Cain and Abel and Seth Part 1

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A familiar power is felt by 3 certain people. These people are the ones that have been in the present of the crown, and had desired to steal it, before one of them was actually able to do it successfully.

One of the people that know about the crown is Seth, SCP-4840-A, who is fighting to protect the first city made by his father, as well as the one that had stole the crown. The demons that fly are around the entire city, and Seth is moving it away from the Demons as much as he can to save it from the Demons. He is even using the city itself as a weapon, as he slams into the demons, by raising the demons themselves, before ramming into them.

But as Seth continued to ram into the demons that are trying to destroy the city, suddenly...he felt something. It was a power that he was so familiar with...the power that he had stolen from his own father.

Afterhe got rid of all of the Demons that are attacking his city, he closed his eyes, and began to focus on the limited omniscience that he has. He than finally realized what it was.

" cannot be."

He than looks upwards, as he spoke out, fearfully.

"Is it?"

With Abel...

Abel is still on the ground, fighting against the many large demonic knights that are appearing through the portal. The large knights are very powerful and smarter, compared to the demons that he had fought since the early days of the invasion.

He jumped, and slashed downwards, cleaves sideways, swung the blade upwards, and began to battle so many demons that are coming around him. But as he kept on fighting...he felt something. It was something powerful, yet familiar. But this distracted him so much that he got launched to a building by a powerful hulking demon, who roared with immense bloodlust and fury.

Abel, who than stood up, than charged at the Demon, and decapitated its head, as it fell down to the ground,, with a sickening crunch. He than threw the body of the demon away, as its buddies get hit by the giant demonic dead mass, and they began to struggle under the weight of it, and with some beginning to feast on the corpse just to break free from the weight of the giant demon. As that happened, he than looks up at the he continued to sense the power that he is sensing right now.

"This power that I am feeling is so...familiar. And it is on the station that is above the world. What is this the right amount sensing? I need to see what it is that is bothering me now."

As that happened, suddenly, a large wave of Demons than began to rush towards him. As Abel turns around and gets ready to fight.

With Cain...

SCP-073 was present on the Earth still. He is using himself as a shield to defend against the demon wave that is coming to attack the survivors that are going through the portal. The demons attempted to punch Cain's head clean off, but only succeeded in doing it to themselves, due to the power of Cain to reflect back any sort of attack that tries hitting him. Cain still felt the touch of the attack, but he is selfless, and will do anything that he can to protect the survivors, even if it means that he gets to be hit to reach the portal that is formed from behind SCP-073 himself.

But as that is happening...suddenly...he felt something. An immensely strong...yet a very intoxicating Aura of pure power. It was a power, that Cain is all too familiar with. This actually was able to make Cain flinch, as he looked up at the direction of where the power is resonating from, which is coming from the Space Station itself. The demons kept on attacking Cain, as they simply killed themselves. But Cain simply looks as if the demons he is protecting the survivors didn't exist, and the blood on the ground wasn't feeling by him. He continues to look up at the site, as he than began to remember what it is that he is feeling. An object from an old, and forgotten past.

"This...this power...I recognized's the crown...

 has been dug out."


Suddenly, a portal opens up, and out comes James and Gerald, who are able to escape from the black think...but isn't out of Earth yet. James Heller than glows orange from the Soul Stone's power, and his hammerfists form completely, as he gets ready to smash anyone ready to fight.

Than, a wave of immensely large demons than appeared into the area that James and Herald are inside of now, with Gerald pulling out a gun from his pocket, and shoots some of the less larger demons in the head. But James than puts a hand in front of Gerald, as he spoke out to him, with confidence lace inside of his voice.

"How about I help out in this one? After all, you shouldn't waste your bullets on these things.

Before Gerald to speak out, James than raised his arms...spreads them outwards, before he claps them both the Soul Stone's Power touched the Demons, and caused them to disintegrate. James Heller than slammed the Demons to the ground, and began to smash them into nothing more than demonic red mush. But that isn't stopping the demons to attack the 2 still.

For an unknown reason, Halo's Portal wasn't working properly, as instead of going to the Station of the Site. It is as though someone from somewhere is trying to interfere with the portal. So they need to use the Foundation's teleportation device to bring them back to the Site, in order to bring back the crown again. They just need to be under the satellite's chosen position to be transported out of here.

But as James kept on fighting, the Crown's Power than began to show itself, causing the demons to be attracted to it even more. Needless to say, James wasn't too happy.

"I know this was a fucked up idea!! What are we thinking, trying to regain a crown that's fucked up?!"

James than grabbed onto Gerald, and the crown, as he ran up a building to get closer and closer to the position that they need to be inside of. And after about a minute and a half, they were able to reach it, and when they stopped onto the top of the building...a flash of light than appeared, as James and Gerald were transported, before they Demons could attack them, behind their backs."

Inside the Site's main room...

James and Gerald appeared in the main room of the Site, as they looked around to see if they were inside the site's main room. When it was confirmed that it was the Site, they than sighed and spoke out.

"That was close, wasn't it Gerald."

Gerald turns around and nodded.

"Yes, it definitely was."

James than looked at the box, as he spoke out to Gerald.

"Now what do we do with this piece of shit, Gerald?"

Gerald grabs onto the box, and looks at it for a minute, before he looks up, and spoke out to him.

"Now...we need to store it in a place where it can not effect out minds...that is until we get the spear, and which we can use it to close the portal that is still open."

Gerald puts down the box, which contains the Crown of Apollyon. Gerald could somehow sense it. The crown felt so...intoxicating. It is as though his body is being controlled to put the crown on. But Gerald fought against the influence, and kept himself controlled.

He closed the box, and puts his 2 finger on his chin. but as that happens, Abel's voice is heard, as he enters the Site, curious.

"What do you have inside that box, Doctor?"

He turns to see Abel, who is waking menacingly forward to Gerald. James almost formed his blade, The Doctor with the anomalous driving skills, however, stopped James, and he doesn't budge in the slightest fear, as he simply spoke out.

"Something that will put an end to this madness...and yet, a very risky thing to have."

Abel than points his blade at Gerald, who doesn't flinch at the close proximity of the blade.

"But I want to know, that is that item particularly. I am beginning to feel very familiar of its power, what it is, and I need to know...right here and now, Doctor. So if you don't mind telling me...WHAT IS IT?"

But Gerald refused to speak, and chose to keep his mouth shut to prevent Abel for knowing what it he knows that it he tells'll lead to a very big catastrophe. But unaware of Gerald...another Catastrophe was coming right now.


Abel he hears a familiar voice from one of the hallways.

"Uh oh."

A researcher spoke out, realizing where this is going to land to. Abel watched he sees a figure approaching. A figure that he is very well remembering of.

Naturally, and understandably...Abel looked immensely enraged at the sight of his brother...but is glad that he doesn't have to hunt him down this time. But that doesn't mean it makes him happy. It just made him way more enraged than before.


Abel snarled, as he formed his sword from the portal.

"I should have known that you would be here as well. After what you have done to me."

Cain, however, looked bravely at Abel, as he spoke out.

"I know what I have done, and regret it, Abel. I just wished that I had not done this to you in the first place."

Abel, however, snarled at Cain, as he spoke out loud to him.

"Do you expect me to believe that, do believe in your truths of Falsehood, brother?"

Cain, however, shook his head, as he spoke back to Abel.

"I expect you to believe in how you should have seen me, when I traveled the entire world, after I had realized what I had done to you, Abel. I am very sorry for what I have done, brother. I wish that I could take it all back, and fix what I had destroyed."

Abel snorts, as he spoke out on the same form of Spite that is present within the Brother's ancient tongue.

"It matters not. You have caused me too much suffering on my whole life, and now, I will give you your suffering. You had made me feel so much pain for far to long, and now...I am going to make sure that you feel the same pain that you gave me."

Cain looks a bit depressed, and spoke out.

"You know that if you do'll die instead of me. Your damage will be turned to you, and you'll be reborn inside fo the coffin. Don't do this."

Abel snorts, as he continues to speak.

"I don't care how much it will take to give you what you deserve. I will find a way to make sure-"

Before Abel could finish what he's saying...

"That is enough, Abel."

An elderly voice spoke out. Everyone than turned to the direction of the voice, only to see SCP-4840-A come out from the shadows of the hallway.

Abel turns to SCP-4840-A, and is first, of who he is seeing right next to him.

"Who are you? And how do you know who I am, fool? If you are with Cain, than you will join him, from underneath your very grave!"

He spoke out, as he pointed his sword at SCP-4840-A, who doesn't seem intimidated at the slightest. But Cain...he than looks closely at SCP-4840-A...and begun to realize something.

"Wait a minute..."

Cain spoke out in his usual robotic tone, as he begun to have a hunch on who this person before him is.

"Can it really"

He than began to walk towards SCP-4840-A, as he looks at the elderly man in the eyes. When he got close enough...he looks into his eyes...and spoke out.


Cain spoke he stares into the familiar emerald green eyes. Abel lowered his weapons, as he heard the name.


Seth simply looks up at Cain...and spoke out.

"Hello, brother."

Cain, was simply still, looking shocked, as the eldest and youngest brother stared at each other...before Cain finally moved fast towards Seth, and hugged him, for the first time, happy to see Seth again.

"It...really is you, Seth. It has long."

Cain spoke out. Although his sounds mechanical and cold on his speech, he is genuinely happy to see his youngest brother again, who he has not seen for so long, and feared for the worst, when he believed that Seth had been killed in the apocalypse that had happened in the past very long ago.

"Indeed. It has been...rather, too long, since we've been seen with each other, Cain."

Seth spoke out very he hugged his eldest brother, with a tear leaking out of his 2 eyes, his emerald irises glint sadly. Cain tightens his embrace around Seth, as he spoke out.

"I am so sorry...for what I had tried to do to you."

Cain spoke out, and despite the cold and mechanical tone that he is speaking in, his tone betrays his feelings, as a glowing blue tear leaks out of his bright blue eyes. the other hand, was shocked to see Seth alive...even if he is now a really old man. He had always assumed that Seth was dead, and that there was no way that he has survived in the past wars that has the chance to kill his youngest brother. But here he is...and is doing somewhat well, and is still very alive.

"'t be."

Abel was so shocked and confused. How is it that his brother had survived even after so long?

" this possible? How have you lived for so...for so long...and had grown so old?"

Seth looked at his older brother, and walks to Abel, slowly, as he spoke out to Abel.

"I had retreated over to another land, and hid there, while I had given the crown to someone I had known for a long time, when everyone had left. But when chaos began to erupt, and someone attempted to threaten the existence of Audapaupadopolis, I had called on the power of the last titans to raise the city in the air, where I had lived. And as for how I got old...I accidentally exposed myself to a scroll, inducted with the Power of IS NOT. It had...accelerated my aging the scroll, because of that, it made me grow much more older much faster, brother."

Abel was surprised, but Cain than spoke out.

"I had always...I always hoped that you were still alive. When you were gone, when all of the chaos had happened around the entirety of existence, it made me immensely selfish is was, when I tried to search for the crown. I wished that...I could take it back. I am so sorry, Seth."

Although his voice is still cold and mechanical, Cain really does mean it, as he looked down with a sad expression on his face, which looks older by the way he made that sad expression.

"We can talk about this later. Right now...we have a much bigger problem than what has happened in the past, brother Cain. And it is with the person that started it all."

Cain looked at his brother, and spoke out to Seth.


Seth looks up at Cain, and spoke.

"Our father, Adam El Asem."

This made Abel he didn't forget the name of his father...the one who had also made him who he is. In an unusual behavior of Abel...he spoke out to Seth.

"Adam...Father Adam...he is still alive, Seth?"

Seth turns around, and nods.

"He is. He had not died, Cain and Abel. He was only locked away inside of Titania's Prison, due to his ruthlessness and cruelty across humanity. But that the prison his destroyed...he is going to try and regain the crown, and try to find the Spear, so that he could rule again."

Abel...for the first time, felt very, very calm...supposedly. But Seth and Cain knew better. As much as Abel hates Cain, Abel hates his father, Adam, even more so than ever. After all...ever since he tried to take the Crown, Adam cursed Abel to be sealed away in the tomb. Although Abel brought this upon himself, it was Adam's corruption that started it. And needless to say, as much as Abel wants to Cain, killing Adam El Asem, the first king of men, and his Father, is much more greater than killing Cain.

Cain than looks at Seth, as he spoke out.

"So...where is the crown?"

"It's in this box."

James spoke out, as he points at where the crown is. Seth could already tell that James isn't lying, as the crown is in fact inside of the box on the table. Seth than turns to James, and spoke out.

"Why did you decided to bring back out in the open, James?"

James than turns around to Seth, and spoke out.

"If we are going to find a way to take down the portal, than we are going to need the 2 items that you father has used, which also means that we're gonna need another: The Spear of the Non-Believer."


Everyone turns around, and sees that 05-10 is waking towards them, and he is looking very nervous about something.

"Umm...James? The spear is also back on Earth. The 05s manage to get their hands on them, is back in one of the 05 seats...unfortunately."

James froze...and than exploded in a rage.


Cain than puts a hand on James' hand, and spoke out.

"Do not worry, James. You will be able to get the Spear back to the station. You'll have the chance to do it soon."

But as soon as Cain spoke out...Seth than spoke out to Cain.

" will be a lot sooner than you both think."

James than turns around to Seth, who has a solemn look.

"What do you mean, Seth?"

Seth than closed his eyes, before he turns around, and spoke out.

"Adam's found it."


James shouted out loud.

Later...With Adam El Asem...

Adam El Asem was at the office of 05-1, who's status is currently unknown. Adam began to search through the stuff that he has...until he found a spear. A spear that radiates pure immense power.

The spear was made of pure energy, and has red glowing symbols, of unknown meaning, and yet...Adam is very familiar with them. The power of the spear radiated pure diabolical energy, and yet was divine at the same time, all at once. The energy that he is feeling is the same one...when he first ruled Audapaupadopolis, the First Kingdom of Men. But sadly...the Gods of Old are no longer present. Yaldabaoth, Mekhane, Khahrahk, all of the Old Gods that were present are no longer here. But it matters not. Adam El Asem is the very First King of Men, and doesn't need the Old Gods to rule alongside his throne. After all...he has more power than he has ever imagined, and will rule the humans again, as he did in the long distant past. But his incomplete, even with the Godless Lance. He needs his crown again...the one that he made for Seth...but now made it for himself. He needs to have the crown once order to return to his full power, or rule all of Humanity again, with his Sons to no longer interfere with him again. Seth may have fooled him with his so-called innocence, and stolen the crown...but he will not be fooled like this again. He will get back what was stolen from him. And this time, he will make Seth pay...dearly for betraying him, and his entire rule. He will also make sure that Seth...will pay for putting him inside of that disgusting prison. He smiled with immeasurable cruelty...less so than the Scarlet King...but still more so when compared to the other Old Gods that Khahrahk commands.

He than stood up...and his hair shadowed his eyes over the Long White, Graceful hair that Adam has. He closes his eyes, in order to concentrate on trying to find his Crown. He can sense the power of the Crown. He still remembers how it felt when it was in his hand, and now...he is going to try all that he can to get back the crown again, in order to resume his rule.

After he concentrated for a little more time...he was finally able to see where the crown is, with the power that he has. And when he opened his eyes...they have a malicious divine glint present, as he smiled insanely. And yet...despite how insane he is feeling...he than spoke surprisingly calm, as if it didn't bother him that much to begin with.

"I have finally found it. It has been so long, since I have worn that crown."

Adam's Hate than began to cover the outline of Adam's body. Adam continues to speak, with corrupted vengeance seeping in the tone that he has.

And now, as my rage thirsts for vengeance against my sons, it will thirst for my precious crown...the very crown that I had worn back in my days as King of all of Men...

...and not even my Sons...can stop me."

Back with Adam's 3 Sons...

Abel began to pace back and forth, due to Seth informing everyone of the fact that Adam, their father, was able to regain the Godless Lance, no thanks to the omniscience that Seth has at his disposal. Cain simply stood still...unsure what to think of everything, and James...well...he is going through one heck of a tirade now, as he began to shout and curse about Adam El Asem regaining the Spear again.


A researcher than spoke out to James.

"Don't worry, James. We'll find a way to make sure that Adam El Asem doesn't get his hand on the crown. Even with the Spear, it shouldn't be all power. There should be a limit to what it can do to the Earth."

James than turns around and spat out.


The doctors were about to answer his question...when all of a sudden...


A bright blast of energy than appeared out of nowhere, and hits a sphere of the Site itself. Thankfully...a shield was up to protect them against the sudden attack, which the foundation was prepared for, but the foundation wasn't easy for a sudden attack to appear out of utterly nowhere. Everyone suddenly collapsed to the ground, as they began to try and regain their balance from the sudden strike.

"What the fuck was that?!"

A researcher spoke out loud in a panic. Suddenly...another blast of energy hit the Site, but this one on the main other words, the sphere where the 3 brothers and James Heller are at right now, whom are present with the crown. James stood up, as he spoke out.

" you know what it is, or rather, who it is that's attacking?"

Seth stood up, as he focused on his Limited Omniscience. After he is done focusing, he than spoke out.

"Oh no."

James Heller than spoke out.

"What's fucking wrong, Seth?"

Seth turns around, and spoke out to James Heller, afraid.

"It's father Adam. He's attacking."

Abel than shouts out loud in a rage.

"Old Gods damn Father Adam!! He will pay dearly for this transgression on his attack on us!"

He than stood up, and pulls out a blade from the rift, as he is ready to drain the blood out of his father. Cain than spoke out.

"How did he sense the crown? Should he not be as strong as before? If so, why is that he can still feel the crown's power?"

Seth shook his head, as he spoke out, calmly.

"Even as weakened as he maybe, that still isn't stopping him from sensing the crown's immense power. After was him who had taken the crown...and my request for him to give it to me as a gift that I thought would not hurt anyone."

Seth than sighs, recalling how he believed that it was his own fault for destroying everything, by making a request to have the crown. A mistake that he had not forgotten that he had made, even to this day. He than looks down at the portal, as he spoke out to his brothers once again.

"He is at the location of the King's Spears, where the portal is opened after him. And even worse...he is using the spear to call more of the demons, as it is radiating more power to attract them, and make them far more aggressive."

And than, Abel spoke out.

"Good...this is where we can finally settle against our father, who had caused us this much pain in the first place. Doctor...transport us to where father is at."

Gerald than spoke out.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You are aware of his power...don't you?"

Abel smirked out, as he spoke.

"Oh I do. Which is why I have been waiting patiently for the time to strike against him to kill my father. And besides...I want to make sure his death is all the most sweeter than ever before."

But as he began to walk to the room to transport, Cain than puts a hand on Abel, as he spoke out.

"I'll come also."

Abel turns to his older brother, as he spoke out to Abel again.

"After too is something I have waited for a long time, since it all happened. I will free join to fire myself of this curse, and redeem myself for what I have done to you."

Abel stares at his brother...before Seth speaks out, regretful.

"I will join as well."

He than walked up to his 2 older brothers, as he spoke out.

"After all...the crown is my fault to begin with, since I am the one that had told my father to take it for me. It has been my fault that the crown has become the very evil thing that made us all separate and hate each other. was all my fault for the state that the world is in, and I will do anything to make sure that I make up for what I have done. It is my chance to set things right."

Seth looks determined at his brothers, with Abel looking at Seth for a few moments, before speaking out.

"Will age slow you down, my brother?"

Seth shook his head.

"Not in the slightest. And besides...the third spear is with the weapon. So I will be of use in our fight against Father."

Silence for a few minutes...until James than spoke out to interrupt them.

"Okay...let's not stand around. If you 3 want to fight your old man, and do it together. Me, Kaede, Halo, and the others...we're gonna do all that we can to take care of the demons."

The brothers looked at each other...before nodding, and Abel spoke out.

"Let's get this over with."

They than ran to the portal, and jumped in, as their coordinates have been set. Halo than turns around, and makes a portal, for James, Spawn, Toxin, Scorn, Jaime, and Kaede to enter through.

"Okay, let's go! Go!! GO!!!!!"

Back on the area of the portal...

Adam is blasting the Site with all that he has got with his Spear...but nothing is working. He knows the crown is up there, as he can feel it. So he'll do anything to reclaim what he shall have returned to him once again.

"Try as these fools may like...they can not stop me forever. I will do anything that I can to bring back what I had lost, and I will kill those that have taken what belongs to me, and me alone!!"

But as he continued to fire, suddenly...a black blade came out of nowhere and struck the spear, forcing Adam back. He than turns around, and launched an energy blast at the direction of where the Blade hit him, only for it to reflect back, and hit Adam instead, pushing him back. Than...he heard a voice that he knows of...that he's all familiar with.


He than turns around...and saw Abel, Cain, and Seth...all together. Adam was shocked...and only spoke 2 words that he could say.



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