A Grayven the Earth's Crust

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The battle of the Demons are still continuing. The demons are still appearing, and the SCPs are still killing them left and right.

SCP-4051 and SCP-105 are still fighting against the demons back to back. SCP-4051 pulls out a rocket launcher, and fires the rocket at the demons, causing them to be blown to bits. SCP-105 than took a photo of a building. When she did this, she puts her hand into the photo, and grabs it, before using it to make it topple down onto the demons.


Iris shouts out, as the building crushes the demons. SCP-4051 looks at SCP-105, and smirked.

"Nice one."

Iris turns around and smiled as well.

"You're making me blush, Rainer."

SCP-4051, however, blushed himself, before face planing.


He than shook his head, before he fires another rocket at the demons, blowing them to little bloody bits.

D-9341, Benjamin, was on the ground, fighting against the demons. He holds a British STEN 8' his hands, as he began to fire at the demonic army. But as he wasn't looking...


Benjamin was stabbed in the head, as brain matter went out of the place where he was hit, and a black finger pierced his Brian. However, that didn't scare him, as his consciousness was sent back in time, the entire enviotoment spiraling in his vision, before he was sent back to the position, before he was killed.

This time...he was ready, as he turns around, and shoots the demon in the head, which is the one that killed him. It has human faces fused together, has 10 fingers on each hand, and a reptilian-like face, while also having a large eyeball on the chest, looking like it has an eye inside of the irises, as the iris blinks. It was a bit disgusting, but she shoots the demon, until it was dead. Benjamin than turns back around, and shoots towards the demon armies again.

SCP-280 was brought into the fight, as it began to rip and tear apart the Demons that have come in his presence. But the presence of the SCP was so hidden in the shadows, that the demons couldn't react to protect themselves.

SCP-049 began to kill the demons that are going in his presence, conducting experiments of the them to make a new variation of SCP-049-2, with the demons acting similar to their human counterparts, except they are much stronger than the zombified humans. When they see their un-zombified kin, they began to attack them, but the demons held strong, and avoid getting hurt by them. But all this did is give some of the SCPs precious seconds to go for the kill, and slice apart the demons.

In another part of the city, Kaede is battling some of the demons by herself. Her vectors are glowing yellow, as they easily manage to cut and dice through the demons, with their blood covering the telekinetic arms, with blood dripping down the yellow arms.

Kaede smirks at the demons that are before her eyes, and unable to contain her bloodlust and how much she desperately wants it kill them with her own bare hands. Her vectors immediately form at her command, and she begins to slice the demons to pieces, with their remains scarring around the area that they are in. One of the demons tried to attack her from behind, but Kaede simply sliced its head off without any form of effort.

As that happened, a large demon appeared out of complete nowhere, and tried to squish Kaede, but she switched to the 4th frequency, and blew the demon up with her punches. Many of the demon's body bits splattered all over the place, with some of the blood falling onto her horns. But Kaede wasn't bothered but this a single bit, and relished in the fight of bloody rain and dancing chaos.

She switched back to her 3rd frequency, and began to slice the demons down to size, as blood, bone, and guts began to splatter all over the entire place she is in once again, and even switched to the 2nd frequency, punching a demon under a building, which collapsed and fell down to the ground.

As a demon attempted to attack her from behind, a blast of Yellow light appeared out of nowhere, and struck the demon in the back, disintegrating the demon the instant it was hit by it. Kaede turned to see Halo joining in on the fight, glowing yellow, and preparing another energy blast in her hands, ready to attack another demon.

"Thanks for the heads up, Halo."

Kaede spoke out to Halo, who nodded and spoke.

"For a friend, anytime, Kaede."

Halo than made a shield, as a demon tried to strike her, before Halo blasted that demon with an energy attack, which caused it fatal injury, due to being aimed at the head of the demon, causing it to disintegrate. Kaede sliced more of the demons that got to close to her, as more and more bodies of demons kept dropping down as bloody small bits that rained and sprinkled the grown for the bliss of violence, wrath, blood, and death, both for the demons and for the people that are trying to protect the world from the demons themselves.

Kaede than used her Vectors to go up in the air, and Halo simply buying her time to do what she is about to do to the demons. Kaede than prepared to utilize the 4th frequency, and prepare to use it to blow up the demons that are coming their direction.

"Halo, use your forcefield!!!"

Halo nodded, and made a red forcefield to protect herself from what Kaede is going to do. Kaede breaths out, before looking at the demons, and prepares to strike.

"Do not worry. This isn't going to hurt much."

Her vectors raised in the air, as she spoke out.

"I'll put you out of your misery before you will even notice."

After she spoke out those last words, she than fired her Vectors at the demons that are grouping in large numbers, and the moment that they made contact with the ground, atop some of them...


The ground EXPLODED and obliterated all of the demons that had group on them. But when Kaede did this...this caused a sudden reaction. Suddenly, the ground began to crack and groan, as Halo began to lose her balance, and Kaede losing hers, forcing her to be on her bare feet, and step on the ground.

"Kaede? Was this supposed to happen?"

Halo spoke out, with Kaede speaking back to her.

"No...this wasn't supposed to happen like this!"

As both Kaede and Halo try to balance themselves amidst the shaking, sudden, before the both of them knew that was going to happen, the ground gave away, sending them falling down to the large and deep hole that had suddenly formed.



Halo and Kaede screamed out, as they both are falling down the hole that was present. This isn't was Kaede had expected. Usually, it would make a crater similar to a Nuclear Fusion bomb. But the thing is, there was already something underneath the concrete that had already existed, and it was the long deep hole that they are falling down inside of right now.

But Halo immediately reacted. Lowering her arms, she went to the direction of Kaede, and grabbed her hand. When that happened, she glowed Orange, in order to slow their fall, since they are falling down too fast for them to stop.

After a couple of minutes...they were able to reach the bottom, and Kaede was able to land softly onto her feet, and Halo...was exhausted, as she fell down, and went on her knees, tired from the act that she had to do in order to save Kaede, her dear friend. Speaking of Kaede, she stood up, and went to Halo, putting her hands on Halo's shoulders.

"Are you okay, Halo?"

Kaede spoke out. Halo nodded, and spoke out.

"Just tired, Kaede. Nothing more."

Kaede smiled, and spoke out to her.

"Thank you for the rescue, Halo. Really. I am very, very thankful."

Halo smiled, before she stood up, and looked around the place they are now in. It looked similar to a cave, but is slightly smaller, as it seems to be made as a passageway of some sort. However, it is still very large, as it seems to be 10 feet tall, and 8 feet wide.

"So...where are we? Is this where we are supposed to be in?"

Halo spoke out. Kaede shook her head, however, as she spoke out.

"No. This isn't where we're supposed to be in. This just came out of nowhere."

As she spoke out, they heard the sound of something...electronic. They heard the sound of something activating from the distance of the cave. Kaede and Halo looked at each other, and Kaede spoke out.

"On second thoughts, maybe we are supposed to be here. Let's check out what's happening inside of this strange...thing."

Kaede than ran to the direction of the sound, with Halo following her from behind. The 2 girls had to make twists and turns and even had to go up and down during the passageway, until, they were finally able to reach the end of the passage, and see what was at the other side.

Kaede and Halo were shocked to see that what they are seeing before their eyes now. It was an underground base of some sort, with so much high-tech inventions that humans had not invented yet, or inventions that was simply impossible to do by human standards.

"Woah. This is so...interesting."

Halo than began to look around, as Kaede than took out a bag, and begun to put some of the inventions inside it, hoping to bring it to the foundation so that they could weaponize these strange inventions.

"What are you doing?"

Halo speaks out to Kaede, who than spoke back.

"I'm going to take these to the Foundation, so that they can see what to do with this."

Halo nodded, but than...she feels something strange, another presence. Letting curiosity getting the better of her, she walks towards the source of the feel that she has appearing.

Kaede resumed to look around...and saw that while most of the place is high-tech, despite the appearance of the technology that is present, Kaede could tell that it is very, very old. Older than even the ones humans made in the distant past.

As Kaede began to look around the place that they are in, and see the technology that is present in their sight...Halo than spoke out in a very worried tone of voice.


Kaede than turns to Halo's voice.

"What's wrong?"

Silence...until Halo spoke out again.

"You need to see this. It is very...very big."

Kaede looked a bit confused about this at first...but she than went to the source of Halo's worry. When she walked there...she froze...and saw what it is that made Hali seem so afraid. Kaede walked next to Halo, and spoke out to her.

"Woah...that this is huge."

Kaede spoke out, with Halo agreeing, as they look up to see something large that is before their very eyes, and their jaws dropped wide at the sight before them.

What they are seeing before them, is a immensely large humanoid, seemingly male in its build. It has gray skin, black hair that reaches beyond the shoulders, and seems to wear some type of armor. The armor was Golden with a large red jewel on the chest plate, with more, and smaller gems present on the entity's belt, and a blue tight suit of some sort under the golden armor, covering all parts of the entity's body, minus the head. And he is so big, that it looks like he can fill up a entire cave, if he were to stand up on his feet. They have no idea how tall he is. They would say that he is 7'3 inches, though they highly doubt that this is the true height of this strange being. On top of the entity is a large device of some sort, very futuristic compared to that of human technology, and yet...it seems to be very heavy for the entity, as it is in a crouching position, like the object above it is heavy.

Kaede than aimed the camera at the entity, and spoke out to the Foundation.

"Doctor. Are you seeing this?"

The doctor nodded, and spoke out in confirmation.

"I do, Kaede. This is something I haven't seen before. And whatever it is, it doesn't look like someone here to help us with our situation."

Kaede than spoke out to the doctor.

"What do you suggest that we should do?"

As she is conversing with the Doctor, Halo than turned around to see what is going on with the strange being that they are seeing. Even though he looked large and intimidating, he also looks strange...very pitiful to see. She doesn't know why...but she immediacy gets closer to the strange entity they're seeing.

But as she did...


Halo stepped back, and spoke out to Kaede.

"Kaede...I think it's beginning to speak."

This made Kaede freeze. She turns back to the earpiece, and spoke out.

"I'll be right back. Continue looking, Doctor."

Kaede turns to Halo, and spoke out.

"You heard it speak?"

As Halo nodded...


Kaede turns, and heard the same thing as well. The entity was beginning to speak out, almost whisper sounding.

"What is it saying?"

Halo spoke out. Kaede spoke back to her.

"I don't know..."

As she said that...


Then, it made Kaede freeze. She has no idea what made her begin to freeze at the other 2 words...she just knows that it was something bad.


Kaede than went slightly forward, but doesn't go anymore further to the entity, and simply stood. She got her vectors ready, and was beginning to believe that it was about to kill them. And she was right...because the entity before them said one word.


This made Kaede's eyes widened, as the entity began to move, with its legs beginning to stand up a bit, and his eyes beginning to open.


Than, it's face began to scrunch up and contort into a snarl, as his eyes began to open.


It than opened its eyes, and the eyes of the entity began to glow Amber.


As the being, called Grayven spoke out, suddenly, twin beams of energy came out of the eyes of the entity. Kaede moved out of the way, but all of a sudden, the beams began to jerk in her direction, and forced her to jump back, before she decided to go defensive.

The beans almost hit Kaede, but she thankfully puts her Vectors out to block the sudden attack. But this was simply the beginning of what was about to happen next. As soon as she falls to the ground, and Halo comes to check on her, the entity than broke free from the confinements of the prison it is in, and began to charge at them. This 'Grayven's' eyes flared with pure hatred and utter disgust.

Halo than made a shield, and defends herself and Kaede against this so-called Grayven. This made Grayven force back, but only slightly, as he kicks the red sphere, shattering it, and sends the 2 girls back into a wall. Kaede recovers, and used her vectors to strike at Grayven, who is than pushed back, hard, due to the vectors being enhanced by the Mind Stone, which she had wield. She launched her attacks at Grayven again, but this time, he used his eye beams to try and hit her. They almost reached her, due to the Vectors glowing Yellow, making them visible for the giant gray entity to see, but Kaede brought out 2 more vectors to defend herself. The energy beams hit the vectors, and actually manage to push the Diclonius Queen back.

Seeing no other option, she turns to Halo, and spoke out.

"We've got to retreat!!!"

Halo nodded, glows orange, and holds onto Kaede, who than used her Vectors to give them a boost up, and Halo flies out of the hole that was made for them when they fell in.

But as they looked down, to their utter shock, the entity, Grayven, was beginning  to climb up the hole, and was slowly catching up to the 2 girls. Kaede than began to try and use her Vectors on the 3rd frequency, and began to try and cut his face.

But Grayven's face regenerated rather quickly, and he continued to climb up the the large hole. It looks like he is very persistent in trying to take them all out, and kill them. Such a hello that everyone before him gets.

Finally, they were able to reach the top, and were able to get away from the hole's radius, before...


Grayven was finally out of the hole, launching rock everywhere, and made it hit a bunch of things, such as windows, cars, and nearly the girls that had climbed out of the hole. Halo, thankfully, brought out a shield to defend against the oncoming projectiles.

Grayven than looks around, and saw that...

"Everything looks different."

He looks around, as he sees that it looks like it is now in a type of apocalypse. Grayven spoke out to himself.

"I wonder what must have happened to father when he sealed me in that prison. Father...you shall die by Grayven's hands for your pathetic rule against me."

Grayven than looks up at the girls, as they stepped back, and got ready to fight. But Grayven simply clapped his hands, making a shockwave that not even Kaede could resist against, as she was also thrown off her feet, and landed 15 feet away from this 'Grayven', who than began to walk towards the 2 girls very menacingly.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I wonder what is happening to your world, why it is now...chaotic, but nevertheless..."

He than prepares to fire another blast of energy, when all of a sudden...


Suddenly, a blue blast of energy came out of nowhere, and hits Grayven square in the chest. While it didn't hurt Grayven, it did push the Giant back a bit. The girls turned to see Blue Beetle, Toxin, Scorn, and James Heller, who all had fallen down to save them.

The 2 symbiotes, the Scarab, and the Second Prototype landed with the 2 girls to defend them from the gigantic entity that is attacking them.

Scorn and Jaime than launched their arm cannons, with Jaime combining the 2 into one large cannon. But Grayven simply blocked the attack with his hand, and it looked as if it had no effect on Grayven at all. And to make matters worse for everyone, he than used his Eye Beams to force the energy blasts back, and damaged the arm cannons, and it was all without any sort of slight movement. Jaime and Scorn were launched back by the explosion of their now blown-up weapons. Grayven, by the look on his face, is not very amused by the attempted resistance that they are making right now.

"Is that the best you can do? If so...pathetic."

Grayven spoke out with disdain. He than looks at Toxin, who than gets ready to fight. His mouth opens, and spoke out to the large gray humanoid.

"Than how about that I get to be your new partner? Let's see how tough you are compared to me!!"

Grayven raised an eyebrows at the 1,000th generation Symbiote, and spoke out with miler amusement.

"A Klyntar. I never thought I would see one of your kind again after so long. But even you don't impress me for a single second.

Toxin hissed at how Grayven insulted, and than began to web up Grayven, before he goes into the air, fires webbing into top of buildings, before using them like a slingshot, and fires down at Grayven's tied up body. But Grayven, smirking, simply ripped the Webbing off of his body like it is simply tissue paper, and simply slapped Toxin very far away.

The strike of that slap made Toxin go through about 5 buildings, before he fell down to the ground, unconscious. And what this Grayven has done...it was simply a small fraction of his power, if what he can really do to his worst enemies.

Patrick, however, regained consciousness, and as demons began to appear out of nowhere, he immediately began to fight using his officer training, which is combined with the Symbiote's enhanced strength.

Grayven simply stared in disappointment at what he had seen, before turning back, and looked at James, who simply glared at Grayven, and is ready to face against the Giant.

"Now, that the annoyance is out of the way...on to you."

Grayven than turned to James, and blasts eye beams that hit's James. However...James instantly reacted, and made shields that deflected the attacks back to where they appeared. Grayven gets hit, before James made Tendrils, dug them inside of Grayven, and sends him flying into a single building, which then collapsed onto Grayven.

James looked, as he squinted a bit at the pile of rubble of what was once the building...until he hears the sounds of clattering. Suddenly, the rubble spread out words, and Grayven stood back up, somewhat as okay as before, but is slightly damaged, most likely by Grayven's attack.

Grayven looks at the cut wound that he was given, feeling blood coming out, before turning to James.

"You actually manage to hurt me."

James than took a fighting stance, as he formed his Hammerfists so that he can smash the giant fucker that is now attacking his friends.

"Oh, i'm gonna do more than fucking hurt you, you giant son of a bitch. I'm gonna rip that spine right outta your big ass mouth."

Grayven than simply looked at him with his blue eyes, as he simply spoke out to James.

"You can try and kill me. But you will not succeed in what you will do to me."

He than stepped forward, and spoke out to James.

"This won't take long. There will be no part of you and everyone you care about left alive. Not a single part left to be seen by anyone that you care and anyone that you love. And besides..."

Grayven's eyes once flared a bright amber again, as he took a type of fighting stance, while James' still in his fighting stance , as his eyes simply glared.

"It is not so often that I find someone that can take me on. You shall feel the wrath of the New Gods!!"

Grayven shouted, as he and James rushed at each other, and began to fight brutally.

Grayven attempted to strike downwards and squish James on the ground, but James leapt up in the air, and simply punched him in the face. The power of the Hammerfist is so great, it was actually able to hurt Grayven. Something that only Kaede was barely able to ever accomplish.

Grayven, however, quickly recovered, and turned back to strike James, hitting him with immense force to send him a mile away. Grayven doesn't lose sight of him, and runs, making craters the size of his foot while on the way.

James stopped, but was suddenly hit by this eye beams. James jumped, and dashed out of the way, but the beams began to follow him.

James did everything that he can to avoid and get away from this eye beams. But they still kept on following him, no matter where he runs to. It seems that they are made to lock onto an enemy, no matter how many times he tries to avoid it.

But as he began to switch to his shield to deflect it back, just as he had before...suddenly, Abel, who caught sight of the battle, appears in front of James, and spins with his Shadow blade, cutting through the eyes beams that's targeting James.

Grayven moved out of the way, and looks at Abel, who than spoke out.

"Impressive...I have never seen a God such as you. I can even sense your power. It is amazing. It is simply to destruction, ending...OMEGA. It is something that I have never encounter before in my entire life.

Able than opened his hand, and formed a large sword. He than points his sword at Grayven, as he spoke out to the New God. Grayven began to stand, and looks at Abel, with pure rage present in his very eyes.

"I want to see how powerful of a god you are. I want to see if you are a worthy opponent for me to fight against."

Grayven smirked, as one of his eyes still continued glowing.

"You shall see how worthy I can be to you."

He than fired his eye beams, which than Able had blocked, before he runs of to Grayven, and slashed at his side. Unlike with Kaede's cuts, these cuts actually hurt.


Grayven grunts in pain, but he tired not let that show in his face. He turns around, and fired his eye beams at Abel, who than runs. To Grayven's complete and utter shock, Abel simply barrels through the energy attack, and despite damage being visible, he is running through it like it is not hurting him. And when he got close enough, he jumps in the air, and stabbed Grayven in the knee, before jumping high, and punched Grayven so hard, it sends him flying towards 8 buildings, which added to the extra damage, except that it didn't hurt compared to Abel's sword strikes and his recent sucker punch.

As Grayven stood up, a group of demons appeared out of nowhere, and tried to attack Grayven. But the New God simply puts his hands on his back, and blasts them with his eye beams, which he used to disintegrate the demons that had tried to attack him, burning them to their very bones, which made them collapse down into a clattering heap of death.

As Grayven looked, Abel went forward, and walked towards Grayven, with a new sword formed in his hand.

Abel smiled menacingly, as he stepped towards the large New God, who than spoke out to Abel.

"How did you do that? Nobody had ever resisted the agony of my Omega Beams in my entire life. How is this all possible? What are you really, human?"

Grayven couldn't believe what had just happened. When it involves the Symbiotes, Blue Beetle, and James Heller, they would get hit by the, so-called, Omega Beam, and it would hurt. And yet, somehow, Abel can somehow not only not feel the pain of the Omega Beams, he can also barrel through it like it is not such a big deal.

As Grayven spoke out to Abel, Hevel laughs, as he spoke out to Grayven.

"I am more than just a human, so-called god. I am the son of the first human that has ever been created. I was born, before the concept of time was made. I was born much earlier than you are, and is much more powerful than you are. So tell me...what chance do you have against me? How can you fight against Ab-Leshal, The First Sword of Daevon?"

But as Abel spoke out these words, Grayven smirked as he lowered his head.

"You claim that you are more powerful than even me, Human, and now...you boast at a New God like me?"

As he spoke out, Grayven's eyes flared with pure energy.

"Let us see how you fair, against the inheritor of the Omega Effect! The Son of the God of Tyranny!!"

He than fired his Omega Beams at Abel, who than began to run towards Grayven with his sword out. As Grayven tried to attack Abel, the Butcherer of the West leapt up into the air, and is in a stabbing position, getting ready to stab Grayven in his body.

Grayven smirked, as he jumps up into the air, and pulled his fist, and gets ready to punch the second son of the first human.

Both of the combatants smiled with pure killing intent present, as they both get ready to try and kill each other, to see who is stronger.

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