Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

       One of the missions I hated the most was going to interview a supernatural being. I really wasn't that great at interviewing people, let alone talking to people. It was one of my many, many flaws.

       So when Dad asked me and Grayson to interview this Henry guy, I was really nervous. Though at least Grayson was going with me so I shouldn't have to worry too much. He definitely had a way with words so if anyone could get Henry to talk, it was him.

       I didn't get why I had to go though but it seemed like whenever Grayson had to go on a mission, I was paired with him and vice versa.

       Probably because Grayson was the only person who was so patient with me.

       Which was odd because he was also the most impatient Protector in this circle. He got annoyed so easily from the smallest amount of things but when it came to me, I couldn't annoy him.

       And I was happy about it. At least I had someone in this circle who was always there for me when I needed it and wasn't judging me from the worst mission I had ever been on. Almost every single day, I was getting glares and judging scorns by at least one Protector. They all thought I was guilty about what happened.

       Grayson didn't.

       So I guess that made him the perfect partner for the missions I was sent on.

       "So this is where he lives?" I asked Grayson as we stood outside of a house, one that was on the more high-class street of Miami.

       "It is," Grayson said. "Alright, let's get this done and over with. If he's anything like what his record makes of him, then this will be the most annoying interview we'll ever have to conduct."

       "You're definitely right there," I said. With all the rules Henry broke, he was definitely going to show some resentment towards me and Grayson.

       Grayson and I walked up the pathway to the house before he rang the doorbell. Moments later, a teenage boy who looked around my and Grayson's age opened the door. "Ugh, Protectors," he said before trying to close the door but Grayson was quick enough to stop him.

       "We just need to talk to you about something," Grayson said.

       "About the demons in Miami?" Henry asked. "Wasn't me. Goodbye."

       Grayson still didn't let him close the door. "You're quick to defend yourself."

       "Yes, because it wasn't me," Henry said. "Again. Goodbye."

       "Look, we just want to ask a few questions," I said. "It won't take too long."

       Henry looked at me before smiling. "Why, hello, there. I don't believe I know you. I'm Henry."

       "And she's a Protector here to do her job," Grayson said before I could reply. "So are you going to let us question you or are you going to just make yourself more guilty?"

       "Well, either way, you won't believe me so I might as well not waste any of our time," Henry said. "Good. Bye."

       This time, Henry used his magic to close the door without Grayson stopping him. Grayson sighed as the two of us started walking away from the house. "That was a waste of time," he said. "Though I kind of figured Henry wouldn't talk to us anyway."

       "Do you think it makes him look more guilty?" I asked.

       "Definitely," Grayson said. "But... He kind of has a point. Even if he did talk to us, other Protectors might not believe him, especially the Tribunal. If they won't believe him, then why should he try talking to us anyway?"

       "So in other words, we need to figure out another way to find out who let the demons into Miami," I said. "The only lead we have so far is that it was a sorcerer who did it. Or at least part of it."

       Grayson furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

       "Well... Maybe it wasn't Henry's idea," I said. "Maybe someone else turned to him because they wanted the demons into the city, but they can't do it themselves because they're unable to take down the barrier. So they went to the one sorcerer who has already defied a lot of rules."

       Grayson sighed. "If that's the possibility, then we've just took a dozen steps back. We'll have a bunch more suspects, not just sorcerers."

       "Well, either way, the sorcerer who did it is at fault," I said. "And they'll know whose idea it was so while we do have to be suspicious of more supernatural beings, we should still focus on finding the sorcerer who took down the barrier."

       "I swear, if it's a whole team of supernatural beings who are helping the demons, I will kick all of their asses," Grayson said. "They're putting way too many people in danger. If they have a problem with the Protector Circle, they should attack us, not humans."

       "Yeah, attacking us doesn't really sound ideal," I said. "I'd rather not be attacked by a bunch of supernaturals when I'm the weakest link."

       "You're not the weakest link, Flower," Grayson said. 

       "Two things," I said. "One, it's Poppy. And two, yes I am. Why do you think my dad doesn't let me go on the dangerous missions anymore."

       "Because you're not ready to," Grayson said. "You do know what happened to Ben wasn't your fault, right? That was his. One-hundred percent his. And just because you were his partner for that mission, it doesn't put you at fault."

       "I just... I felt like there was something I could have done," I said. "And maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't be so afraid to get back in the field. But I did nothing because I'm weak. I can't even use my bow properly and I've been training with it ever since I discovered my ability. Years, Grayson. For years, and I'm horrible with it."

       "You won't be for long," Grayson said. "I'm still going to train you with it and with other weapons if you want. I'm going to help prove to you that you're not weak and I'm going to help make you one hell of a bad-ass."


grayson ily so much. ily 2 poppy. 


and i should sleep because i have school okay bye.

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