I'm so sorry, Cass... I'm so, so sorry..."

Quirin, unable to bear the sight of Cassandra's heartbreak, turned away, his own tears falling silently into the snow. Lance placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, but there were no words that could ease the pain of them all.

The only sounds heard was their sobbing of mutual grief, unable to handle the supposed loss of their dear alchemist.

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