An Eye For An Eye/SCP-4760

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The battle between the 3 godlike anomalies was incredibly dangerous. Every strike is enough to send a shockwave that can level an entire continent. Every step can create an earthquake, and every roar can spread the clouds away from the area they were in. Even something as little as clapping is incredible dangerous, as it can make a explosion that is powerful enough to kill a normal human being. But the Devourer of Worlds is larger than even the Gate Guardian, and it gives it pure immense strength. However, the Gate Guardian has the Deer at his side, and now, it is going to make sure that the Devourer of Worlds will be finally stopped.


Kaede's group were able to teleport back to James's group, who are in a very, very bad situation. In their, assumption, it was due to the demonic invasion on their side becoming worse, considering that fact that the portal is still very active. But James reveals what was far worse than a growing demonic army. Because standing in front of's simply the keter-class SCP-682...and it is far larger than before.

Apparently, due to the fact that the Portal has been opened, SCP-682's power and intelligence has been amplified. He is now physically stronger, and can change his size without even needing to consume any form of material, though he can still eat anything, if he wants to enjoy himself for the destruction that he can cause to anything. And now, he can grow a bit more larger than before. In other words, the entire group was utterly screwed, and even they know that.

Thankfully, though, they do not need to do this on their own. Kaede's group is now present with them, and they will help them fight off against SCP-682, and not on their own.

SCP-4715 himself is going to help them as well, due to the fact that he to can also grow in size, and if the stories about it are correct, it should grow large enough to fight against SCP-682 himself.

Kaede than made her first move, as she launched her Mind Stone-powered Vectors at 692, who than stumbled back at the strike he's feeling. SCP-4715, The Demon Born of War, than began to grow in size. But they are just beginning. Next, Halo flies upwards, and than launched Yellow Bolts of energy, as they struck 682 right in the face. 682 attempts to bite her, but Halo moved out of the way, and blast him again, making 4715 grow even larger. Toxin and Scorn than held the large Hard-To-Destroy Reptile in place with their webbing. If Alex and Rex were there just like last time, along with Scarlet Witch and Firestorm, they would have taken 682 down once again. But for now, they need to weaponize another SCP in order to defeat SCP-682. as 682 began to try and break free from the webbing the Symbiotes made, Scorn, Cyborg and Jaime than used their arm cannons to blast 682 in the face full force, as 682 roared in pain, as well as rage.


682 swatted both cybernetic beings from the air, but Spawn than came into the play, and began to fire a blast of Necroplasm at 682's eyes, making 682 swiped his tail at Spawn, sending him flying away. Everyone continued to attack 682 again and again and again and again, with 682 not stopping with the roaring and loud snarling. SCP-4051 than summoned a wormhole, and made a bunch of construction vehicles fall on top of 682's head, with 105 taking a picture of the vehicles, as she sticks her hand in the photo, as a giant disembodied hand came out of nowhere, grabbed onto the vehicles, crushed it with her hands, and than slammed it right on top of 682's head. SCP-4051 summoned another wormhole, and launched fire at it, as 682 was now annoyed, due being exposed to for before, and clearly, it's unimpressed.

Than, when James tried to take a turn, he bring out SCP-320,

And launches it at SCP-682, who is than struck on the head, and went out of the other side. Needless to say, this was actually able to hurt the reptile, as the hole in his head was also having the eye removed, due to he gravitational force of SCP-320. James than jumped and attempted to attack SCP-682 alone, barehanded, but SCP-682, who's seeing the attempted attack with one of his intact eyes, reacted fast, and has swatted him so hard, it sends him flying,, at the northwest.


James roared out, as he was sent flying towards the direction he was swatted to. 682 smirks...but than...he saw someone watching him. He turns around...only to see SCP-4715 now a giant, now the same size as SCP-682, who is over 200 feet tall right now. Needless to say, 682 is so screwed right now.


The Demon Born of War than charges at 682, who than roars out to 4715.


682 than charges at 4715, who than jumped and tackled 682, with a force powerful enough to cause an extremely large Earthquake, as the ground shatter, and the city they're in is leveled. 682 than bites SCP-4715, who than picks up SCP-682, and throws him into 5 buildings with immense speed. 4715 than charges towards 682, who quickly recovered, and than does the same. One clash against each other...


The clash between the both of them caused a powerful shockwave, and it was so large that the entire city has been taken over by the shockwave. The group even got thrown very far away from the shockwave's immensely power force.

"Woah!! Now that is awesome!! Kinda wish Firestorm was able to see this!"

Jaime spoke out, as he stood up from the ground, and looked at the city, well...former city, where 682 and 4715 are still battling against each other, with the 2 SCPS now in a hand lock.

Halo than looks around, and spoke out.

"Where is James?"

The group began to look around, and saw that he isn't present with them. It didn't take long for Kaede to realized what must have happened.

"Oh no...I think James attempted to step into the fight, and he only ended up getting swatted away."

Cyborg, remembering that James has an earpiece, than spoke through it.

"James, where are you? What on Earth happened?!"


James spat out what seems to be...sand. Apparently, he landed someplace with sand in it. But he did not have time to look now. He pushed in earpiece and spoke out to Cyborg.

"Cyborg! Where am I right now?! I've been fucking launched by that piece of rotten shit, and now I'm somewhere else!!"

Cyborg than used his robotic eye to see through a satellite in order to see where James was located now. He hasn't done this technique in a long time, and thankfully...Site-Ω has cameras that allow people to observe the Earth, which he really needs to find James. After about an entire minute, he was able to track the earpiece, and found out where James is positioned in.

"I think you were launched into Graham Island. How did that happen?!"

Cyborg spoke out to James, who is standing back up. James than looked around the area that he was inside of right now.

It looks like a beach of some sort. But why was the beach intact, when all of the other islands with a beach are infested with Demons? Obviously, there is something completely wrong with this place, and he is going to find out what it is that is making this place...empty.

"That reptile fucker launched to this fuck-up place like I am today's gum wrapper!! But...the island looks empty. I'm going to check this place out, Cyborg."

Cyborg than spoke back.

"Good luck, James. And be careful, as this could be dangerous."

James huffed, as he spoke out.

"We're already in danger, so what's the worse that could-"



James looked down at his feet, and saw that he stepped on a piece of a skeleton. He look forward...and what he is seeing right now was something that he wasn't expecting to see before him.

James was surprised to see so many dead animals, mostly birds, on the ground of the island itself. There were just simply so much dead animals to count.

"James? Is there something wrong?"

James...not entirely sure what to say, than spoke out to Cyborg.

"I'll...have to call you back. Something had just caught my attention."

James than ended his call with Cyborg, and began to look around the entire place he is in. A place such as this shouldn't be able to have this much dead bodies. So why does this place have so many dead animals?

As he looked around, he felt...unease, strange. Like someone is trying to pull his heart out of himself. He looked around...but didn't see anything. He kept waking around, looking at any direction...until he it something metal.


James than see what it was a metal wall of some sort. Alex to was the wall of a giant machine. It has the words...Anderson. There is also a SCP Designation on the wall itself. It is called: SCP-4760.

"What in the fucking hell?"

James spoke out to himself quietly. While nothing compared to SCP-2399, this was still an impressive machine. He than went forward a little bit...before he went around the entire machine. He than found a door, and went inside of it. Inside, there is an elevator in the center of the room. James went inside, pressed a button down to the bottom floor, and the elevator began to move downwards.

As he went down the elevator, James than pulled out a photo, which has his daughter, Amaya, on it.

He stared sadly at the photo, remembering all the good time he had with her. Amaya is still fine, as she is now in Site-Ω. She has been, since the entire thing started. But Amaya had been so frightened for her life, that James would often go to her room to calm her down, and even comfort her on multiple occasions. James looked down at the photo sadly, as he could never stop thinking about Collette, and how much that he had failed to protect her. But now...that doesn't matter. Collette wouldn't want James to keep on sucking. And besides, he has their daughter back, and wants to make sure that she is protected. And in this situation, her protection is his most important priority. He puts the photo away, and at the same time, the door on the elevator opened.

Under a meter below ground, Around 800 Meters in Diameter, the entire place was filled with tungsten plates. The plates have been spread around in a circular pattern. They seem to be made or coated in what seems to be very rare metals. One of the plates had a large hole on it, showing what seems to be small copper tubes.

James was going to examine the entire thing...but than...he felt the pull in his chest become stronger than ever before. It seems that he is almost near the source that is causing this feeling to him on the first place. So James kept on moving. After an entire 3 minutes, he reached a door, which is rusted, and opened. James doesn't trust it...but he still went inside.

As James enters the room...he was met with a startling sight. At the room is a television of some sort...but it is what is in front of the T.V that caught James' attention. It was a being that vaguely resembles a human female, but there are no hair present, as well as no mouth, nostrils, or ear holes. The eyes have been replaced by what seems to be metal ports, with 2 metallic cables that connect to a small television, with the body of a young adult lying on top of the humanoid entity's lap.

Needless to say, James is very freaked out about what he is seeing before his eyes.

But...he could somehow tell that the person before alive. He doesn't know why...but he knows that the person before his eyes is still living.

But as he looked...suddenly, a winged demon crashed into the room...and it began to rot extremely fast. James Heller...he can see this demon's life force being sucked into the being that he is seeing before him now.

But than...he can sense the being trying to suck his life force...but for an unknown reason...he can't. What is happening right now?

As he began to think of why this is taking place, the screen suddenly turned on, and James looked at the screen to see what is about to show up.

It showed the figure, standing behind James, and this was during the fight against Alex's father, when he forced the Soul Stone into his body. And James' than noticed something in a reflection. He turns around...and sees that his very eyes are glowing orange...the same type of orange that the Soul Stone has. finally caught to him...why his life force isn't being drained. It is because that he has absorbed for a long enough time...that must have gained some of his powers. And in gaining the power that he has...he was able to gain a type of protection against the effects of what this thing before him is.

"I don't get this. Why are you trying to drain my life force?"

James spoke out, confused as to why the person desires to drain his Life Force. Then...the screen shows the outside, where it once had solar panels, but it was gone, removed by someone. He than realized that she is using life itself to power her, because she no longer can use the sun. He than spoke out one last question to her.

" did this happen to you? What has made you like this now?"

Silence...which was all that was heard, into the screen turned to static once more...and showed the time that made her the way she is now. It showed a person, a man of some sort. James has seen this fellow before. He was from the company called Anderson Robotics. It didn't take long for him to realize what must have happened.

"Did this guy did this to you?"

Than, another static was shown, and it showed the another one. It was Dark, from MC&D Limited. They were in front of a type of T.V was the same one that James is watching through right now. He can't hear anything, but he knows that there is something wrong, and whatever it was, it was going to end up in a very terrible way, only James could imagine. Apparently, they were doing a test of some kind, which involved her having her consciousness go back in time. Dark touched her to do as he says, than he began to mount at her, yelling and insulting at her, which James seems to guess is happening. This is where things took the turn for the worst. Suddenly, the guards on the floor than began to collapse onto the floor, and looked as though there is someone sucking the life out of them, because they are holding onto their throats, and are struggling to stay alive. They began to smoke, with red flesh beginning to sizzle, like they are a barbecue special, as liquid seeps out of the cracks in their skins. Fake is looking at the screen, horrified about something that is on the television. Anderson is holding onto his face, and James saw that, through his hands, the flesh on his face began to rot and melt, as his muscle tissue began to show. The eyes of Anderson began to bleed, with the Sclera becoming red. Dark lunged at the female in an attempt to stop her, but unfortunately...he ended up paying the price for his attempt...and the television was shut off.

James could not believe what he was seeing, as he turned around, and spoke out to the female.

"Did...did this to you?"

No response. But James has a fair answer to what must have happened. But he needs to know how to free her from this thing.

James than looked at the ears, and touched the female entity. He than spoke out to the female.

"What I might do will hurt, but I'm gonna see if I can piece a hole inside of your ears. So...please don't be mad at me for it."

He than made a claw, and pierced a small hole onto where the ear holes should be. The female entity twitched, but didn't do anything else. He than pierced another hole into her other ear. And than, when going to the nose...he than pierced nostrils into her. She than began to breath a bit. After a few minutes...there was more movement, as if she's trying to get out.

As James was trying to calm her down, suddenly...a portal opened, and Halo comes out of the portal, with James using his power to protect her from the effects of the girl.

"James, there you are...and who is this?"

She spoke out, as she looked at the female entity, who is beginning to thrash and struggle. James than spoke out to Halo.

"That is what I want to know. Do you still have some energy of the Reality Stone left?"

Halo nodded, as she spoke out.

"I...I do. Why do you ask?"

James than spoke out to her.

"The girl is in pain, and believe it or not, she lost her ability to speak, because her mouth is somehow gone. I need you to use what little remained of the Reality Stone's power, and your purple energy thing!"

Halo nodded, as she went forward, and a red energy began to come onto of her hand, as well as the purple energy of healing began to glow out of her hand.

Suddenly...the sound of flesh being torn was heard, as a tear in the place of the mouth began to form. When the tearing was done, the female finally screams out!


James, now realizing why she's in so much pain, than tries to grab onto the metal ports. But the female kept on moving, and he spoke out to the female.

"Don't move!! If you keep moving, that I won't be able to remove the metal stuff out of your face!"

The female than stopped for a bit, and James was able to get the metal stuff out of her eye sockets. The eyes are not present, and are completely empty. James than took out the cables out of her body, and helps the girl up...but she fell down. He simply leans her against a wall, and the female than spoke out, rather hoarsely.

" I out?"

James than spoke out.

"No...were still inside of this fucking machine!"

James snarled the lady part, having it forgotten how much he hates to use computers.

Halo sits down, as she spoke out to the female.

" you mind telling us your name?"

The female stopped for a bit, but than spoke out

"I don't...remember my name. But I was...given the name of...Kalysto."

James than crouched down, as he spoke out to Kalysto.

"How did this happen to you?"

Kalysto looked down, and spoke out.

"Anderson and Dark...they did this to me, they wanted to make a machine that will allow them to monitor the Earth, as well as see into the past. They have done this to me...since the 1960s."

James was shocked, as he spoke out.

"You've been trapped inside of this shit for over 60 years?"

Kalysto nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yes...what does the outside world...look like now. It has been...a long time...since I had seen it."

Halo and James looked at each other, as he spoke out.

"Not good. We're now on a battle of some sort. The people are now above the Earth in a space station."

Kalysto's eyelids widened a bit, as she spoke out.

"How did this happen?"

James spoke out.

"It's a long story. But now, we need to get out of this place, and fast. Halo, can you make a portal to get us out of here?"

Halo than spoke out.

"Of course I can."

She than made a portal, and James turns to her, as he spoke out.

"Don't worry. You're gonna be okay."

He than picks her up bridal style, and walks through the portal, as Halo followed James. The portal is closed...and the machine is finally left behind.

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